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18972789 No.18972789 [Reply] [Original]

Give me some reasons why the 1 billion token unlock won't tank the price.

>> No.18972833

Priced in

>> No.18973224

Because it isn't a 1 billion token unlock

but you know that already.

>> No.18973249

Barely 15% unlock. Stakers held through a -10x....yeah ok.

>> No.18973500

>Priced in
Supply shocks are NEVER priced in. Read economic history

>Because it isn't a 1 billion token unlock
It is much more. https://fantomstaker.info/

>Barely 15% unlock
Rubbish. Circulating supply is 1,8B. Locked up through stakign is 1.16B plus staking rewards. It will be a total massacre of the FTM price in June.

>> No.18974288

How low do you think we go?

>> No.18974320

it's not a shock if everyone already knows it's going to happen

>> No.18974334

Then why didn’t the price pump when 50% of the fucking supply got staked

>> No.18974392

Even if the price crashes when staking rewards unlock, it will recover. The project is going strong, it's not going to die.
Also there's still a chance we see a major pump before rewards unlock. In this case we would see a lot of rewards get burned.

>> No.18974462

It's a shock in the supply, idiot, not the mental state of the market participants. Good grief you fantom morons are stupid. When more than 60% of total supply will be dumped on the market the price will tank worse than BCC.

>> No.18974480

>Even if the price crashes when staking rewards unlock, it will recover.
No. There is a reason why the fantom scammers had to introduce ponzi scheme staking. After June and a total price crash with zero real life use cases everyone, including fantom morons, will realize that FTM is dead.

>> No.18974496

Mcap around 1-1.5MM and long term Bitconnect

>> No.18974504

You faggots really want cheaper Fantom huh. Not mine though.

>> No.18974526

>Then why didn’t the price pump when 50% of the fucking supply got staked
It was offset by the horrific news that scammer andy and FTM team were lying about 100-300K tps, dag with smart contracts, and only could give a shitty Ethereum Virtual Reality fork.

>> No.18974536

Yeah, everyone warning against BCC wanted cheaper BCC, ryte?

>> No.18974581

Sorry dude, it's not going to happen.
They've built one of the best consensus algorithms in crypto, and you're saying they're just going to exit scam now? It doesn't make any sense.

>> No.18974829

>They've built one of the best consensus algorithms in crypto
Really? How do you explain that tps is falling dramatically with more nodes then? What about stress testing your shit netwok? No? You seriusly don't want to document one of the best consensus algorithms in crypto? Anyone in the dev community talkig about your shit technology other than just laughing about the scam? Why would you have one of the best consensus algorithms in crypto on top of a crashed Ethereum Virtual Machine fork? How does that make any sense. It's like claiming you have a better motor than Porsche and then put it in a lada. Makes no sense. Sorry dude, your tech is utter shit. The FTM scammers conned you.

>> No.18974916

Sorry but reward rate is going through the roof if everyone unlocks, so they won't. If nobody is staking then rewards are going to be insane. So yeah minor price drop. Most stakers will compound their rewards. Expect more locked up.

>> No.18975379

>>Then why didn’t the price pump when 50% of the fucking supply got staked
>It was offset by the horrific news that scammer andy and FTM team were lying about 100-300K tps, dag with smart contracts, and only could give a shitty Ethereum Virtual Reality fork.
Ok schizo

>> No.18976459

you know nothing about finance, i'm not even going to point you to what would help you understand what's wrong with your statements

>> No.18976485


>run entirely by non-technical marketing hacks
>18 TPS when promised 50k
>30 low effort biz shill posts per day
>no devs
>Chen paid student devs from India to hack Ethereum and add fake PoS stolen from EOS
>bank deals all fake
>smart cities/dubai all fake
>XAR fake and has not even tweeted for months
>no technical talk on telegram just shilling
>claiming "multiple mainnets" but not 1 testnet app to show
>no actual employees at all
>claiming slow because ehtereum EVM
>designing our own VM but no whitepaper or code
>Andre is not a dev, he is a reviewer and he doesn't work for them or own any FTM
>rotating shill campaigns.. what happened to dubai? muh africa stablecoin? next?
>mainnet staking ponzi will crash an already thin market
>fairytale tokenomics where infinite sidechains use the same native token w/no technical details

>> No.18977169

Right. You have equilibrium and then 1.4 Billion out of 1,8 Billion is dumped on the market, then what Fantom moron?

>> No.18977918

so you have no argument then? It's over.

