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18937608 No.18937608 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18937629

Those girls are cute.

>> No.18937639

they are men

>> No.18937647

in no way does truly making it involve fucking low class whores (men), especially not fucking south east asians, perhaps the most disgusting people next to niggers in the world.

>> No.18937660

man man man man man man
man man man man man man

>> No.18937671


>> No.18937746

100k ANJ

>> No.18937868
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>> No.18938107
File: 416 KB, 1400x2220, 81NcurHogkL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are all hideous. Muh Thailand muh escorts is literally for the bottom of the barrel people in society. Norf fc type of guys. Imagine wanting to fuck someone who looks so fucking hideous and who has already taken 50 dicks the same day. I don't get the allure of Asian party scene. Just full of middle aged men with 90 IQs looking for $30 per hr trash escorts. Making it in a hedonistic context is going to VIP clubs in mostly first world big cities, flirting and banging 9/10 models. Ofc this is 4channel where anons would suck a dick to get a fat 2/10 face gf.

>> No.18938134
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>> No.18938174

Bottom right could get it

>> No.18938197

Big if true.

>> No.18938210

Wife, three kids, six figure dividends, and a legacy of wealth that will carry forward for generations to come.

>> No.18938250

Realizing that you don't need all the crap money buys and instead spending your time become a better person

>> No.18938289
File: 165 KB, 800x526, 967CD0F5-2FF0-430E-A99F-1F3F30B9626C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better person
define "better person"

>> No.18938340

Freedom to do whatever i want.

>> No.18938357

House,car,passive income, female that I actually love. Everything else would just be extra

>> No.18938365

All fucking disgusting. Imagine your definition of making it by paying 500 bucks to fuck all those flips

>> No.18938374

easy, its being one of the qt lads in that picture

>> No.18938484
File: 168 KB, 1000x667, DB0A2675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whatever i want
define "whatever I want". Do you even actually know what you want?

>> No.18938960


Well it differs from day to day, one day i might want to go out and eat on a expensive restaurant. Another day i might want to travel to another country, buy some new clothes etc. You are really trying hard to not understand like some 12 year old wanna-be philosopher

>> No.18938987

no no no maybe no no
maybe yes no no no no

>> No.18938993

I'm just genuinely curious. I like your idea of making it, pure freedom

>> No.18939022

from bottom left to right

would, no, would, would, no, would, would, no, can't see enough, no, no, no, would, no, maybe, no, no, no

>> No.18939032

That's really nice to experience in Thailand, you get all of them in front of you and you pick your favorite.

>> No.18939104

Money to me gives me freedom. Has nothing to with material items. Don't need anything more than a regular house and car. Lambos, Rolexes, etc. are for faggots.

>> No.18939239

I was supposed to go to Pattaya for the 3rd time in April but then corona ruined everything.

>> No.18939282


Making it for me would mean having the money to go where I want, do what I want and have what I want whenever I want.

>> No.18939283

Yeah it fucking sucks

>> No.18939334
File: 122 KB, 775x960, 25398618_407340706352984_7216659606774473228_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much money would that be?

>> No.18939406


I couldn't put that into a number because I can't estimate what my expenses would be over the years.

>> No.18939417

Making it means not having to work

>> No.18939449

You can stop working right now

>> No.18939496

jesus. is that the phillippines or thailand? only one of those girls is even fuckable (2nd from right).

>> No.18939513

i want guns and a large house at least four-five bedrooms because I intend to have 3-4 kids with a submissive cuckquean.

>> No.18939526


>> No.18939570

More self actualised & generally a master of themselves & their environment, as opposed to some shitty coomer that kills themselves in a fit of existential angst after they've caught every STD possible from cheap whores & burnt their brains out on drugs.

>> No.18939579

I can, but then I wouldn't have a place to live, money to spend on random shit I want, food any time, video games etc. So in other words, making it is having all the things I have now, but without having to work.

>> No.18939632

>More self actualised & generally a master of themselves & their environment

>> No.18939648

Same here my man, until then I will still wagecuck. I hope to make it in max 10 years

>> No.18939741

That sure is a lot of dudes

>> No.18939848
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We have a winner, folks.

>> No.18939893

as to your question. making it:
>work for yourself (if at all)
>location independent
>you can at least "mildly" ball every weekend
>you can travel whenever you want and fuck qts like pic related at your leisure

Dan Bilzerian proves that the hedonic treadmill is ultimately destructive. I watched an interview with that guy and I can tell he's not happy. He even said in the interview, whenever he was asked about happiness, he spoke of things any plebian could do.

For me personally, maximum freedom while being able to live comfortably + ball a little bit is making it

>> No.18939901


>> No.18940029

for me, "making it" means financial independence. Early retirement.
Being free of the shackles of wageslaving. A life spent wageslaving is truly a life wasted.

>> No.18940078

Sustaining things you want for a dismally low amount of effort.

>> No.18940327

Wooooh! hold on there! I am not 90 and $30ph is waaaay over priced.

>> No.18940526

No wonder people want to fuck lady boys.

>> No.18941056

I think you're missing the point. When you're drunk as fuck and at one of these bars, it's dark and you're too drunk to give a shit. And once you bust that nut, you don't even care anymore who did it. STDs aside, you'd probably have more regrets afterward having spent more money on someone hotter.

>> No.18941143
File: 42 KB, 431x444, 1498042149081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fucking till my dick is red raw

waking up in the morning going, "I can do it again tonight as well!".

>> No.18941183

Making it - being content with having a lot of money that just buys you useless, materialistic things bringing you temporary happiness that quickly fades away and makes you want to kill yourself

>> No.18941499

Dan is a perfect example of what not to do and what not to be. That guy's entire existence revolves around trying to make other people envy him. Like, his entire happiness depends on what other people think about him. He's getting older now, he's already had all the sex he could ever hope for, his life is going on a downward trajectory now and he's probably going to end up dead within 10 years.

>> No.18941798

When I get to the point where I go through a day without wanting to kill myself every second.