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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18918048 No.18918048 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you hold a real job?

I feel like 80% of /biz/ are students, NEETs and min-wage workers

>> No.18918107

The concept of a "real job" was created to normalize a working environment in which 70% of low-skill workers were exploited and 30% enjoyed an unsustainable level of prosperity.

>> No.18918171
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How do I upvote this?

>> No.18918183

I work as a software engineer at a financial company. I’ll be breaking six figures next year. Society considers my job (((real))) but a McDonald’s or warehouse or delivery job is way more real cause those jobs actually require you to add value to people’s lives.

>> No.18918200

>students, NEETs and min-wage workers

I miss those days
Some of us are here to run away from the corporate nightmare

>> No.18918238
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my job is spending a couple hours a week trading options

>> No.18918288

only poor people have jobs

>> No.18918333

I'm laid off. Trumpbux are about how much I was making. I'm required to do 0 job searches this week.

>> No.18918351

wagecucks seethe at these facts

>> No.18918362

It hurts bro. I wish I could just go back to mowing lawns

>> No.18918363

74k software developer.

Underpaid for what I do but cant search for new job until after I move and covid is over. No debt. 401k, 3k in gambling stocks 4k in the banks

>> No.18918376

I make 100k and hold BSV

>> No.18918383

I have a 100k job Anon. What's up.

>> No.18918405

I work 3 jobs.

1. IT admin for hospice company full time (essential worker)

2. Rural Carrier Mailman part time (essential worker)

3. Phlebotomist Per Diem at a hospital (essential worker)

Paying off credit cards and buying shit for my future baby on the way due July 5th. In july I should be debt free and going to be dumping 2k into the stock market every month.

>> No.18918406

Sorry bro Jose and Jorge took that job.

>> No.18918433

The mexibros are more than accommodating to a gringo who works and doesn't mouth off

>> No.18918450


I'm self employed and make around $230-250k/year. I write speeches for executives and occasionally celebrities.

It certainly feels like a "real job," I work a lot, but I also have control of my time and can go trap shooting or kayaking in the middle of a Tuesday if I want. Or go to Yurp on a whim. (Or at least I could before the rona).

I am very fortunate.

>> No.18918477

Fuck I'm hungry

>> No.18918479
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sounds very jewish. does your rabbi support your endeavors?

>> No.18918512

Interesting. How did you end up in that line of work? Used to do some speech writing for politicians. Then I passed the bar and moved on to other things.

>> No.18918558

I make some money ~3k/yr from independent software stuff, but my uncle recently got me a job in the gumbment so now I actually have a real job that pays 75k/yr. Its honestly hard for me to believe the money coming in is real. I’ve basically saved all of it for an early retirement. My only real investment is bitcoin I allocate 20% of my money into it the rest is cash. Feels pretty good.

>> No.18918593

I have a degree in mathematics and I work at a bank using the newest technologies and deepest insights from the geniuses of our pasts to device new strategies, optimize operations and better understand the portion of the bank's loans that are currently at risk of default.

I.e. an analyst in collections. Is this a real job? In theory, if you owed me money but you were struggling to pay and I never put any pressure on you to pay me then logically you would decide to just avoid paying me eternally. So my job is really to find the "smart" way to put pressure on you so that I walk the thin line between putting enough pressure for you to have an incentive to pay the bank but also not go overboard and risk damaging the bank's public image. I.e. imagine a new story about how Bank of America called a grandma 20 times a day for a month because she owed them 500 dollars.

>> No.18918594

How the fuck does one even end up with a speechwriting job?
I am a columnist at well known weekly magazine, writing on innovation. But the pay is pathetically low.

>> No.18918662

Nice, I’m a full time city letter carrier. Really wanna do something else though

>> No.18918702
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I'm an engineering supervisor in a fortune 50 company with a lot of free time on my hands and an eye for patterns

Now that I've got a good enough 401k nest egg, I'm playing with stocks and soon options

>> No.18918716

I think of it more like being a craftsman, like a carpenter building chairs. Some are gorgeous, some are just OK, but it's good work for good pay.

I have always been a really strong writer & public speaker. I was previously in strategy consulting, but I was always getting called on to write decks, talking points etc. for senior clients (even things unrelated to our current project — like "shape this story for me" type work).

