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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 19 KB, 226x179, holders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18955496 No.18955496 [Reply] [Original]

is it over?
should I sell?
getting all nevous by the fud
help me

>> No.18955513

I sold about half my stack for some ESH. I am not sure with the supply how long this can stay propped up.

>> No.18955562

end all your stakes, its over

>> No.18955585

Emergency unstake everything right now and sell immediately. Richard dmed me saying hes exit scamming as we speak.

>> No.18955605

>he doesn’t know richard has been siphoning loads of eth from the contract since it started

>> No.18955676

>is it over?
>should I sell?
>getting all nevous by the fud
>help me
is it over?
should I sell?
getting all nevous by the fud
help me
faggotsis it over?
should I sell?
getting all nevous by the fud
help me
faggotsis it over?
should I sell?
getting all nevous by the fud
help me

>> No.18956440

If you are falling for the retarded fud on this board then you deserve to miss out OP, how dumb do you have to be to get scared from a 15% dump after an 8,000% pump?

>> No.18956450

Dude it's going to 0.007 in like 2 days.

>> No.18956517


more like .00007

>> No.18956549 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming biz

>> No.18956556
File: 4 KB, 219x239, 1584693804735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then don't invest in it

>> No.18956593

> Hex
> Invest

I don't think those two concepts go in the same sentence

>> No.18956659

So many retards have said the exact same thing of bitcoin so many times..

>> No.18956665

that's why people got rich off this and you didn't

>> No.18956844 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming biz

>> No.18956871

>should I sell
the fuck you mean you did not stake?
get the fuck out

>> No.18956874

>that's why people got rich off this and you didn't
No one is getting rich of this expect the owner of the flush address.

>> No.18956892 [DELETED] 

stop spamming biz

>> No.18956907

Guys. Can you stop fucking fudding? I just want to get rich. If it's on HEX it's on HEX. I don't give a shit if it's a ponzi. I'm not a hex fanboy or RH cultist. Shill me anything, RCN, ESH, whatever. I need 100x. Not lame ass 2x's on BTC. Who's willing to shill me secret projects that will likely blow up?

>> No.18957068

No, retard

>> No.18957235

not talking about the project itself,
investors who jump ship after x000% gains

>> No.18957263

It's fine. 17,794 ETH in AA lobby at the moment - five hours to go.

>> No.18957423



tell me this does not sound like hex

>> No.18957461
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yes its s scam.

can't wait til all you faggots get rekt so hard.

>> No.18957597

Stop spamming threads faggot
EOS did the exact same thing brainlet

>> No.18957629

Imagine spending precious BTC for this scam just before the halving hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

losers are just destined to be losers.

>> No.18957645 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming biz

>> No.18957676 [DELETED] 


>> No.18957698 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming biz

>> No.18957701
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recycle ETH right back into the contract?

rightt. never the less they're both shitcoins.

>> No.18957710

I don't know about you retard but my btc is worth like 60x what it used to

>> No.18957721 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming biz

>> No.18957744

EOS recycled the fuck out of the eth in their token sale, that's literally how they pumped so much after they launched

>> No.18957770 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming biz you fat fucking retard.

>> No.18957789

>muh locked funds are worth x

>> No.18957791
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Reported again faggot

>> No.18957818

My funds are not locked retard, you brainlets literally have no idea how it works

>> No.18957831

show us your funds

>> No.18957849

Fuck you?

>> No.18957881 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming biz

>> No.18957882
File: 160 KB, 760x430, 1562958225494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so in order to shill your scam you're lying about your gains?

>> No.18957902
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Everyone do your part.

>> No.18957915


>> No.18957917 [DELETED] 

No I just won't show you my wallet
My avarage entry into HEX is 2.5 SAT I'll tell you that much
Reported once more faggot

>> No.18957926 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming biz

>> No.18957930

I sold this morning. Will buy back in at the end of the dip

>> No.18957941 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming biz

>> No.18957949

>My avarage entry into HEX is 2.5 SAT I'll tell you that much
I bought BTC @ 0.10$ I'll tell you that much

>> No.18957979

I did the same with like 10% of my stack but I already bought back in entirely once it broke down from that broadening wedge

>> No.18958006

You could have done it again mate

>> No.18958020 [DELETED] 

stop spamming biz

>> No.18958043

DAMN boi you are determined to get banned today

>> No.18958052
File: 161 KB, 1280x720, 0 2XEZR3PYxhaEs7cY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop spamming biz

>> No.18958055 [DELETED] 

Reported. Useless person this is.

>> No.18958076
File: 292 KB, 1366x637, d8AsYy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the big difference here is that richard doesnt even want to tell your who owns the ETH in that address

he says "you're not suppose to know that?

or it by owned by some "priest in a third world country"

and he fumbls and fidgets and freaks out on people when they ask about the same thing..

fuck this dude and anyone who thinks this shit is still gonna go up or worth a shit.

