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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1893634 No.1893634 [Reply] [Original]

which of u fuckers are still hodling BitBay and still crying yourselves to sleep xD

>> No.1893655

No tears, only dreams now. I'm holding for a year or until it hits. 1000 sats. In for the long jail, my friend.

>> No.1893662

Former nocoiner, lost it to BitBay. Hoping for the same friendo. Good luck to us both :)

>> No.1893664

is Bitbay actually gonna hit 1000 satoshi?? how much are you guys holding?

>> No.1893667

jesus, i'm so glad i got out of this pos at above 500 sats

>> No.1893668

lmao loving these fancy ads for baiting bagholders. good luck with your dreams, chumps.

>> No.1893671

Easily hit above 1000 satoshi once ...uh....Poloniex listing comes through. I'm only holding 7400 right now lmao. Gonna be rich!

>> No.1893673

I'm embarrassed I am holding so much...... I should of cut my losses when it was 500

>> No.1893674
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This is what I get for taking financial advice from a Somalian sandcastle forum.

>> No.1893675

are you actually holding 57k??

>> No.1893677


You guys hold BAY yet have no idea about it.
For a start the rolling peg will be implemented towards the end of this year, whieffch basically adjust the overall supply through a process called freezing and thawing. This idea of satoshi is irrelevant for the long term of BitBay.


>> No.1893681

Nah some sucker bought the last of my bag at 435 sat last night, and it's been down hill with no volume ever since haha

>> No.1893682


told you this shit was a bit gay

time to dump your bitgay bags, eat the loss and join us on the DOPECOIN moon rocket pham

>> No.1893684

Should I jut sell ti all right now

>> No.1893685


Words from David,

"For you, what is the most important factor in the success of a project like Bitbay?
Technology – decentralized pegging is all about controlling price and reducing volatility with technology. We don’t want or need speculators, BitBay can succeed without them because we are relying on technology and not trying to shake people for cash. Crypto is about moving BEYOND the dependency for money, third parties, middlemen and people who aren’t worthy of trust. The whole point is to reverse all of that. The only way to do it is with CODE. I’m not asking anyone to trust the project. Just watch what happens. See the technology and what it can do. And see how it benefits the world with unbreakable contracts and the rolling peg. You don’t need trust in a 2 party escrow… that’s the point. You don’t need trust in a rolling peg, the community decides the price that suits their needs the best. It’s perfect for small economies that need to grow. And like a plant, it will grow."

>> No.1893686
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>> No.1893709

Yah, Im not smart enough to make a prediction about how that'll turn out. In any case, I learned a lot from this experience.

>Recognize shilling and when you're being too optimistic

I think too many of us are seeing crypto as a solution to all of our financial woes and making bad decisions based off of hopes and dreams

>> No.1893714 [DELETED] 

I have a pretty decent idea of what bay is. The rolling peg won't be inplemwnted until late 2017, and the dev has just started doing pr for his coin after coding for three years. He says that he wants to lock it into usd and keep it about one dollar, but if that happens then I will have made 150 times thw amount of money I invested, which was only 150 dollars. Either it will stagnate and I'll week at a loss or go to the moon in in 6 months. Either way, I'm going to sit on my coins for the time being. What happens happens.

>> No.1893715

all this fudding, calm down. the price will rise

>> No.1893720

I have a pretty decent idea of what bay is. The rolling peg won't be implemented until late 2017, and the dev has just started doing pr for his coin after coding for three years. He says that he wants to lock it into usd and keep it about one dollar, but if that happens then I will have made 150 times the amount of money I invested, which was only 150 dollars. Either it will stagnate and I'll sell at a loss or go I'll to the moon in in 6 months. Either way, I'm going to sit on my coins for the time being. What happens, happens.

>> No.1893722

YES sell bitgay and buy DOPECOIN

>> No.1893725

Wew, dopecoin has zero utility. Shill elsewhere.

>> No.1893732

succesful crypto ebay with its own exclusive currency is a pipe dream, btw

should've bought when the shillening only just began, at 200-250 sat, and sold at the 600 peaks, like all the others

>> No.1893735


Mandatory network adjustment liquid to frozen coin ratio, basically when the peg is implemented a large proportion of your existing supply will be frozen, at first you'll take a hit but as things pan out the price and your frozen to liquid coin supply should soon increase.

