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18977490 No.18977490 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18977524

CA has been fucked for 20 years...this really doesnt change anything substantial....

>> No.18977533

Fuck California let it burn

>> No.18977536

good luck selling electric cars to Texas.

>> No.18977552

Elon is absolutely based

>> No.18977554

how convenient, Nevada has much lower taxes too! Man elon really cares about me though, and not the agenda the other elites give him. Golly, I'll take his brain chip anyday :)

>> No.18977555

Can't believe it took him this long. I'd just the mexicans to do it If I were him. Mutts are lazy & dumb

>> No.18977556

Morons will buy them regardless. Teslas are the iphones of the automobile industry, people will always line up to buy the stupid things for npc social bragging points.

>> No.18977581

Texas is going to be far more robust in the coming depression and potential civil war.

>> No.18977597

People will stop lining up to buy Teslas as soon as they stop lining up to buy iphones. You can see where I'm going with this.

>> No.18977620

austin basedboys will buy it

>> No.18977627

Smooth brain /pol/ tard detected.

>> No.18977654

by the amount of autistic shit he is posting recently, he just must be a regular 4chan user. there is no way around it

>> No.18977669


hopefully this will be a wakeup call to all of the corrupt politicians, this is based af

>> No.18977674

/pol/ is always right faggot

>> No.18977703


Just because its manufactured in Texas doesn't mean they are aiming for their target market to be only in Texas you retard

>> No.18977716

Elon Musk is unironically becoming a leader in free thought. I've started to follow him closely ever since the first time he went on joe rogan. what's insane is that reddit basedboys get wet over Elon and have for some time now, but in due time that will no longer be the case and he's going to be labeled no differently than any other non-liberal cuck because of his differing, but honest opinions.

>> No.18977728

>We CaN dO wHaTevEr We WaNt FoReVeR aNd PeOpLe WiLl HaVe To MoVe HeRe BeCaUsE We'Re CaLiFoRnIa

>> No.18977752

you know you can ship around the cars right?

>> No.18977759

Damn. If only it were possible to buy and sell goods across state lines...

>> No.18977765

of course not.
But if you remove your factories from California you lose all of your privileges being in that states. Teslas are going to be taxed out the butthole trying to sell to it's largest consuming state leaving room for a competitor to take over.

>> No.18977770

you can already see on hacker news that the tranny fags have started to reject him. i expect one of the big corporate feigning as a startup, probably chink brand, will come capture hearts and minds of dickless fag ev market

>> No.18977796


>> No.18977806
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>> No.18977814


>> No.18977820

What are you talking about. He is talking about moving his manufacturing factory.

>> No.18977836


t. the year 1997

>> No.18977843


California is literally the center for tech innovation in the US, one of the largest economies in the world and funds dozens of money losing red states

the absolute state of delusional drumpf cucks

>> No.18977847

>he doesn’t like the Halo Warthog

>> No.18977868

If you worked for tesla, he's doing you a huge favor because now you'll be able to afford a house that's at least 10x bigger on the same salary.

>> No.18977886

yeah dude and Rome was the greatest empire on earth until it wasn't. what's your point retard? do you pay attention to California at all? they've been in decline for some time now and this virus might be the last thing to send that shithole state into a deep depression with how long the politicians will close the state for. NY and the east coast will be back at work for an entire month before cali goes back to work. screenshot this post

>> No.18977896

100% he is

>> No.18977903

I live in texas and I see Teslas on the road all the time
you underestimate how purple this state has become, go to DFW, Austin, or Houston and its no different from other major citites
besides Houston being a massive shithole post-Katrina

>> No.18977913

That's not how it works retard. The US constitution specifically prohibits states from regulating or taxing interstate commerce.

>> No.18977921

It's been in decline for some time, too expensive to keep the young talent. Plus you need laborers to build them and poor and middle-class are being priced out of Cali en masse

>> No.18977926

I think Cali politics are retarded but you are misinformed. Businesses are already reopening in California. We are currently in Phase 2.

>> No.18977929

>California is literally the center for tech innovation in the US
t. ive never travelled to austin or dallas and i live in the tenderloin

>> No.18977944

>car maker
Pick one

>> No.18977950

Good. Now we need to do the same with film industry. Move it to Texas and get out of the kike'd lefty bubble.

>> No.18977964

Musk has been pissed about the whole lockdown situation. Now this.

>> No.18977975
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>> No.18977978

I hope Tesla becomes the new Apple.

>> No.18977986

Learn how to green text newfag

>> No.18977989

Cybertruck anhihilates even the biggest F150.
Just bundle them up with a 400V diesel generator.

>> No.18977995

california "reopening" is allowing takeout and curbside business..... which is already what the rest of the united states has been doing since this started......... and we're still going downhill.......... again.... california will be the last state to actually go back to normal, and it's going to happen long after everyone else does it because everybody in that state is a corrupt asshole. i feel bad for the people living there, but also not really because you retards get exactly what you voted for.

>> No.18978003

All the people who are at risk from corona are net drains on the economy.

>> No.18978011


And where are they lining up? Down San Francisco? EV’s are for fags, they’re 3% of auto sales and they need excessive government gibs and regulation to stimulate demand.

>> No.18978014
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you have to go back

>> No.18978018

Elon is based as fuck, all the shrimp dick haters are pretty pathetic. Also, fuck California it is satisfying watching those lefty pieces of shit fall apart

>> No.18978032
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Look at the cope on this guy

>> No.18978048

Good goy

>> No.18978061


Is this a joke?

>> No.18978067
File: 148 KB, 1000x956, AE5870FE-BE99-4C84-8FAD-7F21ECF70531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fall apart
C O P E. you’ll never know what it’s like to be a chad in California

>> No.18978086

no wonder why your dad left your nagging whore mom

>> No.18978095

Remember when suddenly every company had to have a social conscience? That’s because people don’t like shopping with sociopaths. Musk is revealing his sociopathic tendencies and it’s not going to end well for him.

>> No.18978101

implying you are a chad in commiefornia, KEK

>> No.18978124

Remember when suddenly you were a sociopath if you ran your businesses like businesses rather than adult daycares somehow also responsible for the home lives and private ambitions of your employees?

>> No.18978126

you're on biz and finance board talking about living like a chad in a state that charges minimum 2x more for everything than the rest of the country. you're not a chad dude you're a goy cashcow being held hostage by a state government lmao nice fucking cope you can literally just travel like 100 miles east and save atleast half your paychecks but you dont like money i guess

>> No.18978132

They already hate him.

>> No.18978133

elon was a freeloader

what's funny are the rest of you buttblasted retards that think california a state should cowtow to business and keep a monopoly on this new industrial revolution.
its only right for them to scare away these type of robber barrons so that they have to figure out how to work in other states.
focusing that much capital in one state will only over turn political process, even more than we've already seen.

>> No.18978177

>Sperglord CEO cant wait out a pandemic and rants about moving manufacturing and uprooting employees (if he even bothers to bring them along)

Haha yah based, its so cool when he says things

>> No.18978179

I'm not a socialist, so the robber baron meme holds no weight with me because I recognize that the actual robber batons of history did not operate on the basis of consenting trade, and that was what made them robbers. Because that's the difference between robbery and trade

>> No.18978180

Texas is a lead producer in wind energy. The green industry is like any other industry, in that it thrives under free markets, and dies off in Communists shitholes.

>> No.18978184

I agree. He has a bit of a "celebrity" status right now, but when the excitement and memes wear off, he's going to be hated for being too "offensive" and not "progressive" enough. I fucking hate people so much

>> No.18978186

> leader in free thought.
No he’s a follower of autistic, brainlet thought. He’s with the crowd that has absolutely no response to x6 deaths per day in April in nyc compared to any other month/year. People who still think covid is a cold will phase themselves out (or die) and become the “old, racist grandpas” and crazy uncles of tomorrow.

>> No.18978209


Alameda County Deaths: 70

Alameda County Population: 1.67 million

Mortality rate: 0.00004191616

>> No.18978216

Silicon Valley was built when Republicans ran California

>> No.18978220

So they'll become the people with the moral courage to speak the truth regardless of who listens or what stigmas and slander the electric jew heaps on them? Sounds pretty based to me.

>> No.18978237

this is just a horrible post, can't and don't want to even bother replying. maybe somebody else will.

>> No.18978245

Is he mad that he has to give workers some rights and good treatment again?

>> No.18978246

the basis of consenting trade relies on equal information and faculties.
robber barrons violate that even on the basis of classical liberal tenets.
throwing out half the philosophy because its best for your boss doesn't make you smart or your opinion valid.

>> No.18978251

There's been curbside and takeout since the beginning.

>> No.18978255

I hope the stock dumps again so that my puts print and I can buy cheap calls again (also still holding my calls which are 45% up from his last tweet)

>> No.18978282

>leader in free thought
you don't see the inherent contradiction in this do you?

>> No.18978288

who is "california"? do you think a billionaire with private intelligence agencies at his disposal is getting fucked over by a low level incompetent bureaucrat? he could just as easily be orchestrating this health commissioner to obstruct his affairs in california so he could justify moving to another state as he could squash her and get what he wants in california.

>> No.18978290

Yup exactly. So I wouldn’t invest with some Don Quiote who wants to fight that windmill. All Elon will succeed with is broad alienation and endearment to redneck illiterates who can’t afford his cars and probably think you catch gay from them anyway.

>> No.18978299

>biggest f150
>multiple ‘sizes’ of f150
What did he mean by this

>> No.18978303

Wrong, because the green industry should have been the only industry by now. We don't need fossil fuels, there should have been a massive effort to electrify everything and phase out all non-green electricity sources starting 20 years ago. Humanity would have been so much better off. But the "free" market prevented that.

