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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.23 MB, 2988x5312, 1577040729916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19002573 No.19002573[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just why does this image drive roasties fucking crazy?

>> No.19002576


>> No.19002579

Who sits that close the the tv lmao

>> No.19002584

They can't live without material possessions.

>> No.19002586

I miss having this kind of setup

>> No.19002587

Needs a least a comfier chair

>> No.19002589

it shows them what they really are, a cum bucket

>> No.19002591

I find nothing wrong with this, but who the fuck wants so much wasted space. Buy a 700 SQFT house and have that shit paid off in 5-7 years. Retire at 30.

>> No.19002595

Its the sheer amount of savings this guy is generating that isn't being spent on feminine consumer items

>> No.19002602

Roasties won't have any place to hide the sperm jack condom is the real reason why.

>> No.19002603

>no pillow for the chair

>> No.19002613
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Looks quite peaceful to me.

>> No.19002619

They have an innate need to fill every space with useless flowery trinkets to feminize and emasculate it

>> No.19002621

looks good to me

>> No.19002629

Exceptionally clean.

>> No.19002631
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>Play Offline

>> No.19002658
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Bunch of shit in the house = you have money and will buy them things

>> No.19002668

>Paying for Playstation Plus

>> No.19002671



>> No.19002694

they seethe way more without the dumb vidya shit. extra cringe. there is a picture of a living room with only a platform with squat stands for weightlifting and a PC. PC without anything signaling degenerate habits lilke videogames.

>> No.19002699

To me there's something really nice about having a lot of empty open space in a room

>> No.19002706

Because it doesn't look 'homely'. Not somewhere a normal person would want to live but biz is packed with psychopaths so unsurprising the board has no issue with it.

>> No.19002729

This so much.
I grew up in a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom house with my 4 other family members.
There is nothing l value more in a living space.

>> No.19002731

This. That setup is 0/10 with that shit chair. Get a nice/comfy chair and suddenly it's an 8/10

>> No.19002734

Biologically, women are nesters, hoarding resources to better the chances of themselves and their offspring's survival. All of which is understandable. It's just that somewhere along the way (((they))) were able to replace offspring with a cat and a membership 10% discount card from Bevmo on all wine purchases.

>> No.19002740
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>> No.19002749

biologically women are degenerate whores

>> No.19002754
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Getting married and having a wife decorate everything to the point of (to me) clutter is honestly damaging to my psyche. It’s an itch I can’t scratch anymore, even in “my” office, where a row of drawers is still dedicated to her shit. The simplistic beauty of utility. FUCK WHY DOES ANYONE WITH A SUCCESSFUL FUTURE GET MARRIED. ANONS LISTEN: THERE. IS. NO. FUCKING. POINT.

>> No.19002756

Honestly, if i visited someone's house and saw this shit, i'd drop all contact with them immediately. I have no need for poorfags hiding behind "I-it's minimalistic!" cope. Poor people don't deserve to live anywhere but in cages.

>> No.19002771

You don't say

>> No.19002783

How would you feel if they had a second chair and it was a two player game?

>> No.19002786
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>based retard forgets image

>> No.19002787

First of all, you sound like a roastie. I bet you still eat at McDonalds, shop at walmart, and buy shit on Amazon, yet you slam the employees that work at those soulless companies because "haha poorfags"

>> No.19002796
File: 42 KB, 634x318, 27186492-8218353-image-a-15_1586884008437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just why does this image drive roasties fucking crazy?

>> No.19002801

Not worth my time. I only hang out with winners. And winners don't live like a pashtun mujaheddin in his cave.
Cope, poorfag. Your network will never contain anyone of worth to you, besides your local dealer maybe.

>> No.19002810

This. They live to consooooom

>> No.19002830

Larp. Prove you aren't a poorfag

>> No.19002835

OP's picture is functionalism distilled to its finest point. 'Homely' is a made up word by hoarders to excuse their sickly behaviour. Every home becomes invisible to our eyes after a certain amount of time regardless of how much things we fill it with. Our brains become so used to how it looks that we don't see or notice it anymore.

>> No.19002841

I bet he only has that one game for his Bloodborne Emulator. Not that the Bloodborne Emulator has any other games.

>> No.19002850

Same bro

>> No.19002852

More immersive. Im about 6 feet from my 45” TV on a comfy couch

>> No.19002865
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mgtow is the only answer.

>> No.19002869

>I only hang out with people who buy tons of useless shit
Interesting position, and when they need help moving you're out of town? I'm curious to how anyone would invite you over in the first place because you sound like a pain in the ass.

>> No.19002877
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>> No.19002886

Women are nesters. Seeing a nest this incomplete activates their nesring instincts to fill ir up with crap.

Also video games steal attention that should be going all to them so to have that be the only thing in the house makes them double reeeeeeeee...

>> No.19002889

It's a larp. They're probably crying right now as they're about to head to another McDonalds shift

>> No.19002892

You sound a bit grouchy. I'm going to straight up call you insecure or a poser, but I hang out with people who are fun. Bros you can belly laugh while drinking a beer and watching retarded shit on tv.

