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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19008551 No.19008551 [Reply] [Original]

Still come to this board... I don't know why anymore... I have "made it" but have spent 1/4th of my stack over the last 2.5 years to avoid wagekeking but if LINK isn't over $10 in 6 months I'm basically fucking doomed to an average life, sure I'll have a house, no mortgage, but is that REALLY /making it/? I want it all bros... I'm so close but I'm not sure I can hold on much longer and definitely not for another 3 years...

>> No.19008622

Fantastic book.

>> No.19008628

Why . Quick run down and things you learned

>> No.19008654

Everyone feels like this. Low IQ faggots like you will sell when it hits your price points. Now imagine all new low IQ cunts we’ve onboarded doing the same so they don’t have to wagecuck. You see the problem? We’re going to have massive pullbacks. That’s fine as most OGs like myself will hold for 3 years. At this point, you and your cohort will post about how you lost out on the best chance in your life. You got in ridiculously early and yet you’re not fixing up. Even if you make you’re not going to make it. Grow a pair.

>> No.19008726

The earlier you get out of that scam the better. Every Sergay tweet had me sweating as it could be the last one before he fucked us over. He has all the means to do so, he just needs the balls to do it.

>> No.19008727

a brainlet wouldn't have bought the Link, LinkPool and Polkadot ICOs but thanks your motivation

>> No.19008762

Do you plan to post this every year until you die?
CL never gonna be above 5 bux. EVER.

>> No.19008764

get a job before you ruin your life anon
t. lived off of my 2016 xmr, btc and eth "gains" before the gbr in 2017

>> No.19008801

>in since ICO
>still doesn't understand Chainlink
Kek, well done

>> No.19008809

speaking as someone who doesn't have a link stack, doesn't own a home or even a decent car, and who's wagekeking in the worst of ways, basically fuck you. you are a pathetic fucking bitch to be complaining about your comfy position. you know what would feel good? give it to someone who will appreciate it and make a family, rent your dumb house out, start a small business etc.

I would unironically rent your faggot house and go someplace nice and cheap to live off of the rental income while you wait for launch or no launch. why would you be spending that shit? how? don't you know how to enjoy life without having stupid fancy garbage? what the fuck is wrong with you. give me half your stack you little whining bitch and i'll teach you how to make the best of it

>> No.19008845

t. Kusama fag shill

>> No.19008998


>> No.19009090

Excuse me but That’s green >viod pooo kek. Means op is a fag and needs to hand his shit over to me

>> No.19009126

OP how many link do you have left? I’m in same boat. Right now I have I think 95k left so not really complaining I just still wonder as well why I bother to check this shit.

>> No.19009612
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The FUD is real bro

>> No.19009623

I don't have a house yet anon I've got enough for one I'm actually renting rn
and I'm here to MAKE IT not fucking HALF make it

>> No.19009776

consider this:
an engineers career is about 40 years long, on average an IT engineer makes about 60k$ per year.

60k$ * 40 = 2.4 million $

if you include taxes, he'd have to pay about 30% of that as taxes:

2.4 milllion * 0.7 = 1.68 million $

1/3rd of most people income is paid in rent, and a big portion in life expenses, usually people can only save up between 10 and 30 % of their income.

so let's take the highest saving rate : 30%

1.68 million $ * 0.3 = 504 000$

>504 000$

if you can make that money, you have saved the equivalent of what a good engineer could save for 40 years.

>> No.19009800

alszo note that people who can save up 30% every month, live like cheapstakes and they never buy fancy stuff

>> No.19009993

Success was never an option.

>> No.19010192

i really dont understandd how most biztards think you need millions of $ to make it, i think 200-700k is enough get yourself a house and ull live rent free...meaning all the money you make is for fun only

>> No.19010222

some of them even say you need minimum 10 mil to make it...yet talk about how all they want is to not have to wageslave and bash on “consoomers” and shit. i’m a “consoomer” by biz standards and even I would need far less than 10 mil to be able to retire and live comfy.

>> No.19010349

checked, i think they dont realize that all the boomers work like crazy because they get in debt and have to pay the jew bankers for 30-40 years...my dad is like 65 and still works, he still didnt pay up the mortgage...planning to help him, he still has 6 years of payment, and he only wakes up every day of his life to pay the bank...he have been doing it all his life, he started with a small appartment, now he have a correct house in anice neighbourhood.

if you can manage to net get in debt for 40 years i think you made it. because then ud be able to take on jobs less stressful, and you could work only part time jobs, like only 3 days a week

>> No.19010460

you did well but you should probably sell it, there is no need to "make it" on just 1 trade/coin. Just find another good buy, link at ico was it but its absurdly overvalued now

>> No.19010472

as much as we all know its like this, its still grim seeing it all put on paper

>> No.19010657

It means you're Indian who shills ViDt

>> No.19010715

Give me your wife's pussy on weeknights and I'll show her how a real man fucks