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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 136 KB, 732x702, ghostmoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19002942 No.19002942 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck was that!!
ESH / GHOST Chads get in here!

>> No.19002959

if youre not selling at this point you're the reason pumps like this exist, just saying, walk away with something in your hand this time

>> No.19002984

This is going x100

>> No.19003014

never selling.

>> No.19003045

it's literally already done 100x you absolute fucking idiot

>> No.19003064

>Doesn't buy ESH
Calls me a fucking idiot.

>> No.19003076
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And it'll do another times 100 from here.

>> No.19003092
File: 52 KB, 667x700, A7259BC6-D9BA-4120-A0AD-D712CC336A93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


$Ghost deserves better than to piggyback (parody?) linklet shitmemes desu

>> No.19003095

>if youre not selling at this point
because i was fortunate enough to turn $800 into $54000 and i realized that's enough money to seriously count my fucking blessings, just a heads up. pretend it's fucking gone tomorrow morning.
i now have access to the citadel and CAN RETIRE from dumb shit like this, just trying to help you out.
unless you bought 20 minutes ago.
in which case, godspeed.

>> No.19003110

selling this shit off is so fucking nerve racking it's retarded. i guess keep buying my bags.

>> No.19003126
File: 45 KB, 598x274, DCC2CE21-24E2-4F7E-93DE-267B623130EA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice gains, anon.

No$Ghosts are FUD’ing Bobos

>> No.19003129

Pajeets don't create memes.

>> No.19003157

I don't believe your larp for one second...
Your posts come across as if your salty and seething.

Also didn't you read the top it said CHADS ONLY

>> No.19003171

im larping i never bought this shit because it's the definition of a massive fucking pump and dump and with a volume of 500K this is going to be one of the most epic dumps in all of biz
a 200x in less than 30 days
any anon that buys this almost deserves to get dumped on at this point

>> No.19003190
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Thats you right now

>> No.19003194
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>> No.19003235

saving this for Tuesday

>> No.19003270
File: 19 KB, 243x243, 1555784842091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19003429

ESH could hit $60-80 by the time of the airdrop. that's only 2 weeks away. $1bn marketcap is fair value of ghost.

>> No.19003440

Better get a good strong rope ready.

>> No.19003452

that would take a lot of hype. It would need to prove to be highly utilized/popular in the real world first, then I see sky as the limit

>> No.19003549

There’s gonna be a pretty big dump before the white paper hits. Pretty much guaranteed. At which point you can ride that wave and buy back in at the dip, then, buy back in and wait for another dump after the airdrop. It’s not as though stuff like this hasn’t been discussed and encouraged. Watch the market. Don’t fall asleep.

>> No.19003751

I pray for it to drop. Then I'll accumulate till 1m ESH

>> No.19003897


>> No.19003911

I dont think our whale frens are gonna let that happen

>> No.19003931
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>> No.19003947
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>> No.19003973

Are the people smugposting ITT actually that stupid?

>> No.19003976
File: 640 KB, 723x844, fd13a4fb9887e4c2cd46e84efda364f5_mario-clipart-mario-ghost-mario-mario-ghost-transparent-free-for-_723-844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean to tell me that this guy worked for the government at one point with high level clearance then saw all the nonsense that the government does , so he quit and ran his own cybersecurity software where he sold his company for 70M then dived into bath salts and hookers shitting in his mouth and living with 10 prostitutes where one of them pointed a gun at him while he was asleep and tried to rob him but was unsuccessful then he told the world about the government and the powers that be of the corruption and then allegedly murdered a guy in Belize , Ran as a Libertarian Candidate in the fucking US then got arrested and then broke out of prison and almost got assassinated a couple of times and has since been on the fucking run , and will become a martyr because everyone will want to use GHOST as his memory will live on as his political opponents try to kill him because he exposed the Epstein shit to the fucking world is going to make his own fucking cryptocurrency with its own blockchain and for its DEXes and who has 1M followers on Twitter which he shilled XVG and PIVX which both returned 1000x+ ROI on Investment isn’t going to push this fucking coin to the fucking sky
Then you are absolutely fucking retarded and deserve to be poor. Personally I’m all In

>> No.19003978

Is there any ghost chads tg groups?