>> No.18978351

What truth. Explain 6 times the daily deaths in new york city in April. You can’t, because you are not on the side of truth, you are on the side of uninformed, grumpy, hot take contrarianism.

>> No.18978355

ever see the iq bell curve memes? all liberals are in the middle while the 'conservative republicans' are really just all people on low end iq or absolute genius - the catch though however, it's always the people with average iq that believe they're smarter and more important than everybody else, therefore are more hostile with their opinions because they genuinely don't believe their wrong or simply are unable to understand differing ideas and perspective.

>I fucking hate people so much
this is what happens when there's no conflict in a major super-power country that is also "free". the lack of conflict divides us against each other rather than unite us against a common enemy (last time this happened was 9/11), so we're really just seeing a bunch of pointless arguing over policies that really don't matter long-term because if you couldn't tell the SJW politics has died down a lot since this virus started - and if we went to war with somebody they'd go away altogether. TLDR, peace creates weak onions liberal men. this is why the kid with rich parents growing up becomes a democrat because he's known nothing other than handouts and feels everybody should have it the same way completely unaware of how politics actually works.

>> No.18978364

0.00250029765 % mortality rate in NY.
0.00006542647 % mortality rate in CA.

Also NY is not the country and treating NY anything like the rest of the country is so asinine it's frustrating even to contemplate. We've hit the plateau already for a month, are we supposed to wait until we see no deaths? What part of the unemployment rate turning into a vertical bar do you not understand? You realize people have to work in order to survive correct?

Also if you've done a modicum of research on how these covid deaths are being counted the mortality rate is even lower, possibly by a great magnitude. Look at the numbers, not the news.

>> No.18978413

You need an economy to pay for fancy left-wing gadgets buddy

>> No.18978414

Not suddenly, bosses like that have always been sociopaths, it's just that for some reason society has accepted it and looked the other way until now.

>> No.18978416

Of course you won’t because there is no good comeback. The numbers are in. All you “just a flu bro” morons are BTFO. You will remain in denial for a bit longer but everyone irl has already lost any respect they might have had left for you and your opinions. Probably some of you will be lynched once deaths really take off and you guys will be seen as the ones to blame. DOTR turned out to be for you, what a twist eh?

>> No.18978433

>fancy left-wing gadgets
What do you even mean?

>> No.18978453

no dude, you're just an idiot lol do you really believe what you type? quit being a government shill and look at research for yourself goy

>> No.18978454


Like what? 12 new food delivery apps? New ways of collecting user data? Maybe like 30 years ago they were the center of tech innovation

>> No.18978490

Green energy is expensive and often ineffective, so you need a large amount of capital to invest into it.

Moreover, the greenest energy is nuclear, which the state is preventing from emerging, not the free market.

>> No.18978498

The innovation of VC scams

>> No.18978502

California peaked between 2005 and 2015.
Costs of living are too high and in the meantime standards are declining, I'm not even talking about the demographics.
You can only keep the bugmen in an illusion for so long.

It will be the new Detroit, give it a few decades.

>> No.18978542

It's good to know Alameda county built that wall, tests everyone who enters, quarantines them until test results come back, and lysols every item that passes through. Hell, otherwise that rate jumps the moment Jose the landscaper coughs at the Tesla security guard.

>> No.18978547

Hong Kong Flu 1968 - 1969

>> No.18978612

The numbers are clear. Every week in nyc there are 1k dead, in total. Go look. Every week. Except in April 2020 when suddenly there were 5k-7k dead per week. That’s what covid does when it is not mitigated by social distancing. Nyc is so crowded that their r0 is very high, but covid isn’t more lethal there, you just get to see the results faster. The same spikes will happen everywhere that doesn’t social distance, only that it will be the monthly or yearly deaths that spike instead of weekly.
You are in deep denial, but the math is very clear.
> b-but we peaked.
No. Nyc peaked, due to hard lock down. Nyc dominated the graph, when they plateau the whole us curve plateaus. But just like when the global graph plateaued with China only to take off again and much more when it spread to the world, the us graph will go from representing nyc to the whole country and will now take off again. The three s-shapes you will see on the global curve are 1) china 2) global hotspots (nyc, italy, spain, a few more) and then 3) the world. We are currently in phase 2, where the hot spits plateau, get ready for phase 3 which is the big one.

>> No.18978619

Funny you say that green energy is expensive, when nuclear is in fact perhaps the most expensive power source we know of. Therefore it is not the state that is preventing it, it is again the free market. It is so expensive that it is not profitable. I agree that it is still green and should therefore be built regardless, though.
But renewable power like hydro, wind and solar on the other hand can be remarkably cheap if built in suitable locations, in fact sometimes the cheapest of all.

The ideal energy infrastructure consists of a nuclear powered base load, and a mix of renewable energy suitable for the local geography to supply extra power when needed. There can be installed batteries in most homes to help balance the grid as well. Since all cars would be electric we could actually just plug those into the grid to serve that purpose.

>> No.18978626

Who cares, it kills fat people and niggers

>> No.18978644

Musk is openly moderate, he is by no means a conservative so don't politicize it.

>> No.18978662

So you have researched and found some good counter to 6 times increase to daily deaths? Maybe colds will do that, sometimes? Sorry, but you are the idiot who needs to research and stop putting your head in the sand just because so many others are too chicken to face the truth, preferring to pretend it is not true that their world is about to change in a big way.

>> No.18978666

>going to hit 80k of deaths today
>even with massive global pandemic response
>people will still say its a hoax

Does your neck hurt from holding up your massive brain all day?

>> No.18978676

patients that already have a terminal illness and compromised immune systems - these are the people you hear about in the news '''''dying''''' from coronavirus, when the reality is these people already had limited time and a compromised immune system. hospitals are rewarded with federal funding if they report coronavirus deaths/infections. SO, you have Anon with stage 4 cancer who's already going to die in 1-2 months anyway because of his terminal illness - he then catches coronavirus at the hospital because he has a compromised immune system - and when he dies the hospitals are then STILL reporting this as a coronavirus death. do you not see how fucking skewed this is? how can you still trust the numbers USA puts out? USA stats right now are the complete opposite of china. china lied about everything to keep their numbers low and USA is lying about everything to keep numbers high lmao. compare USA to Sweden, a country that has done nothing for coronavirus and is perfectly okay - then tell me this virus is still worth destroying our economy over

>> No.18978687


> can be remarkably cheap if built in suitable locations,

Except those locations are few and far between, and are nowhere near the amount to power cities

You can blame the free market all you want, the fact of the matter is that new technologies are extremely expensive and need large amounts of capital.

If all that money thrown at 'green energy' was instead thrown at nuclear, there wouldn't be any problems

>> No.18978688

>openly moderate
He competes for government contracts. He has to say he's moderate.

It's clear he's a techno-fascist

>> No.18978695

do you think liberals care what you consider yourself politically? do you think that will save anybody from mob mentality? trump considered himself democrat in the 90s but in 2010s he's now a """" nazi""""

>> No.18978698

So you're literally saying that the populace is too retarded for rights and needs to be forced to do what you say is beneficial to them and get what you say they deserve and should want, and you're calling anyone else a robber or anti- consent. I'd being an adult and not having a mental disability is no longer enough to qualify someone to make decisions, your worldview is innately impractical and literally no system will actually fix the problems you're fabricating, ever.

>> No.18978726

>Also if you've done a modicum of research on how these covid deaths are being counted the mortality rate is even lower, possibly by a great magnitude. Look at the numbers, not the news.

If every year from 2010-2019 you had 100 people die within the a given time period, then in 2020 you had 200 people die, how many died of COVID?

Say you identified the 100 suspiciously lung-afflicted corpses but only had resources to test 50, then they all test positive. Now how many died?

The objectively correct way to count COVID deaths in this situation is that it's directly responsible for between 50 and 100 deaths.

Then you realize, indirectly, maybe 50 car accidents or wagie suicides or opioid overdoses were avoided, while maybe another 50 otherwise treatable heart attacks and strokes became fatal because the patients were scared to go to the hospital. That gives you approximately a wash on indirect deaths.

>> No.18978733


Everyone who is saying that we need to be strong armed in order to be protected is an enemy of the Constitution and the spirit in which the USA was founded.

>> No.18978751

Trump is different now than the 90s. He decided to go xenophobic and racist to win votes and make headlines.

>> No.18978770

who cares about tesla
it's not even a profitable company

>> No.18978782

Yes, covid blows the honk kong flu out the water. Go look at the numbers.
Do you even remember how the market pumped when Trump revised the projection down to 60,000 dead? They obviously believed him. Well, 60k was a whike ago, we’ll have hundreds of thousands of deaths from covid before this is over, a projection that when Trump presented it caused the market to dump, mind you, it’s why he hurredly changed it to 60k, but that was just a lie, based on a model with no credibility but a politically expedient result. Seriously, go look at the covid graphs and take off your wishful thinking rose tinted glasses. Turn off “logarithmic” which only tricks you into thinking there’s a slowdown. What you really see in those graphs are improvements to r0 from lock downs, but until it gets r0 to below 1 it’s just making the train crash go in slow motion, it’s not saving lives (well it is, because flatten the curve, but that’s only cutting down on the needless deaths, the inevitable death will march on).

>> No.18978795
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>> No.18978807

Well, you’re a fat nigger, so you should care.

>> No.18978814

love when people say hes a xenophobe for closing the borders. these same people should just leave their front doors open at night for homeless people to enter or you're obviously just a bigot elite classist

>> No.18978827

What this means is that even if you lift the lockdown, as long as people are afraid of visiting restaurants or hotels, you still have maybe 20 lives saved by unemployed bartenders staying home. And maybe another 20 Boomers dying because they don't want to catch Kung Flu at the hospital when they go in to be treated for chest pain.

