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18999988 No.18999988 [Reply] [Original]

>Tim Ferris
>Rich Dad Poor Dad
>Drop shipping and Affiliate Marketing
>The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
>TEDX talks

>> No.19000020
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but throw in dalios books too.

>> No.19000042

where can i illegally download Devil Take the Hindmost?

>> No.19000048

>greentext in your title
Fuck off outta here.

>> No.19000129
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All complaint, no solution. You waste people's time.

>> No.19000262

Huel is pretty good desu

>> No.19001340

Except Robert Kiyosaki is based and Red pilled.

>> No.19001443

Rich dad poor dad is a true gem, it's what I aspired me to become an entrepreneur. Having said that, everything he wrote after is absolute ponzi scheme garbage.

The 4 hour workweek seems delusional, especially outsourcing your life away, but it had some good tips. I still apply making very specific and measurable daily, mo they and yearly goals

>> No.19001475


>> No.19001504
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>> No.19001568

"How you make da monies, herrrrr"

(Don't tell the tard it's by selling get rich quick books and lectures like his list. Pyramid scammers need to eat, too.)

>> No.19001580
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>> No.19001584

>implying he wrote anything to begin with
babby's first foray into publishing

>> No.19001590

Tim Ferris is very clearly deranged

>> No.19001602

>Rich Dad Poor Dad
Read this and bought 2 houses, then the housing market crashed in 08-09.

>> No.19001663

Huel is unironically based

>> No.19001684

He took the biggest red pill they had

>> No.19001747
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>> No.19001847

b-ok.cc and libgen, as always.

>> No.19001994

and now michael moore created an anprim move

>> No.19002051

It actually kind of galls me that Tim Ferris, Joe Rogan, Jocko Willink, the kind of branding they represent - it's the closest thing to a mainstream-acceptable notion of masculinity that we have in the 21st century. It's simply fake and gay as shit.

>> No.19002076

Lmao, all those books, and i bet you still don't have more money than me. All I did was listen to a link shill and now I'm a millionaire.

>> No.19002103
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>Organic grass feed butter in your frikkin coffee!

>> No.19002187

and Jordan Peterson

>> No.19002231

t. coomer living in the same bedroom he lived in as a kid