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1892852 No.1892852 [Reply] [Original]

Pimpin' Out Shit Stocks edition

-- Links --
Stickerbitch's calendar of memes and dreams:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Shitposting chatrooms:

Earnings Report Calendar:

Premarket Movers:

Stock Charts:

Stock Scanner:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

-- Robinhood FAQs --
- VISIT THE WEBSITE FIRST DAMMIT!! - www.robinhood.com

> How is it free?
"People" invest your settled funds when you're not using them, just like banks.

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
Not being approved in 3 days seems to be the new norm. Nevertheless, call/email their support if you've been waiting more than that.

> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, why?
Robinhood graphs are shit and only show you an average, not true real-time prices. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform.

> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
Real brokers, like TDAmeritrade's thinkorswim. Otherwise you should be using stockcharts.com, finviz, or a non-pile-of-shit for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.


>> No.1892863

Who else got cucked by Deutsche Bank this week?

>> No.1892890

I'm assuming no one because why the fuck were you holding it

>> No.1892896

so did kingshiba go flat broke, or did he just decide not to use a trip anymore?

>> No.1892936

Why else would he be gone?

>> No.1892948

anon, i need a meme stock thats going to the moon tomorrow. help me out

>> No.1892961


>> No.1892967

Whats going on with CVM? Any new news?

>> No.1892977

Still waiting on the hold :(

>> No.1892993

thank you

>> No.1892994

when and why should i go all in on everything oil

>> No.1893002


>> No.1893023

MU still got legs boys. If you got daytrades ride the jizz fountain.

>> No.1893059

It's the new ceru mah nigga now that ceru is ded. So load up. Cvm mah nigga

>> No.1893091

I need to make up for the past couple days. Fucking ass. Send help.

>> No.1893102

low pharmas worth holding onto until they spike soon:

>> No.1893143

Am I the only one holding BNSO over here? I warned ya'll niggas its going to $3.50 tomorrow!

>> No.1893147

how much did he lose?

>> No.1893158

Trading stocks while in school is too damn time consuming.. finally made some money back that I lost on the CERU and NKE collapses, but I had to spend the entire day watching JNUG charts to do it. Ending -$48 / 9.82% but am going to start up again this summer. Will try to get through pic related and some more books in the meantime.

Of course I'll hold a few hundred shares of RNN.. the meme will never die. See you in a few months /rgt/

>> No.1893203
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forgot picture

oh and a few really basic lessons I learned that might be helpful to other super beginners
>only hold a few stocks at a time, but really get to know how they perform-- stay on top of the news
>most of the memes posted here and on /r/wsb have already spiked and are since gradually declining, usually no real reason to get in
>JDST and JNUG CAN be traded smartly, but be happy with small gains. Don't be retarded and hold overnight like I did a few times. Wait 30 min / an hour to purchase to see how the market is doing, the one that crashed (if it did for no understandable reason) is often a good one to buy. But set your stop losses and watch everything closely.
>Before earnings reports may seem a good time to buy in. But if rumors are swirling about the high chance of good news, don't be afraid to sell before close and take your profit. I would have made good money on NKE if I took the money rather than gambling on the stock breaking 60
>Use your day trades on things like JDST and JNUG. Pick a day to watch everything very closely, and have all trades available. I wanted to sell very badly when JNUG came to around 6.8s, knew that it would fall, but only had one trade left and couldn't risk missing out on it breaking $7. I would have tripled my gains if I had saved up day trades, rather than using them for no good reason.

>> No.1893283
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Well lads, sometimes kek blesses you.

>> No.1893285

what's that app you're using?

>> No.1893300

What's Kek's stance on CVM?

>> No.1893301

robinhood ios

also what the fuck

>> No.1893317

>HTGM ends up pulling a DRYS and flies on speculation .

Jk but it'd be a crazy call. I was staring at HTGM this morning thinking shit it's probably gonna hit 100% today when it was at 50%, instead said fuck it and went to sleep.

>Still kills me now

>> No.1893318

holy shit you went full meme

>> No.1893322
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>> No.1893324

stop anon, you're triggering my PTSD.

>> No.1893326
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He wills it

>> No.1893328

Was up 100% on DRYS but the hold made me have -30% it was.. a crazy time.

>> No.1893343

Please stop with the cartoons. I know this 4chan but this is /biz/ not preschool

>> No.1893347
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fuck off

>> No.1893351
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>> No.1893424
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>> No.1893447

AUPH is a lock. Phenomenal p2 data. 48 week data drops probably tomorrow. Just diluted so no worries there. Presenting at conference on Monday in AUS, should be a catalyst. Check the stocktwits board. Get the fuck in it!!