I had a chance to work on a corporate event and they needed scripting for some executives. I enjoyed the work, and it wasn't hard for me at all, yet it impressed the clients and sounded great onstage. So I went full-time into corporate comms. (It's not all speechwriting, I also write and direct a lot of videos, draft emails, stuff like that).

>> No.18918722

I worked for a state political campaign. After working my way from field agent, field director, then communications. Writing all sorts of shit I helped out with some local candidate speeches and then didn't want to move to DC after being successful in 2016. Got a in-house job at a big local corporation. Smart contracts will replace me some day, but if they do I I have invested enough that I won't need my job anymore.

>> No.18918769
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exploration geologist chad reporting in

>> No.18918781

i make $2 above minimum wage

>> No.18918788

I just want a big pepperoni pizza is that too much to ask?

>> No.18918875


I can only speak for executive speechwriting (not political), but I broke in by creating relationships with people who source speechwriters.

Some execs have full-time speechwriters who write for them all the time. But a majority just get freelancer writers for big events. Someone on their staff (or their agency) finds and hires these people. If you are known by those people, and have a good rep, you start getting jobs.

It's actually hard for pro journalists to break into exec speechwriting, because the writing is not complex (in fact, the POINT is to dumb it down). The real value you provide is getting into the exec's brain and teasing out the story, coaching them on positioning and points, etc.. So it's more like psychology, understanding both the client mindset and the audience mindset, mixed with a business background.

>> No.18919013

this. real jobs won't get you rich in anyway

>> No.18919022

Are you me? Just different industry than finance.

>> No.18919034

Thanks for sharing Anon. Political speech writing isn't for smaller candidates is pretty easy. Get a feel for their platform, lightly plagiarise similar candidates in the same area. Use any tags or slogans from the campaign, lean on big national campaign talking points.

>> No.18919101

I Will admit you're a Better person than i.
How the fuck do you have the will power to Work 3 jobs?
I can barely pass my 'college" think right now

>> No.18919350

i'm unemployed after being fired last year for not understanding business basics, but i've made $100k YTD shorting the stock market and now im buying a house so businessmen larpers can fuck off

>> No.18919444

Yea I don’t know if I can carry mail everyday. If I did I would have to have some interesting podcasts or documentaries to listen too.

Really the only thing that woke me up and gave me drive is my future son. Having a child changed me spending habits from video games to stocks and long term investments. Best thing to ever happen to me.

>> No.18919474

Why does everyone on biz live a fantastical life where can get fired and still buy a house

>> No.18919478
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I'm a Chad surveyor

>> No.18919496

I work for a government agency writing and editing publications. It’s tolerable because I really like words, publishing, and literature, though writing about the same topic over and over is a bit trying. Also work as an admin for two of the agency’s websites. I can’t complain too much. Pay isn’t super great but the job is comfy (team I work with is great; no assholes). Would consider trying to find something better but job market is fucked, so I figured it’d be better to hunker down for now.

>> No.18919497

Yes, I’m a software developer about three years out of college, I’m salaried at $85k which isn’t crazy money but it was enough for me to become crypto-rich.
No but they provide the funds to begin getting rich if you play your cards right. NEET funds to put into your investment of choice are nowhere near what you can get from a high or even mid-paying job.

>> No.18919500

Unemployed ausfag, hoping staking comes before I'm required to work.

>> No.18919525

I currently work for a telecom company but I’ve got a friend at Charles Schwab who keeps trying to convince me to jump ship over there. What’s it like? Telecom is relaxed and even if consumers absolutely despise the company itself, it’s easy to work at. I imagine financial companies are more high-stress.

>> No.18919577

just lucky at this particular time in my life. people brag when things are going well so it's like a survivor bias on here

>> No.18919589

This is fair. I wouldn’t be posting in here if I was a burger flipper.

>> No.18919595

I’m a lawyer and I will stop driving uber when I die in a fiery car crash no matter how rich I get.

