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File: 133 KB, 1825x624, btc dump halving.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18986826 No.18986826 [Reply] [Original]

I don't think you fags understand how bullish this is. This dump will send us mooning up to fill the 11.2k gap.

>> No.18986847

Are you bullshitting or srs?

>> No.18986849

>uses 2016 charts

>> No.18986854


>> No.18986861

> filling the 11k gap before the 3500 gap
> bullish

>> No.18986867

im serious its creating a huge gap right now in the CME futures.
are you retarded? google BTC1!

>> No.18986870
File: 179 KB, 800x946, download (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, newfag. We will fill the $3.5K gap first. We can't start the GBR without doing that first.

>> No.18986873
File: 20 KB, 386x308, 6AEC04B8-FBBA-4FAE-826A-6DC41C399C97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I’m looking at boss? Elaborate.

>> No.18986905

To many eyes on this. Chinese Twitter all talking about it. 3.5k won't happen.

>> No.18986947
File: 125 KB, 706x517, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine making a big deal about this baby dump. You faggots weren't around in winter 2018 I see

>> No.18986958

futures market my friend, right now it is closed forming a huge gap between 10,000 and 8,600 and damn near every gap gets filled eventually. Google BTC1! look at the futures market for yourself under the "full featured chart" >>18986870
This guy may be right and 3.5k may get filled but if it were going to get filled why didnt it when it was at 3.8k a few months ago?

>> No.18986963
File: 841 KB, 1313x1398, 1529604631960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based op is correct
then it's going to 4k
don't short this dip bobos

>> No.18986980

Fuck you're a stupid cunt.
There were no futures gaps in early 2017

>> No.18987001

gap is from 2019 faggot

>> No.18987032

It's from 2019, retard . Get fucked

>> No.18987038


Explain to me like im a retard what this 3500 gap is

>> No.18987039
File: 261 KB, 640x480, 1588300872279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking forward to another.

>> No.18987096
File: 95 KB, 1813x511, zdhfgxj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really don't believe you lying fuckers

>> No.18987111
File: 133 KB, 3331x919, 646454646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18987115
File: 87 KB, 900x571, EVhN5OYXgAATR3n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18987143

It’s microscopic. It’s like a few dollars, don’t know if it counts cuz there’s a gap at $200 on bybit or something.

>> No.18987170

it's on lower timeframes
see the 4h

>> No.18987181

there's also a new one at ~7500 from last few weeks

>> No.18987203
File: 191 KB, 1656x791, cme gap btc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

17th of feb 2019, a total of 20 dollar gap.

>> No.18987210

lmao if it's a few fucking dollars, in a sphere not defined by traditional finance metrics, then it's a fucking anomaly and probably won't get filled for years, if at all

>> No.18987222

>tripled in price in two months
>drops 2k in 10 mins
>ThIs Is BuLlIsH

This is you, retard

>> No.18987255
File: 90 KB, 991x625, 5455454454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't underestimate the jews

>> No.18987277


I never messed with futures. Can someone explain why the gaps HAVE to get filled? From a technical standpoint?

>> No.18987300

Yeah I'm in the same boat dog. Why the fuck do gaps need to be filled? What even is a gap?

>> No.18987314

best way to understand it is that nature abhors a vacuum

hmm maybe. it is a pretty cheeky denomination that doesn't make it appear like a gap. if you guys didn't correct me, i would've pulled my hair out trying to find it

>> No.18987339

even more confused now. Laymans terms man

>> No.18987352


"horror vacui"

>> No.18987380

yeah, but we've obviously closed above it already.
ah man, this is pure delusion. I'm not seeing any gap at 3.5k, and even if there were the market doesn't give a fuck about a minor gap in 2019

>> No.18987399

so...it's not even valid. kek. silly bears

>> No.18987402

do you see the purple blocks >>18987111
it show times where the price jumped because CME doesn't trade on the weekend so it create a gap in their chart
in 2.5 years of trading almost all the gaps have been revisited ie: the price went back there, except for the 3 arrows