>> No.1893463

Im still here I just dont have the time at the moment to do the hard DD like I could previously. I can't give solid calls with my limited time so I've taken a break from trip posting until I can pick this up full time again.

>> No.1893467

Tell me your secrets dubs will it

>> No.1893473

Actually I managed to make a good cut off of IDXG a couple days ago. Its the only stock Ive traded in the last two weeks though. I dont this sideways market right now and to be honest Ive built such a nice nest egg Im scared of losing it.

>> No.1893489
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Already am bro, to the moon we go. Nobody flies to Australia to talk about a failed project.

>> No.1893493

Love u dood

>> No.1893495

Plus insider purchase of 35mm stock.

>> No.1893534

How big of gains are we thinking tomorrow?

>> No.1893592

14.4/5 I reckon, but it's a long. Ryzen is doing really well on pre-launch sales, and their CPU is going to be in most Microsoft laptops, Apple products (maybe), and all Alienware laptops.

>> No.1893598

Whoops I confused AUPH and AMD. Some Korean company just bought 8% of all AUPH, market predictions have 10.0 skyrocket today/tomorrow. In 3 months this bio rose 400%, no other bio did that. Healthcare act moving to monday might damper the gains a little though.

>> No.1893641

Anyone in CSTM tomorrow for comfy gains? Gonna wait a bit to make sure yesterday's levels are established then will get in around 10:30 and hold for the weekend.

>> No.1893676

FUCK robinhood is giving me a 'not currently tradable'

Anyone know why?

>> No.1893708

I'm holding a few shares of this shit: Til now the company was only a major rip off. But should(!!!)
the trial results be good, the price won't be under 20$.Minor news(but still important) expected end of March and major news end of April. Should it be bad news $aezs is ded.

It' s an all or nothing meme, but watch out guys there is a lot of trickery going on.

>> No.1893751

Yeah it's not tradeable on rh, but why do you expect gains from it? Performance seems all over the place

>> No.1893767


>> No.1893807

Keystone pipeline could be approved today? buy AKS, X, TRP?

>> No.1893860

the article you link specifically states the pipeline steel has already been bought, and not necessarily from US companies

>> No.1893876

That being said, I'm in for 10 shares of TRP at open; don't see how it won't go up

>> No.1893912

So many fucking choices today

>> No.1893926

I feel like HTGM is as high as it's gonna go, but I base that on absolutely nothing but gut.

>> No.1893929

How hard will HGTM dip at pre-market? Market open its probably going to look like a damn bungee jump

>> No.1893943

its like a more stronger ceru

>> No.1893945

Are we ever going to go back to pumping NAK?

>> No.1893947

We will definitely see a lot of NAK in these threads throughout the year, just not constantly

>> No.1893952

Don't forget NVCN, posted a Q4 profit yesterday in their earnings. Waiting for a dip then buying in

>> No.1893955

Buy and hold long term. Got it.

>> No.1893972

There's no way this approval wasn't priced in already

>> No.1893973

>htgm premarket
Christ, what caused this?

>> No.1893980

Green lit to operate in Euroland.

Called it yesterday to buy in the AH.

Had a strong day yesterday and a strong after hours followed by todays strong pre market its shaping up to be a multi day runner.

and HTGM

Keep an eye on them, Im looking for STAF to hit the dollar mark.

>> No.1893993

Fake kingshiba the tripcode was !zrkgAss or something close

>> No.1893995

ree, it's 9:10, why are we still in pre-market?

>> No.1893997 [DELETED] 


>> No.1894001

Literally everything on my watchlist is green and the one stock that I bought before close yesterday is red (AAOI)
I swear, the jews must be out to get me.

>> No.1894002


>> No.1894003

Still worth buying Htgm?

>> No.1894005

I went all in. Fuck me if it goes down

>> No.1894010

Should have waited after it dips premarket

>> No.1894011

I wnat to believe its a multiday runner. Im shooting for a dip at open and then I might try and get in on it.

Also hoping NVCN moves at market open.

>> No.1894016

Expecting to to be like yesterday with a sizeable dip for profit taking cause those AH/PM had some crazy gains.

>> No.1894020

Anyone think MU will pull a NVDA and keep rising on open

>> No.1894022

After it dips. Use real time charting and buy it low
hoping for the rebound

>> No.1894024

They were just mentioned on MNBC, really nice month chart on this stock.

>> No.1894027

>tfw 60 shares of HTGM at 3.90

Finally lads

>> No.1894029
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any L2 requests?

>> No.1894033

I held both since yesterday. Hoping for a quick sell on nvcn and up my investment on htgm

>> No.1894036


>> No.1894037

Good luck. I was in for 250 yeasterday and due to poor trade timing i only have 80 now

>> No.1894041


>> No.1894044


>> No.1894051
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I need a spicy meme to sell on Monday on my desk NOW

>> No.1894053

MSTX mooning

>> No.1894058

jesus christ htgm just broke 8
what is even happening

>> No.1894063

Meme magic anon.

