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18965204 No.18965204 [Reply] [Original]

Tired of getting bullied at work for being an ugly incel.
Tired of passive aggressiveness.
Tired of laughing/mocking behind my back.
All I do is mind my own business, do my job well and go home. Why can't normies accept me?

>> No.18965235
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try heroin

>> No.18965272

normies are not even human anymore OP. the average western person has turned into soulless husk. rise above and dont seek acceptance. be the best man you can be and help the husks return to God if you can. God bless you OP
dont do this

>> No.18965277

keep doing the deal anon, you’re beginning to actualize your inner king

start lifting and tanning regularly and you’ll be amazed at how differently people treat you

>> No.18965296

>Tired of getting bullied at work for being an ugly incel.
Lift weights after work for 30-60 minutes.
>Tired of passive aggressiveness.
When they say you can't, label, and try to corner you... interview for a new job and do it.
>Tired of laughing/mocking behind my back.
See step 1) and 2). Lift weights, change jobs for +10-15k and prove them wrong.
>All I do is mind my own business, do my job well and go home. Why can't normies accept me?
The world will always fuck with you... until you fuck it.
Not joking.
Start winning.

>> No.18965297

>dont do this
why not? recreational heroin helps with all your problems

>> No.18965302

Stop being an autistic incel then. Society is made for Chads

>> No.18965314



no amount of tanning will make me attractive but maybe if i start lifting they'll at least fear me. I don't understand how people can be so heartless. to another person just because they are different.

>> No.18965318

>All I do is mind my own business, do my job well and go home. Why can't normies accept me?

I can confirm that this creeps people out. And I've heard that at workplaces where everyone does this, everyone hates and is suspicious of everyone else.

>> No.18965345

Have you ever gotten really high and watched Annihilation with Natalie Portman? Shit was so horrifying I was so relieved it was just a movie the next morning my life seemed pretty good after that

>> No.18965350

Read 48 Laws of Power. Changed my life in the office setting.

>> No.18965371


i wish i was social and mingled more but im literally not wired for it. I still treat people with respect when I talk to them. I have too many things working against me. I'm ugly, skinny, shy, o social media etc.

>> No.18965383

>just do my job

Do you ever ask anyone if they need help, if you can help them? Do you socialize? Do you drink coffee with them or be part of a team? If not, you might be an incel.

>> No.18965428


None of the above. I never turn anybody down if they need help. But socially, I am completely isolated and just keep to myself. I don't have any social media either so im an easy target for normies. I already know Im an incel, but it sucks that this is what i have to look forward to.

>> No.18965459

Lift weights. That will teach you everything.
Meh, your toast (stopped learning). I'm out.

>> No.18965476

Bullying is the most effective way of dissuading you from entering society. It has been this way since the dawn of man.

Looksmax the best you can

>buy nice form fitting clothes appropiate for your job
>get as fit as possible
>buy and drive a car if possible
>get an education in whatever field you want to work in, minimum wagies get the worst of it
>fix any medical conditions that you have fucked up teeth, skin rashes etc
>dont talk about politics, 4chan, shitcoins or mental illness
>dont talk to anyone 1 on 1 if it can be helped, you'll always be seen as that creepy guy unless its a work topic
>learn to talk about dumb normie topics, current movies/tv/netflix garbage, dumbass sports, shit tier local events, the fucking weather etc when in group conversations
>dont be that guy who never shuts up or relates life stories to every conversation and dont be the quietest person either.

You may have to get another position in another company but eventually you will blend in. Its a long learning process but you will eventually blend in naturally.

>> No.18965492

Seeing your reaction to being deflated gives them energy, a smug little dopamine kick. If you can deprive them of emotion in your response they will leave you alone, because the energy they're trying to steal from you won't be available.

>> No.18965532
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do it king. getting cut will naturally boost your testosterone and maximize whatever attractive characteristics you do have

try to force yourself to be interested in other people, even if you feel like a sociopath (read: chad) in doing so

>“how’s your day?”
>“oh yeah?”
>“[stupid platitude]”

>> No.18965557
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>> No.18965565
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>> No.18965599

> I don't understand how people can be so heartless. to another person just because they are different.

That's why you fail, because you don't understand. If you want to fit in, you have to go through the motions that others go through to fit in. You just have to do it artificially as it comes naturally to them, but not you.

It doesn't matter if you're ugly. It's irrelevant. I talk to ugly people all the time at work. I don't focus on it because their personalities are good and I can talk with them about stuff. You focus on your looks because you have no personality to take away from focusing on your looks. You being happy with yourself or not understanding why people don't like you is irrelevant. The only thing relevant is that they don't. And so it's logical that in order to be happy at your workplace, you have to focus on things that are relevant to getting people to like you. This includes working out (looks don't matter in how I treat people mostly, but having a good body IS important for that initial impression and a good stepping stone), casually talking to your employees about things THEY find interesting, small banter once you have a certain level of familiarity, and just not being a weirdo in general.

