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>> No.19008001

What do we think about the team dumping on us? A lot of sell pressure now

>> No.19008003

Financially ruined

>> No.19008016
File: 169 KB, 842x1116, dumpedon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19008046

Yes he admitted that they dumped on us and used the token bridge to sneak those tokens in
Is trust loss? Yes yes yes

>> No.19008061

Still holding my 30k and feeling comfy, we’re still really up on the month and the bull market is just getting started

>> No.19008240
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>> No.19008387
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this but 20k here. "Team dumping" is just fud, it's perfectly fine to sell some tokens to fund. In fact long term it is a good thing that they put product & operations first and token economics second, but of course you short sighted retards here don't understand that. See you when you FOMO back in at 0.30

Main point is the product and use is good and already there so this shit will rise for sure

>> No.19008423

damn dude if this how you react to bad fud and not 24/7 straight green lines you should get out of crypto

>> No.19008490

Like many have stated, selling to fund the project is perfectly fine. What isn't fine is lying about it, trying to cover it up, and only owning up to it after people point it out. The dark cloud their actions put over what seemed like a promising project will haunt them forever, and I'm pretty bummed about it

>> No.19008598

well I believe seeing it as them covering up the team dumping is already a fudders interpretation of events. Denying dumping is not lying since it's not dumping but legitimate spending. My faith in the project and the poeple running it hasn't been shaken and I'll ride this bad boy to the moon

>> No.19008619

It isn't fud if it's true. When this started to come to light people like you screamed lies, fud, not true, its the binance bridge, they'd never do that etc. Now that it comes to light the allegations WERE true all of a sudden your tune changed to "Well they could dump if they want to"

>> No.19008722

what's "true" is that the team sold tokens. Wht is fud is that they did it with a deliberate plan to do that all the time to make off of investors and not actually make us all money. And in my eyes it's still a great product rising with a model were investors, team and customers all make money. The use cases & match with contemporary (German) culture is beyond great so this shit's still as much a gem as it's ever been. But everyone can make their own interpretations of course

>> No.19008738

I don't have a choice. Staked for 12 months yolo we shall see if it pays off. My weak hands would have sold with a loss today. Although I would go all in on stake xdai. I would have earned my losses back alrdy and more. Fuaaaaaark.

>> No.19008788


>> No.19008874



for archiving purpose and easy access i will post my old findings so everyone know the truths about the nazi scammer Richard and his team

oh no more lit general??? hahahahaha SCAM EXPOSED, can't lie or dump your tokens anymore you nazi Richtard

>they lied about who is selling which means they also lied in the past and banned me from telegram for exposing them
>ECOSYSTEM are supposed to be rewards for stakers, at this rate there will rest nothing for you staker idiots
>they sold 5millions and another 5millions waiting to be market sold in the coming days from ECOSYSTEM tokens after they said they don't need anymore money to run their company and locked and burned their own tokens
>they claim their company is successful and making money but here we are seeing them selling 600,000$ worth of tokens
>only 1 year passed from ico and they already runout of ether to finance their blockchain expenses without forgeting they are still in beta and have 1 developer to pay hahahaha such big expenses
>they need that money to pay operating costs but the thing is :1500ether are still in all those wallet untouched for weeks, muh operating expenses ooga booga


>> No.19008883


what do you think will happen when they run out of tokens to sell before they fix their blockchain and start making money from it???
what will happen when they don't have anymore money to pay patricio before he can fix the consensus?????

ethereum is still running years after the ico despite they still don't have any real usecase until now and they still don't generate any real money, you know why??? because of the minting that keep miners from switching to other blockchains, when the nazi team sell all of the ecosystem tokens they will have no more money to pay anyone and no more tokens rewards for stakers

>telegram pajeets accused me of lying and fudding even with tangible proves from a trustless blockchains and made some blatant excuse like the bep2 bullshit
>telegram pajeets are still defending this scam and making more excuse like they hurr need money to run the company durr and ooga those tokens are reward for stakers booga
you can't make this shit up


>> No.19008884

It is not dumping... it was announced that the circulating supply will be increased step by step. and it's okay to sell them. it would be stupid to donate them for free to people, because then those people wold really dump those tokens on us.
btw. its clever to send them to the token bridge because then they're able to get the token directly to both chains in case its needed. that saves a lot of tx-fees in times like now when eth seems congested.