>> No.19002903
File: 12 KB, 698x116, Skatt 19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's half a million a year in NOK earned last year after taxes (37%), more money than any african-tier rentcuck living like OP will ever see in their lives. And the funny thing is, i'm only upper middle class.
Now let me hear your endless cope and seething upon seeing your superiors.
Ever wondered no millionaire lives like the cucks who worship a poverty niggger lifestyle?
Damn, preemptive coping. This should be good.

>> No.19002912

>he still thinks life is about winning.
Kek look at this insecure asswipe. The goal is to escape the system not be top bitch.

>> No.19002931

>'Homely' is a made up word by hoarders to excuse their sickly behaviour.
No it means comfy. And if you're telling me the OP pic looks comfy then you need your eyesight checked.

>> No.19002934

* I'm NOT going to

>> No.19002950

This. I'll have a decent house payed off by the time I'm 35 with a little land, have 10k in robinhood, and am a wagie supervisor at a warehouse. Nothing to brag about really, but I'm also only 25 and didn't land my decent job until 2 years ago.

>> No.19002985
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congrats anon
so you bought a house at 20 years old with a 15 year mortgage? how did you get a house at that age when you said you didn't get a good job until 2 years ago? or is this another case of boomer inheritance/generational wealth?

>> No.19003000

/r9k/ and mgtow are right. What is the point of pursuing women anymore when 50% of them end in your ex stealing over half of everything you have?

>> No.19003015

Same. Gf moved in 4 months ago and now there's shit everywhere. I miss the simplicity of it all.

>> No.19003022

Not at all. My uncle co signed for it after I helped him renovate his house. He also paid my first 6 months of mortgage and closing as compensation for assisting him with said rennovarions. I had income while I was in college as an operations clerk at a warehouse (think wagie that does excel spread sheets and fixes problems)

>> No.19003024

No, he's the one who larps. By fantasizing about what they'll never have they can escape the crushing reality of their station in life.

>> No.19003058

No, biz is full of young, single men who don't care about frivolous things like home decor.

>> No.19003061

imagine being so bitter on your break at mcdonalds you have to project your emotions on to anons on an board for japanese anime and tranny pics

>> No.19003085

You sound like a nigger-rich yuppie

>> No.19003091

Are you actually implying you get half a mil high value fiat paid from flipping burgers in norway?

>> No.19003105

No thats what you want him to think in order to support your own insecure sense of self. Someone that needs to feel better than other people is coping for their own insecurity.

>> No.19003136
File: 452 KB, 1284x909, Duality of man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the roastie cannot grasp why a man would perform an action, solely for the sake of performing it, without the intent to display it socially and to receive peer recognition for it

>> No.19003138

Also ugly, no personality besides meme spouting, and from third world shitholes. Merely a coincidence, I'm sure.

>> No.19003139

Men can be happy just by sitting around
Women feel devalued as a result

>> No.19003140

no headphones or speakers? tv audio is not fucking based

>> No.19003158

Are you him on his phone?

>> No.19003166

Aww, defending your boyfriend? Why not let him prove his position in life, as I did the courtesy of giving him my yearly income alone upon request? Or would that break with his cope?

>> No.19003167

What's the wealthiest man in Norway doing here anyways? Kinda weird flexing hard on 4chan in a minimalist lifestyle thread isn't it?

>> No.19003176

I'd just get a better chair but that's just me. That cunt on the left spent so much fucking money to aesthetic. I'd just spend that money on beer and penny stocks

>> No.19003183
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>> No.19003186

Bought mine at 20 as well, had a parent co-sign the loan but everything was paid for by me.

>> No.19003193

Wasn't there some graphic about how women are 90% of all consumers basically everywhere?

>> No.19003199
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>> No.19003205

Okay but her desk setup does look really comfy. Being surrounded on 3 sides by monitors is nice

>> No.19003208

Indeed, just got up from bed to use the toilet. Something I'm sure you "minimalistbros" don't need to have.
Just letting the peasant swallow some reality so they don't lose focus of the most important things in life. You can tell it's working from the hostility and refusal to even consider looking at the bigger, important picture.

>> No.19003226

Couldn't he have just gotten a different lawyer and brought it up to a different judge?
I bet you 100 bucks the judge was female too.

>> No.19003228
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shit looks unconformable looks like the person is a psychopath. you know lanzas room looked just like. Do you think your ancestors just went to sleep in a plain minimalist room? Do you think Hitler was just plain walls? Kill yourself faggot. This shit is diffidently jewish

>> No.19003229

4 screens and 1 person. Nice place, no friends
Pic on the right, that guy probably has 8 buddies come over every weekend, sit on the fucking floor and laugh their asses off playing games and drinking. big diff

>> No.19003261

I'm doing about 1/3rd your level running a few of my own businesses, if we're just measuring in money, which somehow puts me in the upper middle echelon, but I harbor no animosity towards those above or below financially.