Haven't seen it in a while but damn is it here.

>> No.1894064

Idk but I'm at work with nothing to do but watch and it sucks. Missing this huge train.

>> No.1894067
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>> No.1894071
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Been loading up my negro!

>> No.1894072

In for 50 @ 3.90, out for 50 @ 8.75
What do now?

>> No.1894073


>> No.1894075

If you aren't dumping HTGM, you're a larping retard.

>> No.1894081

because its a pump and dump nigger.

>> No.1894082

30000 my negus. Get on my level.

>> No.1894085

It's going past 10. This company has a billion doallr market after EU approval

>> No.1894087

i'm sitting here with my market order watching the ticker

>> No.1894088

>10% on WDC in less than a week
Damn. How? Why? This was going to be a long-ish term hold for me, but I sold 1/3 of my position to lock in these gains. I can't decide whether to sell the rest and buy back in when it corrects because I don't know why it gapped up 5% overnight. I feel like asking a blue chip to climb more than this is greedy.

>> No.1894089

Chanting everyday until you faggots buy some and join me in my pool of money

>> No.1894091

Being lifted from MU's great earnings last night. Rising tide lifts all ships.

>> No.1894092

HTGM might be hitting peak soon. Maybe a dip coming?

>> No.1894095

already in with 2k

>> No.1894097

Already holding 2k worth. I'm not gonna put my whole savings on a single meme.

>> No.1894098

5 min chart still strong.

>> No.1894099


>> No.1894101

No nigga, 5 min chart is at resistance around 8.70
I sold at 8.75, you all should be looking for an exit

>> No.1894102


>> No.1894105

Idk MACD looks like it's hitting peak rn and the candles are getting smaller volume also on a decline.

>> No.1894107

Nope! I sold 60 shares at 8.75. Waiting to sell 60 more, then my last 60. IF it dips here it will consolidate for another push.

>> No.1894113

The reason that decline is so slow is because it's a $10+ stock. Pump and dump would have dipped by now. I got a 60 share limit at 9.00.

>> No.1894116

Buy limit at 8.4

HTGM holding strong can see another push it's on some good news.

>> No.1894117

DJI hit 20703. Nowherew near any resistance ponts made on the previous trek to 21k.

This is a lower high and lower low setup.

A single piece of bad news will send this market into a tailspin; remember to buy SPY and DIA puts

GS and MS and WFG still look very weak in this "rally"

writing on the wall, volume coming into put side options on all big players

>> No.1894118

What I say?

>> No.1894119

and there's the 9 on HTGM

>> No.1894121

Lmao ya you got me. I was expecting another run was just trying to expect a bigger dip.

>> No.1894122

Dollar plummeting
Gold mooning

JNUG moon rocket fueling for launch

>> No.1894123

Now that it broke 9, it will plateau and wait on another push. I'm gonna hold on to these last 60 for a bit

>> No.1894127

Shit, I might even wait on $12 to sell the last 60

>> No.1894128

today is not the day for NAK, there's a TON of support at 1.40 so don't buy just yet.

>> No.1894130

Volatility index at day low and recovered slightly.

If we see the VIX break down the market will tread water and continue green.

If the VIX ticks back to 12.6 expect selloff to come back from yesterday afternoon

This is a bull and bear trap.

>> No.1894132

You guys are always going on about your moon missions, well HTGM is here for it and people still fucking with jnug

>> No.1894133

I have done nothing but watch HTGM the last 2 days saying "it can't go any higher" repeatedly and it just continued. I almost bought 2k shares at 3.50. I'm so angry with myself

>> No.1894135

We already missed the moon mission. theres no point in buying now.

>> No.1894136

Lmao fuck HTGM pulling some crazy shit I think $12 might be reasonable?

>> No.1894140

>Hurr durr it's up 140%
>time to buy

>> No.1894141

>buy this stock up 150% off a 100$% day

Lol okay eternal bagholder I enjoy you made one good trade but don't rope people into buying at highs

>> No.1894142
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By the time it pops its too late unless you're looking for a bull flag.

>> No.1894143

12 is totally reasonable. I'm a little upset about my 8.75 and 9 stopouts, but I'm gonna sit on this last 60 as long as I can lol

>> No.1894144

You ever feel like sometimes it's too easy?

>> No.1894147

Jesus christ, this is fucking incomprehensible to me, how does it keep going like that.

>> No.1894148
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our time will cone, anon. it does sting though.

