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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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18995509 No.18995509 [Reply] [Original]

This is going to pump and pump hard. Don’t get left behind like you did with stake and ESH.
>Under 700k max supply. >Major partnerships already. >Hardware in use with network partnerships
>municipalities already saving money and energy

This is the only diamond tier moonshot gem left.

>> No.18995606

Stay away from this scam token

>> No.18995919

>explain what makes it a scam anon. Just because some random fag on biz says it’s a scam, doesn’t make it true.

>> No.18995999

>This is the only diamond tier moonshot gem left.
every low cap shit on idex will going to moon. already have my bag. comfy

>> No.18996324

Exactly. Incels don’t realize that $200 now can easily be $20k in a Bullrun, which will be here in 2021.

>> No.18996385
File: 36 KB, 600x657, d33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is your last chance.

You realize that every single day for the past 5 years there have been dozens of threads on this board, each shilling their individual shitcoin, trying desperately to make a case for it, for nothing to ever happen? And you all genuinely believe it to be true as well.

just recently: OGN, LINK, NEO, etc. etc.

Just suck it up and hop on board with the big boys, buy bitcoin, buy ETH. Best case scenario, your shitcoin follows BTC's trend. Worst case, you miss the moon and you stay broke with your shitstack of PYLON. You're fucking delusional.


>> No.18996490

Take a look at the orderbook, either it will die out or it will 10x short term. And since money is already starting to pour from btc to alts, right now is the time to switch.

>> No.18996547

You’re a broken and lost person that got burned hard by a shitcoin. I understand your pain, Anon. Let it go. Let the pain escape your body. This project isn’t some pnd scam. Stay poor if you want faggot, but I’ll be driving lambos in 2022. It’s not that far away.

>> No.18996591


>buy eth

shut the fuck up

>> No.18996821

>Y-You have one chance left
fucking kek get the fuck out of here drongo. pahaha seriously NOBODY bought this after ICO hustle season 2017. you might think that's an exaggeration but after launching on the most literal who of exchanges at $25 this has only ever dumped with less and less liquidity on the most literal who of exchanges. it's the last chance for pathetic small dicks like OP to hit the sell orders that they've been staring at for the last few months since they finally realised just how retarded they were when making that big boy financial decision to "invest" in fucking PLNT ICO - 2.5 fucking years late weasel. and also, spoiler alert, you're no less of a spastic then you were when you made that decision OP. turn your PC off and think about how much your family are embarrassed about you. cunt *spits*