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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18953085 No.18953085 [Reply] [Original]

I bought railblocks early, I bought Antshares early. Heck I even bought darkcoin earlynfor you old fags. I'm telling you now with absolute sincerity with hand on heart and may God be my witness. That Zenon 100% is funded and connected to Jack Dorsey and square. I can't guarantee this moons. But I'm willing to say the rumours are true and if you check out the tweets you can see for yourself. I now follow the project in the Telegram and it's only made me more sure.

>> No.18953427

>I got lucky, I got lucky, I got lucky
You might too!

>> No.18953524

I don't see it as luck. If in this case you find clear evidence Twitter has funded and intends to use a project you buy it. Period. You make your own luck kid.

>> No.18953563


Isn't it kind of dumb to buy a coin that's already over $1.00?

>> No.18953574

fuck twitter and everyone on that site. fuck me if my money goes to supporting that echo chamber nigger culture website.


>> No.18953579

>IQ African

>> No.18953603

So you are admitting it's true. What kind of dumb fudder are you?

>> No.18953654


Why wouldn't you just buy stocks if you're investing actual money? Cryptos are for penny traders

>> No.18953688

You might be right. Good luck with this one anon.

>> No.18953720


>> No.18953769
File: 136 KB, 1200x669, 07EC1D04-29F4-4341-9648-247BAC4919B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, darkcoin doesn’t even exist, LINK, PNK and ANJ is all you need to make it

>> No.18954293

Low IQ thinking. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Make a few million off the back of them, then use the money against them.

>> No.18954311

Kek literally a copy paste clone. Muh tim Draper. Newfags get the rope.

>> No.18954356

absolute state of nu/biz/

>> No.18954394

zenon is a trash scam full of bagholders

>b-buh Dorsey


>> No.18954545
File: 546 KB, 2550x2221, 50C20315-D781-464B-849A-E9C80EB283CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, if you are on this board and still didn’t buy LINK, you are really stupid, Chainlink will go to $1000 at least this bullrun and in 5 years we might see 20k, Buying LINK now is like buying ETH at $0.05

>> No.18954782

Yes sirs ZNN good coin please buy

>> No.18954803

This. People chasing rumors when the moonshot is well known and right in front of their faces. Ppl want to believe scams and disbelieve the obvious.

>> No.18954998

imagine still not realizing that LINK has already mooned. Anyone buying LINK still is XRP tier brainlet

>> No.18955006


>no listed team
>2 short commits on github in 2020
>no expected upcoming events besides some sort of testnet
>and its a fucking PIVX fork

shitcoin confirmed

>> No.18955082

I still want to fuck this ant

>> No.18955157

LINK hasn't mooned you mong. It may never moon, sure. But it hasn't mooned either

>> No.18955166
File: 169 KB, 750x1334, DCDDC25C-26FE-4921-BF24-CBCC9DA19FAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only true chads think like this, we are the ones that will make it, I suffered some minor losses, but 2021 will be my year.

>> No.18955442

>hasnt mooned
I threw 100 ETH at the presale and cashed out millions. other whales have been distributing to the Trevon James & Kris Humphries of the world for months

>> No.18955978
File: 165 KB, 860x559, suicide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will make it sir

>> No.18956094

topkek old scamcoins getting dumped on newfags who don't know any better. just buy zenon you fucking retards

>> No.18956470
File: 248 KB, 320x320, 420$ zenon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will become the new 1%

>> No.18956804
File: 72 KB, 1049x567, IMG_20200508_210008_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18958002

Then what's up with them not releasing the yellow paper nor testnet?

Why are they currently hosting some shitty community incubation program, having the first thing build some shitty market place?

It's 100% not connected to the Twitter guy. Screenshot this and make sure to remember it when you tie the noose

>> No.18958159

LINK holders will be, its all over reddit and youtube, put your money where the people are!