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18948391 No.18948391[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm a lightskinned indian male. When I make it I will impregnate a beautiful white girl and have mixed children with her. I wouldn't mind settling for a hapa either, as long as she resembles her white roots more. What is your women of choice like, fellow bizbros?

>> No.18948410

I've already got my second kid on the way bro but I'm with you on spreading my seed as much as possible and that's why I'm studying finance every fucking night while I wagecuck every fucking day in my shitty stem field. GL!

>> No.18948590


>> No.18948650

How do you plan making it in India post lockdown?

>> No.18948660

Yeah i’m thinking based

>> No.18948786

i'm going to israel and plundering chosen pussy and khazar milkers

>> No.18948788

Good job bro. I assume you have a sizable portion of your savings invested in crypto to cut the chase. We all gonna make it.

I don't live in India. I will never visit that shithole again.

>> No.18948841

Is this a based pajeet?

>> No.18948877

Imagine hating yourself this much.

>> No.18948891

out of interest are you just considering more children with the same girl or with other girls

>> No.18949151

I wish I had crypto, I sold at 8.7k the profit is nice but God dam go down plz

>> No.18949275

se-asian. All memes aside, they are the purest. With money and western influence comes degeneracy.

>> No.18949302

gl manlet

>> No.18949317

How do you plan on minimising the amount of Indian DNA in your offspring op? Have you considered a sperm donor?

>> No.18949347
File: 65 KB, 215x300, 1588897649643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont get married or have kids. Women are so fucking stupid.
> I wake up at 3:30am to a loud banging noise
> Grab gun and open up my bedroom door
> The wife is hobbling around in pajamas and barefoot.
> She broke her foot by falling off a 3 step ladder weeks ago and hasnt gone to the hospital for fears of catching corona
> She is shuffling around and says the dog shit on the floor
> " Go back to bed anon"
> I said are you sure?
> " yes, I got this"
> So I say okay and go back to bedroom
> This dumb bitch then jumps in the shower to clean her broke n shit covered foot
> Dogs are out side and i can hear them
> 2 Napolean mastiffs crying and pawing at the glass slider door
> Meanwhile shes in the shower
>I get up, walk back out and start yelling at them to stfu
> I get on my hands and knees and start cleaning up the shit covered floor
> 5 mins goes by
> I'm stroking out talking to myself and yelling at the 2 130lb shit covered dogs to stfu and stop crying while I'm on my hands and knees cleaning the shit covered floor
> wife comes out
> She starts to say "why ar.....
> I cut her off
> " why the fuck did you leave to shower!?"
> "They are outside pawing on the fucking window and woofing non stop to come in"
> She replies
> "I cant believe your yelling at me for this"
> She starts getting teary eyed
> She says just go back to bed
> Me " How the hell could I go back to bed while they are howling and pawing at the window almost breaking it? There is shit all over and you just take a fucking shower? clean your shit covered foot off real quick and finish the job!"
> she starts crying so I leave and here I am typing this
Tldr; I fucking hate how stupid this bitch is. She has no job and always hurting herself and interrupts me playing vidya to ask me the dumbest fucking shit. Shes white and as stupid as they come.

>> No.18949378


You're the asshole in this story.

>> No.18949386


>> No.18949388

The real problem here is having dogs. I do not want to have to clean shit and listen to howling when i already have a baby on the way.

>> No.18949427

I love them but fuck they are work and make it so I cant vacation. The amount of anger I have towards this dumb bitch is mind blowing. Imagine the stupidest person you know, dragging their foot around all day because they fell off a step stool. Shes always screaming in pain when the dog barely touches her stupid foot

>> No.18949457

I have a short temper at night when im trying to sleep to.
You're in the wrong for getting mad at her when you didn't have to.

>> No.18949503


>> No.18949540

Yea your right. My anger is now almost gone and I feel like I'm a piece of shit but sort of right. I wish I still had butterflies when I see her but that is long gone. I've been with her since 2010 and married since 2012. No kids thank god. Meh, that's life.

>> No.18949553

You are cheating your descent. But if you do so, I will go to India as good looking european chad and marry an Indian girl from a rich family. #bollywood

>> No.18949587


>> No.18949596

nice larp.
> guesswhocouldbebehindthispost.jidf

>> No.18949615

whats wrong with lightskinned indian girls?

>> No.18949670

Lol white girls are shit. They think too highly of themselves but are actually demons in disguise, only good for pumping and dumping. Thats what I'm going to do once I make it.
Eventually I will settle with a cute Asian girl though.

>> No.18950132


>> No.18950157

Women are children aren’t they. How old is she

>> No.18950166

go poo in the loo, the only thing more worthless than a white girl with a pajeet is a white girl with a nigger

>> No.18950169

Its over

>> No.18950178

real talk tho fellas

indian girls have the tightest pussies

>> No.18950308
File: 1.86 MB, 1210x6307, AboutWomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wholeheartedly agree.
You cant just loose your temper and start yelling for things she didnt do on purpose.
You think she likes having shit on her foot?
Off course she prioritizes the shit on her foot over the shit on the floor.
She was probably going to clean the shit while you were asleep.
She'd rather gotten a job of cleaning shit over getting yelled at by her husband and having to wonder if he even loves her anymore.
Women are more delicate than you are.
Start being more concerned with how she feels and she'll become a perfect wife.
Read picrelated.

>> No.18950320
File: 1.83 MB, 1210x6291, AboutWomen2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18950351

>When I make it

>> No.18950403

Why the fixation on white women Bhai? You also need to consider the impact on the kids, you know yourself how good of genetic stock you are but I still would not be convinced. I from a Punjabi family and our looks range from middle Eastern to bihari and I know anecdotally how the kids of a WFIM turned out and both parents are conventionally attractive. They recieved the worst features blonde hair, Indian skull,nose, etc. Lookism is real don't repeat what my idiot relative risked doing thinking the kids would come out beautiful.
My personal opinion go and research if race mixing will cause developmental issues and mental issues in kids and then decide from there. I vaguely recall there was a study blacks and white mixed heritage kid have more incidents of birth defects, but I can't rmbr this source. Though Indians are caucasians we are distinct from these europeans. You should be considerate, you are bringing another soul into this world don't you want it to suffer as least as possible? Don't think so narrow-minded