>> No.19008901


Cool story ftp. Still wont sell my tokens to you cuck

>> No.19008902

Yeah you exposed them thanks for your service you're not needed anymore.

>> No.19009040

>the team dumping is already a fudders interpretation of events
look at this telegram pajeet he is still defending the nazi liars with more lies
>hurr they need money to cover their summer vacation durr
where did the ico money go??? did they already spent everything they got from fake early investors??? didn't they rise millions of dollars??? the ico was only 1year ago

they are paying the lition .de tv ads (energy company) with the blockchain money hahahaha isn't supposed to be payed from the successful energy company money aka lition .de????

we really live in a clown world

>> No.19009073
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>nazi liars

>> No.19009082

heard less than positive things about this team, this is just icing on the cake i need to get out

>> No.19009084

Is it too late to get on this? How much is a make it stack, how much is a suicide stack?

>> No.19009109
File: 540 KB, 426x240, First Lition ad.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it 100k
Comfy 50k
Suicide 10k

>> No.19009116

Hello 1 post by this ID
What did you hear about the team?

>> No.19009132
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Daily reminder that when the same retard keeps spitting this level of spergefud on one of the most legit investments out there right now, he's just trying to get cheap 100k stacks in

>> No.19009160

now's exactly the god time to buy the dip. 5k is minimum for staking pool

>> No.19009166

The team is literally dumping it every day, I don't think anyone needs to fud to buy cheaper lol when the team is already doing that

>> No.19009180

Cuz you staked them like the little cuck you are fucking lmao

>> No.19009220


You think? Think again cuck. Imagine STILL creating new IDs to FUD and whine like a little bitch HAHAHA

>> No.19009223
File: 49 KB, 740x331, 1588765941064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 post by this ID

I rounded up my stake to 50k. I feel good now, I'll just relax and profit.

>> No.19009251

heard they have a mediocre team. Plus this dishonesty not great about selling tokens. Could be a good project i dunno

>> No.19009279

let them shill all they want, they are 0.01$ pajeets for hire from india, you're just wasting your time responding to them, thank god they can't ban me here like they did in telegram, oh how i love democracy in 4chan

>he want to get them cheap
no keep your shittion to yourself, im sure the team will announce some imaginary partnership in the coming days so everyone can forget that this even happened, not surprising when stakers and pajeets have a brain of a monkey

literally what i was going to say

>> No.19009312

>Heard less than positive things about this team
>The team is mediocre

Pick one, brainlet.

Kek. Crying like a bitch because you cannot speak like a human being. Colour me shocked.

>> No.19009332
File: 179 KB, 810x1653, richard1txs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blockchain wise perhaps but with respect to their main usecase they are pretty good.
Many crypto projects might have a good infrastructure but if they don't know how to get adoption going you can just sit around and wait forever before price starts to rise.
They're going to take the European energy market by storm.
With respect to the early goal of 234000 households by late 2022, Richard responded in the most arrogant way a german autist can.
You can bet they're going to get 500000 households easily by then.
And 2022 is not the end of the road.
In a decade they might be the biggest player on the German market.

>> No.19009338
File: 584 KB, 900x900, Lition_CEO_RichardLohwasser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, wrong pic

>> No.19009444

>no keep your shittion

Ranjeesh you need to be a bit more consistent with your fud, two days ago you told us that if you acted this way it was to create pressure on the team since you wanted answers because you had a big bag yourself.