>> No.18958081 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 600x600, richard-shart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop spamming biz

>> No.18958083
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>> No.18958109
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>> No.18958111
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fuck you richard schueller we know thats you faggot...

go neck yourself.

>> No.18958138
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>> No.18958147

Maybe that's because that would literally give the SEC the excuse to call it a security?

>> No.18958167


>> No.18958177

No HEX is not over. Its just dumping for a few days while all the money is put into bitcoin and once the profit from that is done it gets put back into HEX and HEX explodes upward. DUH

>> No.18958182
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lol this clown thinks he can't dance around semantics. but the law doesnt work that way.

>> No.18958187 [DELETED] 

stop spamming biz

>> No.18958204

Hmm, his coin went up a 100x and they were wrong with all of their predictions.. DAMN he got rekt huh

>> No.18958219
File: 9 KB, 288x175, dgfhfsdgjras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder he paid to do pic related.

>> No.18958220
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yeah the got him real good. watch the part where he begs the lawyer to ask him one more questions..then he flips and says lets not ask about me..

i used to have respect for this guy and the shit he used to call out..but now he's becoming that same shit stain.

>> No.18958241

Wash Trading you fat retarded dumb fuck.
Can't believe you did >>18958219
Do you also pay for sex?

>> No.18958259


yeah just go ask how much trevon james and craig grant made on bitconnect.

>> No.18958264

Yeah I can see that actually, but it's totally legal in the Netherlands probably

>> No.18958265

He looks like he's into dank memes.

>> No.18958283

Indeed, but fat ass live in California or Washington.

>> No.18958284

Lol bitconnect was a scam though

>> No.18958305 [DELETED] 

Same with hex also stop spamming biz.

>> No.18958308 [DELETED] 

I think he lives in europe actually

>> No.18958319

$1000 to HEX smart contract five months ago is now close to $100,000. How do you feel about that? Imagine missing out the next 100x leg.

>> No.18958321
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>> No.18958323

I bought a keyboard from him, to find out.

>> No.18958326

Should never have bought. Did you buy that scam? Did you never realise how the shilling arguments and the whole point of the coin is the same as bitconnect? How can you fall for that scam? "It is designed to moon", it is a obvious scam, the value isn't based on anything and relies on inviting people like a MLM scam. Are you a middle aged woman?

>> No.18958337

Keep thinking that brainlet

>> No.18958339


imagine not buying bitcoin in 2011 and 2012

imagine being so desperate to invest in this garbage.

>> No.18958343

>How do you feel about that?
How do those who got rich off bitconnect feel?
They hurt others.

>> No.18958356 [DELETED] 

Remember to report hex threads.

>> No.18958380

Will you fagets stop buying tops

>> No.18958394

lol u are pathetic anon

>> No.18958399

>1 post by this ID

>> No.18958420 [DELETED] 

stop spamming biz

>> No.18958455

Said the most active spammer on the biz board

>> No.18958458

You reek of simpness ranjeesh. Did you get your feelings hurt little man?

>> No.18958471 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming biz

>> No.18958501 [DELETED] 

reported once more

>> No.18958503

No answer the question, why are you so obsessed over this and spam every hex thread, did you cry also?

>> No.18958513 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming biz

>> No.18958518 [DELETED] 

shut the fuck up you dumb bitch or ill really spam biz.

>> No.18958534 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming biz

>> No.18958546 [DELETED] 

lol what a sad life you must live..

>> No.18958564 [DELETED] 

stop spamming biz

>> No.18958594 [DELETED] 

So sad..

>> No.18958617
File: 439 KB, 1280x720, sameshit-differentfudd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just uniswapped and got my eth back. Boy, these bags are floating now

>> No.18958703

I don't know why i like bidesk more..
maybe I'm too used to a centralized chinese based exchange after all these years..

>> No.18958727

go away youre boring.

>> No.18958761

Should I sell now or just wait?

>> No.18958772

In the next 5-10 days the amount of ETH in the AA will double its current rate and we will pump 80-100% again.
You are becoming desensitized to the gains but don’t lose your grip now. RH is about to kick the recycling into the next gear (and that’s a good thing!) so load up your bags now.

Screenshot this

>> No.18958789

>invests in self described Ponzi
>will I make money?

>> No.18958791

I sold and plan on buying back in after the dump.

>> No.18958834

This guy gets it
Self described as a ponzi where?

>> No.18958845


>> No.18958932

lol yes he can, of course he can, EOS did the same recycling thing and got investigated by the SEC and in the end it wasn't even declared a security..

>> No.18958980

No Richard, the SEC is coming for your fat ass.

>> No.18958998

I was like, joking dude
I loaded some heavy bags early on so I’m happy to see RH pump them to the moon

>> No.18959002


>> No.18959035

Lol knightly

>> No.18959060
File: 7 KB, 454x520, 1588767913344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG really he recycles it??

>> No.18959090

Theoretically he can trade from the left hand to the right hand artificially inflating the price and daily volume; two indicators for technically based day traders. Theoretically he can be the only trader that day and recycle his own funds through the contract and back into his pocket and potentially make money doing it with zero risk.

