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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 262 KB, 900x1200, Cf12BJQUkAABty5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18938004 No.18938004 [Reply] [Original]

How could Bitcoin pump stupid-high, if there are too many exchanges to manipulate the price?

>> No.18938041

it is about attracting liquidity aka pigs
halving we milk the moon bois
post halving we milk the dip buyers

>> No.18938087

There are big players entering the crypto market. They will not be fucked with as easily as us plebs. Exchanges will be more careful.

>> No.18938088

did bird survive?

>> No.18939064


>> No.18939243

Between exchanges offering margin trading and arbitrage algos, BTC is finished. People will start to dump it once they see a non-correlated coin start to moon and BTC will still be in the same shitty range.

>> No.18939349

No, and you know why? Because these big players are not as retarded as us plebs. They don't care what you shill or fud. They don't even read it. They have people like us on staff. They fucking do their thing. Period.

>> No.18939466
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Wrong. The "big players" all buy it through derivatives which is margin. They'll dump it as soon as it goes up enough to double their money. You need to stop listening to the bullshit you hear.

>> No.18939591

No, not in this scenario. Until now, these people were a bit in crypto with the left over gambling money so to speak... now this situation forces them to go in it for real. There is a huge difference. You thing hedge fund managers will sit by with 10% of their fund invested while coinable shuts down during a pump? Or while finance pulls another trick? We are entering the serious world Anons, and that is a good thing.

>> No.18939679
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Get the fuck outta here. Hedge Funds are the largest speculators out there. They are not going to hodl btc. You can lap up the PTJ hype if you want but you're going to get rekt. BTC is essentially dysfunctional at this point.

>> No.18939739

You keep jerking off believing that Anon. I wish you the best of luck.

>> No.18939803

BTC is literally doing nothing. It's broken through the bottom bands that used to make it predictable. Literally a range bound pile of shit at this point. If you think average people will hodl this shit while innovative new coins moon, you're an idiot. People will dump that broken piece of software faster than you'd ever believe.

>> No.18939957

I didn't imply that. A lot of coins will moon soon. But I am not some shill advertising your next coin. All you need to know is that yes, the crypto market as a whole will be boosted beyond good and bad. Be thankful and glad I give you that.

>> No.18940077

All the coins on the speculative exchanges are fucked. The exchanges themselves literally take the short position if everybody else goes long. The exchanges alone will dump the price and fuck everybody. You don't understand yet what's really happening. You gotta get out from under the exchanges or else get dumped on.

>> No.18940275

I disagree. Sorry man, but you are way off. BTC is about to seriously explode. Not because happening, not because of nothing else but the fact that the people with real money have no other fucking option left. And that by definition, will drag shitcoins with it. And link is a special case. It will play Link in its hands. but that is for the future to decide

>> No.18940335

Can you give any data as to why BTC should "explode"? Have you even looked at the metrics of this piece of shit?

>> No.18940343

BTC will explode and then dump back down to 9k, what is wrong with you. Ride the wave, buy low sell high, Warren.

>> No.18940377

You would be stupid to do that. Because you know it will go up a lot further. And you or I or anyone could never pinpoint the time this happens.

>> No.18940447

Friend, it is exploding as we speak. There is no way back now.

>> No.18940484

>not understanding a competent exit strategy

Just trying to help you avoid bankruptcy anon.

>> No.18940491

This pump is an exit scam for speculators. Smart money bought in mid March and are going to dump this shit on idiots.

>> No.18940540

Except I know better. Do what you like... all I can do is try to help

>> No.18940586

If you knew better you would have bought in March, not after some speculators told you to buy.

>> No.18940651

Ok, biting. Without giving out any specifics, what are you trying to get at? Not asking for proof, but need a bit more than vague statements.

>> No.18940722

There is no talking point other than Paul Tudor Jones mentioning BTC. Literally trying to get you to buy the top that smart is selling.