>> No.19009512

based and litpilled

>> No.19009588

don't listen to this pajeet idiot shill, like what you heard the team who allegedly rised 5 millions dollars 1year ago from ico are dumping millions of token every week, do you think this is normal for a company to run out of money that quick? where is the ico money? they didn't even launch their product yet.
in your opinion what will happen when they don't have anymore tokens to sell???
someone said earlier that the soon the team sell everything they have the better hahahahahahaha who will pay patricio then??? where will the money come from to pay for all the operating costs???

this scammers is just another failing company slapping the blockchain name in their company name just to get some free extra money to buy a House or a Ferrari before they declare bankruptcy and co-found another company in other sector, rinse and repeat until you magically succeed

>> No.19009673
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>> No.19009679


But anon, they're backed by real customers using their shit.

Of course it would be totally different if they didn't have that.

>> No.19009693

You're speaking like you have a leg to stand on while this guy "fudding" has been totally correct so far, team has been dishonest, just accept it and sell or baghold and pray

>> No.19009696

>still thinking that writing in capslock and "hahahaha's" make you cool

whatever man enjoy you cycle of FOMO'ing into meme coins at high price and panic selling lower at the slightest dip while I cash in on my solid long term investments

>> No.19009699
File: 30 KB, 644x800, 1587568593159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're speaking like you have a leg to stand on while this guy "fudding" has been totally correct so far, team has been dishonest, just accept it and sell or baghold and pray

>> No.19009709

>wow it take you 2seconds to sell everything
their response made me realize this is a confirmed exit scam in the making so i sold most of my bag
a team who burned through 5millions dollars ico money in only one year will not still be here when btc crash in the summer
and also let not forget that the team didn't know about the existence of delays between nodes over the internet
you can't make this shit up even if you try hard

>> No.19009721


They responded as soon as they were asked about it, you can believe their explanation or not though, that's up to you. Nonetheless, they're backed by serious companies and have customers using their shit, I mean on what world is that a scam.

>> No.19009825
File: 156 KB, 500x600, disdain-for-plebs-24539401(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You truly are a special kind of retard. I hope you sold with losses. Never meant to make it.

>> No.19009843

>they're backed by real customers using their shit.
so they are making money, can you tell me why do they need to sell that amount of tokens in that little time then??? does this make sense to you?

>oh look we have 5 millions $ from ico and our company is profitable but let us sell the community tokens first to pay our expenses

monkeys go to your telegram containment chamber, you have no right to be here trying to fool other anons into buying your bags, all of you monkeys were screaming "you're fudding to buy cheap the team is legit" and even after the team admitted dumping millions of tokens you still defend them like loyal dogs
i will be here everytime you create a new thread to warn any potential new victim from falling into your scam, we had enough of your scams

>> No.19009894

Dont know what to believe anymore. This is one of the reasons I staked for 12 months. No way to change my opinion about this now.

>> No.19009901
File: 31 KB, 414x318, 1588499708553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>monkeys go to your telegram containment chamber, you have no right to be here trying to fool other anons into buying your bags, all of you monkeys were screaming "you're fudding to buy cheap the team is legit" and even after the team admitted dumping millions of tokens you still defend them like loyal dogs
i will be here everytime you create a new thread to warn any potential new victim from falling into your scam, we had enough of your scams

HAHAHA and now you are apparently a moralfag, huh? Damn man you are such a nice person! Pic is (You) obviously

By the way...have you ever thought about the possibilty that they needed MORE money in their current situation which they couldnt have waited for? Fucking retard I swear.

>> No.19009907


Tbh this is legit shit. I feel bad atm

>> No.19010126

>where did the ico money go??? did they already spent everything they got from fake early investors??? didn't they rise millions of dollars??? the ico was only 1year ago
>they are paying the lition .de tv ads (energy company) with the blockchain money hahahaha isn't supposed to be payed from the successful energy company money aka lition .de????
These are valid questions and deserve to be anwsered. The point about the ICO money is true. Where the fuck have they spent 5 million dollars if they have to dump millions of tokens onto the market to cover their costs after one year?
They only have a small dev team working on the blockchain anyway.

I still do think the use cases for the Lit blockchain are valid and have great potential, but the way the team goes around conducting some of this shit is very unprofessional and sketchy.

>> No.19010144

The funny thing is that I dumped my bag on IDEX after seeing this thread and bought the STAKE dips with my profits kek thanks Litfags

>> No.19010149


Time will tell.

