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18974167 No.18974167 [Reply] [Original]

I hate my life. I have no motivation. I’m not going to make it.
I’m 20 , poor and have no prospects, work a manual labor, everyone in high school is in college getting their degrees i was busy dealing with mental problems. got into meth and I’m clean but I’m fucked up now.

>> No.18974182

Why the fuck did you get into meth

>> No.18974188

its ok, once we get you to start taking your monthly covid vaccinations you'll feel better.
just install the app on your phone and feel better about it.

>> No.18974192
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buy LINK wait 5 years at most and win

>> No.18974200

When stress is the basic state of mind, even good things stress us out. We have to learn to let go.

>> No.18974205

Yeah in college and paying debt for their whole life for a worthless degree (online classes)

>> No.18974237

nonsense, college is an easy path to success.

>> No.18974275


I remember you the other day. You blamed your failure on not going to college being a meme.

Your problem is your mentality. Going to college being needed for success is a meme.

>> No.18974289

Learn a trade

>> No.18974310


>> No.18974316

College is shit. Stayed in there for 10 fucking years only to get a debt and a low paying job. Goodluck better work your ass off these 10 years and start investing some money. Get a good hobby something thats able to grow for years like a guitar or other instrument. I feel shit aswell and aint gonna make it. But im happy with what I am, i am a minimalist anyways

>> No.18974327

if it’s a meme then why are you anunsuccessful loser?
Stop shilling information you get from 4chan, this is the real world I live in

>> No.18974358

not colleges fault you didn’t network and do internships.dumbass

>> No.18974378

Where can I get these corona vaccines?

>> No.18974384

If you got out of meth youve got the willpower to literally do anything. I'm in the same boat and in 25. No motivation, no money, no prospects.

>> No.18974408

no you don’t you stupid junkie, if you quit drugs you are left worse than before you started.

>> No.18974423

trades are for drug addicts and criminals, fuck you low class scum.

>> No.18974449

I’m stressed the fuck out I got drug and gun charges I’m fighting, fuck this world. I hope you all suffer. I’m a rider you niggas deserve to die. I live by the gun and I die by the gun. Fuck yall

>> No.18974490


You problem is being a bad person with mental illness. Getting $150k debt is not going to make you Warren Buffett.. But thats fine, you live you life how you want. You may suffer and die, but I wish you the best man.

>> No.18974516

https://www.youtube.com/user/BONDActionInc/videos watch these videos. they will fix you

>> No.18974532

Just kill yourself you meth-addled crybaby. Do the world a service

>> No.18974533

A bad person lol

>> No.18974541

It's true that college is not necessary for success however without a good degree you have to make your own success. I'm 32 and have many friends who got degrees in engineering and they're all making over $100k now working for various different companies here in Texas where the cost of living is relatively low. Them earning an engineering degree allowed them to easily obtain success working for a company. People who don't have degrees at those companies would usually have to work there for 20+ years and work their way up into management to make that kind of money. Their degrees allowed them to skip ahead about 15 years on their career paths. To obtain the same level of success without a degree you have to either do something on your own like starting a business (which carries more personal risk than working for an established company) and/or put many more years into grinding your way up the career path at a company.

Of course, there are plenty of people getting useless degrees in things like dance, journalism, philosophy, etc who come out of college in a worse place financially than someone who didn't go to college and just went straight into the workforce. Hell, skilled tradies make a lot of money too and you get paid the whole time you're working your way up through apprenticeship, journeyman, and master levels.

>> No.18974552

I worked in construction for 5 years after getting my degree. Now working in a laboratory for a pharma company making less money than my first construction job and I fucking hate it.

>> No.18974584

You first.

Exactly my nigger, everyone on this forum are a bunch of losers who are unsuccessful in life. Only a fucking moron would say don’t go to college.now because not going to college is cool everyone says you don’t need it or go learn a trade, these are the same retarda who’ve never worked a day in their lifr. If they did they would know that working in the trades sucks fucking balls lol

Fucking losers get out of your moms basement and get. A job or else you have no advice giving privileges

>> No.18974585

Lol kill yourself you weak piece of shit. You’re the problem, the meth isn’t even a blip on the radar, you just suck so fucking bad at life that you have to blame it on drugs instead of your pathetic self.