>> No.18940731

With all due respect Anon, I owe you NOTHING! be glad with what I give and act accordingly or not. I will not be held accountable for your failures.

>> No.18940785
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And look here, literally taking the Craig Wright approach now that he's been exposed.

>> No.18940858
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>> No.18940862

No reason to get defensive, anon. I actually was the only one taking you seriously and asked. Been hearing some rumors - not sure if we mean the same.

>> No.18941198

dunno, mebbe btc is gud?

>> No.18941290

> People will dump that broken piece of software faster than you'd ever believe.
You don't buy the software dummy you buy an entry in the Ledger of Truth.

>> No.18941353

Ok, back from taking a piss... and come back to this XD
Are you serious

>> No.18941389

An exit strategy implies you have a better alternative lined up to put your money into (that better option being cash if nothing else). What looks better than bitcoin? Taking profits only to use them all buying in again at a higher price isn't much of an exit strategy.

>> No.18941397

That ledger is broken. If coin goes up then the mempool fills up and it dumps. If it can't moon and people dump. If the price dumps enough then miners don't make money either. Literally broken software.

>> No.18941432


>> No.18941456

Compared to gold the tx throughput is very high, compared to bank wires it is fast and cheap and compared to altcoins it exists.

>> No.18941502

In the end we do not GIVE A SHIT what you retards put your money in. Honestly. But if we are as generous as feeding you you a few pieces out of nostalgia and love for this place, fucking take it it! Instead of seriously disgruntling the few old school boys left.

>> No.18941538


>> No.18941557

Seriously anon, I am taking it. I kind of sensed you’re one of the old dudes, so I asked for a bit more breadcrumbs. That’s all. If you’re down to share a bit more, genuinely grateful.

>> No.18941569


>> No.18941578
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>pee pee go wee wee

>> No.18941614

Nice to meet you too.

>> No.18941637
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there's also hive-manipulation going on due to the halving coming up

people are buying in due to the "rumor" and after the halving they will be selling the "news"

>> No.18941638
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>> No.18941654

Don't fret, anon. If people in general were as smart as you, you'd be less rich.

>> No.18941670

Well smart anon, I was the one who gave 4chan that... buy the rumour sell the news... BUT: in this case there is no more buying the rumour. and the news to sell are far ahead.

>> No.18941672

Seems like that anons facade is crumbling.
Posts like this >>18941502 - which most of the time happen in similar capacity - are a good indicator.

>> No.18941691

No I would't be less rich, I inherited so much real estate, that no matter what I do, it will not matter. Even losing some on crypto

>> No.18941696

Alright boss. Thanks for initial info and take care.

>> No.18941710
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>I was the one who gave 4chan that... buy the rumour sell the news
What are you saying?

>> No.18941727

>What are you saying?
stairs up, then elevator up

>> No.18941736

You too

>> No.18941786

I am saying that has been an old saying on your so called 'boomer markets' for a long time. I brought it to crypto because it equally applies. BUY THE RUMOR... crypto xyzzy has a press conference swing we will be super because bla, and when it happens = the news, you sell, because it's all bullshit! Understand?

>> No.18941797

Well then, if people in general were as smart as your grandpa you'd be less rich.

>> No.18941837

I wouldn't say that. My grandpa had to fight a war. Meaning he had less time t make money

>> No.18941891

he spent even less time than originally thought, that makes him smarter. thus, if people were as smart as him, you'd not be less rich, but you'd be even significantly more poor.

>> No.18941902
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you didn't bring shit, lol who do you think you are? who doesn't apply "buy the rumor sell the news" to crypto on his own.

>> No.18942070

I did bring this here and you really didn't know, but whatever yous say faggot. May I make some money please, as a white guy? Or will you call me a jew if do... go fuck off and get rekt bad. am angry

>> No.18942200
File: 91 KB, 986x740, fearless leaders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you didn't bring it to me and i'm here. but if you sleep better thinking you're king /biz/ then sorry

>> No.18942249

You are insane. I was getting to the point as to net let serious investors get instantly being driven away by the pollard mode of jew and jew and jewthat...