>> No.1893738

uhh, actually you can use it to buy weed at several canabis related physical shops in canada and america.

more utility than bitgay which is pure gay

>> No.1893753
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>Canada hasn't legalized weed
>California is being threatened with federal fund freezes due to legalizing weed
>4 other versions of LOLWEED coin are available
Sort yourself out.

>> No.1893757

He's yet to implement pos on the wallets, so I'm waiting for that and for BAY to be accepted on Polo. We shall see what we shall see.

>> No.1893776

I think it will too, but I couldve made $40+invested the same amount I have now. No matter how I cut it, I was stupid.

I didnt see the writings on the WALLS

>> No.1893864

Any specific shops? Wew

>> No.1893957

Bitbay will rise in April, get aboard the train, thanks me later

>> No.1894339

People who leave Bitbay after just a dip...
What /biz/ has become?

>> No.1894350

theyre all listed at dopecoin.com

>> No.1894369

/biz/ has become a bunch of milennials who don’t have the balls or patience to make long-term plays.

they want “mad quick gainzz” and instant gratification

the /biz/ of this generation doesn’t recognize a groundbreaking piece of crypto sitting right in front of their faces. This is not in the same league as DOPE or PIVX.

This will rival ETH. This will rival BTC. Mark my words you young pieces of /biz/shit.

>> No.1894377

how can they even be considered rivals? one is a marketplace like ebay the others a currency..?

>> No.1894395

If you didn't make money on this you got in super late or held way too long

>> No.1894424

BAY needs more wololo, that's all, it'll rise again

Suckers just need to buy this dip and get ready for gains waves

What we saw was people profiting from a pump n dump, cool, good for them, but bay will bring them back once a wider audience realises its utility

>> No.1894429
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pic related

>> No.1894458

Bitbay is the new DASH

>> No.1894542

if bay reaches anywhere NEAR the value of dash I will literally pickle my dick and get an exoskeletal biotech VR wetware implant

>> No.1894559
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for now, bay bagholders simply be (whistling)

>> No.1894560

If it does I will finally have money to put food on the table :(

>> No.1894565


Hahaha how much USD did you invest?

>> No.1894579

Whereas ebay has paypal, bitbay will have it's own coin used for the market. Assuming the devs pull this off and make the market popular, there's going to be a big influx of cash by merchants, customers, and investors. It will be a normie version of alphabay.

>> No.1894592

you're not supposed to put in more than you can afford if you aren't gonna get out early with gains

all the cash i put in came from gains off a previous sell, also it was not a huge amount — i don't feel like i've lost anything to the pump n dump rush — wish i'd been around to sell the ath and buy back in on the dip, but i can just buy in on the dip now anyway and build my empire up for the next rise

>> No.1894634
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OK boys - pls convince me to go long on BAY by giving me the basic bogdown

I'm already going long on SHIFT but I'll be tossing some profits into a coin this weekend.

>> No.1894664

browse the thread here for more info

basically the dev has been working on his product for the last few years, there has been next to zero marketing / hype (excluding hydra/biz/ pump n dump rush last week), and now it's ready to unleash on the public

it works, it's easy to use, and it has massive utility

all it needs now is marketing and hype

it'll be on poloniex soon, when this happens it's gonna splode n go yuge

>> No.1894665

>the dev har been working on BitBay fulltime since 2014
>hasn't done any PR yet
>already has technology that ethereum want's to implement
>several major updates will come in 2017 like pegging that will bind the value of BAY to the dollar
>the value it will be bound to will be voted on by the network
>has a marketplace with very smart escrow and smart contract service

Just buy for a bitcoin and wait until the end of the year. Once the PR starts it will explode.

>> No.1894678

>the pegging meme

Economically handicapped people galore in this business.

If I get a piece of paper and dictate that it's worth $100, nobody will believe me.

Same with bitbay and pegging.

>> No.1894683

If you're right, I love u

>> No.1894688

>Lose 500 trying to follow ethereum
>Realize I'm too dumb and impulsive for this shit
>Get out and never look back
Thats my story

>> No.1894704

its fine honestly. once polo hits it, wallet is up and david gets marketing down pat it should hit the moon

>> No.1894708

Here's hoping it hits a dollar in the next two months. Might be interesting.

