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File: 133 KB, 1127x748, 054F0791-5E37-40C3-A80C-3D93CFAC81EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18983540 No.18983540 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18983598

you sv fags still bullish on the court case? ahahhahaha

>> No.18983672
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I'm catching up now.
Have you read this filing yet? Holy shit.

>> No.18983690

Craig Wright is a Chinese asset.

>> No.18983736

what outcome of this case benefits someone against craig though?
if he wins you lose if he loses you lose

>> No.18983739

Start reading the pdf mate. I'm a few pages in. Becoming more bullish by the second.

>> No.18983775

if he loses nothing happens if he wins i will eat my hat

>> No.18983846

>craig will lose because there is proof he was in a partnership with dave kleiman
>he has nothing to give
>craig will win because there's no way he was in a partnership with dave kleiman
>you will eat your hat

are you retarded?

>> No.18984031

dude craig will lose by default because he was bullshitting the court for like 2 years non stop.
and nothing will happen aside from me eating my hat either way because he doesn't have any bitcoins aside from the 14 he got stuck in gox.

>> No.18984064
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This gets better and better!


>> No.18984095
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Going on the fucking offensive at last.


>> No.18984114

for craig to lose he will have proved he was in a partnership with dave kleiman that mined 10mm bitcoins, how retarded are you?

>> No.18984149

not really he will pretty much lose by default

>To this day, Dr. Wright has not complied with the Court’s orders compelling discovery on May 14 and June 14.
>Rather, as described above, the evidence establishes that he has engaged in a willful and bad faith pattern of obstructive behavior, including submitting incomplete or deceptive pleadings, filing a false declaration, knowingly producing a fraudulent trust document, and giving perjurious testimony at the evidentiary hearing.
>Dr. Wright’s conduct has prevented Plaintiffs from obtaining evidence that the Court found relevant to Plaintiffs’ claim that Dr. Wright and David Kleiman formed a partnership to develop Bitcoin technology and to mine bitcoin.
>Plaintiffs have also been prejudiced by not being able to try to trace the bitcoin that was mined.
>His conduct has wasted substantial amounts of the Court’s and the Plaintiffs’ time and resources. It has unnecessarily protracted this litigation.

>I have found that Dr. Wright intentionally submitted fraudulent documents to the Court, obstructed a judicial proceeding, and gave perjurious testimony.


>willful and bad faith pattern of obstructive behavior
>submitting incomplete or deceptive pleadings
>filing a false declaration
>knowingly producing a fraudulent trust document
>giving perjurious testimony

>> No.18984216

if anyone thinks the judge improved his opinion on craig since that order or his odds are better now gonna be in for a surprise.

>> No.18984230

you're a lying fag

>> No.18984267
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Read the latest pdfs moron. Ira's entire claim (bar one ground) is time barred. Even if they were not, he comes nowhere near to evidencing any of his allegations. The burden of proof is a high one and is not met.
Satoshi has applied to prevent the judge's negative findings put before the jury.

Ira may well lose this by default. A lot of this turns on a technical point- was notice of the Australian proceedings served by the state's Central Authority.

>> No.18984268

indeed asset is a strong word i would use tool

>> No.18984289

doesn't matter man, craig will lose it at thsi point even if ira doesn't get what he wants. and probably will not get anything anyhow the lawyers gonna be fat tho.

>> No.18984293
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You can't sit on a claim for fucking years then expect the court to require the other side to prove your allegations.

>> No.18984312
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How is he so based?

>> No.18984334

the case is about Ira kleiman saying craig wright owes him half a million bitcoins he alleges were mined in a partnership between wright and dave kleiman.
from your point of view it is impossible for craig to lose this case as you think there is no way craig mined 1,000,000 bitcoins that early

>> No.18984337

you can't submit forged documents wither without being held in contempt being slapped with the legal expenses and some penalties.

>> No.18984359

none of that matter becasue nobody can prove those coins exist.
what matter is will craig pay for iras lawyers and will he see jail or not.

>> No.18984363
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>Ira's claim in danger of being struck out entirely.
>Wright reserving his right to seek relief for this wasteful, costly exercise.
You're in for a bad time.