>> No.18974594

Your fault for studying chemistry you dumb fuck.

>> No.18974597


Yes, you have the nature of evil. You have your mothers anger, you need to forgive. Not be an angry person.

The main point is that there is a huge bubble of people being convinced into going to college who shouldn't (over 50% of people now go to college). The industry is bloated, outdated and corrupted by politics.

>> No.18974610

keep on sucking I’m about to cum

>> No.18974627

You’re a stupid ugly subhuman, don’t make me slap you.

You are masturbating to child porn and you have the audacity to say I’m a bad person? Fuck you

>> No.18974635
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i can tell you're poor with no prospects. why are you putting spaces before commas? lmao holy shit absolute illiterate fucking potato.

>> No.18974649

you gave yourself brain damage since meth is neurotoxic and destroys dopamine receptors. This is why you have no motivation. If you understand this scientifically, you can start healing. Its a patience game. With the right stimulus and time you will eventually feel normal again, don't listen to the fudders. Look into Wim Hof breathing and try to find God by praying and asking for truth through Jesus.

>> No.18974658

Working in the trades definitely has its benefits. Keeps you fit and you get to spend time outside. You get to problem solve and be creative. You can be your own boss and job hopping is not considered a bad thing. Generally the people you work with are just regular people who you can have fun with. A nice simple life desu which also pays above average and has a good work/life balance.

>> No.18974666


You have two paths, one is the path of no anger, forgiveness, love and being at peace. The other path is anger, mental illness, suffering and death.

That is up to you.

>> No.18974704

You’ve clearly never worked in the trades or in manual labor so fuck off you stupid incel. stop blabbing nigger babble from people who’ve never worked a day in their lives, get a job you stupid fuckin loser before you give advixe

>> No.18974723

You can suck my cock, there is no Jesus only allah. May piss be upon him.
Also meth has fucked me up, no recovering, I lvice by the gun and die by the gun,

>> No.18974801

you are a child predator, if I see you in prison I will fucking rape you, better go pc you fucking goof. Ill rape you and murder you and I’ll do the time for it

>> No.18974826

I had many different construction jobs. Drylining and carpentry for office fit outs, hard metal roofing and groundworking. It was hard at times especially working outside in the sun but overall definitely not a bad career choice. It also allowed me to work all over the world and live in some really cool places.

>> No.18974845


This is the last time I am commenting in one of your threads. I comment because I want the best for you, but if you want to chose that path. Fine, suffer and die.

>> No.18974857

Ah, your response tells it all. That is what got you to where you are. False gods only lead you astray.
>Galations 6:7
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

You are eating the fruits from the seeds you planted.

>> No.18974861

Maybe just change what 'manual labour' job your doing and lay off the meth. Get a digger ticket or something if your not fit for the trades but want some decent money.

>> No.18974877

Never too late to transition, your life will be much easier.

>> No.18974890

nigga shut the fuck up before I bitch slap you with my dick

>> No.18974908

To be 20 again... it doesn’t matter how bad you fuck up today you have so much god damn time to do whatever you want lmao.

>> No.18974939

Aight then gay nigger, fatherless tweaker who couldn’t figure out how to go to college.

>> No.18974953

Your can heal
>Luke 1:37
For with God nothing shall be impossible.

Come to the truth, your race and previous beliefs don't matter, we all bleed red.

>> No.18974954

I wanna start my mma career but I’m crippled from meth addiction, I use to knock niggas out with my overhand right now I can barely get out of bed I’m fucked man

>> No.18974993

I didn’t have the privilege to go to college, not everyone gets spoon fed in life.
you’re a unsuccessful loser, fuck you run up nigga

>> No.18975018

Give me one reason god exists,
He doesn’t.

>> No.18975063

Well the fact that an evil person like you is suffering so much is a pretty good indicator.

>> No.18975080

I was given No cards in life, my childhood was homeless shelter to foster homes, you preach from a place of entitlement, if I see you I’m gonna put a bullet in your head

>> No.18975096

You need to want to know God. He's there, but you are keeping your eyes closed. The only reason so many people do or don't know God is because He is revealed to you when you truly seek Him.