>> No.18959108

Nice pasta saw that one before

>> No.18959228

I sold

>> No.18959267

I honestly don't give a fuck about recycling. Most shitcoins are also washtraded. The issue is that's it's just SO out in the open. He's not even trying to hide it. No one in their right mind would think this is a good long term bet when they know this fact The entire fate of the project rests on "whoever" is seeding the uniswap pool and creating price support on AA. Too blatantly manipulated to be taken as anything other than a PND.

>> No.18959322


>> No.18959366

This is perniciously inorganic, clearly wash traded.
Did you jannies miss the meta thread?
Delete this hex spam thread. "Richard Heart" paid people on Fivver to post about it. CoinMarketCap is going to de-list it & Hiro may be subpoenaed if the SEC finds out it was spammed on biz.

>> No.18959373

Right. So just say you can make money cause this shit is getting artificially pumped right now. No need to wrap it in all that "muh game theory muh decentralized CD" bullshit

>> No.18959384

Except the ETH whale that staked for 15 years from a wallet that hasn't moved in 10 years, besides him no one else thinks this has value. You're right, anon, it's a scam, you're better off just staying poor.

>> No.18959394
File: 30 KB, 797x603, 87978978978978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this chart, totally organic.

>> No.18959424

Low grade fud anon, can't you try claiming something that's like, true?

>> No.18959444


>> No.18959459

Well after the launch phase the AA goes away it will just be all about that game theory and decentralized CD bullshit

>> No.18959476

Fuck off Richard stop spamming hex.

>> No.18959503
File: 29 KB, 453x489, 1584977792850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paid shills from fiverr

lol no you idiot, we all just just suddenly got rich as fuck

>> No.18959526

>suddenly got rich as fuck
Where can I click to find out more, about this totally legal reputable way of earning money online?!

>> No.18959541

Yeah and the USD price will plummet because he will no longer be able to set the price floor on AA. Which is basically the sole reason why everyone is here in the first place.

>> No.18959567

This, once the erthereum is flushed you can't exchange your hex for ethrerum.

>> No.18959598

HEX.win lad
We're gonna see about that, there really is no way to know without knowing what the market will be like

>> No.18959616

Fuck off Richard, you fat cunt.

>> No.18959617

You can't ever exchange your hex for eth on the AA even before it's flushed, you take it on an exchange and sell it there dummy

>> No.18959622

LoL FUD harder !

>> No.18959638

Yes you can, when fat ass takes the ethereum, no one can exchange their worthless hex.

>> No.18959660

Always a good counter argument..

>> No.18959680


>> No.18959709

You are so retarded it hurts me in my bones, it is clear you have never used it in your life..
On the AA you can only ever send eth and get hex, there is no option to swap the hex for eth over there you moron..

>> No.18959763

He means when he removes liquidity from uniswap pool. RH basically provides like 95% of liquidity there because it wouldn't be profitable for anyone else to provide it. And since hex has no real volume on any other exchanges you basically have to trust him not to keep uniswap liquidity going.

>> No.18959766
File: 202 KB, 679x960, 15843166820353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


EOS got fined big time.. problem with richard is that he didnt raise 4 billion dollars to bribe them

have fun in jail faggot!

i know your reading this.


>> No.18959769

But anon how does that matter as in I exchanged HEX and got all my ETH back yesterday from uniswap. Maybe I don't understand what you're saying.

>> No.18959778

lol watch this one
This guy came on again and richard lost that patience he had for him.. He got rekt so hard he's getting mocked on twitter to this day the poor guy..

>> No.18959797

"Bitcoin just dropped 15%!! I'm selling at $200!!!"

It's just like then, but it's now.

Buying HEX right now is like buying BTC @ $200.. but go ahead and end your stakes. My bag loves when we hit an ATH of penalties paid.

>> No.18959798

Exactly, it's why I didn't put my HEX in staking and never will. Maybe as a newfag I'm wrong about this but I'm only looking to ride the HEX train till november big pay day and then cash out.

>> No.18959856

He doesn't ever remove his liquidity though, it's been a long while now and never has it gone anywhere
lol I think he lives in Europe somewhere anon, I don't think he's gonna go to jail
Disregard anon I was arguing with a different anon that thought you can sell on the AA

>> No.18959869

have fun missing out on unstaking bonuses and interest earned up to BPD

>ITT poorfag wagies

>> No.18959969

>1 post by this ID
Why jannies, why.

>> No.18960439

> He didn't remove it yet
> Means he will never remove it

I mean...if you think that, anon, then best of luck to you. I just don't think you can call something trustless and without counterparties when you literally have to put trust in someone to cash out your shit.

>> No.18960485

>lol I think he lives in Europe
Actually, it's Panama; he never left.

>> No.18960583

My bets on Estonia.

>> No.18960669

It's a bet you will lose.

>> No.18960822

He had that Eastern European thot on one of his videos a while back. Much more likely he's there than panama

>> No.18960865


ever heard of extradition?