>> No.18984389

craig never mined anything btw he is a gox baby
he bought all his bitcoins on gox then defrauded the ato and tried to pull the same shit on the kleimans

>> No.18984420

we will see but i would give it 805 that craig gets slammed with all expenses and some extra for wasting court time.

>> No.18984454

80% damn

>> No.18984460

>none of that matter
the entire court case is about that. If kleiman can't prove those coins are owned by a partnership between dave and craig then craig wins.
Are you fucking retarded?
if that is true then craig wins

>> No.18984505

>the entire court case is about that.
never said it was not all bullshit. but man you see this all wrong. this court case is a publicity stunt i wouldn't even be surprised if both sides were in calvins employment.

>> No.18984532

>if that is true then craig wins
no he will lose, because nobody can prove shit and both side claims the same retarded bullshit which the judge can't verify or even have duty to investigate.

>> No.18984549
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It's becoming clearer and clearer that you don't have a clue.

>> No.18984563

you are sub 80 iq.
If you accuse someone of something and you can not prove it you pay not the person you accuse

>> No.18984597

like i said we will see
ahahahah you mad as fuck sorry brainlet you don't understand what this case is about truly. if you think it's about the satoshi coins i can't help you.

>> No.18984654

>the case is Ira kleiman saying craig wright owes him half a million bitcoins he alleges were mined in a partnership between wright and dave kleiman.
you disagree?

>> No.18984709

craig tried to con the kleimans
they got mad and sued him with his own bullshit
end of story

>> No.18984741
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no, for him to lose would require it to be proven to a Jury he is a lying forging perjuring asshole involved in the theft of Daves assets, OR for him to make such a tit of himself, the jury cgaf about proof and will convict him anyway.
I'd guess either would take around 30 mins, max.

>> No.18984753

Waiting for proof from Ira team that CSW has 1mln BTC

>> No.18984809

>sued him with his own bullshit
what is kleiman suing craig for?

>> No.18984881

>wanting more government control of crypto
Craig is a statist cuck who is more than willing to undermine the original crypto ethos if it lets him make more money from his pajeet scamcoin. This alone should prove he's not Satoshi, he's against every value Satoshi advocated for in the whitepaper. This delusional boomer scammer has probably done more damage to crypto with his antics than any other single individual.

>> No.18984916

forget the bitcoins they are a distraction. the legal fees are the only thing substantial in this case. so kleiman will have craig pay for them and preferably serve jail time for the additional fraud that is well documented during the case.
that's the true goal of the kleiman side: punish craig for disrespecting them and david.

>> No.18984952

the team that built bitcoin originally had included Dave in conversations. So, after he died, Dave's brother asserted that he's entitled to an equal share of Craig Wright's BTC, because Craig was also on the original BTC team.

The judge summarily dismissed the case after discovery because Dave's brother, among a litany of other errors and omissions, had already testified in a previous case that Craig and Dave could not have shared liabilities, and without sharing risk you have no claim to share profit.

>> No.18984991

>defendant pays legal fees to plaintiff when plaintiff loses
no sweetie

>> No.18985015

like i said forget the nonexistent made up imaginary bitcoins...
read about how this story began, what craig approached them before the case and you will maybe understand how mad the kleimans are.

>> No.18985041

obviously craig will only pay legal fees when (not if) he loses what the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.18985063

>legal fees are the only thing substantial in this case
nope. Losing this will give Kleiman free reign to go after nChain, who purchased the IP assets stolen from Dave Arguably, in full knowledge they were stolen. creg being declared bankrupt (and prob jailed for perjury/contempt/being allround arsehole) just a side bonus.
>The judge summarily dismissed the case
oh right, we can all go home then. So what case is he now begging for a summary judgement on?

>> No.18985073

if he loses it means there is proof he was in a partnership with dave kleiman mining bitcoins. Which is impossible because #anyonebutcraig #notmysatoshi

>> No.18985100

for the last time -
creg losing this case will prove one thing only.
he's a loser
but, we all knew that anyway

>> No.18985126

This is very possible, maybe even likely.