The direct and indirect deaths can only be solved by getting a handle on the virus. If you let it grow unconstrained, direct and indirect/fear-related deaths both grow in magnitude. Exponentially.

>> No.18978860

Tesla isn't that expensive, luddite-fag.

>> No.18978881

Your opinion is testable. If only people who would have died anyway die from covid, then the total deaths in nyc will be far below the average 1k per week for the coming months and the yearly average will not end up having moved. You can keep tabs on how right or wrong you are in the coming weeks. If you are wrong I suggest you seriously reevaluate how well your reasoning faculties work for you. Care to estimate the odds that you are right?

>> No.18978901

I almost came when i read this
Does this mean tesla will pay taxes to texas instead of california now? Not from the us so not sure how that stuff works

>> No.18978922

You pay taxes where headquarters are.

>> No.18978934

You are going to make it.

>> No.18978959
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>> No.18978970


Any person who isn't retarded knows that. Cali caries the rest of the country and has innovating tech industry leading the entire fucking world.

>> No.18978981
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California "chad"!

>> No.18978988

the bubble already popped if you even bothered just to do basic research - we've been 2 weeks behind italy/spain this entire time. I sometimes forget that not everybody is like me and researches shit to the extent that i do. but will do anon, what do i get when you're wrong?

>> No.18979000
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jkksdfnbsdfbhikbyuiorfsaewsrfhnjilfd hjsdfbhuiasdfbhiusdfbyhiuasdfbhiuasdbhiasdfbhibhuiasdf

>> No.18979010

You didn't reply to my point. NY is not CA, and certainly not the rest of the country. If I was over 75 and lived in downtown NY I would be a little more careful - I'm not denying that. However even then the probability that you will die is extremely low. Do you want me to tell you how you're going to die? How your parents are going to die? Your children? You are going to die from a heart attack, either that or cancer. Deaths from smoking makes covid look like a walk in the park.

The problem is that you don't appreciate the gravity of economic collapse. The country can't just shut down until you feel like it. There is a balance that you must appreciate. The deaths by covid in CA are comical. I'll admit that I was nervous for a while but the facts change all the time and you have to be open to the new evidence. Also, hospitals are now incentivized to report deaths as covid, because hospitals are becoming empty, they're bleeding money and they get money if they report new covid deaths, and to report a covid death you only need to have a patient that coughs - it's a precarious situation.

>> No.18979013
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california is a cesspool of GAY FAGGOTS!


>> No.18979015
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Yeah, I have to admit that this has gone a bit far. If anything, we should be itching to let manufacturing jobs go back while service jobs remain limited. Weird times

>> No.18979054
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color me surprised.
You are still an annoying douche

>> No.18979062

thinking anybody other than the federal government really has any sway on the outcome or direction of our country. yikes. correlation does not mean causation. cali niggers really starting to sound like detroit niggers back in early 2000s lmao.

>> No.18979079

>Sweden, a country that has done nothing for coronavirus and is perfectly okay
sweden has not done nothing, and is not "perfectly okay" retardo

>> No.18979086

california is the greatest state on earth you redneck infested states are fucking garbage no one wants to live in

>> No.18979099

one of my bestfriends literally lives in sweden lmfao shut up random i literally here from a swedish citizen about their policies and local news headlines. fuck outa here.

>> No.18979114
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>are we supposed to wait until we see no deaths?
That's literally what Fauci said has to be done.
Dude just trust the experts and stop asking questions.

>> No.18979121


Musk and his buddy Thiel are in all likelihood techno fascists. at least in their hearts.

Also moderate = republican. If you look at party identification and voting the republicans always win non party identifying voters. In other words the average person who votes democrat is much more likely to self identify as a democrat than the average person who votes republican.

This is because for dems/liberals being liberal is a morality thing. To them it's immoral to not be liberal. For republican voters they are more likely to be making a rational chose to vote republican rather than a moral one.

>> No.18979135

Elon is too unpredictable to the point where his collapse will be just as fast as his rise. It seems as if this Grimes individual has affected his work greatly. If only he could just shut the fuck up and stay focused instead of ranting on Twitter.

>> No.18979142

congrats on having a best friend but i'm from sweden too, and i know our situation better than you do. saying we have done nothing and that we're perfectly okay is not accurate

>> No.18979146

The average perception and the objective truth settle around a 1% fatality rate. And while plenty of people are fine rolling the dice on that, plenty of other people are not.

Which means the decision between a lockdown and no lockdown is a restaurant with 0% traffic and a restaurant with 50% traffic. In either circumstance, the place goes bankrupt.

Until you fix the virus, you cannot fix the (waiter and bartender) economy.

And some degree of lockdown is a necessary but insufficient step to fixing the virus. Universal masks, testing, and non-domestic quarantine are one option. Fractally closed borders are the other.

>> No.18979160

I am a bi woried. She is clearly wild and has had a bad influence on him. I hope he's not doing too many drugs or weird spiritual practices.

I've dated the psycho bipolar art chick before. They're fun in an adventurous sort of way, but they will fuck you up.

>> No.18979165
File: 56 KB, 960x492, 1588782567105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're under 50, you're 6 times more likely to die drowning in a bathtub than you are from Covid19 .

>> No.18979166

Except for this shit

>> No.18979178

You have “researched” this and still believe that the curve looks the same regardless of lockdown measures? You think we would stay two weeks behind Italy without lockdowns? Yes, covid can be defeated by lockdown, that’s the good news. The bad news is that seeing it work, dumb people think it’s over. The virus won’t be gone from circulation until we have a vaccine, so every time we open back up, so does the virus.
Or maybe you think Italy has reached herd immunity and that we will as well in two weeks? Because that’s not even remotely true.
Now, show me a link from your “research” with numbers that indicate covid is about to be over. Please don’t bring up Sweden, Swedes trying to have a mosh pit looks like social distancing to the rest of the world, plus they are doing a bunch of measures, and STILL there is no signs of their deaths slowing down (this becomes especially clear if you are capable of reading Swedish news). It just goes slowly due to low pop / square mile, but compare them to Norway and Finland to see what effects proper lockdowns have, and remember that Sweden will ALWAYS fail to act on existential threats in time (see immigration).

>> No.18979182

Its actually fucking heartbreaking
The CA I grew up in was rich and had smoking hot women everywhere you looked
Skinny, white, tattoo and hair dye free. If a girl had a bellybutton piercing she was out there
Now, despite all the wealth, there is fucking nothing left. It's a wasteland of loser beta males up north and faggot pedophiles in LA.

Every time I go back to visit it's like watching your best high school friend drink himself to death because he just cant cope with reality. The definition of a tragedy.

>> No.18979186

>tfw importing millions of rapists is the "moral" thing

>> No.18979187

Fucking dumb bitch right folks.

>> No.18979195

dude that's nine years old. why would you have that lmao

>> No.18979197

I feel so sad for Musk. Imagine how many millions he's losing because of that fascist state won't let his employees work.

>> No.18979199

You're on a business and finance board but don't understand potential exponential growth? Please never post again.

>> No.18979205

Except, COVID19 is not manageable risk, so why add risk?

>> No.18979208

Not if I’m infected, so not if we end lockdowns. You are delusional if you think I run a 1/500 risk of drowning in the bath tub. Do you seriously think one out of every 500 adults with a bath tub drown in it?

>> No.18979213

You can't just nock out one leg of the economy and it not have ripple effects. Yes it starts with low level employment in the service and hospitality industries, but the pain trickles up into higher paying industries too. For instance what happens when the global Ad market shrinks by 30%. Those high paid silicon valley engineers make all their money from gold.

Oil is another great example of a high paying industry that is being decimated. Yes it will start with the shit tier workers, but people higher up the food chain are already starting to feel the pain.

>> No.18979233

Don't look at me. I'm basically a fascist. I don't think there's anything moral about killing your own race.

>> No.18979249

3 of the 6 soi-wojacks in my pic (you)'d me.
I still got it

>> No.18979257

There are people who seriously defend the idea of forcing an economic shutdown because of a flu. The absolute state of humanity 2020.

>> No.18979265

True, and that just raises the stakes.

People are not going on road trips or taking flights because of the virus. You can trash some credibility with propaganda and try to pretend it's under control, which gets you maybe back to 70% traffic for two months. But then you're back worse than when you started as people realize it's not just a flu, even for youngfags, and the virus has spread to more places.

The only way to fix the economy is to fix the virus.

>> No.18979300

I live in Cali we're doing fine

>> No.18979331

The government and media are only influencing the shutdown, the virus is what's primarily forcing it.

People are individually choosing to roll the dice on a 1 in 500 fatality rate (if they're in their 20's) or a 1 in 20 (if they're 65+), adjusted for their local infection rate.

No infection, no shutdown.

>> No.18979333

> You didn't reply to my point
My apologies. The difference between NYC and CA/rest of country is density, which affects r0 but not lethality. It just means the deaths come quicker and that new york is at bigger risk of overwhelming hospitals before having a chance to build capacity. But without lockdowns, r0 is still well over 1 in the whole country/world and the deaths are inevitable as a result. The death chart will follow the local r0, without lockdown it will inexorably keep doubling, local conditions only affect the speed of doubling infections/deaths. In other words, without lockdowns about 1% of your population will die from covid, the only question is if it takes years or months.

>> No.18979335

Last year the Flu killed ~35,000 completely and utterly unmitigated as it spread throughout the US. Presently this virus has killed close to 80,000 after a mandatory shutdown of the entire country and emergency measures to prevent its outward spread as well as zero methods to manage said spread. We are dealing with a daily uptick of deaths nearing 1,000, and all of this is in the middle of freezing everything in place, preventing international travel, closing schools down across the board, and enacting all kinds of security measures SOLELY to keep that number as low as feasibly possible. "Just a Coof" isn't an argument when it's clear that ignoring this would literally only lead to a wildfire worse than just about anything we've seen prior. You can wait a few weeks to get your haircut or go to a movie theater.

