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File: 82 KB, 1920x1080, rogerver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1897798 No.1897798 [Reply] [Original]

What's his fucking problem?

>> No.1897813

doesn't he own like a shitton of btc? maybe hes childs will be billionaires.

>> No.1897822

he supposedly had about 300,000 BTC. But apparently he also sold a chunk of them and went into alts before trying to crash btc with no survivors

>> No.1897823


no fucking idea, it's like the dude is mind controlled

>> No.1897827
File: 128 KB, 400x560, pepecash3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none. its a shitshow to make retards that bought the top sell back at half the price.

This comment is sponsored by PEPECASH, the legitimate shitcoin.

>> No.1897833

He's saving BTC from itself. you're all too retarded to see that whats killing bitcoin is high fees and slow as fuck confirmations.

>> No.1897848


Is he doing it so by spamming the network so that indeed confirmations are slow?

>> No.1897852

the chinese miners are spamming the network to fuck over other miners. Ver just sold fireworks and dindu nuffin

>> No.1897856
File: 38 KB, 580x638, C7wKHT5XUAELswU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>segwit is being activated
>price goes to the moon despite PBOC trying their hardest to stop the bullrun
>BU more and more a reality
>BTC starts dumping into oblivion

Thank you for saving Bitcoin Ver, we all appreciate it

>> No.1897860

pboc doesnt give a fuck about your bullrun you deluded faggot. chinese officials could buy the whole of BTC market cap with their sons pocket money. come the fuck on.

>> No.1897864

>big blockers education

>> No.1897874
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>> No.1897881
File: 50 KB, 400x560, verified.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1899066

Roger Ver is the George Soros of Bitcoin. He thinks he can use his wealth to fund propaganda machines that meet his agenda.

Too bad we have bigger whales on our side that are anonymous and not attention whores:


Let's see if he really dumps BTC for BUcoin. If he is stupid enough to do it (and he said he accepted) he is going to lose a ton of money.

>> No.1899085

>chinese officials could buy the whole of BTC market cap with their sons pocket money.
This would only mean they are big holders in the game while current whales become trillionaires. Bitcoin works as intended.

The only thing they can do is bribe miners and fund them to meet an agenda, which is how acne ridden undergrad Jihan Wu got his massive industry.

>> No.1899341
File: 57 KB, 600x317, sexy-squirrel-taxidermy-fails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BS, it went up for few days after antpool announced BU support. Took a nose dive after some Core devs started promoting idea of forking away from PoW, causing panic.

>> No.1899371

They started signalling around 7th you faggot. Btc started crashing 10 days later

>> No.1899375

You know who Rob Mercer is?

Didn't think so lel

>> No.1899396

Ver doesn't seem to have anything beyond a cursory understanding of bitcoin.

>> No.1899884
File: 457 KB, 2048x1638, btcscaling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On your nodes, soldiers:


Time to fuck Jihad Wu up.

>> No.1899981

Don't they need 95% of the hash rate to force a hard fork? I don't see them getting that.

>> No.1901251

actually above 50% is a pretty sure bet to play.
few miner wants to be stuck with a worthless minority coin.

>> No.1901415

No users want to support useless software centralized by Jihan Wu, which is why Core already won, segwit gaining support, and BUcoin lossing it, resulting on price increase.

>> No.1901456


Hes a moralist.

I think hes doing what he does with his best intentions.

If it forks it will fork, its fine we will survive and adapt and the best coin will survive.

Just bet on the right horse!

>> No.1901489

miners don't want a fork, they want to delay the segwit upgrade because they are milking transactions fees. the fees are now upto 270 btc a day, and some pools only payout block rewards and keep all the fees. I think he's splitting the fees with the miners to be the face of the delay.

>> No.1901646

the users want something that works. if the hashpower jumps to a new network the old one will not work.

>> No.1901753
File: 247 KB, 800x600, BuClownCar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will, because the PoW will be changed so it cannot be attacked.

What will not work is a buggy software like BU, centralized by Jihan Wu.

Anyway BU is dead, segwit is gaining hashrate. Sell alts, we are comming home.