>> No.1894744

With over a billion coins in circulation, its not likely to happen.

>> No.1894759

I got in at 4500 and out at the very top of the pump. But I guess I stopped listening to my caution when I saw all the volume and shilling and bought back in at the bottom of a "dip". Now I'm a bagholder, not willing to let go because I genuinely want to see what happens to this long term.

My only consolance is the thought that BTC holders had to stand firm against similar antishilling to see their patience pay off. I'm not deluding myself with the whole moonmission/BTC 2.0 because I doubt we'll ever see that kind of growth again with any coin. But it won't hurt to consider money currently in Bay as an investment and just not count it as part of my resource pool.

See you in the uncertain future, BayBaes!

>> No.1894776

False, DOPE coin is accepted at two major online head shops, smoke smokecartel and dankstop

>> No.1894799

>smoke cartel
My apologies, I didn't know that such reputable businesses had signed on with the currency. Where can I buy?


>> No.1894810


Better than bitbay though.

>> No.1894825

Safe Exchange Coin is already more advance and far more established than Bitbay. Check out the website below. SEC on bittrex. Remember, always do research before you invest.

It currently sits at 42 satoshis!


>> No.1894837

>make a thread for BB
>oh, let's shill our coin here, seems perfect
Worse than niggers, the lot of you.

>> No.1894851


Talk to small business owners you know. Ask them if they would like to sell their products online without Amazon taking a piece of the pie.

I've talked to multiple people and they have already expressed interest in putting a few products on the marketplace. I'm going to handle the orders for them until it's clear the idea is a success. Amazon RAPES these people, once they know there's an alternative it's over.

This is the best way to get BitBay rolling.

>> No.1894859

>BitBay bagholders are this desperate

>> No.1894861
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You think I could sell Limited Edition Holographic 3d Printed Pepes?

>> No.1894870

Yes, no doubt about it

>> No.1894874

there's nothing to lose brosef

>> No.1894889

say a coin skyrockets. how do you cash out? are your gains taxed?
sorry new to crypto

>> No.1894894

P sure that it's covered under capital gains, but you can always converts your gains to crypto and sell the coins for cash, hypothetically speaking.

>> No.1894898

Somebody sell those MAGA coins again, those were great.

>> No.1894906
File: 790 KB, 852x1136, eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2Rpc2NvcmQuc3RvcmFnZS5nb29nbGVhcGlzLmNvbS9hdHRhY2htZW50cy8yNDgxMjc1NjYwMjY3NjgzODQvMjUwNDY3MjExODg0MzYzNzk2L0lNR182MjYzLkpQRyJ9.pdAjooq6Z_BaT2gnI9Qfalk1dn4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this?

>> No.1894937


Laser engraved, right?

>> No.1894957
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Thanks folks - I'm going to get myself a snug position and sleep on it for a few months

>> No.1895309

Welcome to the fold

>> No.1895443

About $300

>> No.1895454

Nope. Router.

>> No.1895461

Is the marketplace open? I've heard some say yes and some say no. I have 70k bitbay so I'm more than willing to put some stuff up there

>> No.1895549

SEC is crap. Looked into it six months ago. Dev is constantly begging for money. Worthless.

>> No.1895577

I've heard it is but haven't had a chance to check it for myself yet, start of next week I'll have a look

>> No.1895582

It's open.Not many listings though, but it is still in its infancy. I bought a game key for steam a while back and the whole transaction went realitvely easy and straightforward. I still think the GUI looks Geocities but that's likely just a matter of time. Under the hood it's incredibly interesting and crafty. Rather exceptional.

>> No.1895598

GUI can always be updated

once more bit baes start playing with it and feeding back the issues—I'm sure we can influence the interface

>> No.1895609
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BAY is shit.

Here's a wallet without shitskins.

>> No.1895653

Wew, how shall I express my identity through a digital wallet interface nobody else in the world will ever see today? Shall I go with khaki berry whip, or noodle slurp teal? Wait, I got it, forever alone fromage frais grey! Perfect, and by gosh I feel myself today!