>> No.18979337

Hey I have an idea
If you're in the high risk group(old, asthma, obese etc.), if you live in downtown NY.....DON'T FUCKING EAT IN THE RESTAURANT. GET TAKEOUT. DON'T SEE THE MOVIE. QUARANTINE.

>> No.18979343
File: 756 KB, 1440x2960, m3ypeM7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TSLA is a fraudulent company. Anyone that's bullish on TSLA deserves what's coming. SVP of Power Train and Energy Engineering exercised stock options that don't expire until 2026....

>> No.18979357

Everybody already had the nothingburger back in February and March. The world is going to the beach.

You can stay inside your toilet paper fort if you want. Nobody cares.

>> No.18979358

You were only pretending to be retarded then? (With your 1/500 adults die in a bathtub argument)

>> No.18979383


It's a communist state there's an important difference. Kind of annoying how fascism has become a catch all for all authoritarian governments.

Also you're comparing the current death rate which is only this low because of extreme mitigation efforts. If this thing was let loose we would lose at least 1% of the population if not more due to the break down of the healthcare system.

Everything that's happening is pretty insane. It looks like total U.S infections will move sideways for awhile with 2-3k deaths a day for the summer. I fully expect things to take off once winter hits. Our leaders know that opening up now will mean 2k-3k deaths a day, but have decided the economy is worth it.

I think the fundamental problem is debt. The debt must be serviced. Think about alternative economic systems like communism or fascism. In USSR the gov would just shut the whole economy down for 3 months and then open it again later with little consequence, because there arn't any capitalists or bankers that need to be serviced in a communist system. Moving into a low consumption mode for a few months isn't a problem for them, but it's devastating to a capitalist system.

>> No.18979385

>holding tesla this high up
they were bound to die and no one buys new cars in this economy. California will only die if all the farms go

>> No.18979398

It has a huge economy because it has a huge population.

>> No.18979409

>the virus is what's primarily forcing it.
No, the police state is what's forcing the shutdown.

>> No.18979411

trash cars

>> No.18979412

>farms go
wines and nuts don't feed the country retard

>> No.18979425

This is the part where /pol/ always being right comes into play. Conscientious Vermonters can obey simple rules like that.

The 20% of the country that's Hispanic? The 15% that's Black? Ha fucking ha.

>> No.18979434

The absolute state of golems.

>> No.18979436

Straight up numbers, bro. Look them up.

Under 50, you're 6 times more likely to die drowning in a bathtub any day of the week than you are likely to die even if you're confirmed corona infected.

Have fun wearing a mask in car for some reason!

>> No.18979454

I’m a Swede you fårskalle, you have zero fucking idea what you’re talking about. Tegnell’s position (guy in charge of Sweden’s policy) is not that’s “it’s just a flu bro”, it’s that yeah, Sweden is fucked alright, but so is everyone else because lockdowns only postpone the bloodbath. All you delusional fucks looking to Sweden for hope, not realizing they serve nothing but the blackest pill.

>> No.18979456

Everyone in the country isn't going to contract covid. Not to mention a vaccine. Also, you have yet to divulge your plan on when to open up and why.

>> No.18979470

i rly wonder (((who))) is behind this post

>> No.18979472

Half of the deaths are from nursing homes, which didn't shut down. At least a quarter of the deaths aren't even COVID, just labeled COVID.

>> No.18979479

That’s their biggest industry, as if California would cry about the car industry leaving

>> No.18979480
File: 43 KB, 446x596, 1588796190611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone who denies this being a thing thinks the only one it affects is themselves.
Its apparently not important to consider you can get infected, and if you dont die from it, your parents or whoever you interact with can be put through the gauntlet, and if they dont die and you dont have to deal with that blood on their hands, whoever they interact with can stand getting sick too. and it goes on and on and on.

And you can be infected and not know it, and spread it.
And how the virus can latch onto moisture you exhale.
And how it can live on surfaces abnormally long.
And how its constantly mutating and that might not necessarily mean its mutating to be less deadly.

As for Musk, hes a loud obnoxious rich man who's self-destructing during a quarantine that the whole globe is putting up with.
Quoting the Chinese Manufacturing plant as being an example of sustainable operation? yeah fucking right. Can you imagine how loose regulations and employee QoL is over there? China's feeding bullshit numbers to everyone but their factory has their shit together?
Companies like Amazon and meat-packing industries that ARE operating during this are starting to fall apart. But apparently we should prioritize luxury vehicle manufacturing during a pandemic

He needs to learn to deal, or he can gladly leave to some other state.

>> No.18979482
File: 190 KB, 800x600, tslainvestors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

California is on its last legs retard. Homelessness has skyrocketed, middle class has shrunk, and companies and rich people are fleeing.

>> No.18979484

Epic response, 'pede. Now go back to marching on your Governor's office to protest not being able to get your consumer products and luxury services. It's all about your freedoms!

Provide a single source for either of those claims.

>> No.18979487

the government is the media

cult of personality

>> No.18979491

>I know a guy from there so i'm an expert on their situation
Doesn't get more MUTT posting than this

>> No.18979493

yeah, but this wont be true in 10 years

>> No.18979557

You, uh, you realize those Stanford Santa Clara and LA antibody studies used a test with a 1% false positive rate and came up with a 1.5% positive rate, right?

Yeah, eating a 1% fatality rate (especially among the Medicare/SS crowd) isn't the worst thing ever. Where you have trouble is the less-than-temporary hit from people not doing the restaurant/vacation rigmarole because they personally don't want to get it.

Then you have the extra risk of mutations after running something through 200 million viral replicators in a single country. A single antibody-obsoleting change and everyone runs the gauntlet again (hopefully with a lower mortality rate but you never know).

Debt or economic systems might be less of a problem than the mutlicultural nation problem. Taiwan or South Korea are plenty capitalist but have managed things relatively fine.

>> No.18979561

This guy laws

>> No.18979575

Check the timing on flight volumes or OpenTable reservation volume relative to lockdown dates. For the most part the "police state" has been playing catchup to peoples' behavior.

>> No.18979579

Is porn worse than coronavirus?

>> No.18979596

Governor of Texas
Status: Happening


>> No.18979630

If you're not noticing that he's supporting whatever the fuck is profitable for him, you're low IQ. He's a conman and the only reason his business is "profitable" is government support.

>> No.18979640

You are so fucking retarded...
Yearly drowning accidents in us (bath tub or no), all ages: 3,536
Dead from covid so far during a couple months of active outbreak in the 25-34 years category: 796. In the 45-55 category: 2,262.
So, 10 deaths per day drowning, all age categories and >20 deaths per day covid in the <50 years of age category.
“Just look at the number bro” gtfo you btfo retard.

>> No.18979659
File: 338 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20200509-163807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah ok dude...

People are heading back outside and you're powerless to stop it. Nobody cares about your hysterical faggotry anymore.

>> No.18979670

>Debt or economic systems might be less of a problem than the mutlicultural nation problem. Taiwan or South Korea are plenty capitalist but have managed things relatively fine.

In my mind multiculturalism/multiracialism are part of capitalism or perhaps better called neo-liberalism. Capitalist desire for new workers and new markets is one of the main driving forces of woke politics. That and Jews desu.

Social democracy is basically just fascism. Most of the social democratic policies come from fascist Germany and Italy. Countries that are homogenous are more able to make decisions that hurt the economy but benefit the people.

>> No.18979680

I'm saying if you're high risk then be careful. If you've crunched the numbers and you think you may die, then be careful. The rest of us who are more likely to die from almost any other cause of death conceivable, you're going to be just fine.

>> No.18979683

I'm sure the virus will respect your safe space because of your brave statements on an internet forum.

>> No.18979713

1% extra fatality is kind of a big deal desu. That would over run the hospitals and create massive disruption and suffering.

Also people over 50 have all the power and money in this country. They basically run things. It's stupid to think they don't matter.

>> No.18979727
File: 9 KB, 219x284, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You included over 50, you cheating manipulative longnose.

AND EVEN STILL! Your fake pandemic was barely higher than bathtub drowning.

Everybody look at him and laugh.

>> No.18979731

>comparing hypochondria to the Wuhan Hangover

Actually, yeah you're right. Go outside and suck in that air real deep.

>> No.18979734

thats not what i was saying.
learn to read.

>> No.18979742

See >>18978726 for why the "with" vs "because" distinction is pretty meaningless.

Agreed that nursing homes are a problem, but it's not addressable because old people have political influence and can't bear to have any constraints imposed upon them.

If 50% of people get back to life as usual, you still have bankrupt restaurants, dude. That's how margins work in those industries.

The thing to keep in mind is it's influenced by infection rate. If one person in your state has the virus, yeah, you're gonna die from a swimming pool. If 50% of them do, that means you'll catch it if you go outside, you're looking at the 0.2-15% mortality depending on your age & comorbidities. It's a non-linear process.

>> No.18979753

Lol, California just changed the rules for Tesla


>> No.18979758

>duuuuude people already die from alcohol so ummmmm why not make heroin legal too
That's your argument right now. Just because people already die doesn't mean more people should also die and we should do nothing to prevent it.

>> No.18979778

>elected officials bend the knee to their corporate overlord
Oh say can you seeee

>> No.18979787

> Everyone in the country isn't going to contract covid.
That’s why I said 1% of the population dies instead of 2%

> Not to mention a vaccine.
Right, in about a year at best, though probably more, possibly never. But yes, that’s what we have to wait for before lockdowns can end.

> Also, you have yet to divulge your plan on when to open up and why
I also haven’t presented my plans for a perpetual machine, I have only informed you about the second law of thermodynamics. That is, I don’t have a plan, I just know the economy is going to be fucked big time and there’s nothing anyone has come up with that could solve that. It’s a black pill.

