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18994912 No.18994912 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18995501

I fucking hope so. Quarantine is getting boring.

>> No.18995512
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Cope bobo. Ready to lose all your money? SPY 315 eow

>> No.18995518

You missed the bottom. Sorry, bears.

>> No.18995525

this. also how can state governments afford to keep everything closed when their tax revenue dropped by 80% and counting ? how much money can they print to pay all the 6 figure government employee boomers ?

>> No.18995529
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>> No.18995539

By borrowing money. I'm dutch. It's pretty much guarranteed we'll be paying more tax after this is over. Recession/Depression is inevitable at this point.

>> No.18995564

Economy going down the shitter has already been priced in. Worst case for the markets is a 10% correction. Make peace with the fact that you missed the bottom and move on.

>> No.18995570

at this point there is literally nothing that isnt either priced in or bullish for us stock indexes and this US data deluge is incredilby priced in and I can't think of anything more bullish than a roaring market and plunging economy. SPY 350c May 15

>> No.18995587

Imagine believing this

>> No.18995599

Our constitutional court just ruled EZB money printing to be illegal. Get your anuses or anusses however you spell it prepared.

>> No.18995617

Stf and pay taxes so Italy and Spain can be bailed out.

>> No.18995618

why don't all western governments just do the smart and sensible thing and lay off all these do nothing boomers and either replace them with a computer program or eliminate their useless position that has no purpose anyways ? wouldn't you want to have a 'productive' productive class instead of entitled do nothings sitting around inhaling all the resources ?

>> No.18995658
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>great depression level unemployment numbers
>trade deficit exploding
>housing market collapsing
>industrial output collapsing
>green line goes up

its really gonna crash this time though

>> No.18995659

Every. Fucking. Week the same shit. Then market opens Monday and we have a huge green dildo. It’s always the same fucking thing. Just give up, for fuck sake. You lost the bottom, bobo. Now go seethe, dilate and HAVESEX

>> No.18995672

Those med faggots are not getting one cent out of me.

>> No.18995704

The thing that makes me nervous is, Mnuchin is warning of economic collapse. He's usually the one that's optimistic and pushing BRRRRRRRRR is on the way, but I think his losing his twitter beef has left a bitter taste in his mouth in regards to the general populace. I think he pulled the plug on the BRRRRRRRR machine bros.

>> No.18995715

Because it's the boomers that are in power right now.

>> No.18995721

They replace them with Arabs.

>> No.18995727
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Pic related

>> No.18995801

holy based

>> No.18995886

If interest rates are at 1%, then a
P/E ratio of 100 or 50 is a reasonable baseline.

And that's before explicitly pushing spare, has-to-be-invested capital out of bonds and cash.

>> No.18995889

those government boomers have no power. they just do what the elites tell them. why can't the elites just be based for once ?

>> No.18995924

Good, I sold my SBUX stock and want to buy back in, hope shit crashes

>> No.18995946
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Hi, insider here. I was in some pretty high level meetings last week with the FED. The plan was to dump the markets this year by it happened a few months early, so took the elites by surprise. The FED had to sweet talk the markets up last month to give the big boys more time to get out and sell to retail investors. They are now happy with their positions so the plan now is to let gravity resume control from Tuesday this week (12th). Stay safe.

>> No.18995949

Peak optimism and delusion hit soon. Soon i can buy my Puts. Maybe we will touch 300SPY

>> No.18995959

just wait til tuesday pls

>> No.18995966
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They didn't think the stars were gonna align in January? Plebeians

>> No.18996122

why tuesday? what's so special about tuesday

>> No.18996243

Nothing. It's just LARPing faggots.

>> No.18996987

No it isn't. Interest rates this low and permanently lead to the biggest misallocation of capital ever seen. It will be a few year's dump and end with a real big bang

>> No.18997109

Don't you already pay like lol 60% as middle-class after all the taxes are netted?

>> No.18997419


>> No.18997448

I hope for a slow downward crab trend. I have a lot I need to cash out but got trapped cause of my sell calls.

>> No.18997468

remember when it was going to crash last week? good times

>> No.18997543
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Sad, America is reopening, we don’t care about corona anymore, only up to go from here dumbasses

>> No.18997892

Zoomer retard

>> No.18997915
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S&P to hit 3100 this week

>> No.18998404

i want to unload some calls i picked up specifically for monday.

>> No.18998432

both this and literally just code violations
people getting pulled over and ticketed a shit ton
property code violations.

>> No.18998469

i guess you're right on that...

>> No.18998493
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at least us programmers have had a lot of time to advance our projects

>> No.18998520
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> double quads
> thor in the id

>> No.18998534

Hold up, I'm told the market Gona crash in may. IT IS MAY. Also didn't the big stock exchanges lose one Third of value? That's massive. The losses have already been lost.

I mean, I keep hearing this shit about the market crashing once we are back to normal and realise the shit we are in economy wise. WHAT? who doesn't realise this already.

>> No.18998552

This. The stock market is so easy I can let a middle school predict it
Green dildo Monday
Tuesday and Wednesday crab down a bit
Wednesday night. Gilead and Trump pull retarded bullshit out of their ass. Futures +2%
Thursday green dildo then drop to +1% by the end of day
Friday slow crab up to +2%

And of course the volume keeps low during the day and big money moves when every joe is asleep by 2am

So fucking predictable you gotta be hating money if you don’t follow it

>> No.18998647
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>plan didn't work last time
>It will dump on Thursday
Very convincing!

>> No.18999095

If people stop selling off stocks we can't have a depression.
It's that simple.

>> No.18999307

>didn't the big stock exchanges lose one Third of value?
NASDAQ is currently 8% down from it's all time highs - where it was in January this year
S&P500 is 14% down
Dow is 17% down
And those highs were after a decade long bull run.

>who doesn't realise this already.
We know it will be bad, but it's still not clear just how bad exactly. All the economic data that's coming in now is worse than the already terrible predictions.