>> No.18978848

>1 billion token unlock
no such thing

>> No.18979066

Don't tell him I need more time to accumulate

>> No.18979993
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People can't stand knowing this is going to make people multi millionaires

>> No.18980012
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>> No.18980080

it did but those people already exit scammed over a year ago. you are picking at a carcass

>> No.18980083
File: 24 KB, 485x433, 1578365188669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow you actually don't have the slightest idea to what you are talking about? Anon I ...

>> No.18980124
File: 106 KB, 600x492, FTM Scam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantom got totally rekt in this thread

Anyone "investing" in Fantom deserves to lose his money. This is an OBVIOUS scam and Ponzi scheme. Fantom chink team exit scammed a long time ago. Scammer Andy replaced them with Russian temp devs so the scammers would still have some kind of "product" and "development" to dump on low IQ investors. Fantom promised a 300K dag with smart contracts. Everyone with tech insight knew that was impossible due to the rubbish tech solutions in the white paper.

So when Fantom scammers delivered their utter garbage product, a fork of Ethereum Virtual Machine with some dag like garbage on top of it, even the most deluded Fantom bagholders would normally have seen something was wrong and start to dump. What the Fantom scammer team did to prolong the scam was to introduce a classic Ponzi scheme with absurd ROI that is unsustainable.

But they don't care about that, as it all is designed to attract short term money so they can dump for a couple of months and then complete the exit scam. There is no working product, the "partnerships" are either paid for, mostly in corrupt third world countries or just fabrications. Bitconnect also faked a partnership with Visa, paid for partnership, and positive editorials. Fantom is doing the same thing. Their tech is utter shit and there will be no magical "packaging" of transactions, insane claim, so Fantom suddenly and magically can get high TPS. This is the sad reality:

Michael Chen did a similar scam earlier on, as a warning for everyone to see. This Fantom scam is just as obvious as Bitconnect was. Here:

More about why Fantom is a scam here:

>> No.18980134

Larping Jeet. Check from the ico to now and tell me they scammed. I swear people don't even know how to FUD fantom. At least when people fud link they try. This has got be the worst fud ever. Even the seething jeet had better fud than this.. just buy your fanties and be rich. All you have to do.

>> No.18980162
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>> No.18980175

So where is the chink team now and why did they exit scam? WHEN did scammer andy tell the market that they all had exit scammed? WHEN did scammer andy tell the market that 300 000 tps dag with smart contracts was a scam and joke and he wold give you idiots a crashed ethereum virtual machine fork instead? Or that the the central banks was a lie? Didn't the scammers tell you fantom idiots in December last year that they were finalizing the agreements with central banks? Etc etc. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.18980199
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>> No.18980209
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Who would buy now when the circulating supply is about to 3x when they release the staking ponzi tokens. It will dump 80% the minute that happens.. but it will never go back up so there's really no point to buying. Nobody uses it, all the partnerships have been proven fake.. buying now is giving money away to Sanjeev and the other scammers in the telegram.

>> No.18980216
File: 99 KB, 760x706, Annotation 2020-02-15 101134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantom scammers are now pushing their tech rating at Weiss, ignoring that they got their rating more than half a year ago, solely based on their tech claim of 300 000 TPS, dag with smart contracts, and a long time before FTM released their tech trainwreck of a forked Ethereum Virtual Machine as mainnet. A mainnet that no one is using or planning to use. No central banks, no banks, absolutely no one is working on Fantom, despite their mainnet being out for many months.

It's so bad that their lead dev, have de facto left the project to work on his own stuff. Sadly led dev scammer Andy crashed the new project as well, as he never ever in his life has finished a project successfully. This is the guy that Fantom scammers called the new Vitalik. Enjoy:

After chink team exit scammed, scammer Andy was hired to keep the scam floating while they all could dump on stupid investors. Chink team and their investors controlled more than 60% of total supply, so they have plenty to dump. Ethereum foundation had 1% and Vitalik sold his ETH at $7. Chink scammers will dump on you into oblivion.

Worse, Fantom has no devs and just a giant "marketing department" aka spamming scammers.

Fantom Foundation lies openly about devs on their website. Pic. Scammers.

>> No.18980236
File: 11 KB, 239x250, 1588308439927s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it peak time for you schizo? No one is fucking selling. You and your fellow jeets will never take our Fanties

>> No.18980253

I don't care what you scammers do. You can lose all the money you want. The more the better. I want to inform newfags.

>> No.18980466


>> No.18980570

Don't just run away from your lies, scammer. You "forgot" to answer my reply to you, here;

>> No.18980664

The better question is how much are you holding jeet? Trying to build up to a make suicide stack huh?