>> No.18979814


this desu senpai

>> No.18979817

How based can one man be? He is Trump levels of based, unironically.

>> No.18979818

Why say only 35,000 deaths? This is weak data collection. Corona deaths count as any death in a covid19+ patient. Let's go ahead and double that to say 90,000 flu deaths to account for those who weren't tested, and in corona fashion double it again for the flu+ patients that died of something other than flu giving us 290,000 deaths. This does not fully capture the impact of influenza but it's a good lowball number. The annual flu shot does not cover every strain either so we need to shut down the economy until we are testing 2,000 people per month for every 1,000 people and have monthly flu shots rolling out. Together we can eradicate influenza like we did the smallpox. The economic impact will be great, and lives may be lost, but at least it won't be due to our inaction surrounding the flu pandemic.

>> No.18979837

> you included over 50
I did not, I only showed that stat too. Do the math, or don’t, because you don’t have to to see directly from those numbers that you are wrong.

>> No.18979858

Talent is leaning but prices are going up. Think about that, retard

>> No.18979865

I can't imagine he spends that much time here, though. He's a billionaire and family man in his 50's.

>> No.18979868

You've never been to Shenzen/HK/Shanghai

>> No.18979880

Sorry, typo'd this. It's 0.1% if you're like the young, fit Navyfags from the Theodore Roosevelt.

Last I'd heard, the ventilator/ICU capacity is pretty useless at reducing mortality, so it's more easily-scalable "hook person up to extra O2" treatment that's the best standard of care now. So I'm not totally sold on the "not overloading hospitals" angle.

And I didn't say the 50+ crowd was useless, only that the economy could afford to lose a couple percent of them. Ceteris paribus.

>> No.18979883

Leftoids should be gased

>> No.18979906

>Right, in about a year at best, though probably more, possibly never. But yes, that’s what we have to wait for before lockdowns can end.
Nobody gives a fuck about you libtards or democrats anymore. Shit ends when people want it to end, which is now as people are going out whenever they feel like now and because dems have lost all credibility. By the way, nobody is going to take the vaccine either. There are ways to take care of yourself and prevent it if you research hard enough and stop eating MSM trash.
t. californian.

>> No.18979914

Top post

>> No.18979922

This post captures a lot of 4chan(nel) sentiment over the past years. Well written, fren.

>> No.18979923

bro im in houston and i see tesla's EVERYWHERE

>> No.18979955

>Last I'd heard, the ventilator/ICU capacity is pretty useless at reducing mortality, so it's more easily-scalable "hook person up to extra O2" treatment that's the best standard of care now. So I'm not totally sold on the "not overloading hospitals" angle.
It's basically extending their time for a bit, hoping and praying their body can fight it back along with all the shit they get pumped with.

>> No.18979975

>t. Elon Musk
Congrats on the kid

>> No.18979992

>Explain 6 times

NYC is perhaps the most densely populated city in the entire nation, compounded by the fact that NYC's mayor and health commissioner encouraged people to celebrate Chinese New Years in Chinatown despite Trump already having banned incoming flights from China. All dissenters and China sympathizers will be the first ones executed in Minecraft.

>> No.18980023

>“just a flu bro”

The Spanish Flu of 1918 killed over 50 million people, retard. And yes, it was literally just a flu.

>> No.18980058

I get that, I'm just vaguely recalling some stuff from a month or two back that was on the order of "once you're sent to the ICU and put on a ventilator, your odds of dying are like 75%. If a ventilator isn't available it's like 85%." That plus ICU cases only being a small fraction of hospitalizations.

Basically to determine the importance of hospitals in fighting this we want the numbers on "waving a magic wand and going from 0 ventilators anywhere to unlimited ventilators, how many lives are saved?" and the same for O2 (and various drugs too, why not).

>> No.18980066

If I grant you the mortality rate @ 1% (also meditate on who is at risk and the number of life years that are being extinguished opposed to lives lost i.e. a youth killing virus would be exponentially worse), then why would 1% of the population die if everyone in the country didn't contract covid?

I'm not even going to look up how many vaccine's are in the works right now, but I'm sure the number is unprecedented and ridiculous. I'm not a virologist but you'd be the one to provide the evidence on a vaccine somehow never becoming available if you think that's likely.

Now you want a vaccine to become available before lockdown can end? But you said it may never be available? I'm not even going to argue this, I think it's clear how grounded into reality you are. The world doesn't work like that. What are you going to do when we get a virus at least as bad as Spanish Flu? Or something that is just as contagious but also much more deadly?

>> No.18980069

I’m not lib/dem. I’m conservative. You know, the ones who can into math and numbers and like to avoid unnecessary risk, who like to preserve society rather than let it fall apart due to the inability of happy-go-lucky retards to take threats such as unlimited immigration, unmitigated pandemics and infinite money printing seriously. Up until the pandemic I was even pro Trump and still am, because even though he is flailing badly with the covid response, he’s only human after all and I don’t see any of his competitors doing a better job. Without Trump, the stock market wouldn’t even have had this big dead cat bounce, allowing all you slow pokes to exit gracefully.

>> No.18980075

Didn't they shit in the drinking water rivers and still use leaches for medicine back then?

>> No.18980077

Pretty good move.

You'll have the supply chain from Mexico to Texas, plus lower taxes, and lower costs (eg. energy, regulations, etc.).

California is digging its own grave.

>> No.18980101

Seattle is a better tech hub than any city in California.

>> No.18980113
File: 141 KB, 516x432, Fremont BOWS to the Musk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they fuck?

>> No.18980120

Exactly, so the difference is a higher spread rate/r0. When the same percentage of any population is infected as in new york, the same percentage of their population will die. We’ll all get there, sans lockdowns, it will onlyvtake longer than in NYC. Do you get this?

>> No.18980133

>Didn't they shit in the drinking water rivers and still use leaches for medicine back then?
They still do this in India

>> No.18980144


This might make sense if there was a car version of droid.

>> No.18980158

Not so much. Hardier immune systems from more farm work or weaker ones from worse nutrition, take your pick. Either way they had about as many antiviral treatments back then as we do for Winnie the Flu today.

>> No.18980169

It was a flu so extra-ordinary it is still talked about 100 years later. So maybe not “just” a flu. But you are right that in overall effect this is looking like spanish flu 2.0, cytokine storms and all.

>> No.18980184

i'd fuck her, i mean what...
nah anon this bitch knows if she doesn't act fast every employee from tesla will either be fired or transferred to texas, meaning her city is fucked hard.

>> No.18980212

you're a whining little faggot and probably obese, kys

>> No.18980224

You're literally a seething kike, kys
>50%+ spic and nigger
>We're doing fine

>> No.18980230

We past the peak, and deaths lag by two weeks. Give it another week for deaths come to an abrupt end.

>> No.18980234
File: 174 KB, 2000x1333, trash-bags-hospital.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't we a nation of high quality medical care that should be prepared for a Viral pandemic and have protective gear for our medical community?

>> No.18980265

You're probably a mouth breather who cant see his own dick even if you bent over.

Why worry about the implications of a unmitigated pandemic if you dont even know what your dick looks like, amirite?

>> No.18980268

I hate him being emotional on twitter. Reminds me of our President.

>> No.18980275

>mayor of freemont is an Asian lady arguing with the Almeida county official who is also an Asian lady
What happened to my country?

>> No.18980294

Hello bugman.

>> No.18980300

He's just rageposting. It can happen to any anon.

>> No.18980321

Can we just have the civil war already? Enough of this pussyfooting.

>> No.18980336

>tesla is the last carmaker left in CA.
whose electric cars are they gonna buy

>> No.18980351

LOL, well first hospitals aren't ran by the govt, so there can be quite a varity of supply problems for the thousands of hospitals in the country.
second, obama sent most of our medical stock piles to africa to help with the ebola outbreaks, and neglected to restock them.
oh and high quality... we've been importing pajeet doctors like the british have been, its getting scary, i give it another decade before its common place to see them in hospitals in the US

>> No.18980352

remember how he called that one rescue diver during the Thai cave rescue a pedo?

he's so endearing

>> No.18980353


People being fed up with a lockdown will drive these values up. If they remain around 1, those states will see things plateau - a trickle of cases and deaths. If they go far above 1, you'll see an S-curve instead of a plateau - resulting in at least one more, higher peak.

Remember, half of cases are spread before the person even shows symptoms. That makes this virus non-trivial to contain. If you want the economy back to normal you need universal masks with robust testing and contact tracing infrastructure driving areas to 0 cases. That or a vaccine.

>> No.18980369

fucking lmao

>> No.18980377

You're such a glowing faggot it hurts
Kys nimrod

>> No.18980381


>> No.18980412

People who were right about Coronavirus:
1. Alexander Lukashenko, made fun of it immediately and refused to shut his country down over a flu
2. Hulk Hogan, "we don't need a vaccine", obviously knew it's a hoax
People who are wrong about Coronavirus:
1. Tony Fauci
2. Experts

>> No.18980416

Fuck elon

>> No.18980420
File: 22 KB, 580x349, 2mmq5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it that Trump can send over 18 tons of our medical gear to China for an outbreak he called a hoax, but it still flips to be Obama's fault.

What the fuck.

>> No.18980429

to the cowboys and ranchers, sure, but the big cities in texas like houston, austin, and dallas are pretty liberal just like any other big city. hell, i'd see a decent amount of teslas in austin ten years ago even before tesla was the big meme it is now

shouldn't give credit to the whole state for that, it's really just san francisco, which by no coincidence has taken everything terrible about california and turned it up to 11. SF is burning out, there is no room for growth anymore. any start up that has chosen SF as their hq in the past at least 5 years has been a fool, it's not worth fucking yourself in the ass on rent and regulation just so you have access to webshits that are plentiful across the country anyway, it makes even less sense for a company like tesla that is more manufacturing and engineering focused

>> No.18980434

Yeah, except now people will be social distancing, using face masks, and washing their hands unlike before the whole Chinese virus pandemic, so the spread of infection will be significantly controlled.

