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File: 42 KB, 750x255, E3EC5099-42B6-4D22-B7E8-9299E9B6B504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18946992 No.18946992 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone got a Telegram link or something?

>> No.18947604

just search kleros trading on telegram and start bitching about how much they fucked early investors in this, how the fuck could they ruin it for everyone with their autism by minting 1 billion tokens, fucking frogs

30K bagholder

>> No.18947606

Lol. Anj is raping kleros jeeeeet

>> No.18947628
File: 532 KB, 2380x1236, howorganic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is all this PNK shilling in the last hour. epic organic threads sirs.

>> No.18947994

I’m not shilling it. You see my holdings. I bought them about a week ago. I just need somewhere with reps

>> No.18948013

>15k pnk

theres a discord. Thats screenshots from it in that image.

Look through the archives and you will find plenty of links to it. there is also a telegram which is piss easy to find. the fact you could not even find that speaks volume of the pnk token and its hodlers.

>> No.18948546

I’ve spent exactly five hours researching this coin. And before I throw in more I need to talk to some people. I’m a busy man fuckhead, but thanks for the info

>> No.18948628
File: 153 KB, 500x573, epoque-long-vitalik-buterin-protects-ethereum-from-shillers-30145009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not reading the white paper, current supply 500m total supply 1B. Thx for the cheap pnks.

>> No.18948793 [DELETED] 
File: 829 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20200508-060507_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our villages have accumulated many many more Pnk. Now that we are at the bottom I can disclosing that there was never a "Suprise minting" see pic white paper. Current supply is 500m. KEK thankyou for doing needfull weak hands Thx for the cheap pinkies.

>> No.18948809


ok shill

>> No.18948880

> he still doesn't know about Kleros and the oracle problem

>> No.18948952

in one week you will be at 5000 GWEi, maybe i will buy your bags then faggot

>> No.18949221

In one week you will be priced out

>> No.18949628

Where to buy this Kleros coin?

>> No.18949681
File: 539 KB, 2380x1236, howorganic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>busy man
>spends 5 hours researching shitcoin

yikes dude.

>> No.18949694

lmao is that supposed to mean something? Literally every shitcoin has a tranny discord

>> No.18949815

wanna bet, ANJ is mooning, PNK is thrash, fuck yur bivth mother cunt, you thing just cause your white you are better? fuck you bitch

>> No.18949875

Anj will destroy pnk. Much bigger community because of Aragon. Trade your pnk for Anj

>> No.18949986

ANJ is for big brain. Pnk smelling pajeets don't have the brain to buy

>> No.18950250

Anj is the smelliest poo token on the net

>> No.18950290

Jesus christ, its this hour of biz again

>> No.18950483

You are pajeet that will stay poor. Too small brain to buy ANJ

>> No.18950939

what whit boi? What will u do? FUCK YOU FRENCH KIEK CLEAMENT

>> No.18951957

Pakistan, if you're listening, please launch everything you have at India. The absolute state of curryniggers.

>> No.18952073

why would i use PNK when ANJ is still a micro cap with better tokenomics? literally 700k mcap. If it got up to kleros at 8m it would be nearly 20c