I think some people are making a big deal over something not that significant, really. Wow they sold some tokens cause they needed some funds, scam alert!!111!ONE!!

Why would this "scam" have a company backing them and actual clients and shit? It doesnt make sense that they'd be scamming people. For fucks sake.

>> No.19010197
File: 71 KB, 744x687, Apu Lition coffee in bed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to say that I love you guys and I love Lition. We're gonna make it.

>> No.19010289

as you said you can't do shit now so your only option is to wait for the team next move, will they sell more or announce some good shit

for me i lost all fate on them, giving stakers insane % rewards to incentivize them to stake so they can't sell when they find out the team is pulling an exitscam, announcing team token burn and saying they don't need more money at this moment because their company is profitable, they lied multiple times about the tokens coming from the bridge, they used the ecosystem tokens their owns and many many more other lies

ok im reading their medium post about the team token burn announecemnt and found new proves of the team lies:

>posted feb/13/2020, only 3 months ago
>Ecosystem tokens were originally intended for general uses such as developer incentives, blockchain tests, sidechain creation/bootstrapping, and other activities. As we have reached an advanced stage of the project, most of these activities requiring token payments will only increase inflation and negatively affect the token economy and price. We have therefore decided to cut the unnecessary part of the ecosystem vault. We are confident that we will continue to develop and reach greater heights using best financial practices and prudent expenditure. However, where there is need for tokens, the open market will serve as the primary source of purchases.

>most of these activities requiring token payments are not needed anymore
>We are confident that we have enough money to pay the expenses
>However where there is need for tokens, we will buy lition from exchanges like idex

how can a human being say so much lies in one little paragraph and pretend everything is ok
this shit is more funny the more you dig dipper, and all of this are public infos you can check, no one know what is really happening behind closed doors

>> No.19010357
File: 5 KB, 240x210, crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of these activities requiring token payments are not needed anymore

>Ecosystem tokens were originally intended for general uses such as developer incentives, blockchain tests, sidechain creation/bootstrapping, and other activities

The desperation is deep in this one. They literally sold the ECOSYSTEM token to fund stuff related to the ECOSYSTEM. But ye obviously a scam lmfao SELL SELL SELL

>this shit is more funny the more you dig dipper

The more I dig through your posts the more I think that you are Jowdy, the vodkanigger.
TL;DR: Bought at around 0,22$ and sold for 1-3 cents. Since then he has a personal vendeta against Lition and everyone hates him.

>> No.19010389
File: 89 KB, 499x613, 40h15s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rewards are in lads.

>tfw more than yesterday and saturday

>giving stakers insane % rewards to incentivize them to stake so they can't sell when they find out the team is pulling an exitscam
This has always been the plan for the genesis phase, it's not like they suddenly decided to give high rewards to prepare an "exit scam". And as someone else said Why would this "scam" have a company backing them and actual clients and shit?

>announcing team token burn
Hasn't this been done? Why burn team tokens if you are scaming?

>saying they don't need more money at this moment because their company is profitable
Where did they say that? Besides, the company can be profitable yet need more money (from ecosystem tokens pool) to develop further.

>they used the ecosystem tokens their owns
Yes? How is that an issue?

>> No.19010410

>Ecosystem tokens are not needed anymore
>2 months later they proceed to sell millions of Ecosystem tokens

>selling Ecosystem tokens will negatively affect the token economy and price
>2 months later they proceed to sell millions of Ecosystem tokens

>> No.19010712

yeah dude we got scammed, goddamit!! now you can go XD

>> No.19011198
File: 1.89 MB, 1920x1080, 1588852492008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The more I dig through your posts the more I think that you are Jowdy, the vodkanigger.
>TL;DR: Bought at around 0,22$ and sold for 1-3 cents. Since then he has a personal vendeta against Lition and everyone hates him.

That explains a lot.

>> No.19011243
File: 100 KB, 1375x842, stakingrich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only rewards were like picrelated.
Mine are very stable. +0.5% higher than those a week ago.

>> No.19011307
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checked and kekd.