>> No.1894149


who the fuck is buying I've had 120 shares since 3.20 you cuntbags

>> No.1894150

Limit sold at $9. Jumped past it and reached $10+. I made a nice little profit but DAMN!

>> No.1894151

I'm selling them off in 60 share waves so I don't kick myself for selling early like you bitter fucks are doing.

>> No.1894152

Volatility halt on HTGM

>> No.1894158


>> No.1894161

I need a stick to go all in on that isn't HTGM

>> No.1894165

Yup! Brace for second liftoff from the moon to Jupiter.

Level 2 all red but candle still green lol

>> No.1894166

>and it's halted

Lmao pennykids eternally BTFO

>> No.1894167

It just stopped. This is kinda scary.

>> No.1894171

It's the new KBIO. Someone's going to jail for this one

>> No.1894173

Get out of HGTM, it's gonna pull a DRYS

Unhalted at $3 Monday

>> No.1894174









>> No.1894178


>you'll never put your kids college money into a fraudulent company with unaudited earnings and think it's legitimate

>> No.1894186

Two halts in a row for HTGM

lmao fuck Nasdaq screwing with gains.

>> No.1894187

looks like HTGM is about to teach people a lesson on not taking your paycheck.

>> No.1894188



>> No.1894190

Well if we are name/tripfagging again let's get em out

>> No.1894192

Always do what this anon does so you don't get fucked or hesitate on buying. It's much harder to lose when you lock profits in a bit at a time.

>> No.1894197

>pennykid doesn't even know what an SEC halt looks like

lmaoing@ur life

how's that non-liquidity working out?

this turd is going to be subpenny when it's open again.

>> No.1894199

same goes for buying if you're not sure what the lowpoint is desu

>> No.1894205

Looks like they're letting you sell, better hurry up kiddo before the sec announcement.

>> No.1894208

incoming rebound.

I hope you shorted it and lose money

>> No.1894209

I'm a fucking deer in the woods anon I'm fucking gone at the first sign of danger. I sold in the 9s

>> No.1894210

Hope you niglets paid attention when I said JNUG would moon

But I'm sure many of you bought into the HGTM scam over $10 instead :^)

>> No.1894213
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tfw you will never be this salty.

>> No.1894214

CERU my nigga

>> No.1894215

Eternal bagholders are the funniest fucking thing about robinhood LARP trader general. You can lead a retarded horse to water but I'm not giving you an enema

enjoy that SEC announcement.

>> No.1894217

tfw I'm still holding my shares in HTGM until I get to Jupiter

>> No.1894222
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JNUG always moons... almost every other day. If you don't get in the day before, it's hardly worth it.

why are you acting like you called a meme?

>> No.1894224

>these CARA swings
Whats going on?

>> No.1894225
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why the fuck would goldman put a buy rating on SNAP

>> No.1894226

Too late to buy in? I've been wanting to play the JNUG JDST game

>> No.1894233

Fueling up at mars - 12.00

Jupiter will be reached at 14.00


>> No.1894235
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Regulatory halt based on high volatility usually done by the exchange itself? They didn't pull any fraudulent activity these halts are based purely on volatility. That's why their halt code is LUDP. Fuck out of here.

>> No.1894236

I'm only seeing a 2% move are we seeing the same chart?

>> No.1894237

They're just pissed they got out at $4.00 then tried to get in at $11

>> No.1894239
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yes it's too late

you buy JNUD when JDST is going up, and buy JDST when JNUG is going up.

if you want to get in on the game, buy JDST today when it gets to its lowest

then you can sell tomorrow or at end of day for profit

>> No.1894249

Yeah I remember this shit from DRYS day those halts were T3 I've seen the LUDP shit on some of the crazier meme missions SEC could give a shit about volatility.

>> No.1894253

Not holding over a weekend, but thanks for the advice. I'll be getting in the game monday

>> No.1894255
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>you buy JNUD when JDST is going up, and buy JDST when JNUG is going up.

if you want to get in on the game, buy JDST today when it gets to its lowest

Hey. I really like this strategy. If you miss the moon, just buy the loser.

>> No.1894258

It's usually bad to hold the etfs overnight, the risk reward is usually not worth it. More of a day trade thing.

>> No.1894259

Why are you shills always the same?
>get into this stock now even though its already up 150%
>this stocks is going to the moon with super shitty volatility
>he doesn't like this stock he's just a hater ass punk ass bitch

>> No.1894263

Said fuck it and bought CERU at .76 seing as the supoort is at .74... leta make this correction to the correction happen. CERU my nigga

>> No.1894265

Nobody is saying to get in now you dumb twat

Talking about when to exit

>> No.1894267
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This is actual cancer logic anon. Congrats on making my iq drop a few more points from just reading this post.