>> No.18980446

Hahahahaha this right here.

>> No.18980447

A case fatality rate of 2% and infection rate of 50% pop infected says the same thing as a 1% mortality (which doesn’t take # of infected into account). It seems about 2% of infected die (maybe more like 1.6%) and about 60% will become infected without lockdowns, giving about 1% mortality, i.e. how many of the total population will die.
Evergreen health, at the center of the us outbreak, published for a few days right at the beginning some numbers that they claimed were compatible with cdc but that mysteriously disappeared after people began to notice. Those numbers have been a remarkably good guide so far, and they were:
1.6% of known infected will die. For every known infected there are about 10-20 unknown infected.
This gives a very low infected fatality rate of about 0.08%-0.16%, in line with the flu. However, there are two more numbers to take into account: r0 and hospitalization rate. The r0 means there will be a magnitude more infected than by the flu, which implies a magnitude more deaths. And a hospitalization rate of around 5%, combined with that r0, implies overloaded hospitals unless lockdowns. With 0.16% ifr, and 60% infected, that gives 360k deaths, in line with the original projections. Then Trump noticed that the markets didn’t like that, so he said “but of course, with lockdowns, maybe less than 60k! It’s working America!” Abd then “Let’s open up again!”, so we’re back to looking at >300k dead, which is “only” about 0.1% mortality but that’s assuming no hospital overloading, which can’t be assumed, and we know from Italy and Nyc that the cfr worsens dramatically when that happens. Add to that that the 0.16% ifr is when things are going well and the virus is kept out of elderly care homes etc, when it goes mainstream the ifr is likely to go up. So in the end, about 0.5%-1% mortality is likely, with about 1.5M-3M dead americans.

>> No.18980449

Unless your fat or old, you really are wasting your time worrying about it. If you're really paranoid about it, just take some vitamin C. You can even google it, hospitals used vitamin c for people that actually had it. Numbers are also reported higher if you don't know yet for some reason, which you can google that to.

>If you want the economy back to normal you need universal masks with robust testing and contact tracing infrastructure driving areas to 0 cases. That or a vaccine.
No thanks, you can move to China if you REALLY wanted that.

>> No.18980491
File: 86 KB, 246x251, really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is indistinguishable from a /pol/ thread. gtfo, all of you.

>> No.18980524

Shows lack of control/posture.

>> No.18980552

NVfag here, many businesses move here because it's a business haven. There's already a gigafactory here.

>> No.18980558

well lets break this down, you're obviously retarded.

trump stock piled supplies in early february, because people were freaking out about this unknown virus. which is when FEMA made it clear their stock piles had been depleted.

and since every state that requested federal aid was given it, i don't see how trump is to blame for any supply issues, hell he had the govt build temporary hospitals at the request of those states, and most of them were never used...

>> No.18980559

Who gives a fuck? He's a billionaire genius. He's not subject to our plebeian social standards.

>> No.18980579

Bless your heart having so much faith in your fellow Americans.

If you're going to meme, meme vitamin D. Studies have shown that's deficient in nearly all serious COVID patients and helps against respiratory infections in general.

And I'm in a zero risk group, have a mask, my job's totally unaffected, and I profited massively off the market crash. So I don't care when or if this gets resolved, but you or your loved ones might.

>> No.18980589

>it's not enough that you're one of the greatest persons in the country
>what are you doing for me
>be a socialist, or you don't care about me, says the leftoid

>> No.18980609

>t. faggot leftoids

>> No.18980612

Fueled by a massive class of broke minories that nears slave-like living. Nobody talks about what makes cali run. 90% of people's lives are shit.

>> No.18980627

>drumpf cucks
Literally every single cuckhold that has ever existed has been a leftist
Is there anything more pathetic than leftypol and their projection?

>> No.18980645

There was nothing more influential to my politics than a visit to San Francisco. Absolutely incredible. It's worse than I imagined.

>> No.18980646

>california "reopening" is allowing takeout and curbside business..... which is already what the rest of the united states has been doing since this started
>which is already what the rest of the united states has been doing since this started

>> No.18980648

>leftists chad
That's an oxymoron.

>> No.18980667
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>muh workers' rights
>unironic union supporter in the current year

>> No.18980681

this will be way slower of a process than people think. This virus will drop property values in high areas like CA and will allow more people to flock in...Also the homeless population will be hit hard from the rona, unfortunately this means that all the GOVT has to do is wait and the problem will solve itself. It will reward CA for abusing theyre healthcare problems.

>> No.18980700

It's literally one of the dumbest states in america too. Their demographics will just kill them. It'll turn into commie mexico in a couple of decades at most.

>> No.18980701

My reply became too long to address your vaccine points.
I really hope a vaccine becomes available, but it’s not granted. If not, Sweden is right and we really are just postponing an inevitable bloodbath. I don’t know if you are searching in me a sign of optimism? I think we’re pretty fucked, but there’s a chance we’ll find a vaccine, and that the economy will be fucked for years regardless.
> first you say wait for vaccine, then you say no vaccine
Yes, exactly. We’re probably fucked. But /maybe/ vaccine. Let’s hope to all hell we find one. At any rate, opening up /will/ lead to deaths in the 100k’s to millions in the US, and that will do an even worse number on the economy than the lockdown. For example, right now people think kids aren’t in big risk, because lower mortality than flu for them. When they realize that combined with the r0, more kids will still die to covid than normally dies to flu and that kids aren’t safe from life-long effects on their health, people who currently think schools should reopen will reconsider. When people finally realize that a 1/500 risk of dying for a young, healthy person actually are pretty grim odds, nobody will want to sit in a restaurant with other coofers. I’m not here to save the economy, I’m telling you it’s fucked. As this relates to stocks, I’m currently >90% cash.

>> No.18980707

I personally do both C and D along with using a mask and tell my family to, but I really hope we could stop wearing them soon because if we're ok with wearing mask forever, then eventually they will sneak in the contact tracking garbage like the one faggot I replied to was advocating for.

>> No.18980709
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As an obvious retard I have an obvious retard question,
What was the point of stockpiling supplies if we were just going to send them to a communist country that denied that we helped them at all, and then shuffled around all our medical gear to places like Italy as a PR stunt, pretending to be a model nation while using our donated medical gear while we were sitting around with a thumb up our ass looking real stupid?
And now we've topped the charts for most infections and deaths .

What was the big brain move behind that?
And yeah, thanks for the 170 broken ventilators California received.
How based of the Federal government

>> No.18980731

You have any idea how crazy the average dem is nowadays? Biden's son is in antifa and he talk a lot about them being brave heroes. And he wants open borders, just like the rest of them.

>> No.18980736

Well not exactly, he is subject to more rigid standards than you, because he is managing a big sum of investors money. I would expect you to understand that since this is /biz. On the other hand, you can do whatever you want on your basement, no one gives a shit.

>> No.18980747

Anyone with more than half a brain is racist, you idiot. The races are obviously not the same.

>> No.18980775

If you had a union you wouldn't be poor like you are now.

>> No.18980780

Lol Mexicans are taking over there. And they consider themselves mexican and have no loyalty to the states.

>> No.18980785

yeah, promoting division in America is working really well.

Nothing says "rallying the people together" like contributing to growing racial divide.
Hating our neighbors has never been so popular!

>> No.18980793

Nice ad hominem, faggot. No one else can do what Elon Musk's does. Tesla stock literally speaks for itself. Investors keep flocking to it because they are betting on him and the company. If they were truly bothered by his rageposting, they would invest elsewhere, but that is clearly not the case. I await your cope.

>> No.18980821

I'm not sure 'rona's the final solution to the homeless question. I mean even if the fatality rate's driven north of 1%, that's probably made up for with all the newly unemployed people driven into homelessness.

Governments are going to have a lot easier of a time doing privacy-invasive contact tracing on your phone if there are an overwhelming number of cases and deaths. Especially if it's too much for traditional "talk with the infected person" methods.

Masks and driving cases to 0 take away the government's excuses.

>> No.18980823


This happened before they became a socialist shithole. The leftist politics followed the brown wave of the 90’s. They’re coasting off that legacy economy but slowly losing it bit by bit, middle class workers are leaving in droves already.

>> No.18980826

Based. Guy is autistic but at least he sticks it to the government. Idk why people do business in California when certain ones benefit more from going out of state and just sending products after they've been manufactured.

Live in California and seeking to escape California but am a neet. Also if my business idea is looks succesful I may move to a state with super low personal and corporate taxes before the release of the product to avoid being taxed out of hundreds of thousands.

>> No.18980838

You're projecting. If you cared about anything other than gibs and fucking over whites, you wouldn't be a leftoid.

>> No.18980846

strange the only source of those broken ventilators is the democrat gov, not a hospital not a fema worker, literally no one has any info other then what the governor released. so yeah more politics as usual.
why are you so angry the US govt sent aid to countries in need? don't you want us to send aid to the less fortunate?
now to your claim of topping the charts, china clearly lied about their numbers, india doesnt have the medical equipment to handle this, the US is a large country with the ability to test and treat patients. thats why our numbers are higher then country's with a 1/10th of our population

>> No.18980872
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There are studies showing this. Texas hispanics tend to be more patriotic and more republican than California hispanics. Probably bc of the Tejanos population and because our school system doesn't teach homosexual cultural marixism.

That being said demographic change in Texas is still a big problem.

>> No.18980886
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>yeah, promoting division in America is working really well.
Damn brainlet. Multiculturalism doesn't work. We're not wired that way, and everyone hates the colour soup, except white leftists. Also, it's truly insane to open your borders to populations with very low iq. Most of them go on welfare for life.