>> No.18987421

>yeah, but we've obviously closed above it already.
the gap was created on the way up

>> No.18987442

gaps are vacuums and the very nature of literally everything hates those. our survival depends upon that hatred. everything must be filled in. it's fundamentally why we aren't all sucked out into space. nature created a way to keep the vacuum of space at bay. same thing here. gaps, again, are vacuums. they're unmarked holes. and nature by definition of itself can not allow those to be. so theoretically, all gaps(it's something like 90-99%) get filled. if you think TA is bullshit and you can't read trends or balance sheets, just look for gaps. you might be waiting 6, 10, 20 years but you almost might wait a few months. either way, they eventually get filled

>> No.18987453

they don't have to. they often do, but that doesn't mean they always do or have to. legit the only reasoning you'll ever hear is "nature abhors a vacuum", which obviously doesn't satisfy the question

>> No.18987476

in a way, its nature asking itself-- would someone buy/sell at that price? because right now the answer is "null" and producing an error because it/we doesn't know and we must find out

>> No.18987506

what timeframe are you even looking at? I assumed you were talking generally about the one higher up around 8k. anyway...if it's not on the daily chart, who the fuck cares.

>> No.18987513

makes sense to me. reality is literally filled with objects of everything. i can't point to a corner of the room and have nothing be there. plus it really is something like 99% of gaps get filled, that's actually fucking bizarre

>> No.18987528

i too have been smoking tonight...

>> No.18987530

just googled it 91.4% of gaps get filled.

>> No.18987531


>> No.18987545

kek i haven't smoked shit. its a fun topic to discuss because it's insanely fascinating.

>> No.18987557

imagine thinking this shit means anything

>> No.18987564


but why would price cross many well-established strong zones of support just to fill a gap? I don't buy it. Especially because we were in that area on March 12 heading downward at high speed, and we somehow did not head to that gap.

>> No.18987565

reality is a void anon, it's okay to be reminded of that sometimes.

>> No.18987571

>horror vacui
interesting, never heard of this before

>> No.18987633

>looking at 2hr charts

You can find endless gaps if you pick the timeframe, the only one that matters is DAILY chart which has no gaps.

>> No.18987708

>the only one that matters is DAILY chart
who says?

>> No.18987716

Agree. Why would we not just touch 3.5k when we were at 3.8k and instead opt to drop from 8.6k today all the way down to 3.5k. I suppose maybe because a potential halving dump but imo I see a bit of a pump before the dump

>> No.18987745

true, beyond reality it is a void. but reality itself has no voids because if it did, we'd all go blistering mad

and that... I don't know. all signs say we should've filled the gap that day. who knows why we didn't. support levels are really good benchmarks and can really take a beating but once they're pierced, prepare for retests that either hold the line or fail.

>> No.18987847
File: 64 KB, 1826x638, 456456645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the daily chart has some wired shit
pic related on feb 19 the 4h close at 9600 but the daily close at 10220

>> No.18987897

It's not some big mystery why the gaps are created, therefore it's not a vacuum. They are created by some pretty basic human shit (work hours basically), and acknowledged by humans as such, so the metaphysical explanation doesn't hold weight. They get filled usually through volatility and a large enough data set.

>> No.18988925

i'm out

>> No.18989831

>contracts based off of a floating value currency must adhere to the laws of physics
Lol desu

>> No.18990034

because king nigger's exchange got (((DDOS'D))) and FIAT exchanges bought the dip.

there was only 28 million contracts of liquidity on the bid side before mex shut down with many millions still in the liquidation engine. BTC could have seen 0 on that dump. Unironically.

>> No.18990132

your moms gap is geting filled

>> No.18990669

That was the fucking pump you dumb cunt. 3.8k to 10.3k in 2 months. It’s going down to 3.5k then running hard into 2021 and beyond.