>> No.18985140

Read the thread and pdfs retard.

Case is time barred and doesn't get off the ground in any event.

Not a chance in hell of proving that Dave developed the IP that resulted in the single patent that was granted before he died anyway.

Ira can fuck off now.

>> No.18985157

>losing a case about a partnership doesn't prove you were in a partnership
I don't know why you guys draw attention to the case. There's no outcome that is good for astroturfed corecucks

>> No.18985166


>> No.18985187

The Australian case was entirely fraudulent, and even then, the notifications were not properly undertaken. They are already revisiting it. Oh fucking dear

>> No.18985210

found the pajeet

The summary judgement is already passed. Nobody is begging for anything. Dave may or may not have had an idea or two, but that isn't the same thing as investing millions in hardware, power bills, and programming time.

The judge also mentioned that Dave had the opportunity to participate materially in the business, and chose not to, leaving Craig to pay 100% of the taxes on the original business. In Australia. The State of Florida, even in the hypothetical case that Ira wins everything, does not have the legal authority to supersede Australian law and compel the transfer of assets across borders.

>> No.18985257
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tonight is thee crash, isn't it?

>> No.18985296

>no good outcome
idk, creg in jail and Calvin with a shitload of lawsuits at his throat. Thats a result, of sorts
I will say this one last time, very slowly.
That. Australian. case. is. fraud.
pure and utter. It is not going to survive even a cursory re-examination, which is EXACTLY what Kleimans law team have just started demanding. And I extremely fucking doubt anyone in the Australian authorities will backing their outlaw citizen

>> No.18985298

>Vision of Freedom
>A blockchain subject to court rulings
The absolute state of cregcucks.

>> No.18985507


>> No.18985664

have you read this yet?
the revised 'tulip trust' list of addresses are being spent
right now

>> No.18985818

There are two possible explanations here.
>Option 1: The (newly supplied) Tulip Trust list of addresses 'locked in Trust' is an invented forgery
>Option 2: See Option 1

>> No.18985890
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>Antonopoulos, who has extensive experience browsing the internet (a less than special skill)

>> No.18985980
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trolls satoshi

>> No.18986017

I suspect the reasoning behind attempting to have Mr Antonopoulos testimony excluded has more to do with >>18985664 than the puerile garbage proferred. Or does Dr Wright have an explanation as to why his 'locked Trust coins' are being spent in coinbase, right fucking now? His PC was hacked, again, perhaps?

>> No.18986130
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Holy crumbing narrative, batman

>> No.18986165
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>Holy crumbing narrative
indeed. The Greeks invented irony y'know

>> No.18986339
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Fake news as usual. Nice try, Greg.

>> No.18986430

>if you win you lose

>> No.18986529
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>gox baby
>because nothing screams newfag like mt. gox

>> No.18986540

b-but.. creg filed those addresses?
he even went to the trouble of removing some addresses that had already been spent - which is unusually careful, by his standards of forgery. Not all of them tho ;) Still, i'm sure if you start filing a load of pish screaming about Greeks calling the fat fraudulent cunt Faketoshi, no-one will notice th fact hat EVERYTHING creg files, claims or says, was, is and remains, bullshit, fucking pure

>> No.18986630
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>satoshi got the keys

>> No.18986702

The only people getting returns from these never ending legal battles are the Kleimans, Craig, Casino Ayre and the lawyers, since they can trade on insider information involving the case.
Meanwhile everyone else scoops up their shit.

>> No.18986952
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Poor Greggles is losing control and the web of lies is all falling apart. He can barely string together a coherent comment anymore.

Just flailing in the dark. Flailing in the dark.

>> No.18986983

Craig, dont you bail on me.

You told me you have access


>> No.18986984

Are the 3 addresses public?
Maybe if they're publicized, the owners can sign more messages like the "fake" 16cou7... address did.

>> No.18987072
File: 484 KB, 924x922, fakeasfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that address was fake you little faggot
we all know it belonged to greg and he set kleiman up to lose by editing this document and sending it to him after hacking craig

>> No.18987231

Did you guys even click the Twitter link?
The 16cou7... address you cited in your pic, as well as >>18986339 did, is 2 year old news, that's 2018 stuff.