>> No.18980887

Wrong. I'm not stupid enough to drown in a bathtub therefore 0%.

>> No.18980918
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Pic related.

>> No.18980920


I have a growing suspicion that Chinese influence has led to the rapid ascent of anti-American, quasi socialist politics on the entire west coast. How else do you explain it? It’s bizarre that all of the formerly moderate states of Cali/Oregon/Washington just went hard left out of nowhere, too bizarre. And it coincides with China’s growing economic influence in the US since 2001.

>> No.18980923

this trip is a tranny

>> No.18980933
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More on this.

>> No.18980937

you think airBNB and facebook are innovations?

>> No.18980949

anon what, california has been blue since 1988

>> No.18980997

California went blue with the Reagan amnesty and turned permanently when prop 187 was struck down.

>> No.18981012


Happening to vote for a Democrat President doesn’t make you “blue”, it was a formerly light red state that started turning blue in the 90’s then went hard left in the 2000’s

Oregon is an even greater mystery

>> No.18981033


That doesn’t explain the disconnect between Texan Hispanics and Cali Hispanics, or the parallel in Oregon and Washington. I’m speaking in a relative sense here, even blue states like Minnesota aren’t as radical as Cali Oregon and Washington. There is a willing contempt for Americanness there now.

>> No.18981037

>Oregon is an even greater mystery
Sweden Syndrome. Coddled whites start going full Vermont when there are no natural or external threats.

>> No.18981047

LMAO California government confirmed to bend rules for corporations.

>a government for the people by the people
More like
>a government for the corporations by the corporations

>> No.18981054

>SVP of Power Train and Energy Engineering exercised stock options that don't expire until 2026....
So? What does it mean for Tesla?

>> No.18981062 [DELETED] 


>> No.18981071

what is this exactly fren??

>> No.18981079

>Most of them go on welfare for life.

They also vote away rights because they’re too stupid to understand the consequences of doing so.

>> No.18981092

>brainlet doesn't realize that many corporations incorporate in states outside of their own
>brainlet doesn't realize many places incorporate in states like wyoming or nevada while having their HQ in any random ol' city

>> No.18981094

oregon a mystery? how so? it used to be half ranchers and half dirty hippies. about the only thing they agreed on was their hatred for blacks
by in the early 2000's hippies could no longer be racist so they started importing minorities to oregon, causing the balance to crash and thus making it super liberal...

>> No.18981111
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I know China is lying about their numbers.
They delete journalists and doctors who report otherwise.
My point is that we depleted our surplus of medical gear to help out a country that doesn't want or even acknowledges publicly that we help them, right before we saw our own overwhelming Corona spread. We threw a huge amount of our medical gear that we mostly don't produce, into a black hole of a country that has a population 5 times larger than us.

Why would we do that?

So our solution to too much diversity is to seed resentment for each other? and to promote racial hatred?

That's not a long-term solution, that is a short-term reactionary move to appeal to the those of us who are of the angrier-variety.
We can deal with ethno-diversity without promoting the disdain for those of us who are a different race.
That isn't fair to Latin-Americans or any other minority who is caught in the crossfire.

America should be allowed to have its communities form independently and organically without having our government promote a eugenics-lite approach. This was a country formed by those rejected by another nation, who came for a new opportunity. And now that we have the opportunity its our turn to reject?

>> No.18981113

Migrant Cali farm workers had no mediating population like the Tejanos, presumably. It was Viva La Raza Mexicano or gringos.

And I'm not sure there's a huge difference between the two anyway. The craziness spirals just have no mediating influence when there's a two party system and one side is guaranteed a win. You'd see the same thing once Texas tips 55 or 60% blue after the Biden amnesty.

>> No.18981130

it really seems that the only purpose to being a conservatard in 2020 is hating blacks.

>> No.18981154

>There was nothing more influential to my politics than a visit to San Francisco.

San Francisco was my red pill. Was fairly centrist when I moved there. Lived in SF for two and a half years and realized that if progressives had their way that’s how the entire country would be, a third world dump.

>> No.18981163

American in 2020 is a rotting, maggot-infested corpse.

Liberals root for the maggots. Conservatives root for the corpse.

>> No.18981182

>How else do you explain it?

Jews. Look up who came up with all these ideas like white privilege, feminism, and whiteness studies.

The Chinese benefit from it and push it, but they aren't the primary ones.

>> No.18981193

How/why did the brownies start moving up to Oregon anyways? Have family in southern Oregon and started noticing small numbers of them growing a handful of years ago.

>> No.18981203

>So our solution to too much diversity is to seed resentment for each other?
I was trying to tell you that the present situation, with lots of browns arriving every year, is untenable. Even more of it will only hasten the collapse. Illegals need to be expelled and a white majority needs to be preserved. The alternative is disaster.

>> No.18981205

the fact that you continue to think a retarded liberal-conservative dichotomy just shows it means nothing. politics is meaningless, it is controlled by powers far beyond the American people. "rooting" for a side is retarded. whenever I even hear someone spit out something along the lines of "liberals think xyz" or "conservatives really think ypi" i just vomit internally at the fact that people unironically believe in this shallow shell of a democracy.

>> No.18981208

Essentially means that a SVP who works on the battery's for Tesla does not believe TSLA will be higher than $786 anytime between now and 2026. These options just finished completely vesting in Jan 2020 - I'd get out or short it while you can

>> No.18981209

Too bad the obama admin had organizations dedicated to BLACKEDing the least diverse (read:white) towns they could find. Its gentrification when you come back and white flight if you leave. Cripes, they’re trying to cram somalian refugees in portland maine ffs.

None of us have a problem with everyone being left alone and forming their own communities - its that this always turns into people from one community trying to break into another and 95% of the time that flow is one way and one way only

>> No.18981218

Like I said, nobody gives a shit about your rage post, but let me explain to you something so that you don't sound like a fool next time. Most decent stocks are going up during the current economy. That does not provide the evidence to disprove that his leadership is lacking, or that the stock prices could not be in a higher position. You don't see Bezos doing this type of shit. When the economy hits a bump, these rageposts and his over-promises will certainly be felt.

>> No.18981233

>Rogan fags

>> No.18981239

fucking based desu

>> No.18981240

Texas is 33% hard ass republican types
33% lefty hipster types
And 34% beaners.

>> No.18981243

Who is pushing hatred? Where is there more hatred from or towards whites? Dude it doesn't matter if white people want to kumbi or not it's not going to happen. The non-whites hate us too much already and it's only gettng worse.

America is not a nation. It's a conglomeration of several nations living under one state. Everyone knows this except whites. Young whites know this a lot better than older ones becuase they're already a minority.

Promote racial hatred or racial unity, it isn't going to change where the country is going or the problems that multiculturalism has created. It's already out of the control of whites.

>> No.18981244

I'm not sure you really understood the quote, but yeah I think we agree.

>> No.18981248

>We can deal with ethno-diversity without promoting the disdain for those of us who are a different race.
Nope, not at all. Did you even bother to read the articles that I posted? You're very much underestiamting how much people hate to live in your "diverse" societies.
>unfair to mexicans
They know what they're doing. They care about "la raza," even if you don't. They still have racial cohesion, and are here to take over.

>> No.18981260


>> No.18981265

>This was a country formed by those rejected by another nation
America was a white ethnostate until late last century, dude. You're wrong.

>> No.18981272

You’re literally a white male in the current year

>> No.18981297

>This was a country formed by those rejected by another nation, who came for a new opportunity. And now that we have the opportunity its our turn to reject?

This is the kind of propaganda they teach in state run institutions. Do some independent reading. I hate that liberals think they're smart. They only think they are smart bc if you disagree with them in public you will have your life destroyed.

>> No.18981319

Oh, of course. I'm talking to a retarded commie. Do the world a favor and jump from a bridge, you stupid faggot.

>> No.18981335

Latin America is far more white supremacist than the USA and that's where we're heading. Once non retarded boomer cons take over the GOP, we'll get someone who makes Bolsonaro look tame.

>> No.18981350

I lived in California for twenty years. Everyone is pissed off 24/7 because there is too many people and there is no room to breathe. You cant even walk down the street without seeing a homeless person. Go to any California DMV and wait in line for 8 hours surrounded by the most disgusting subhumans you’ve ever seen. California is hell on earth and everyone thinks it’s cool because of Hollywood Jew movies.

>> No.18981353

from how i interpret it, the quote is taking that "haha both sides are equally bad" position. I was more so claiming that the sides don't really even exist and are just a retarded puppet show. Policy action and "change" happens independent of the actual democratic process.

>> No.18981400

California's homeless population is because the weather not the politics

>> No.18981407

It's more that over 90% of people divide into the two tribes with one side malicious and the other side ignorant.

The sides exist, puppet show or not. And even if you don't believe in tribalism, it believes in you.

>> No.18981417


“If there is some person or institution, in a given polity, capable of bringing about a total suspension of the law and then to use extra-legal force to normalize the situation, then that person or institution is the sovereign in that polity (PT 5). Any legal order, Schmitt bluntly concludes, is based on a sovereign decision and not on a legal norm (PT 10, 12–3).” -carl schmidt

Also Tejanos are really white pretty much entirely Castizos. A lot of them have even started identifying as white on census forms. The new arrivals are much more indio. I'm basically a white nationalist and I have no problem with Tejanos. The way I see it they have a right to be here. The new comers are totally illegitimate and should be deported.


This is unbelievably ignorant. Mainstream conservatives practically worship blacks. Try to get your news from primary sources rather than filtered through MSM.

People act like if we get white people on side with multicultralism racism will be over. The truth is there is very little hatred from whites to other races it's almost entirely them that are fucking whites over.