>> No.1895665

I bought 75k at 600 sats i'm considering killing myself today every time I get into these coins they dump why am I alive

>> No.1895669

Do yourself a favor and wait for one year. BitBay is long term. If you sell out at a loss now and see it go to 10 cent per bay in december you're really going kys yourself.

>> No.1895685

I bought in at 375, 650 and ended up panick selling for less than i payed. I suppose i could buy back in for cheaper now but im not sure. I was pretty anxious the last two days as well

>> No.1895707
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Holy fuck do you enjoy giving your money to other people?

You should cut your losses and get into IOC before BAY goes down to 200 sat.

>> No.1895737

Like the word GAY, it used to mean something else for hundreds of years prior.

Then some homosexual queers decided to change the definitions of everything

>> No.1895794

Daily Reminder that I'm going to be a millionaire from BAY in no more than two years because I actually pick my coins with tender love and care

>> No.1895830

BAY taught me a good lesson about doing my own research and only buying coins getting shilled here if they haven't gone up >30% yet. That said, I've got 50k BAY now so I guess I'll be a bagholder for a while and see what happens in a year. This will either be a 300$ lesson learned or a 300$ lesson learned with a happy ending later on. I do like the idea of what the guy is trying to do, I just wish he would get some more people involved in the development.

>> No.1895950
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I fucking love /biz/

>> No.1896018

I'm in the same boat dude but i have 37,000 bit Bay. The guy really needs team to help him.

>> No.1896087


I said it before and I'll say it again, it is literally a platform for the exchange of items. The sooner we start selling and undercutting amazon, the sooner we make money on both BAY and the shit we sell. That's my plan anyways, going forward, until the peg.

>> No.1896089

Thinking about dropping a bitcoin in under 250 sat, as long as it stays above 30 btc 24hr volume.
Did this coin have any volume before the sudden hype, or was it a zombie on page 20??

>> No.1896240
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FUCK please tell me baybux is not dead. I bought 5k at $0.0045 for fucks sake

>> No.1896255
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No bro hold this for a year. David said that he will finish the pegging within 6 months could be sooner or later, but my gut says most likely sooner. Once we are pegged to the dollar we can control the currency aka become the jews and then us /bizillionaires/ can unite to take down the globalists and bring about a new renaissance

>> No.1896894

was about a rank 70 coin, so yeas it still had volume. But I think this huge pump 4chan did to it made be speculate it's real value so who knows??

>> No.1896926

Don't worry m8. I'm a bag holder too right now. Sitting on 100k. Just accept that you don't always win. If you're not willing to ride the losses, you should probably stop trading cryptos. As long as you aren't going into debt or taking out loans, you're good m8.

>> No.1896948


I bought at the same price as you, but you need to learn to cut your losses. All of my loses, I've pretty much gained back in a day using ARK.

To bring you back to earth, just think about it. It's 1 dude wanting to compete with an army of alt coins, ebay, amazon, etc.

Now look at ARK, it has a team of seasoned professionals.

>> No.1896977

Stop shilling ark. You’re being too obvious

>> No.1896982

Have you joined the Slack group?

David, the developer, is legit. He will finish the rolling peg feature soon and it is going to dominate.

This is a solid price to accumulate more at. Or just hold if you’re not sure.

>> No.1896992


I don't give a shit if you want to hold bit bay, I'm just giving advice. Crypto currency time frames are hours or days. So what if you wait a year and it finally recovers, that's 1 year of your money doing nothing.

>> No.1897000

dude, I was sitting at 120K bought in at 330, 500 and then at 700 sats. I just sold 100K and out it into etherium hoping to get my money back

>> No.1897036
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Seems legit.

>> No.1897039

Ark is taking off right now. Huge gains.

>> No.1897083

MFW I just brought back all in for sub 270

>> No.1897286

i honestly believe that bitbay might have a comeback one day, so if it's not money you need now, keep your bays and just wait. and no, i'm not a bagholder myself, but i consider buying in again when it rises again in half a year or so

>> No.1897377

>MFW I brought 37k at 270sat each
>Now 300sat each

>> No.1897449

>307sat each
It's like you guys aren't even trying to make money by not buying the dip

>> No.1897483

Where all my fellow bay holders at?