>> No.1894271

I'd like to praise Kek for bringing us this htgm meme
I'm almost crying of happiness

>> No.1894273

Ass blasted HTGM cucks can jump in KTOS for safe green charting today.

>> No.1894275

You could just tell us why you are a genuine asshole so we don't keep guessing

>> No.1894277

are you retarded? This is how people trade JNUG and JDST

look at their fucking gain/loss percentage in this image >>1894239

JDST gained 6.13%, JNUG dropped 6.05% which is a difference of only .08%

you make money off JNUG/JDST by buying the stock that drops for the day.

you sound like the kind of retard that bought into HTMG at $11

>> No.1894280

HTGM another volatility hold and at the first dip.

lot of buys at L2

watch for bounce

>> No.1894284

Oh damn everyone thought you lost all your money and vanished

>> No.1894288
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I wish I didn't have the poor man's trading platform and could short HGTM like the big boy Jews are going to do when the pump is over

>> No.1894291

Do you think JDST will build up for Monday, and then tank during the fed hike again?

>> No.1894294

There were already 2 places that were ripe for shorting, but you would have lost money if you did it.

>> No.1894296
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Anons trading strategy is literally based on bullshit and your retarded for defending this kind of logic.

>> No.1894297
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>missed the htgm ride

>> No.1894299

>when the pump is over

>> No.1894300

>overly attached to what he buys
Why are you such a faggot?

>> No.1894303

Nah my work hours changed and I couldn't study the market enough so I took it off. Quitting next week to do this full time though, gonna chill at the beach and trade with you guys

>> No.1894306

"When the pump is over" is a guessing game. 2 valid guessing points would have been the 2 holds nasdaq has placed on the last 2 HODs

Also it will most likely end the day above 10

>> No.1894311

ITT: People who missed the gains trains and are salty

People who missed the gains trains and are upset

People still riding along comfortably.

At least we know which group you're in

>> No.1894315

I honestly think anything from here onward is a safe bet. When it falls it'll fall hard and for a long time. You'd make money.

PIP is a good example

>> No.1894318

JDST always tanks during a hike

what is happening on monday? it already happened on the 15th, 0.75-1.00

>> No.1894320

Im still in awe here >>1893980 how you managed to pick all these stocks that would go up 40% today. How did you do it? Was it all TA?

>> No.1894322

I've got one more day trade.... anyone got any suggestions??

>> No.1894334

I forgot the exact numbers, but the company is valued around like 40m I think, but has a niche 3b market after EU approval. That is definitely a $10+ stock, especially at low float.

Hell people are saying $20 but I'm not gonna hold it that long, I'm selling by EOD.

It's consolidating for another push right now.

You're right, it could drop. Another push is more likely though by looking at the chart

>> No.1894338

these nasdaq faggots tried to fuck shit up when it broke twelve but the engines revving up again

>> No.1894344


>> No.1894347

Im tempted to go all in with this strategy, cause im sick of buying bio shit.

What do you do, do you go all in on only JNUG and JDST or do you buy DUST with JDST and NUGT with JNUG?

>> No.1894353

The fuck is going on with NVCN

>> No.1894355

And we're back full circle
>everybody is just a hater ass punk ass bitch muddafugga
Your far too defensive to be an effective trader.
if every time someone says something bad about something you buy and your first instinct is to ignore because they be haters then you're too emotional.

>> No.1894356

I see. But. Usually whenever i have a stock that goes up in the premarket, it just tanks as soon as the market opens. How do you know which ones will moon and which ones will crash?

>> No.1894357

Tag me in the comment where I said I bought.

Protip: you can't. I bought yesterday.

I'm lying I bought more at 8.35 or some shit. Can you remind me again where HTGM is right now?

>> No.1894359


>> No.1894360

>company is firing its employees and selling its assets

>> No.1894362

any CVM niggas feeling the hurt
sell that shit before it gets worse
any HTGM niggas sitting on stacks of cash
and wondering what to buy next
get in ITEK quick

>> No.1894364

I doesn't matter when you bought. The fact is that you are so desperate to be right that you anyone that says your wrong has malicious intentioned in your mind. You don't happen to be a woman?

>> No.1894365


Don't see anything abnormal.

>Low volume
>No surprising news

>> No.1894366

Technical chart analysis and fundamental stock analysis.

Which you can still be 100% wrong on. I just saw the numbers on HTGM and know that long term bag holders will place value in this, which will raise its overall value.

For technical, the previous low and risk point is $10.10 right now. If it dips below that it may drop. Otherwise it could just keep moving sideways all day or slowly start candling up until it shoots again.