People avoid you because they see you as missing all of the social graces they take for granted. They don't understand that not everyone has these natural inborn social graces. So you have to actively work on it. Sorry, that's just the way it is. Don't like it, too bad, enjoy being seen like that everywhere you work and in other social situations.

>> No.18965630

>tfw well liked but still feel like a fake wannabe normie
why am I like this

>> No.18965644


>dont talk to anyone 1 on 1 if it can be helped, you'll always be seen as that creepy guy unless its a work topic

That's gonna be hard since i'm just too much of a beta to talk in front of more people. I always feel more comfortable 1 on 1.


yeah i need to start lifting again. I get motivated and start a routine and then just give up after a few weeks after not seeing much result and also being demoralized constantly at work or socially, i become hopeless and just stop. To give you an idea what an ugly weirdo freak i am, my own sister said ewww and moved away when I stood next to her for a picture a few months ago at a family gathering....not joking or larping. Something is seriously wrong with me, and im not even sure if it's just looks. I feel so out of place.

>> No.18965701

>To give you an idea what an ugly weirdo freak i am, my own sister said ewww and moved away when I stood next to her for a picture a few months ago at a family gathering....

Could you imagine someone doing that to someone they respected, despite them being ugly? No, never.

Imagine a neutral coloured inanimate object, nothing special about it at all. Everyone is completely indifferent to it, as it doesn't add or take anything away from their lives. Now make it ugly. That's you. People don't want to be around it actively because while it still functions the exact same, it now has negative qualities rather than just neutral ones. Now give that object purpose, while still being ugly. It's purpose is that it makes people feel good, loved, wanted. It's positive qualities overcome it's negative ones. People want to be around it because of the value it offers is more powerful than the negatives. What value do you add to other people other than standing around and being ugly?

What you think should, and shouldn't be, is irrelevant. What matters is what is.

>> No.18965716

Office jobs are shit. Should've gone into something physical, I'm a sailor but I suspect most trades and skilled manual jobs are similar. Out at sea, all anyone gives a fuck about is if you do your job and don't crash the ship. It's great. Find something with higher stakes and more noticeable outcomes, people will appreciate a job well done a lot more

>> No.18965718
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I get it anon. Make sure you’re drinking protein daily (1 scoop on off days, 2 on lift days) and eating a high protein diet. A good routine will have you lifting 3-5x a week. It’s all about consistency over time - don’t quit before the miracle happens.

For motivation, operate under the assumption that your investments will pay off and you’re going to make it. If you made it tomorrow, would you be at all equipped to live the comfy life you dream of?

If no, then you have to start preparing today.

>> No.18965729


i don't know what you are to get at. I am not a negative person and only treat people with utmost respect. All vitriol towards me is 95% because of my looks which for the most part i don't have control over. If your purpose was to make me feel worse, you have achieved that, you aren't helping in the slightest. im not reading your next post so don't bother.

>> No.18965739
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helping a pregnant woman across the street, some black men are alright

>> No.18965769


Ok, blog time: I was in your shoes. Totally in your shoes. Just did my job, did it well, and fucked off everyone else. You know what happened? They got me fired and bad mouthed me behind my back. It was a blessing. I walked across the street and got double my pay working contract. As contract, you just go where they send you, put your time in, and go home. They need you. But I learned my lesson, and I always asked of other people needed anything, even small shit like toilet paper or hand wipes, or even a coffee. Little tiny shit, like even “hey hows it going? Gotten laid lately? Will open the convo doors. Not everyone will open up to you, but those people won’t like you even if you have them 10,000 dollars. Fuck them. Just stick with the people who talk about how wet their pussy gets on the weekend, and you will no longer be an incel.

>> No.18965795

>All vitriol towards me is 95% because of my looks which for the most part i don't have control over

I literally just explained to you why that's not true and you only think that way because you have no redeeming qualities. "nice" isn't a redeeming quality and isn't a replacement for a personality that people can relate to. But desu you sound fucking hopeless anyway and you severely lack any introspection. Keep living in whatever little reality you've created yourself so that you don't have to stand back and realize that it's you that's the problem, and not everyone else.

>> No.18965888







>> No.18965912
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I believe in you anon

>> No.18965923

>trying to reason with a loser

That guy's decided making excuses is better than making changes. There's literally nothing anyone can do for him.

>> No.18966963

>going through all this bullshit so normies will accept you
i've stopped giving a shit, it's much less stressful this way

>> No.18967037

Idk about that my reactions to workplace bullies are generally apathetic, doesnt stop it. Only thing that stops them in general is fighting back (ironic how butthurt one became when I did that) or reporting them to hr.

