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File: 42 KB, 800x1011, 5e547a8cd4ab996aaccaee15_RS_Web-p-800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19014118 No.19014118 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine not going all in on $RSR after reading the Delphi report.

Smh Stay Poor /biz/

>> No.19014137


>> No.19014164

It’s been shilled here most of last year, where have you been.

>> No.19014190
File: 171 KB, 750x1334, 3B685116-0CA9-4E58-A2C6-4CD9F68D4BF2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send me 300k RSR and I will see what i can do...

>> No.19014378


>> No.19014431


>> No.19015156
File: 683 KB, 2405x216, RSR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19015279

>Still attempts to FUD RSR in 2020
>Hasnt read the report
Anon i...

>> No.19015324

sent ;)

>> No.19015509

>100k rsr
poorfag detected

>> No.19015563

Imagine thinking I would dox my main wallet

>> No.19015702
File: 611 KB, 1080x1290, Screenshot_20200511-010926_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls post report

>> No.19015723
File: 24 KB, 800x450, 1541399851268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw went all in the March after ico and haven't even read the white paper
Man I hope you guys know what you're talking about

>> No.19016109

I’ll be honest with you
Not posting it without getting paid

But I can say... if I were you... I’d buy more. I have become more bullish.

>> No.19016114

Link that chad report

>> No.19016161

you need at least 3mm to never work again

>> No.19016166

Nvm i found the report took me about 2 mins.

>> No.19016188



>> No.19016201

fuck off with this scam, Rakesh

>> No.19016275
File: 96 KB, 375x360, FD184842-ADCB-47E8-911A-9DD77E275623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not clicking that shit

>> No.19016344


>> No.19016363

That's fine lol, just sharing so people don't have to pay for it. You can also search $rsr delphi on twitter and find the same link anon

>> No.19017157

about the same here.
I sold half my linkies at 4.25, and went in on this at around 30 sats.
I havent regreted it, but have wished I sold some of the pumps.

>> No.19017190
File: 265 KB, 945x745, 1570813983007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks he knows better than Peter Thiel and Coinbase.
Anon... I...

>> No.19017963
File: 256 KB, 1088x787, RSR simulation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simulation 1 - Bull Case for Demand & Lower Volatility Collateral
Simulation 2 - Bear Case for Demand & Higher Volatility Collateral
Simulation 3 - Base Case for Demand & Higher Volatility Collateral

>> No.19018484

how the fuck do you make a model for this?

>> No.19018633

I'll stick to STAKE senpai

>> No.19018735

I only have 650k RSR will I make it?

>> No.19018814

at $56.68

>> No.19019308


>> No.19019412

only sitting on a measly 4 million, will I make it?

>> No.19019512


Worst case scenario projection is calling for $1.40+ RSR in 9 years

Best case scenario $56 / rsr

>> No.19019548

RSR still in the green today.

>> No.19019612

so between 4 and 224 million, that's fine I guess.


Noticed this, I never sell though, only add when it dips.

>> No.19019623

I'm still new to crpyto. I bought 800k RSR last year. Can people see my wallet and what I have on it?

>> No.19019655

Imagine still buying muh RSR when STAKE needs to 5x JUST to reach the same MC as RSR kek. This is coming from someone that bought RSR last year

>> No.19019822

Scam coin. ICO money helps fund Nevins trip to South America where he fucks ladyboys in between AMAz

>> No.19020713
File: 2.15 MB, 2803x1648, ohyesyesyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these sad fuckers think they know more than thiel, coinbase and pic related. have fun getting scammed brainlets

>> No.19020829

>muh Peter Thiel

STAKE has better tokenomics, lower MC, and valid supporters(I.e. Vitalik, Pomp,Cz,etc) I’ll take a Vitalik supported project over Peter Thiel any day

>> No.19021121

every week there is another scamcoin trying to get some exposure off RSR's success. ~YOur scam will be gone next week like, SENT and all the other shotcoins shilled on here by broke ass pajeets

>> No.19021956

>trying to get some exposure off RSR's success

HAHAHAHAHAHA lad RSR is a literal shitcoin, shills never use RSR for exposure. That’s how shit it is

>> No.19022139

Literally every RSR thread on here has at least one guy going "Dude, RSR is such an obvious shitcoin, buy X, Y, or Z shitcoin instead!"