>> No.19011669
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bumping thread, because europoors are awake now.

>> No.19011718

It's a scam and is going to zero. Every point a team is selling marks ultimate top and coin dumps to zero after. LTC, CHX good examples.

>> No.19011831
File: 85 KB, 500x620, 1587695068521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you retard atleast TRY and write in proper understandable english? I would welcome that, Markus/Jowdy. :)

>> No.19012092

Are there still people THAT dumb to still be in this after getting DUMPED on by the team? The same team who tried to use the bridge to fool their userbase? Most pajeets here didn't get it, but it's common knowledge now.

>> No.19012176

It's not a scam but they're taking advantage of the stupidity of their users. For instance they never promised anything about how long the genesys phase will last, it has always been TBD... And now that they burned or DUMPED the ecosystem pool the genesys phase is about to end, the staking returns will be MUCH lower. Can't wait to see people realizing how dumb they are.

>> No.19012183


Did you sell Link as soon as Sergey started to sell the 700k? Is Link a scam?

You brainlet.

>> No.19012226

...means we are using ALL transactions from the energy usecase. Cool shit since we get MORE rewards because of that. 1/8

>> No.19012444

You can't be serious. Do you even know why the genesys phase is a thing? Please educate yourself on the white paper and the medium posts on staking. We are not even on mainnet and most transactions are tests.

>> No.19012484

I have the same amount. Only crypto I hold. Mostly boomer stocks outside of this.

>> No.19012503
File: 137 KB, 500x500, 1589098411256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha yes he is jowdy, I used the check the telegram regularly a few months ago.

And yes he got rekt and wanted to buy back but it never reached the price where he wanted to buy back and now it bounced without him hahaha

>> No.19012535

Jowdy is still around? Actually kinda sad

>> No.19012573

I know why the GENESIS phase was implemented since I am holding almost two years. You on the other hand cannot even spell GENESIS , retard. 0/8, you are insulting my intelligence.


He very rarely speeks in the channels now. I BTFO'd a fuckton of his made threads here on /biz/ and I enjoyed every single one of them. Its like having a bloodlust for horribly stupid and negative people. ;)

>> No.19012631
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>> No.19012649

Also idk why would people be mad if the team are selling some of their tokens, they burned 70% of their tokens already.

If they sell to buy actual useful stuff than I am all for it, they bought ads on national television ffs, how many other blockchain company went that far?

>> No.19012732

This exactly! New buyers simply bought because LIT was pumping but havent red their tokenomics and how certain badges of tokens are being used for. In this case ECOSYSTEM tokens were sold to further the operations of the ECOSYSTEM. It is no fucking black magic. But Markus and his crew of VPN and Telegram niggers want to make the price drop since his bitchass hasnt had enough cheap LITTIES already.

>> No.19012804

Telegram niggers!

>> No.19012838

Not sure how it will drop back too much, if it drop to 0.05 usd ill probably get another 100k.

If I think like this most probably other people are thinking the same, we will see

>> No.19012878
File: 67 KB, 678x666, 1589202761136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ein Volk
Ein Reich
Ein Energie Blockchain

>> No.19012902

Already bought 10k this morning. If the price drops to 0,06 $ I will double my stack (60k).

>> No.19012955

Anyone else waiting for sub 5 cents to buy a bigger bag?

>> No.19012971

Everyone ITT.

>> No.19013009

Which means that once it's around 0.05, all you anons are buy and make it shoot back to 0.1 right? Too bad I'm a poor fag and only possess 20 ETH. I will make it some other day. I hope LIT succeeds. It's one of the few legit coins out there and its success would boost crypto's reputation as a whole.

>> No.19013015

im getting paid in two weeks so im gonna buy around 15k more then.

>> No.19013045

Btw, out of curiosity anons, if I do manage to be in a position to buy around december (at which point LIT might be $1, then what would be the make it stack? and by make it I mean cashing out 1 million dollars in 2022 /23...

>> No.19013086

Same anon.