>> No.18980742

I never bought any FTM, their claims were outlandish (300K pts, dag, smartcontracts etc) and their whitepaper rubbish.
>A detail of their 'lachesis' consensus is that it's _extremely_ wasteful in terms of bandwidth
as at worst O(n^2) bandwidth used for O(n) of processing. That's because nodes just spam every block they generate, but at worst only one block from all generated at any second is going to be valid. So each node generates n blocks, there are n nodes, giving n^2 blocks, but only n blocks turn out to be valid at the end.
This is a really absurd design decision. If they forgot about their absurd 'DAG' design and just moved block generation to one node at once, but with parallel processing (same throughput) all that waste would be avoided.
This signals that they have no idea what they are doing, so the real TPS - for real transactions, not specifically designed parallel tests - is almost certainly going to be in the low hundreds, making it a yet another forgettable DPoS network

etc etc

>> No.18981024

interesting. do you know if DAGs architecture is good/better?

>> No.18981028

He has $500 in dag so this is his full time job

>> No.18981045

DAG doesn't have a network and it doesn't plan to support smart contracts. All it is trying to do is "validation" which is basically just a scam anyway. It will never even launch.

>> No.18981068

>DAG doesn't have a network and it doesn't plan to support smart contracts
Who do you even care to lie that much?

>> No.18981162

DAG is much better, if they manage to pull it off, it will be a top ten CMC crypto project.

>> No.18981293

Why do you care to lie so much schizo? Show us 1 dag dev other than pothead Wyatt. Here's some fantom devs https://medium.com/fantomfoundation/new-development-team-joins-fantom-6fa5512cd860.. Ill

>> No.18981366

Based thread

>> No.18981394

First your chink team exit scammed. Then you hired a Russian based blockchain firm in Moscow to fork EVM, lying through your teeth that their devs were part of your team. After that was exposed you took some random guys and heavy bagholders from the FTM community and called them devs. Pathetic.
>Show us 1 dag dev other than Wyatt
Wyatt is a genius with a very simple and elegant solution, avoiding all the problems both Nano and IOTA are struggling with. If you want to see more devs, check their github. For dag the dev question is not problematic, as they deliver what they promised. FTM however, has its whole chink team exit scamming and delivering a broken Lada while promising pre-sale and ICO investors the space shuttle of tomorrow. Absolutely insane and fraudulent.

>> No.18981434

Knew you couldn't do it. You always pussy out, the schizo way. Keep shitposting under anonymity you little rat. Cheers

>> No.18981469

>Then you hired a Russian based blockchain firm in Moscow to fork EVM, lying through your teeth that their devs were part of your team


>Chen paid student devs from India to hack Ethereum and add fake PoS stolen from EOS


>> No.18981601

>Knew you couldn't do it.
Go to github loser. You claimed only one dev, liar. Keep scamming newfags, con artist.

>> No.18981622

Don't get paranoid, psycho. We are two different people. I have never said anything about Indian temps. Maybe they did, and just claimed that it was done by Russians? Who knows with these fantom scammers. They have been lying from day one.

>> No.18981640

>Keep shitposting under anonymity you little rat.
We ALL post as anons here, douchebag. So who are you then, scammer andy or gay Italian Simone? Chink guy? Please tell us, Mr. scammer.

>> No.18981666

Very noble of you to give up any kind of a life to defend newfags 24/7 for the past 1-2 years when literally thousands of scams exist. So noble of you sir

>> No.18981694

Do these scammers spam the hell out of biz with multiple threads every single day 24/7 for years?

>> No.18981713

Only you

>> No.18981753

>>They've built one of the best consensus algorithms in crypto
>Really? How do you explain that tps is falling dramatically with more nodes then? What about stress testing your shit netwok? No? You seriusly don't want to document one of the best consensus algorithms in crypto? Anyone in the dev community talkig about your shit technology other than just laughing about the scam? Why would you have one of the best consensus algorithms in crypto on top of a crashed Ethereum Virtual Machine fork? How does that make any sense. It's like claiming you have a better motor than Porsche and then put it in a lada. Makes no sense. Sorry dude, your tech is utter shit. The FTM scammers conned you.

So you're admitting you're bullshitting us? Fantom.rocks legitimately proves that because we have 33 nodes RIGHT NOW.

>> No.18981809

Jeez, why do we still have to endure these FTM threads.
See any threads about Jibrel around here? No, because it done and dead, just like Fantom.
Can we please talk about crypto projects that still have a future, like DAG?

>> No.18981810

>Fantom.rocks legitimately proves that because we have 33 nodes RIGHT NOW.
Yeah, with zero load. How about you stress test your shit.

>> No.18981839

Samefagging again. Honestly pathetic. You should quit while you're behind

>> No.18981840

That's not how a stress test works retard.

>> No.18982956

the efficient market hypothesis