Take a breath my dude. Nobody is the enemy here.

>> No.19003266

>Just letting the peasant swallow some reality so they don't lose focus of the most important things in life.
And yet, here you are, with all your money and "friends". Please do us all a favor and neck yourself you pathetic ego starved bastard

>> No.19003283

It implies that your only hobby is videogames.

>> No.19003297

Night what bigger picture? With the money your making you could do whatever you want. Yet you still decide to play keeping up with the Joneses. If I was in your situation I'd do what I want instead of trying to convince myself and others that I'm important due to some numbers and my peer group.

>> No.19003303
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not enough space

>> No.19003306

make that a lazyboy with a beer and im with you

>> No.19003333

and alienware laptops looks ugly nowadays

>> No.19003348

holy shit this is quality

>> No.19003349

>Being surrounded on 3 sides by monitors is nice
enjoy your wrinkles and fine lines at 25

>> No.19003351
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>sitting that close to the television
Except this setup looks like it was made by some vidya gamur bugman. If you unironically play video games past the age of 18 you are NEVER EVER GONNA MAKE

>> No.19003367

Co op souls? Pfft

>> No.19003372

Ah, so that's what the one chair you own is for. The final exit as you hit mid ages yet is as far as you were as an 15 year old. Sad to hear you have suicide on your mind. Must be the bitter loneliness of knowing everyone knows you're poor.
You can do several things you know. Networking don't prohibit you from travelling, camping in the wilds, working out and so on. In fact it's a safety net if hard times come along. Knowing the right people will save you from the brunt of economic downturns, allowing you to relax instead of stressing out on how to make ends meet just to survive. That saying about "let your money make money for you"? This is one of the aspects.

>> No.19003387

that's a man (actually, not a joke)

>> No.19003392
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>> No.19003420

Kekked and Confirmed. Nesters my ass. Maybe the first month when the baby is a new toy she's having fun with. But soon enough everything will be your fault and responsibility. Don't you know how busy she is while you're at work all day, you have to change the diapers when you get back! It's only fair, Stacy needs to swipe a few more Chad's on Tinder so she can have a new one every day of the week

>> No.19003453

Yeah but you know marginal cost versus marginal benefit. Assuming you aren't overleveraged would making 200k less a year actually affect you're financial security that much? Pay with two things money AND time.

>> No.19003455

I’ve had this setup many times in life. It’s comfy as fuck. It’s always a new beginning. Then shit gets messy and you end up back at that start point. Until you figure it out. Yes you, Mr Second person pros.

>> No.19003476

shup up. have not your father told you you need to keep your bitch in check and make the rules? the issue you(and society) have with females is due to you being an allowing basedboy cuck letting your slampigs run loose

>> No.19003500
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I agree with you. Bitches just wanna nest and take some babies to the cunt.

>> No.19003531

Maybe not. It's more about how you use money to project security and success, than how much you earn. Despite what many poor anons claim though, humans are social creatures who judge worth not only if you're a cool guy, but also if it's worth investing their time in you. And let's be honest. No important person would give those anons the time of the day if they knew how poor their homes looked. It projects poverty, waste of time and lack of motivation/ambition.
There's a reason Trump as a brand is high value due how he projects himself, even if quite gaudy at times.

>> No.19003591
File: 1.51 MB, 696x478, sadPepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy divorce court and losing half your net worth. they've destroyed the marriage bond. it's literally all carrot and no stick for women now.

>> No.19003601

Cluttered mind = cluttered living space. I hate clutter. I get claustrophobic if I can't see baseboards. I'm not as bad as OP's pic but I don't surround myself with "stuff". Women hate me because they try to decorate my place, and their crap ends up in a box I make them take with them. I don't want baskets with dead leaves and lavender towels, thanks. Don't buy me kitchen shit, i won't use it.

>> No.19003612

I thought it was more along the lines of women are responsible for 70-80% of household spending decisions.

>> No.19003629

At that point just fuckin drop the bag on her and your lawyer, a life only costs 5 grand in a nice reasonably wealthy nation (Ireland), so I'm sure he could have a nigger do it for peanuts

>> No.19003635

Trusts, not prenups. Simps never learn. Trusts are the only thing lawyers and women can't break. Yet, until Pelosi passes legislation weakening them, because all of the single mothers need ALL the money after covid.

>> No.19003638
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>> No.19003642

go back to /fa/ my dude there are dozens of highly paid white collars here with shit homes

>> No.19003657

>payed off by the time I'm 35 with a little land
Yet, you still won't be able to spell "paid" correctly.

>> No.19003659

Wait so you made $50k and your bragging?

>> No.19003671

What did English ever do to you, why abuse it?

>> No.19003676

Bloodborne needs a 60 fps PC port.

>> No.19003675

women hate raw potential by their very nature

>> No.19003679

can't have divorce if you ain't married

>> No.19003684

That is the winning, though obviously there is a petty satisfaction on having the top score on the arcade cabinet but why the fuck would you waste all your quarters to do it