I will leave you with one way to find Him.
In your heart, pray:
"Heavenly Father, reveal yourself to me. You know my despair, heal my mind, body and spirit. Strengthen me in order to accomplish the will you have for me on this earth, that I may be complete in truth. In Jesus's name, amen."

>> No.18975101
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>> No.18975102

Some people just come from fucked parents who weren’t good enough to prepare them for reality. Sucks to be you doesn’t it. At least you can shit talk on 4channel to make yourself feel less like shit. Good luck crybaby faggot

>> No.18975111

The source of your evil is your inability to forgive. If you hold onto that resentment and anger you are doomed.

>> No.18975115

deep down you know you need that meth high to feel alive. give in anon

>> No.18975131

Keep sucking I’m about to cum, also you’re a fucking loser and most likely a pedo too, see you on Chris Hansen’s show you fucking goof

>> No.18975149

stop larping you fucking faggot, I know you like it in your ass, what kind of sexual pleasure do you get as larping as a Christ cuck? fucking loser

>> No.18975158

BETA MALE . Being angry and emotional is a female personality. BETA

>> No.18975194

nah I’m an alpha male. I’m hustling in the hood one day I’ll make it. I’m battling poverty and prejudice while you battling diabetes lmao

>> No.18975252

You are not a man. You sit around complaining being angry and emotional. You take no responsibility. You have the mindset of woman. Grow up be a man, don’t be angry, forgive others, stop being mentally ill. BETA

>> No.18975301

let me guess , you are a nigger right?

>> No.18975411

I’m white. Race doesn’t matter.

>> No.18975672

How many threads are you going to make?

>> No.18975756

I’m bumpin Gucci mane doing lines it’s a good day boyyyuyyy

>> No.18975802

You're getting lost in the sauce.

>> No.18975861

Id pass my crack pipe to you but you’re White xD

>> No.18975986

You deserve being a loser, brain fried meth head.
Go hop in a ditch and die, faggot.

>> No.18976035

lube up your ass for prison bitch boy kek

>> No.18976093
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Same boat as you (minus the meth), I was combating a mental illness and couldn't go to college (not a very good student and that doesn't help). I hope vocational school will straighten me out.

Maybe, just maybe, I'll find a job that can afford to pay for all my lofty startup ideas and eventually give me the 6-figure life I crave.

Good luck, hang in there.

>> No.18976160
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Are you Islamic? I also came from an Islamic background. I'm a Christian now.

Our parents were right, lol, the West does a number on muzzie fobs.

>> No.18976196

People who don’t go to college say this

>> No.18976213

Exactly. it’s a bunch of losers crab in the bucket mentality

>> No.18976215

Unironically go to the gym and watch fitness channels on YouTube. Trade the addiction of drugs and alcohol with an addiction to body fat %, weighing yourself every morning, and counting macros. That’s no joke what I did. It’s retarded but now I’m mentally stable, ripped and tan.

>> No.18976256

No thank you, I like weighing my crack on the scale and searching the carpet for hours

>> No.18976333

What's up with all the hate and anger, anon?

You're fucking 20, bro...

>> No.18976364

I hate my life and want to kill myself everyday, I keep overdosing but the fucking paramedics keep bringing me to life

>> No.18976547


>> No.18976612

Also since you already said you'd shoot someone you're admitting you could shoot yourself and instead cry coffee attention with weak ODs so the paramedics still notice you. Fuck off, this isn't a support group or reddit and no one gives a single fuck about your dime a dozen muh childhood excuses for being an attention-whoring little bitch

>> No.18977085
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We're all going to make it but unfortunately your not.

>> No.18977115

I was broke at 20 as well. Now I have $70k saved. Just dont be a bitch, save your money and invest wisely. College is a scam.

>> No.18977146

Being poor trailer trash

>> No.18978267
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The world does not need weak minded faggots like you op we have enough of those you would be doing me and everyone on the face of this earth a favor of you unironically delivered. But because op is a faggot, you won't.

>> No.18978571

So what’s the point of this thread? All OP has done is sperg out like the trash he is at every other anon, even the dudes trying to give him advice and encouragement
What do you want us to do OP? Give you a handy will telling you that you’re not as awful as you act? Do you want us to kiss your ouchies better?
God your so pathetic
Is this the only way you can feel anything anymore? Verbally abusing strangers like a rabid animal?