>> No.19013206

Sergay sells 700k every week and biz doesn't give a shit. ecosystem coins always end up getting sold on the market desu

>> No.19013207

>only possess 20 ETH
It's not that bad, you can get around 50k LIT, that's quite comfy already and you would get something like 70 LIT a day as reward if you stake for 12 months. With a 0.1$ price that would already be 210 $/month for you. Don't wait to long, it's already low enough to get some, you never know when the price will rise.

>around december (at which point LIT might be $1
I don't know for others but I can't see it soaring like this. It's a long term hold, it will get more and more value with the company growth (bigger passive income) and more use cases are implement (gdpr compliance is a huge asset in that regard). 1$ eoy looks a bit huge in my opinion. Make it stack is probably 100k, but for 2022/23 I don't think so.

>> No.19013320

Yeah, thanks anon. And yes I do have 20k LIT right now. It's just that I'm trying to throw my ETH around RPL and such to kinda increase my stack and few months later invest all that into LIT. Also, I am ready to HODL till 2025. No issues. Good things take time. All the best to you too.

>> No.19013574

probably no going to be that high eoy, LIT is more of a long term hold, but might be 0.50ish. Moonwill rather be once besides the energy company other use cases take of too

>> No.19013605

Yes, it's long term indeed. Thanks.

>> No.19013606

Going forward and telling the community that you're selling would likely cause a further decrease in price, so quietly selling over a long period of time is the ideal way to do it. Also, just because they have a successful business doesn't mean that they don't need extra cash. They're still in very early stages and probably need quick cash to invest in something that would increase growth.

>> No.19013615

>I know why the GENESIS phase was implemented since I am holding almost two years.
Then you should know we are not ready to use only transaction fees for rewards.. That's the whole point of the genesis phase, and that's why ecosystem tokens were needed. Too bad the team decided to cash out at the peak

>> No.19013656

I mean they only have Patricio as developer and it's clearly not enough, they need funds to invest more on R&D

>> No.19013720

where the fuck can i buy some.
its not in binance

>> No.19013739

they've more developers. is it too hard for you to visit their page and dyor?


>> No.19013799

Imagine still buying this shitty pnd from a year ago. The sell pressure is going to be absurd past 10 cents from people trying to recoup their losses from buying in at 20 or 30 cents.

>> No.19013805

a good advice of an old crypto-investor that has seen some shit and lots of good things: don't listen to this organized FUD of a konwn group. it's their typical sceme:
- spread massively FUD in oreder to suppress the price,
- buy in (have you seen the 200ETH buywall yesterday and all the other buy ins?)
- shill the project with new "alts" on twitter
- dump on all at a high price

Lition is legit af in Germany, you'll go immediatedly to jail if you're actually really scamming people. ...and SAP woudn't risk with such a small cap their reputation.

Lition is a true gem, the token is needed in their ecosystem to get shit done on every (upcoming) sidechain, from Q3 on as a payment-option for your electricity - or gas-bill with a discount.

Having a license to sell gas and electricity is a license to print money in germany.

Listen to their AMA, read their Whitepaper and their Medium-Posts and dont fall for wannabe-crybabies posting here anonymously shit. Ecosystem-Tokens are meant to be sold. The Circulation Supply has to be increased step by step - read the medium articles.

some are really interested in getting in low. dig that.

their recent sell - no(!) dump - of ecosystem-tokens will benefit the ecosystem sooner or later. have you ever heard of NDAs? Be cautios if you've signed such a contract, they include really high fines for the case you're breaking the NDA. But wannacry-babies don't want to realize this.

... and regarding Mark: He's the gateway between the community and the team. He's not able to know everything instantly. He has admitted that he didn't know that the ecosystem-tokens were sold via the tokenbridge. Thats okay.

TL;DR: The team should communicate a bit more in terms of selling tokens, it's legit to sell tokens, the ecosystem needs funds (theyre called ecosystem tokens since ICO), selling gas and electricity is a license to print money, the LIT-Token is crucial for their ecosystem with all the (upcoming sidechains). thank me in 1-2 years.

>> No.19013808

Look at their github, retard

>> No.19013857

the one that uploads has not always to be the one who has actually programming it.

