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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 688 KB, 1920x1080, aavegetin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19024132 No.19024132 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19024185

Can you redpill me on what the usecase of the LEND token is and why I should buy it?

>> No.19024251

He cant lol becase its usless shit and he shills it to pump hes bags thats it

Aave platform is dope tho

>> No.19024275

soon stake token for governance rights and fee collection rights, tokens insure the protocol in case system becomes undercollateralized.

right now fee collection is a token burn

>> No.19024282
File: 57 KB, 537x528, Screenshot_2020-05-11-00-41-41-970_org.telegram.messenger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burning and staking soon

>> No.19024312

this will be a 10$ token in the next bull run.

>> No.19024314
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>> No.19024361

Alright, sounds interesting.
I think Aave has a bright future, but seems like the ROI might be higher elsewhere.
Who knows if people will use this in 10 years time anymore.
Those lending plattforms are only profitable, because at the moment, retards get liquidated and lose their stake.

>> No.19025232
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>> No.19025335

Should i buy $LEND?

>> No.19025388
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it is most of my stack

>> No.19025675

But why? it is priced right now at ~745 satoshis, seems like it won't go far

>> No.19025932
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>OPs image

I see OP is a synthwave chad


>> No.19025948

Hello Marc

>> No.19026610
File: 614 KB, 1242x2208, aaav2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best of chads

>> No.19026744

It's not useless lmao. Read the whitepaper. It's burnt already for fees, and it's going to be staked to back the liquidity to make said flash loans (which will reward the stakers obviously). I'm expecting it to go to a couple of bucks at least.

>> No.19026760

Why wouldn't it? Token burn alone (since it's a platform that's actually seeing heavy use) will drive it up.

>> No.19026868

DeFi is the next wave in crypto. Severely undervalued

>> No.19027011

So do you think it would be a god idea to aquire a 10,000 stack?
What do you think would this shitcoin yield in staking?

>> No.19027130

Why wouldn't people want loans in 10 years?

No idea. If it keeps seeing solid use, especially once flash loans get bug, it should be decent though.

>> No.19027655

>Why wouldn't people want loans in 10 years?
Well, let's do some brainstorming.
I can't come up with any real needful usecase in mass adoption. And to go on from here: The way a plattform like Aave makes a profit currently is when people get liquidated because od sudden price dumps.
I don't think there will be such a gigantic volatility anymore in 10 years. So that's that.

>> No.19028059


>> No.19028787

African American Vernacular English?

>> No.19029068


>> No.19029545

Why do you think they only make profit on liquidation? Have you actually read how it works? They get fees, plus there's a spread between borrowing & lending. And why don't you think loans are a valid use case? I literally have about 20k borrowed out on it right now lmao. The whole finance world runs on lending, I'm not liquidating positions just to buy moonshots. I borrow against my stack, then when I profit I pay down the debt. Did that on Compound & MakerDAO before this (I still use them for specific reasons actually), but Aave lets me use Link as well & I like their model more in the whole.

>> No.19029561

I doubt it. Until smart contracts are at a point where they can follow you, but people who need loans are usually people with no money to put up for meme collateral.

>> No.19029593

>People who need loans have no money
Literally not true. How do you think boomers buy 10 houses each for example? They use house number 1 as collateral & leverage into the uptrend in property. prices. The principle here is exactly the same.

>> No.19029617

Ok but this isn't like that -- crypto is the only form of collateral, and can be EASILY sold to gather funds. I'm not saying that flash crypto loans have no functionality, but the widespread appeal is far off.

>> No.19029619

Compound and AAVE have institutional investors

>> No.19029682

And again, why would I do that? If I have Ethereum & I expect it to go up, why would I sell it to buy shitcoin of the week? And flash loans are a different story again, instant uncollateralised loans for things like arbitrage bots, or stopping MakerDAO CDPs getting liquidated or whatever (which is how Defisaver works).

>> No.19029760
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Ya I am anti KYC so DyDx and Aave are some of my faves. Uniswap is definitely in the top of my list though.

I recently put a 5x long with a 5 Eth position in on DyDx. Also intrested in Aave.