The tweet in >>18985664 is about recent stuff, literally dated May 9, 2020 on the courtlistener documents.

And the address list was even updated to remove addresses that have spent coins before Jun 2019. Seems this is from the new sealed list of addresses that wasn't publicized.

The problem being there were 3 more addresses in there that were recently spent (two on Jul 2019, one on Sept 2019).

Which is why I was asking if these addresses could be publicized.

Keep up brainlets.

>> No.18987589

Is he satoshi or not? Is 8 BSV enough to make it & become a citadel resident?

>> No.18987598
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you will need at least 50 BSV

>> No.18987614

don't know but i think antopolus was comparing shadders list (with a bug) to a list craig made
he removed the addresses picked up by the bug probably
>craig is ordered to provide a list of every address he owns
the sealed list includes trust 3 which is also nothing to do with the case as it contains coins mined by craig after dave died
he can probably spend those if he wants as what was spend on those recently spent in jul/sep
corecucks just have nothing as always

>> No.18987677

21!!!! it has always been 21

>> No.18987762
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hahaha Andreas BTFO like the clown he is

>> No.18987799

Why does it matter if Satoshi spends his coins? Why do corecucks care so much about Craig Satoshis coins and trumps taxes?

>> No.18987827
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Calvin seems pretty confident if you ask me.

>> No.18987879
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21 for citadel access.

Unless you are jannie, then 2.1 is enough. Keep in mind you will be permanent underclass, keep our streets clean, mow our lawns and live in a cuckshed though, so not recommended.

>> No.18987936

Why do Corecucks say satoshi is going to jail but satoshis best friend says Ira is. Do corecucks not know how to read?

I have $50k laying around. Should I buy $bsv with it? What kind of citadel access can I get with 258 BSV? Being a citadel jannie would suck.

>> No.18988411
File: 3.01 MB, 1742x918, CitadelSV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do Corecucks say satoshi is going to jail but satoshis best friend says Ira is. Do corecucks not know how to read?
They have to keep up the anti-Craig narrative at all costs. They have to keep the perception alive that total failure is always be imminent and he could go to jail any time, any day! They are literally paid to do that. Leftoids do the same with Trump, doesn't matter if it correlates with reality at all, it's a demoralizing tactic.

>I have $50k laying around. Should I buy $bsv with it? What kind of citadel access can I get with 258 BSV? Being a citadel jannie would suck.

I am not going to give you financial advice, but BSV is the only blockchain that even has a remote chance of mass adoption. Either it becomes the new global financial system, or all of crypto dies. Just like with the internet, it is winner-takes-all. If that happens, BSV will easily 100x-1000x. No other coin has the same possibility. It's not a certain shot, but it's the only shot. That's my opinion, do with that what you will.

However if you already have 258 BSV, you are set whatever happens. You will officially qualify as a citadel landlord, a very privileged position, pic related.

You can increase your stack based on your own confidence in the ecosystem development or you can diversify into precious metals if you haven't already. I like BSV, but I would absolutely recommend also having a fat stack of gold and silver, which are rumored to have a central place in the new paradigm.

>> No.18989712

Bitcoin was not designed by this moron. The dude who designed bitcoin probably never wore a suit in his life. Has any of you even read the white paper? Most of you would sell your soul in a heartbeat for a few gains, I am sure.

>> No.18989764

>Either it becomes the new global financial system, or all of crypto dies. Just like with the internet, it is winner-takes-all.
>Winner take all
>Only BSV can be the winner
The absolute state of cregcucks

>> No.18989975

as if something else can compete with it

>> No.18990117

Latest doc updates: the list of addresses the bonded courier coughed up is an obvious forgery, Craig Wright is dumber than many of us thought possible, and Steve Shadders, if he looks at the data from Andreas' report HAS to realize at this point that he's been bamboozled. Die BSV fags

>> No.18990230
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500$ per hour scam

>> No.18990297

Raspberry pi expert.