>> retard
thank you for showing that you're a kiddo.

>> No.19013881

Can you atleast try to FUD and make sense at the same time? What the FUCK do you want to tell me with your broken ass english, motherfucker?


God fucking damn it please be bait.

>> No.19014011

So you lack reading comprehension, as expected. Go back and read slowly, put some effort, you can do it!

>> No.19014043

Dude if they have enough people and STILL fuck up their deadlines it looks even worse for the project. According to the roadmap they had to fix the consensus issue by Q1 2020.

>> No.19014048

IDEX. Use a VPN if you're a burger.

>> No.19014080

I still see a fucked up grammatical structure in your sentences. Not worth discussing anything with you lol.

>> No.19014098

Thanks for educating the masses.

>> No.19014150

you're welcome and enjoy your gains. =)

>> No.19014212

You have no arguments. Anyone can check the documents I mentioned, so I don't give a fuck about discussing with you, anyone can easily find out you're a clown.

>> No.19014264

He's still right. Falling back on his his typing doesn't mean shit.

>> No.19014296

>They're still in very early stages and probably need quick cash to invest in something that would increase growth

where did the 5 millions $ ico money go??? why don't they use that fund ???? did they use it all in less than 1 year??? can anyone answer this simple question you mongols

>> No.19014311

Except he isnt, 1 post by this ID.
Cool story there, kid. Wanna tell me another? :^)
Try a true story this time doe.

>> No.19014456

>where did the 5 millions $ ico money go??? why don't they use that fund ???? did they use it all in less than 1 year???

You've already been answered by two different people ITT you utter cretin.

>Besides, the company can be profitable yet need more money (from ecosystem tokens pool) to develop further.

>Also, just because they have a successful business doesn't mean that they don't need extra cash. They're still in very early stages and probably need quick cash to invest in something that would increase growth.

Nobody will eat your fud Markus-Jowdy, save all of us you included some time and stop posting.

>> No.19014477

how about this true story you piece of crap clown
where did the 5 millions $ go???

>pajeet clown:thay niid maney to pey patrisio the clown dancer
you're defending a team selling not even their tokens but the ecosystem tokens for their own benefits after they exhausted all their ico money maybe in weed and hookers

>> No.19014537
File: 123 KB, 781x378, virginlgvschadLITGEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you please link who addressed the ico money question ITT, just checking in on the general as I always do and cant find it. Thanks.

Also to the OP, have sex.

>> No.19014551

You need to find a better way to spend your time, man. I know you're bitter about losing money, but you need to get a hobby or something. You're creating so much negativity for yourself.

>> No.19014574

Hmmmm...the TV ad, development for almost 3 years, staff and devs and new hires...damn I dont know man. Selling my 140k just as I'm typing.

>> No.19014615

hey fucking retards do you realize whats happened since you've been making these shill threads?
the token has DUMPED. how about you stop, shut the fuck up, pack your lunch money bags away, and let it grow organically. fucking kids ruin everything.

>> No.19014669

The anons I quoted were >>19010389 and >>19013606. I don't think they were referring to an official answer given by Lition, just making a very basic guess about why a company could need to sell more tokens after ICO. And this guess basically is that they sold ecosystem tokens to fund the ecosystem's operation, they may need extra cash to develop even further.

>> No.19014825

I'm just speculating. The other potential reason is that Lition has unsustainable typical operating costs, which I find unlikely considering they recently hired more people, are rapidly expanding, and are set to expand much more rapidly than even that following television commercials. Honestly this is probably one of the best times to buy. I see all signs pointing to nothing but immense growth soon. Also I am >>19013606, just had an ID change.

>> No.19015134

I know that was speculation, and I share it. To me it's Occam's razor.

1) They need more money to develop further but they fucked up their communication
2) The German team running an active energy company with 1000's of customers, which is in a partnership with SAP and which just launched a 7 figures ad together with Sparwelt is preparing an exit scam by making max 1 million to share between several people we're getting fucked sell sell SELL

Yeah, I'll go with 1.