>> No.1897486

David is an illiterate scamming piece of shit.

>> No.1897488

Have like 115k bitbay's chilling... I'm a filthy bagholder. Gonna hold for 1+year in all my investments

>> No.1897498

Should accumulate more every dip, Seems to have a solid bottom at around 270.

Speculators only sold out because "muh gui graphics". They've been saying that their not making these graphics more "mum friendly" until everything else is completed.

>> No.1897514

Gonna wait till next payday and invest another $200 bucks in some other companies. Wanna diversify a bit more before I start to buy more of the same one

>> No.1897517

It’s climbing up guys

>> No.1897523

Thanks for selling me your bags goys.
It's like you're not even trying

>> No.1897531

Same here desu

Def gonna look into this when I get back from my trip tho

>> No.1897538

Here's the link to slack

>> No.1897724
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hey guys, what do I win?

>> No.1898590
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A new life within a year

>> No.1898621

just sell and eat the losses to buy another coin you retard

>> No.1898681
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Once this makes Poloniex I will cum

>> No.1898931

>there are people on /biz/ right now that are holding various p&d coins rather than BitBay, with all of its proven tech and upcoming interface updates and marketing efforts

>even worse, there are nocoiners here

This is the dot-com boom all over again, but this time it's the wild west of the internet and there's even less regulation. Don't miss your chance to get rich with your 4chan buddies. We're going to be smiling about this into our fucking 80s boys.

>> No.1898967

so can't one just program a similar marketplace on the ethereum blockchain?

>> No.1898987

Anything is possible, but what they wouldn't do is allow it to be unregulated with private markets like Bitbay does because that just means silkroad 2.0 that can't be shutdown.

>> No.1899005

k thx

>> No.1899097
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Is it getting smug in here or is it just me

>> No.1899360


The meek shall inherit the earth. They doubted us, but we aren't even going to know what to do with our coins when these bad boys reach $10+.

>> No.1899474

While I am all for bitbay having invested a large % into it, I dont think it will ever reach $10 especially when there are 1billion coins in circulation. Still, would be nice.

>> No.1899516


What do you honestly see it reaching?

You know that BitBay is going to be much more than a billion dollar company some day, right?

Imagine a few years from now where even a fraction of eBay's $23bn worth of value transfers into the crypto world.

>> No.1899536

Well, Im >>1897724,
so if it reaches $10 then lol.
I think it might reach 1000 sat by the end of this month.

>> No.1899548

hell if it reached 50 cents I'd be pleased as punch.

>> No.1899568

About tree-fiddy & im a millionaire. Still hedging in ETH tho

>> No.1899620



It'll reach parity to USD, thats the goal, a large proportion of your supply will freeze proportionally from a liquid state to archive this, this idea of $10 or 1000 satoshi is irrelevant right now.

>> No.1899889

Can you expand on the supply being frozen to archive this?

>> No.1900539

David fucked up by not being anon. Someone will make a clone eventually that is anon, and the governments won't be able to do shit.

>> No.1900838

I'm up on every other coin I'm in, so I'm riding SDC and bitbay to goddamn hell if I have to.

>> No.1901640

When is bay hitting polo?

>> No.1901749

As soon as you fill out the request form.


>> No.1901774

Of course I have already done this
The question is
Has everyone else?

>> No.1901783

I'm looking through the archive for the thread where someone posted the polo coin request link with a template / guide to make it extra ezpz for people to fill in… can't seem to find it though, be good to post it in the thread if anyone has it

>> No.1902586


>> No.1903203

lets go bitbay lets go
*clap clap*

>> No.1903211
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Pic Related - the time i got Dubs defending BAY

>> No.1903698

double chekt

>> No.1903887

Bump to get this posted please - I got 515k bitgays in my sack

>> No.1903951

It was me looking for it, on mobile now
Couldn't find it in the archive, have a little dig through and see if you have better luck

>> No.1904220


Honestly it's pretty fucking easy to fill out and I don't think they want 50,000 copy+paste responses anyways. Just tell them why YOU think it's a good coin, this isn't a shitcoin so you can be honest for once with the request form.

>> No.1905645
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Holding 100k BAY long...lets go boizzz
>pic related
>bitbay holders when it moons