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18968638 No.18968638 [Reply] [Original]

For all of you poor fags that cant afford motley fools premium services, here are the buy now recommendations:
the rest are cuck stocks, but here they are:
any feedback on if you guys want me to post when a new stock makes the buy now list would be considered.

>> No.18968673


>> No.18968696
File: 7 KB, 194x259, 1238712837213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the motley fool

just buy ET $9 5/15 calls and thank me latter nigger

>> No.18968729

Thanks op. Those boomers usually know how to pick stocks. On their low-cap shill video they dropped KNSL. What are the other low-caps they pitch? Not gonna pay the $1500 or whatever for that subscription.

>> No.18968770

Why tho? Pls spoonfeed just a little

>> No.18968911

huge inside trader activity. earnings come 5/11 and someone bought like 59000 $9 calls for 5/15

>> No.18968995

Just did, I hope you are right!

>> No.18969011


>> No.18969058

thank you, op!
perhaps would you be interested on sharing the subscription cost with some other fags?

>> No.18969109

i believe its usually 200 yearly
but they always got a 50% off deal going on.

>> No.18969303

I'm buying 1 shares

>> No.18969436

Thanks anon

>> No.18969463

I yolo put an order in for some. Thanks, I think. If you’re fucking with us, then congrats, a few anons gambled their lunch money on this and lost it.

>> No.18969547

Is there a torrent tracker for business trades like fool premium and such?

>> No.18969655

fuck im really debating if i should do this but ive taken awful advice from biz before, fucking stinkes

>> No.18969676

all shit stocks. better buy JANNY instead:

>> No.18969734

Same. But I guess if a nigga only throws 100 bucks at it, what’s the worst that could happen? I lose it. Oh well, no different than gambling on shitcoins.

>> No.18969768

hm could i make if i threw 700 on a call, im not used to options

>> No.18969798

I dunno fren. But I’m not gonna put more than lunch money on purchase based on a tip from an anonymous fren on 4chan

>> No.18969821

Depends on how much the stock rallies. Buy the option now for 4 cents. When the stock rallies to $12, the option will be worth more than 4c. Then sell it before the expiry on Friday.

>> No.18969896

How do you know there is insider activity? And why puts for 5/15 if earnings are 5/11?

>> No.18969969

Anymore details besides that option activity?

>> No.18970012

How the fuck do i even buy options with my leafbux, this shit pisses me off. fucking TrudeauLand sucks big dicks

>> No.18970647

Get an MA in underwater basket weaving and immigrate.

>> No.18970782

4q bad
Oils down all over
pic related link
They still shill this shit

>> No.18970860

I assume off the top of my head:
1. Tons of media attention surrounding Charlotte
2. De facto monopoly of the strain named after Charlotte
So basically it's a gamble that they're going to be the ones who march on Washington, get medical marijuana legalized on a national level by pulling on heartstrings, and get household name recognition in the process.

>> No.18971810

Earnings are after-hours on Monday. The 11th. If you had $9 call options expiring on Monday, they'd expire otm. Friday options are still really cheap because the expiry is so near from now and it's pretty far from being in the money. Anon is expecting a massive rally this week that would make someone want to exercise those $9 options before Friday (the stock is currently under $8).

>> No.18971925

Thanks mate, interesting

>> No.18971935

>fucking stinkies
>FUDding in a non-crypto thread
I can’t imagine this level of obsession

>> No.18971963

this is actually decent advice

>> No.18972115

Order for 5 contracts because I love /biz tips.

>> No.18972176

motley fool posted that the unemployment rate was 4.4 percent as of May 4 so I will pass

>> No.18972241

One caveat, don't buy a shit ton of this in your Roth IRA because if the distributions (divvy) is >1k that opens up your entire account to getting taxed. Not bueno.

>> No.18972317
File: 135 KB, 1200x801, 26d9d4733cbaa9848a31ffaacec9ded7-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They probably had a list of blue chip stocks and new popular stocks and picked the ones with the highest P/E ratio.

>> No.18972428

they said to go all in on TTD when it was sub $200. Pretty comfy in that buy desu.

>> No.18972523

i thought that website was satire

>> No.18972629

Can you post their research on Tractor Supply please

>> No.18972811

Still what I don't understand, if that is really an insider who bought 59000 calls why didn't he buy more?

>> No.18973686

I don't even know where to find options on it

>> No.18973886

no idea what im doing

>> No.18973902
File: 47 KB, 776x482, Screenshot from 2020-05-09 10-10-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18973948

I once wrote for them. Ama

>> No.18973955

Why are they doing this?


>> No.18973965

You want call, not put

>> No.18974012

What do you think is the most interesting thing you learned from doing so?

>> No.18974074

how do their recommendations usually fare?

>> No.18975044

Bought SHOP about a year and a half ago. Up 330%

>> No.18975548

buy order in for three on monday. let's see what happens. better be right, faggot.