>> No.18942294

i didn't read the thread before my first reply, no idea what you're talking about

>> No.18942362
File: 12 KB, 400x154, 8dc7e720c3e2aacb4af6d42c671a92c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone redpill me on this shit ? Is it a buy ?

>> No.18942383

Basically tonight, it seems making money means you must be a jew. Not living in a wood gut means you must be a jew. Ever thinking about making a money means you must be a jew... you figure it out ;)

>> No.18942398

it's cloudy outside but only partly

>> No.18942426

basically /pol/ being retarded and jealous goes /Bi/ .. you make money? Hey you must be a jew
For fuck's sakes

>> No.18942468

I will annihilate this. Promise.

>> No.18942524

rent free. so lit it gave faggots Stockholm syndrome.

>> No.18942539

When are you not a jew? Neet existence? But needs can be jews by blood? So what is the fucking definition? You make money equals jew. You make no money equals jew?

>> No.18942556

good if Arthur or CZ fuck with billionaires they deserve two islamic qurans of peace to the back of their head

>> No.18942576

Different subject

>> No.18942622

This is what it is really 1 160iq anon, showing u off... no more answers, nothing. Fuck you all. Too dumb to be on 4chan, most of you

>> No.18942658


>> No.18942691

Dude, I tried to engage. Some anons appreciate the stuff on here, ignore those who don’t wanna listen.
And also agree, stereotypes are just fucking stupid.

>> No.18942750

Are you serious? Stereotypes? Like fuck you nigger? Fuck you nigger

>> No.18942790

the problem with multiple exchange is that the orderbook becomes worthless

>> No.18942795

Didn’t you implicitly condemn themselves, anon? You do you and again, thanks.

>> No.18942815

Dear Anon, are u by any chance a newfag? Or do you read other threads before you spout your inane crap?

>> No.18942853

Get your thoughts straight man

>> No.18942878

I like you OG, enjoying the brief chat

>> No.18943214

Sad thing is though: No real intelligent argument yet. Must I call on Satan and set you all straight? Or will you bow and see the mistakes?

>> No.18943572

Why is Buffet sitting in all cash right now?

>> No.18943707

Will an increase in price lead to higher margins of those miners that stay in business after the adjustment? Which in turn, reduces their monthly sells?
What’s your target?

>> No.18944246

Because he KNOWS he can't just buy. I f u have that much money you can not just buy. It is against the law before you do it.

>> No.18944663

To explain it to you in very basic terms: with 137 billion, you can pretty much pump and dump everything on this planet. Which is exactly why it i s not allowed.

>> No.18945191

no comment. it remains to be seen, honestly.
Good question though!

>> No.18945515

is this the new generation? a bunch of teenagers with brown skin?

>> No.18945584

young men who thought they donÄt need a driver's licence are now fucked up he ass once caught? such anons? ;) You are just laughable retards. Instead of realising you can learn here, you stay stubborn and try to mess with me. I forgive you because you are young.

>> No.18945842
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Why has BTC stopped going up as soon as you recommended people buy it?

>> No.18946360

Nah, but for real, I don't care Anon. I am way done. I am here because the get rich crew is actually getting started, i think.

>> No.18946387

Because USA/USD is going the way of the USSR and smart money wants out before the inflation kicks into high gear

>> No.18946474


>> No.18946504

not if governments start buying

>> No.18947141
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The price is still dropping on this pile of shit. What happened? Why didn't you fags listen when we told you the smart money is getting out of BTC for good?

>> No.18947172

You're call is like when Tone Vays was telling people short the bottom. Price doing the exact opposite of what you're telling people they should do.

>> No.18947221
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>BTC is about to seriously explode.
nah, 12k->crab->capitulation

>> No.18947750

easy answer: we didn't listen or believe you. This is /biz/