Can someone who uses Aave for arbitrage explain it to me. I like the protocol and kind of understand it but do not know how to directly profit from it.

>> No.19029767

Flash loans are retarded. All they're going to be used for is shitcoin arbitrage on chink wash trading exchanges and hacking ponzi "defi" platforms

>> No.19029875
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They allow normal people to take advantage of arbitrage opportunities. It is a very good thing for the ecosystem because it keeps exchange rates level across all platforms. This keeps whales from fucking with the price as much.

>> No.19029935

Dydx is awesome too.

If you mean flash loans, unironically what this anon said: >>19029767
You write a bit or contract that looks for arbitrage on an exchange, and then instead of your own money, you borrow, exploit the opportunity, then return the money (less your profit). It's mainly for devs & other platforms - you can try to do it by hand using something like Furucombo I guess though. Best example right now though is Defisaver which uses them to stop you getting MakerDAO CDPs liquidated (it basically exits you without all the penalties using a flash loan to get you out).

>> No.19030524

AAVE and PNK are both literally the future desu

>> No.19031657

users use them to self-liquidate their cdps when their close to getting liquidated. it helps avoid liquidation penalites

>> No.19031709

Sauce on these? It's quality meme.

>> No.19031909

someone random posted it here

>> No.19032104

Kleros use case probably here

>> No.19033144

or anj

>> No.19033239
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>lending is the future
>lending and debt aren't what let people destroy the real economy already

>> No.19033347

because no one in crypto is in debt lol

>> No.19033464

furucombo allows you to use flash loans without knowing how to code

>> No.19033568

It does, but still not really noob friendly (although I love it). Someone needs to make a frontend that's literally just "Here's an arbitrage opportunity on exchange x, click this button".

>> No.19033642

honestly i think the best opportunities are scooped up by bots

>> No.19033652

Normal people have no idea what flash loans are and even if they had they'd have absolutely no clue how to use them and what to use them for.

>> No.19033702

Oh yeah, hence why I said it's mainly a dev feature. Humans just aren't fast enough to beat it consistently.

Which really doesn't matter. It's not for people to use directly. Same way the average person doesn't need to understand Unix to use the Internet, they won't need to understand all of the details of automated Defi stuff happening in the background either.

>> No.19033746

you can say that about a lot of new technologies. flash loans can make anyone a whale. There will be new use cases. They haven't been out for long

>> No.19033840

hopefully the team is working onit

>> No.19033904
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Yeah or they could just use that time to create a bot to exploit that opportunity for themselves, lol. Nobody is going to work to create "have a free money faggot" arbitrage button for ya.

Those use cases will be for guys who can create better bots and compete against each other on a high level, multi layered, 4d pyramid, adversarial defi chess, not laymen. Laymen will be progressively left behind even more as this shit progresses.

>> No.19033943

can you explain the whale thing?

>> No.19033954

Yes, which is why I probably wouldn't either (no guesses what I am building instead lmao). But people do build shit just to show off sometimes as well. Like the other anon said, nobody would probably actually get to click the button in time anyway before the bots get to it. It's bots all the way down like you say.

>> No.19033971

What's a suicide stack for this?
I bought 30k.

>> No.19033978

You can borrow basically any amount needed. Since it all happens inside 1 transaction, if you don't return the money it basically causes the transaction to fail & roll back (and you lose the fee). So if you need a million dollars, you can have it - for the fraction of a second needed to do a trade & return it straight away.

>> No.19034346

great explanation

>> No.19034744

sounds like an interesting project, where can i buy?

>> No.19035116

binance is an option.

i swap into it on 1inch.exchange though

>> No.19035166

thanks bro. Besides buying the token, how do I use the platform. Is it easy to use and quick to start?

>> No.19035338

this is a good introduction

basically you deposit your preferred token, borrow a stablecoin, swap for more of your preferred token and deposit agian

>> No.19035650


>> No.19035858

anyone know how to figure out what price you would be liquidated at?

>> No.19035867

can I stake this shit?

>> No.19035986

haven't found any profitable combo on furucombo yet have you? should i look harder?