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18940947 No.18940947 [Reply] [Original]

When did we end up with 8 genders?

>> No.18940979

As if you needed more proof that cryptos are for fags

>> No.18940983

>When did we end up with 8 genders?

>> No.18940990

Sell signal.

>> No.18941026

They put male first, it’s not so bad. The worst is when they bury the obviously most popular response in an attempt to seem woke.

>> No.18941033

fking trannies.. i dont even know what half these options mean.
j e ws did this.

>> No.18941063
File: 71 KB, 250x380, 1582568816104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ONLY 8 ?!?!? thats offensive

>> No.18941170

You're supporting their idiocy if you go. Don't do it anon.

>> No.18941220

this whole gender thing is an absolout joke and makes me want to kms

>> No.18941234

Time to short the FUCK out of ETH.

>> No.18941463

agrese fren

>> No.18941515

All these crypto morons sitting around all day dosing lsd and shrooms thinking they're the next jobs or elon. That's how this tranny stuff gains traction and spread. Anything makes sense when you're fucked up on psychedelics all the time.

>> No.18941851

wtf is the difference in the last 3?

>> No.18942840

theyre all different synonyms for gay.

>> No.18942877
File: 83 KB, 388x313, 1588751999789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18942932

>no attack helicopter
I'm offended

>> No.18942956

wtf does that mean

>> No.18942957

>le attack helicopter XD

At least identify as a werewolf or something less common.

>> No.18942996

If it's a VIRTUAL summit why the fuck does anyone need to know your sex or mental illnesses at all?

>> No.18943010

The absolute state of cryptotrannies

>> No.18943084

guys what does sergey identify as????

>> No.18943292

no. I'm a homo and everything after the second option is mental illness. Don't group us faggots with those deranged abominations

>> No.18943323
File: 109 KB, 500x624, C1245E3B-1BF5-413F-B54F-2D41ED016EFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you hate money, you’re a fag.

>> No.18943340

It means you're either a zoomer or you need to spend some more time on the interwebz
These usually go by calling themselves furries or otherkin and they deserve to be impaled
I love money and I'm an unironic faggot

>> No.18943688

what posses someone to identify as non binary gender nuetral non conforming furry transexuals?

>> No.18943823
File: 116 KB, 1024x780, EUl8WjIXsAEeUZr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Immediately opened short, not touching this shit.

>> No.18944098

>no support for Male SV or Female Classic
wtf bros

>> No.18944127

I like when a site asks you to select your country when buying something, and USA is all the way at the bottom of a list that includes every single country in the world in alphabetical order. 90% of people are going to be selecting US, but for some reason they want you to have to scroll down past Tibet, Niger, Angola, Cambodia, and every other bullshit 3rd world country