>> No.19004082

What price did you get in at ESH? $800-54k sounds like a LARP

>> No.19004127

>selling weeks before the airdrop
You would have sold zcl at $10 too huh

>> No.19004160

there are a lot of people still holding their gains, they accumulated in April and early May

>> No.19004178

How you bitches buying this shit?

>> No.19004213


>> No.19004261

how the FUCK do i deposit it in my wallet? i understand im retarded but help pls

>> No.19004277

Lol retard. Say you’re a little fat girl and I’ll help

>> No.19004287

ill never put my dignity on the line id rather be retarded fuck you faggot

>> No.19004330

I have $60k to invest a the moment, are you fags telling me this could hit $5-10 by end of month? Don't lie to me anons this is my life and future at stake. I almost bought at .77 and didn't and slightly regret it now

>> No.19004346

Just wait for Mcafee to start shilling on twitter

>> No.19004353

must add ESH token using the contract address...should be posted in one of the ghostie threads

>> No.19004371

Kek. Half the comfyness of holding ESH is watching normies like you get shredded in the pleb filter.

>> No.19004374

thanks man
fuck you faggot i figured it out

>> No.19004512

How does 500k sound?

>> No.19004532

Pre-actual token release

You will make money. It is this easy. We are at the small starting slope of a bell curve graph.

>> No.19004580

I like your gumption. You're gonna make it fren.

>> No.19004640

That sounds amazing but be honest anon, you think $5 is realistic? I only ask cause this has already 100x pretty much

Im a burger so vpn it and use idex? I assume their volume isnt as trash as merc

>> No.19004688

You’re a little fat girl anon

>> No.19004764

>Can retire from 54k
Okay pajeet

>> No.19004792

buy the dip in a few hours here.

>> No.19004880

>turn $800 into $54000
>i now have access to the citadel and CAN RETIRE
An actual pajeet, holy shit.

>> No.19004892


>> No.19004937

This WILL pump until the 25th

>> No.19004942

hasnt started yet child

>> No.19004945

Where are you guys storing you ESH? I bought some today.
Can you store it on a Ledger or what is best?

>> No.19004957


Metamask is the only option as that how you would quality for the $ghost airdrop

>> No.19005118

Thanks for the tip.
Trying to figure out how to setup a wallet for ESH on MetaMask now.

>> No.19005146

$10 by may 15. $100 by may 25

>> No.19005207

So I cant get the airdrop on mercatox?

>> No.19005213

100x in the next 15 days? Come an anon

>> No.19005260

At times like these I really wish I had more to invest so I could have had more than my tiny stack of 177... but I can’t complain, because after this and with GHOST, I’m coming out with much more than I had. I seriously can’t believe I already doubled my money in just a few days.

>> No.19006289
File: 350 KB, 867x1300, tumblr_o7oj97UsCc1sc29v9o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im larping i never bought this shit because it's the definition of a massive fucking pump and dump and with a volume of 500K this is going to be one of the most epic dumps in all of biz

>> No.19006311

You’ll never get my ghosties

>> No.19006328

Metamask has hardware support.

>> No.19006350


From what we know so far, no. If you want to avoid fees and whatnot you can always leave it there until we learn more.

>> No.19006400

Is it not possible to buy in usa or what

>> No.19006458

Same here, anon. I could only afford 150 but I hope to scrape together and buy more before the 25th

>> No.19006482

I used mcafeedex and a metamask wallet. I ran into an issue of everything taking too long to transfer around, so I had to boost gas price in metamask

>> No.19006780

don't I need a trezor or some shit? keeps asking to plug a USB in for verification.

>> No.19006929

I did 126 eth/esh trades on idex, AMA

>> No.19007439

Burger approved.

>> No.19007518

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO at this rate ESH will get to $1bn marketcap faster than HEX did

>> No.19008431


this is going $10 before EOM