>> No.1894372

Tfw bought ceru dip

>> No.1894373

Oh, well then tag the post where I said something that was wrong? Oh, you can't. Link your portfolio homie. Let's see your amazing gains

>> No.1894376
File: 72 KB, 1269x464, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DUST correlates to NUGT

JDST correlates to JNUG

I'll be honest and tell you I just started doing this

since I don't have that much in rh right now I only focus on JDST and JNUG since the other 2 are more expensive

if you're referring to JDST reaching $20 again idk

the principle on trading ETFs is less about looking for huge moons like bio and more about consistently swinging trades

in these 2 charts you can see how they're almost exact inverses of one another. the difference in chart hight is just because JDST is valued higher so the line is lower

you can examine every single day and they will be almost exactly the same as far as difference goes

the only thing that can be hard to judge is that some days for 2 days in a row they can go up, or down. example on this chart would be if you looked at March 9th through March 13th, which was a weekend

again I'm still learning but if done right this game can be played just based on this knowledge

>> No.1894380
File: 18 KB, 210x210, iGipz9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im gonna join you in this strategy.

This method is gold!

>> No.1894385

>sell CVM
Weak hands

>> No.1894389

dumb hands

>> No.1894393

MU slowly going down, should I sell now or hold?

>> No.1894398

it's easier to make bigger gains with more money in RH but that goes without saying

if you want a better feel for how it works I suggest you buy 1 share of JDST and 1 share of JNUG to get a feel for how they move. you will see how your total gain/loss will be almost identical

this thread might also have some useful info https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/5xy0rm/serious_how_do_you_decide_which_to_buy_jnug_or/

>> No.1894402

what are you in at

>> No.1894410

Looks like it may bounce back right now, sell if it drops to 28.55

>> No.1894412

I had 30 but sold ten yesterday because I was a wuss.

>> No.1894413

this is one of the most useful pieces of advice in the thread


>> No.1894414

Anybody have AMRS? This meme is killing me

>> No.1894419

I mean 26.03

>> No.1894423

28.55 is the current low, people will have stop limits set there so if it hits that it will go lower.

I would set up a stop limit at 28.55

>> No.1894426

Dumped it last time it peaked above .50. I like TVIA instead and switched my funds there.

>> No.1894443

start looking for a sale point, its rising again

>> No.1894444

Dumped it this morning. 5% loss. I don't care if people are saying to hold it long term, I'm done bagholding

>> No.1894449

This is how im feeling right now. I don't know how long this hold is supposed to be

>> No.1894451
File: 69 KB, 480x492, 1477789223626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek wills it, dump AMRS

>> No.1894453

Finally out of HTGM, hit my stop limit of 10.80.

Pro tip for those who don't already know: You can buy into a stock one time and sell those shares as many times as you like, it still only counts toward one of your day trades.

>> No.1894461

Same made 200% returns. Best meme all year

>> No.1894464

anyone feel like betting on SEED, THLD, or VHC and holding before earnings call on monday?

>> No.1894465

>holding penny stocks longer than a day

>> No.1894474

I could have made sooooooo much more. I was in at 3.00 yesterday and got scared off when it dipped hard in thee morning. Sold all 250 shares for a loss. Bought 250 shares of NVCN and missed the HTGM spike yesterday, used the last of my cash to get 80 shares at 4.22. Knew it was gonna move today, sold NVCN this morning and used the cash to buy another 120 shares at 8.44.

Still made gains, but only like 30% of what I could have made. Sometimes missed gains hurt more than small losses lol

>> No.1894483

My guess is 2 quarters. Sometime in August they'll start picking back up. One quarter to show that they're making improvement and one to put them in the green

>> No.1894486
File: 162 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170324-111638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here own any XXII? Been a solid mover all month. They are a promising company that recently announced they were able to produce a 0% THC content hemp plant for industrial use.


>> No.1894488

RGSE is moving if anyone has trades left.

>> No.1894491

I was lucky i bought in yesterday at 3 90ish then it dipped further and couldn't sell because of based day trader warning. I also woke up late or would have probably sold

>> No.1894496

>0% THC content hemp plant
Who the fuck gonna buy grass?

>> No.1894499

Yeah I'm glad I stuck to the risk I set for myself, but it ended up costing me. That's ok, since that is the exception and not the norm. Yesterdays spike came at such a bizzare time

>> No.1894508

Just added it to my watch list, thanks.

>> No.1894512

How much do you guys recommend HTBX?