>> No.19022155


Mate i could give you 100 coins that "JUST" need to 5x to reach RSR's market cap. That isn't a selling point. I've seen a massive ramp up in stake shills the last few days on CT, major red flag. Keep your cuck coin off the RSR post.

>> No.19022186

NOBODY wants this shit give it a rest

>> No.19022200


I linked the entire report. Check it for yourself everything is explained.

>> No.19022243

Imagine buying the latest bitmax desperation pump & dump

>> No.19022554
File: 8 KB, 251x242, 5F04AE5B-7A16-4D18-B19D-FEA571D46E9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks comparing market caps is a “Selling Point”
Fucking kek. I was comparing the MC because STAKE has better tokenomics.

Since you want to be spoonfed “selling points” here’s just a few from the top of my head:
>Already working with a Billion Dollar Company(Splurge)
>Endorsed by Vitalik, Pomp,etc
>Aztec Rollup Protocol coming in Q3
>Privacy Transactions coming in Q3
>Public Staking PSDOA consensus coming in Q3
>Still not listed on CMC
>Blockfyre Report coming soon
>4 Million MC

Fucking LOL. Just delete this thread OP, cause now you’re just outing RSR as the overvalued shitcoin it is

>> No.19022617

You took max values and claim it's worst case scenario when it is the best for all simulations, there were a lot worse outcomes where token is worth 0.0001 after 9 years.

>> No.19022696

RSR has VERY LITTLE utility in the Reserve ecosystem besides DILUTING THE SUPPLY. The team has created a false narrative that you can make a lot of revenue through RSR/RSV arbitrage, which would create demand for RSR in the long run. But is it true?

1) An excess pool of RSV has to exist in order for RSR holders to be able to arbitrage with RSR. How is this pool of excess RSV created? The collateral for RSV has to appreciate in usd value ABOVE the collateral target. That means you as a RSR holder CAN’T arbitrage until the vault is optimized to produce revenue/gain value against usd, which is unlikely to happen for YEARS.
2) RSV has to trade above $1 in LARGE volumes for the arbitrage process to be in any way profitable, which is very unlikely to happen – if RSV does trade above $1 peg, it will be in small amount of sell orders. Not to mention that the Reserve foundation will ALWAYS have a first actor advantage, deflating the pool of excess RSV tokens BEFORE any of the regular holders will have a chance to participate

Where does RSR then play a role? When the vault portfolio depreciates in value, the protocol will mint AS MANY RSR NECESSARY in usd value to INSTANTLY SELL on EXCHANGES for the deficient amount of collateral assets to get back to the target collateralization ratio. When new RSR gets minted, the circulating supply of RSR will be inflated, inherently lowering the value of previously existing tokens. Not only because there are now a huge amount of new tokens in the circulation, but also because the newly minted RSR were market sold as per the smart contract associated with the RSR/RSV arbitrage mechanism.

Example: if we have 100m RSV in circulation and the collateral depreciates 5%, the protocol would need to mint and SELL $5 MILLION WORTH OF RSR tokens. When the current RSR mc is only $16 million, vault deprecation would have a DRASTIC NEGATIVE IMPACT on the market price of RSR, making it EXTREMELY RISKY and unattractive to hold.

>> No.19022873

you uploaded a chart that explains nothing.
it's poorly formatted too.

>> No.19022918

Token has zero use. That’s why the team only gave out 6% of the circulating supply to the community kek. How considerate of them.

>> No.19022948

Peter Thiel is connected with the government, administration, and is building a BTC farm in west Texas that will have all of the rigs submerged in liquid cooling vats and takes full advantage of a huge surplus of wind farm energy.

It seems like a no-brainer to me. This isn't a PnD get rich scheme, it is a project that if successful(and why wouldn't it be considering the above) will make anyone who buys now very well off.

>> No.19022978

see >>19022696

talk about the tech. Not thiel

>> No.19022992

I have 5m rsr will I make it

>> No.19023112

anon I respect the tech discussion but to be honest no one knows how this thing is going to work until it gets on the rails and why would i wait until then?

I have always invested based on conservative analysis of fundamentals, it is a holistic approach and has done me very well. RSR at this price is an asymmetric investment, meaning it has very little downward potential right now and potentially 350 upside.

>> No.19023139


.0028 x 350 = $1.

>> No.19023264

>Would take CZ over Bilderberg backed Peter Thiel, Sam Altman, Coinbase & DCG

Anon i....

>> No.19023359

see >>19015156

Still trying this same FUD ehh?