>> No.18967044

Get into some low caps, make it, then work on yourself. Buy some LOKI to fuck ///THEM/// from seeing what you're doing. Take it easy, we're all gonna make it.

>> No.18967126

That sounds like a rip-off of S.T.A.L.K.E.R

>> No.18967147
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Good instincts. That's 100% true.

>> No.18967165
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kek i knew it. no fucking originality these days. just watch the Tarkovsky classic instead, experience some real kino for a change

>> No.18967211

It's in our DNA. It's actually a boon to future life. Bullying is human nature - it makes us stronger. If someone has a social impediment for example, the bullying and negativity helps to fuel the desire to work on it. Simply ignoring it or supporting one of these "weaknesses" doesn't really do anything for the whole survival of the fittest concept. And so the one's who are able to transcend their "weaknesses" are better off for it.

You can go the self-pity route but it is programmed to lead nowhere and is a vicious cycle, it will make things worse, and worse, and even worse. Life is tough.

>> No.18967265
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500 bucks on that Annihilation would have been ten times better with an all male cast.

>> No.18967537



I was in a similar boat OP, Keep saving and building your wealth. Knowing Christ has changed my life and made me understand that working hard is a duty, and a trait of a righteous man.

This job isn't forever and these anxieties will be thrown aside. Thank God you have a job and you get a new chance to take a swing at life tomorrow.

>> No.18967699

Fuck the normies, and fuck their acceptance. They're bored. Or ugly. I've found that the uglier the person, the more they exude pure hatred.

>> No.18967717

Your deduction is flawed. Divorced women are the happiest women I've ever had the pleasure of working with.

>> No.18967791

You might be conventionally unattractive but its them who are ugly on the inside, get a different job if at all possible don't try to fit in with normie scum, you'll just waist years of your life, go into tech even a cashier at a tech store isn't bad, you don't actually have to be a tech wiz either, just some sales rep position, but theirs a good chance your coworkers will be weebs and gamerz and will be completely chill as fuck, I'm speaking from experience i was in your shoes before, so trust me and get a job at a tech store.

>> No.18967836

You need to find Christ. Our Lord and Savior put me on the right path and my fellow Churchgoers accept me like nobody else has. When you realize the power of the prayer, you will never suffer again.

I used to come here and wallow in pity. Now I come here to pull others from the muck using the light of our Lord Jesus.

Find Christ!

>> No.18967846

lifting weights without taking roids is useless

>> No.18967850

don't fall for the trap of trying to fit in with normies they will just exploit you and make your life miserable for ever, nothing you do will ever be good enough for them, 90% of work places have a toxic culture, so you just have to keep trying new jobs until you find that 10%, either that or self employment/ gig work.

>> No.18967939

some people will claim that they know how to fit in with normies and all you have to do is x, y and z, but who the hell wants to jump through all those hoops just to become so fucking mannequin on display for normies, yes its possible, you might even feel happy for a little that you finally seem to fit in, but the monumental effort that it takes to keep up the farce isn't worth it, and the slow erosion of your personality into boring normie lifelessness will slowly kill you inside. so just be content that yeah if you worked you ass off maybe you could pass, but the reward is basically nonexistent, so you should just forget about it. fuck normies, fuck trying to be like a normie, do your own thing and have as little to do with them as possible.

>> No.18968201

amen brother

>> No.18968213
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read the meditations of emperor marcus aurelius

>> No.18968247


>> No.18968288

ITT: Faggots

>> No.18968296

Just do what Jeff says. He explains why it makes sense.

>> No.18968307


>> No.18968484

Tagging this thread in case there is a shooting at an office in the near future.

>> No.18968697
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Eat healthy (pic related)
Lift weights
Get 20 mins minimum sun on your bare chest and balls
Get 8 hrs absolute minimum sleep
Meditate daily
Worked for me

>> No.18968794

From skimming this thread, your problem is you're not funny. Getting fit and shit is good, but if your funny and brighten peooles day, your ugliness will be forgiven

Pro tip: funny will get you way farther than being respectful/nice

>> No.18968844

What is wrong with polyunsaturated fatty acids? I have several of those oils in my pantry as we speak.

>> No.18969532

move from that shitty place? take advantage of the situation, apply to many jobs and ask for a better wage

>> No.18969559

because it's a pozzed stalker ripoff

>> No.18969599

I've found that ugly people who tend to be funny are usually still all around liked

>> No.18969822

man what are they doing to you

>> No.18969864

Wageslavery is a eugenics program that selects positively for people motivated by things other than money. I.e an office is a pretty fun environment for a psychopath.
Escape or die