>> No.1894513

Breaking 12 now this might be a DRYS tier run

>> No.1894514
File: 7 KB, 564x73, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decided to get in at 1.07 cause this guy mentioned it >>1894044

>> No.1894515

Jesus fucking Christ NVCN erasing almost all of my HTGM gains

>posts Q4 profit

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Rational))))))))))))))))))))) market

>> No.1894516


>> No.1894518

Yeah I called it going up to 14. I shoulda set my stop for 10.10 but IW as watching the wrong chart time. It hit 13 just now lol

>> No.1894520

I smell a Shrekli

>> No.1894530
File: 35 KB, 640x465, IMG_0838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate all of you

>> No.1894531

I think HTGM is gonna ABCD all day. It got halted at the B right now, if it starts to consolidate with upward support, people might be able to buy the dip and ride it for a ~2.00 rise. I'm out of day trades, but I'm gonna mock trade it and post results.

>> No.1894539

t. Poorfag

>> No.1894540

if anyone is still holding HTGM, congratulations
you are retarded

>> No.1894543

yes and

>> No.1894547
File: 7 KB, 160x155, IMG_1324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had 3 choices of memes to buy this morning but I was only going to get 2


I buy NCVN and STAF after 10am like a good boy and they continue to fucking tank. MEANWHILE ZAIS is making nice comfy gains. Fuck this gay earth

>> No.1894548

Start your day here http://www.nasdaq.com/extended-trading/premarket-mostactive.aspx

>> No.1894552

I didn't know this existed. Thank you

>> No.1894555

It's gonna rise again. Look at the daily chart, that's most likely gonna be it's trend until EOD.

Rise to new HOD, fall, consolidate upward, break HOD and set a new one, fall, repeat

>> No.1894557
File: 258 KB, 645x767, shelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what is the reason why you cant hold leveraged ETFs overnight? I never once experienced a backlash from this.

But, I know you have cases like CERU this week that completely wrecked a lot.

>> No.1894561
File: 108 KB, 1228x693, 1488698487002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sold HTGM for a $300 loss yesterday

I seriously feel sick to my stomach

>> No.1894563

It's at the top of the post, along with other helpful links. You should also get some more robust charting software.

I recommend setting up a free demo with suretrader. They give you the dastrader platform that a lot of the pros use. Even the demo version updates in real time, so you can use it to monitor trades and actually place the trades in robin hood. RH internal charting is terrible, especially if you are looking to get in and out of trades quickly

>> No.1894567

just be urself dude :^)

>> No.1894570

I sold 250 shares for a $50 loss and got back in with only 80 shares at like 4 bucks. Fucking blows. Definitely not as bad of a loss as yours, but missed gains still hurt

>> No.1894574

Welp, my 1.55 stop on NVCN just triggered

>> No.1894576

What y'all niggas think about FEYE? Russian hacking = $$$ ?

>> No.1894585
File: 65 KB, 202x1024, IMG_1322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw wasted my last day read on HTGM
>tfw though Q4 profit would cause it to steadily increase throughout the day after the morning dip
>tfw this is the ONLY company that has ever NOT done that
>tfw holding these bags through the weekend

>tfw it destroyed my HTGM gains

>> No.1894589

Anyone still looking to get in HGTM should look for a buy around this point and set your risk cutoff for 10.65.

If it continues the trend it's been on all day then it will break 13 soon for a $2 gain

not as good as people who got in early, but there are still gains to be had

>> No.1894596

i've been holding for a month lmao
made 700 bucks today

>> No.1894598

Don't do this if you are out of day trades, I wouldn't recommend holding over the weekend

>> No.1894609


>> No.1894619

Don't go in just yet. Wait 1-3 days for the bottom before it blasts off.

>> No.1894623

Too late, I apparently didnt learn my Tuesday NAK lesson hard enough and bought too soon after open this morning

Still just trading with peanuts but this first week has not been kind to me

>> No.1894641
File: 45 KB, 903x856, 738294708234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update for JDST poster

Ive notice for the past 5 days, JDST gets to a low point at around 1:30 to 2 pm. Is this the norm for this stock?

>> No.1894643
File: 89 KB, 885x442, HTGM projection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy the C's and sell the D's

Cut your losses if it drops to the B

>> No.1894644

what's a reasonable bottom estimate? 1.50?

>> No.1894647


>> No.1894656

I hope so lad, it's starting to tick up now

Got bags at 1.76

>> No.1894658

CARA is gonna blast off when their data gets released end of month. Next week baby.

>> No.1894670

What price do you expect?

>> No.1894681

Christ. Bulkowski called a dip in the market mid week followed by subdued sideways trading as part of a measured move up.

I'm starting to think this autist might know what he's talking about

>> No.1894682

For HTGM? It will stay above 10, ma dude.

Might drop below that on Monday and then pick it back up

>> No.1894684

lol I'm looking at a $7 loss with CVM and I want to hurt myself

>> No.1894695
File: 83 KB, 750x1334, IMG_9883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1894699


>> No.1894701

You were late to the party

>> No.1894703



>> No.1894707

Never too late for AyyyMD.