>> No.19015663

Got 300k of these fuckers... what can i expect in a year

>> No.19015681


enjoy your scamcoin

>> No.19015730

People need to learn that there are multiple entities.

There is Lition Energie AG, a company that does the energy business and gets money from customers that buy energy through them. This company uses a service (the Lition Blockchain) which is provided to them by a different entity: Lition Technology AG.
This latter entity generates money from staking or selling Lition tokens available to them and though intellectual property rights over usecases for their blockchain that they have come up with.

Funds from Lition Energie AG arent interchangable with funds from Lition Technology AG.

>> No.19015743

Approximately 260-340k USD conservatively.
By the way retards.

Team just officially confirmed that the sold tokens were used to further development. Who is the retard now huh? Lying fucking niggers.

>> No.19015804

Team also confirmed they wont be selling anymore tokens in medium-term, whatever that means

>> No.19015844
File: 205 KB, 1920x1097, 300k x $1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19016093

Could you spoonfeed more?

Why is the token necessary?

What makes lition unique? Where does the company get its profit in the future?

>> No.19016131

>sold tokens were used to further development
>the 1500ether are still there untouched
ah i see they are still lying

>they wont be selling anymore tokens in medium-term
they didn't choose to stop selling, i forced them to do that by exposing their lies everyday
people don't know what its coming in june
as a friendly advice: sell your shittion before the end of june even if you still believe in the team success, you will thank me in august when you triple your previous bags

>> No.19016162

How does the coin value raise? What's the current demand for it?

>> No.19016306

which address has the ether?

>> No.19016380

>Team just officially confirmed that the sold tokens were used to further development. Who is the retard now huh? Lying fucking niggers.

Which means they don't have enough saved enough for further development, which also means...


>> No.19016450

That doesnt mean that retard lol

>> No.19016516
File: 1.29 MB, 1816x1736, Litborghini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Litborghiniland man.

>> No.19016541

I like it mate but im thinking the Porsche tuycan is more practical with the 4 doors and the cheaper insurance and tax

>> No.19016657

Hold on that's a really good point, why dump their own token and not their ethereum? Almost as if they'd rather hold the one that has more value. Jesus this gets worse as it goes

>> No.19016696


>i forced them to do that

The delusion of grandeur is mooning

>> No.19016704

you idiot, first you have to sell LIT to get ETH, thats where the ETH came from

>> No.19016797


Thats whats he is saying faggot. Hes saying they traded their lit tokens for eth and holding those expecting to raise value..

>> No.19016850

THank you anon

>> No.19016853

Lol exactly. It's like selling your own companies shares to invest in someone else. Hardly breeds confidence

>> No.19016877

you probably cant cash out into fiat as easily with lit so they convert it to eth to cash out.

>> No.19016891
File: 4 KB, 160x160, 1588241681949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont care what the reason is.. They can do whatever they want. I'll grab my bicycle and my gopro and fking livestream the whole ride to stomb their faces. Srs. B

Only if you faggots put a donation whilst im riding. Every donation will count for X amount of miles/km's. It's only 500km total so its easy and legit doable.

So np you guys will get what you payed for.

>> No.19016903



>1 PoSt By ThIs Id

followed by getting his dick sucked by a 2 posts by this ID poster which just recently started posting ITT...HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

>> No.19016974

True. But if you needed cash instantly you would sell the ETH. Looks like they dont need the cash instantly. This doesnt mean shit to be honest..so there is still alot of hope left.

Hearing that they hired extra employees and having a commercial makes things look bright.

I still have hopes for the project. Only time will tell.

>> No.19016984

Truth is, the team knew that 0.1 was a good price to sell the ecosystem tokens. They knew it was a good opportunity to get some funds. In a sense it's shady, but totally understandable.
But it tells us that in the short/mid term, 0.1 is the "higher end" of what LIT can achieve. Which is fine but it's also a hint of what the team believe in terms of the LIT token value.

The ratio of selling LIT now instead of in a few months when the project has made progress and is likely to be higher VERSUS the current need of funds was rather clear to them, as again they are unlikely to have spend the 5millions raised in ICO.