I agree, but our situation is different. The anti-white cultural is way stronger here than in Latin America. Probably because we have so many Jews.

>> No.18981436

So your solution to ethno-diversity and to bring about "peace" is to promote discord in a society with the intent being to forcibly remove everyone who isn't white from white communities?

Are you so naive that you think exclusively removing people who don't look like you is going to be the solution to peace?
I'm a white dude and there's some contention just between you and I, would that be solved by removing Jose down the street from your neighborhood? you fucking retard.

>> No.18981459

Tesla also doesn't have unions and hires illegals for cheap labor. It's not a coincidence they have factories in ghetto areas like Alameda district, when they move to Texas it'll be the same thing + less taxes. But all that scummy shit is okay just to own the libs haha!

>> No.18981476

You should study the partition of India, the division of Yugoslavia, modern day Iraq, or, my personal favorite, Lebanon. Parochial ignorance is not a good look.

>I'm a white dude and there's some contention just between you and I, would that be solved by removing Jose down the street from your neighborhood? you fucking retard.
Something doesn't have to solve every problem to be a step in the right direction.

>> No.18981511

Again, for the twelvth time, since you're incredibly dense and obtuse, whatever social unrest that springs from the necessary expulsion of illegals would be trivial to how truly awful it'd be to letting the present immigration policy continue and making whites a minority. Multiculturalism is a pipe dream. It's unstable and won't ever last. By this point, some conflict is inevitable, and america should do damage control.
>you're naive, says the commie diversity-lover
lol I don't know what to say.

>> No.18981516

That ship sailed so long ago it's a joke. Ok your average non-white doesn't think about too much, but almost the entire leadership of any non-white ethnic organization is anti-white. Even the groups that are way more successful than whites, Asians and Indians, hate whites and work to attack them by excluding them from the economy and goverment.

Young whites are already a minority. There is no going back. America is a multi-national country. It is a signal empire composed of many nations. Think austro-hungarian empire. Whites don't get to decide weather america has racial harmony or racial peace we are not powerful enough anymore.

>> No.18981542

>letting the present immigration policy continue and making whites a minority.
let the present immigration policy continue and make whites a minority*

>> No.18981563

>just give up
Then a south africa tier future awaits.

>> No.18981580

I guess the summary is this: It's too late for whites to decide the future of America and American race relations. The only thing American whites can decide is the future of the white Americans.

>> No.18981588
File: 113 KB, 500x480, truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a white dude
I don't even consider you a person, honestly, commie.

>> No.18981600

Whites have the option of building a coalition with Asians or Latinos. But not both.

>> No.18981627

No I'm saying the opposite of give up. I'm saying whites need to think of themselves the way minorites do. Minorities think what's best for asians, blacks, Indians, or Jews. Whites think "what's best for America". That's stupid. Whites aren't america. That's done. We use to be america and we had some blacks that we babysat, but we don't have that kind of power anymore.

Also look at this

>> No.18981664


My point is that public policy is determined by people who give 0 fucks about being conservative or liberal. You can pick your poison as to who runs it. It could be the normie interpretation of "big corporations" or maybe it's the Jews or maybe it's the Reptilians. I have no way of determining who actually runs the game but all I know is that they love Israel (see: the UN track record of how many times the US and Israel have voted coherently. Hint: the US has NEVER voted against Israel and there have been a few occurences where the rest of the UN was unanimously opposed to something but only the US and Israel supported it, and so it happens. see also all the wars in the middle east and more). and actively profit from the general societal decline.

there are probably multiple shadow illuminatis. There's probably one for the chinese, being that they seem to oppose the currently dominating one and have been biding their time as they get stronger. Russia and Eastern Euros also probably exist in their own independent one. The rest of Asia either falls in with the West (japan/SK) or China. The jews may rule parts of the world but they probably don't rule it all.

I didn't mean for this to deteriorate into a "da joos" talk though. 90% of people can divide into two tribes which vehemently hate each other, sure, but you don't have to participate in the clash between them. I don't have to pretend to believe in "conservatives" or "liberals" as I can continue living my own life within either tribe perfectly fine without it. Tribe also goes a lot further than just political belief, but that's also more outside the scope of this.

I fail to see how not choosing sides dedicated to a losing goal impacts me in any way, or what else did you mean by "tribalism believes in you"

>> No.18981673

Politics is moving towards male vs female instead of ethnicity.

The right wing coalition needs to be males + married women.

>> No.18981684

It takes 21 years for a Mexican to formally immigrate to America.
Have you considered -supply and demand beside- that America incentivises illegal immigration through a prohibitively long immigration process for the sake of having a steady stream of sub-citizen cheap labor that can be forcibly removed at any time?

Absolutely pathetic, you're just a mad little retard who doesn't like people who don't look and think like you, and you want to blame the coloreds for your shithead sentiment.

>> No.18981685

Why would asians or latinos go for that? we don't have anything to offer them. They benefit from whites being excluded from industry and government and they will continue to push those policies to open up space for themselves.

What white people need to focus on is getting their shit together. To get organized and punish defector commies like this faggot.
I don't mean violence. Think of the term coon. Blacks use it to shame other blacks that cooperate with whites. Whites need to begin to do this to white that work against us. We need to shame them. Call them Cucks, coons or anything else. Socially ostracize them. Make it uncool and unprofitable to be a race traitor.

>> No.18981728

I don't really think of woman as political. They basically exist to follow something powerful. Their husband, the schools, or the goverment. If the real right every got it's shit together woman would follow. Basically woman are not important and you shouldn't take their opinions seriously.

>> No.18981745

My original post was in response to
>it really seems that the only purpose to being a conservatard in 2020 is hating blacks.

And my point is the vast majority of "conservatards" are delusionally pining for the days of Reagan or Eisenhower (sans segregation), rather than purely hating blacks.

That's an important point to understand, whether you're apolitical or a monarchist or a libtard or whatever.

>> No.18981772

You're a race traitor faggot. As much as other whites secretly hate you, but can't say so becuase they'll get in trouble, the browns that you stick up for hate you that much more. Nobody likes a traitor not even the side they defect to. You're a loser.

>> No.18981775

>Why would asians or latinos go for that?
Asians get shafted by affirmative action.

Latinos are natural reactionaries who can be brought into a post Reaganism GOP if the right people take over.

>> No.18981821

Only sometimes. For example when I worked for a huge defense contractors we gave asians priority as sub contractors becuase we counted them as a minority even though asians are wealthy and more successful than whites they still get privileges in many fields.

Look at googles diversity report. They officially hire more asians than whites. They version of diversifying is replacing whites with asians.


Also in the affirmative action lawsuits the big sticking point is that getting rid of affirmative actions would help whites too much. Even though the lawsuits are being run by asians, the main concern of the proponents of affirmative action is not in restricting asians, but restricting whites.

>> No.18981837

You act like I care.
Crawl back under your rock to spare yourself from a society of people who don't look like you.
I'm sure you have enough chewing tobacco stored away to survive the winter.

>> No.18981876

I'll adjust my claim then. Many people who don't grow up conservative and later become conservative often transform from hating blacks. I was a heavy "conservatard" myself for a good period of my life and the younger people who chose to willingly become conservatives along with me generally chose it because hell yeah guns and fuck blacks/spics. However, I can't prove this to you because anything I'd bring up would be anecdotal and it's really hard to take a study on how many "converted" out of racist purposes.

I bring up "the only purpose" because the fiscal policy has been a meme, conservative areas are generally some of the most impoverished shitholes in the nation, consistently do shittier in schools due to underfunded schools because "muh government non intervention", and generally produce little. I can see the appeal of being more of a libertarian than a full blown conservative but that doesn't seem to make up anywhere near the majority. Other than the failed fiscal policy that continues to be shilled ("giving more money to the .1% results in more money for the rest of us bro itll trickle down bro"), the other reasons for people to turn conservative when they weren't before seem to legitimately just be guns, rarely but occasionally, abortion, and primarily hating nigs.

>> No.18981883

Lol you don't get it. The most intelligent and successful whites see what's going on. They either don't care because they are selfish or they keep it to themselves so they don't get in trouble.

It's only ignorant midwhits like yourself that are true believers in diversity ideology. The kind of people that are smart enough to get into college but not major in anything real.

>> No.18981896

i very much do not understand how the white community continues to moan about affirmative action when the moment that berkeley got rid of it, the school instantly turned 50% asian.

>> No.18982000

They didn't get rid of it. They went to holistic admissions. Anyway most white people would accept being underrepresented in elite colleges if they felt they had a fair chance.

White people complain not about not being represented, but about the rules being unfair. White people have an extremely strong sense of fairness and justice. It's something that's hard for non-whites to understand, I've found, since they're so use to thinking in terms of what's good for them and their groups.

>> No.18982003

sorry for the late response, was eating. so i heard the big college in eugene, started importing them for sports, and at first it was just a trickle but over time the locals became less racist and more kept moving in

>> No.18982087

Yeah, it is really unfortunate we'll never have any studies done on reasons people become conservative (Trayvon type incidents, having children, seeing taxes on their first paycheck, etc.) and have to settle for anecdotes.

As for fiscal policy, I think there are a couple things being conflated. First, in large part the southern states have crap stats because everything is averaged between the good old boys and the farm equipment they failed to return before 1860. Second, a stable, fine state like Nebraska or Ohio simply didn't have the connections necessary to benefit from the wave of wealth globalization brought. It's just a fact that in 1980 you'd want to invest in financial services or ports rather than farms or physical factories. Bluer states like Michigan and Illinois were similarly fucked, if not worse.

>> No.18982156

Just looked it up you're full of shit. Berkley is as White as California high school seniors.

>> No.18982272

UC Berkeley undergraduate population is plurality Asian. Also sometimes campuses disguise how many Asian students are there by lumping “international students” into one category.