Shits probably never going to hit $11 this year. Itll just keep swinging or go up

>> No.1894713

Alright I made all that money I lost early week back, what are some memes to hold for the weekend. Have DRYS , CVM and BSTG

>> No.1894723

Anywhere between 18-21

>> No.1894724
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>> No.1894725

Fuckin babbys I'm out $800. Still holding strong. It's definitely gonna bounce back just gotta wait.

>> No.1894731


>> No.1894734

Someone explain to me what the hell SNGX has been doing the last few days

>> No.1894736

>bagholding $800 in a penny stock

>> No.1894739

Not even enough volume for me to buy.

>> No.1894746

their trial ends in june

>> No.1894748

10-4 , 400 shares inbound.

>> No.1894758

So buy in May/June...

Frees up money for other short term stuff in the meantime

>> No.1894762

its .08 a share. I hold cvm and I only buy shares of it when I return cans. big deal.

>> No.1894766

Called it. the next push is upon us. Good luck fools, I'm out

>> No.1894773

Well then you aren't $800 down like the anon I was replying to.

>> No.1894779

For him to be $800 down in an 8 cent stock would mean he ponied up serious cash that could be working for him in other places until CVM is about to go up

>> No.1894780

his money

>> No.1894784

Watch for the next B. Then C again, profit on D. Chart has done it 3 times now - Think we will see a 4th?

>> No.1894785

>robin hood general
>calls people poorfag


>> No.1894786

Please help. Come on i know at least half of you know what you're doing. SNGX graph looks like teeth and i want to know why

>> No.1894792

FNSR starting it's climb back into the 30's...

>> No.1894798

Yup. Richfags don't need to hustle

>> No.1894802
File: 114 KB, 400x400, 1490213976372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1894803


low volume.

When a low number of trades are spaced out between time, you will get less data points on the graph.

>> No.1894804

Why do u think this?

>> No.1894807

It's low volume and it has 4 cents between ask and buy. I wouldn't fuck with it.

>> No.1894813

Why does it taunt me like this?

>> No.1894815

Idk but fuck it, I'm I'm for 1000 shares of that too! Oh god some one kill me

>> No.1894831

>its going to $3.50 tomorrow!

Tomorrow is fucking saturday

>> No.1894844
File: 182 KB, 1080x1920, 1490362980852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up NVCN, XXII, and CERU on the dip.

>> No.1894848

Is HTGM really a bad hold for the weekend

>> No.1894852

idk but i'm tempted

>> No.1894857


Better to miss out on gains then lose 20-100%. Don't do it. You don't know what's going to happen.

>> No.1894862

Is URRE really valued at $4 a share? Can someone explain how some stocks can be so under valued? Or is there not a real reason and the market is just weird sometimes?

>> No.1894865

What app is that my dawg

>> No.1894866


The market isn't rational

>> No.1894885

Would drop HTGM before the weekend, hype is slowing down so likelihood of it dropping hard on Monday is high.

>> No.1894901


>> No.1894907


>> No.1894913

I dropped out before the insane drop, thank God.

>> No.1894914 [DELETED] 


I saw something on twitter about Sanofi is suing them

well not suing them, but suing to ensure that their drug cannot be patented in its current form becuase its too similar to something Sanofi already owns

I didnt read it very closely but I assume that is the cause of this dip?

>> No.1894920

same, still took a loss but nothing like this

>> No.1894928

fuck you
and fuck you

you owe me thirty bucks

>> No.1894939

deleting this post becuase im retarded

it was sanofi suing amgen

nothing to do with auph at all sorry

>> No.1894946

I figured it wasn't going anywhere and I don't trust bio as much as I do tech so I decided to pull out and wait until monday. Kind of want to invest in AMD but might go down even more so I guess I'll wait.

>> No.1894955

It hit 8.00 and triggered some massive stop loss I think.

>> No.1894976

bought back in for 20 shares on the second dip

>> No.1894977

Your avg is awful wtf

>> No.1894982
File: 1.66 MB, 986x1200, C7ne_SeU8AE1XTO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we take a moment to remember the anon who said buy GME a couple days ago


>> No.1895005

who else /UVXY/ here

>> No.1895054

Gathering my xivs. Monday is decision day

>> No.1895060

I think they are voting on the health care bill today

3:30 i heard

>> No.1895061


>> No.1895068

House votes at 3:30

Last call is that there's still not nearly enough votes

What's a smart move to make now?

>> No.1895076

sell everything buy the vix

>> No.1895342
File: 61 KB, 452x832, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I hold over weekend or kill myself?

>> No.1895630

I'm looking at quitting soon if I can get green for the second month straight so I know I can feasibly live off this