>> No.18919673

solar installer at small company. CEO, me and my subordinate. boss is planning expansion, is a biz wiz. pretty comfy, but I'm in cali. making the most I've ever made in my life. back-breaking work, but at least I'm not bombarded by fluorescent radiation all day, getting embolisms in my legs. natty mutt genes keep the skin cancer at bay. holler at thirsty milfs while I erect their photovoltaics. get a 1k+ bonus every year, plus $500 referral commish. made 2k off those this year. getting cert'd on the boss's dime. I know I'm a wagie, but I feel like a self-aware wagie is better than a blissfully ignorant one. probably not, though. wish I didn't understand. I'm like a failed polymath with ADHD. can't focus on any one thing to get me out of this hellhole and on the path to financial freedom. I've got two years to get self-sufficient or else I am stuck forever. also, I am uncircumcised.

>> No.18919690
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I'm self-employed

>> No.18919720

how so? share some deets bro. I am trying to get to that level

>> No.18919807


I’m a salaried NEET

>> No.18920091

Based. Me too

>> No.18920133

I just got home from my part time prn job. Which I work in addition to my full time job. Altogether, I'll bring home about $180k this year.

>> No.18920157

I sell weed and deliver pizza 2 days a week and I make more money than you faggot. 120k last year <20k taxed and that's not including the other flips like the cars and shit.

>> No.18920163

I'm a food delivery man, I'm my own boss, and an holder bitcoiner too

>> No.18920175

I work a real job and it fucking sucks. We're busy as ever but now we have no temps and can't work overtime so we're busting our asses to get what took having temps and 50+ hours a week done in 40 hours. Also I can't focus on selling at day highs because I'm working so when a share peaks I don't know and have to check at lunch and see its dropped fron what it was 4 hours ago.

>> No.18920187

CNC Machinist here. Make around 55k-60k at the moment.

>> No.18920199

I just got a job for 50k/year. Not bad for my area. That's how you know everything is about to go to shit economically. Maybe I'll live the normalfag life for a couple months.

>> No.18920215

Service engineer

>> No.18920228

How many people do you service in an average year?

>> No.18920267

Military fag I make roughly 30k a year somtimes work like a dog sometimes not work at all and still get paid. Thinking about becoming a prison guard for 40k a year T. Air National Guard avionics apprentice.

>> No.18920296

This. Mexicans dont care about where you're from.
t. Jose

>> No.18920305

well i was gonna get one bu tthey made leaving the house illegal

>> No.18920563

I haul freight with my partner. It pays the bills. A gangster's got a price on my head and I like to avoid running into the government but it's a fast ship.

>> No.18920605


I work as tool designer for auto industry but I only lurk and never post. I also don't invest at all, just watch /smg/ & dow jones.

>> No.18920649
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That's a big pizza.

>> No.18920693

I'm a middle school teacher. I basically do this job for fun, I would probably do it for free. I make enough money from my trust fund to live comfortably and I'll probably stop working altogether once I find someone to marry.

>> No.18920760

NEET here on autismbux, I trade crypto for fun rather then the idea of making it big as I have no real concerns for the future.

>> No.18920782

4 u

>> No.18920798

Public school teacher. You have to be passionate about it or you are absolutely fucked as it’s truly a taxing job. I hold bitcoin and shitcoins to ease the pain.

>> No.18920832

This terrifies me. I wonder how many deranged fuckers like you are also teachers surrounded by children.

>> No.18920893

I always see like 5 or so other teachers in the weekly career threads.

>> No.18920954

Fortunately I’m engaged to an adult who I love. Nice projection though.

>> No.18920956
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If i fold it in half, would it still taste good?

>> No.18920960

Strategist for a tech company here. I make 150k and usually 20% bonuses. Live in Northern California though which takes away out a good chunk of that cash.

>> No.18921065

no way you make a ton of residual money for your company you are automating tasks

>> No.18921156

Driver for UPS. Not at that tasty $40/hr yet though.

>> No.18921167

>How many of you hold a real job?
I sell, repair and maintain water filtration systems for the food industry. It's a great job if you don't mind getting messy, dealing with retarded foreigners and traveling.

>> No.18921179

Who gives a half eaten shit what a spic thinks?

>> No.18921239

Home health care
Work 60 hours a week

>> No.18921332

I have made crypto trades that have netted me more than a US wagie's yearly salary and a third world wagie's lifetime salary. Working is fucking worthless. There's too many goddamned humans and the cost of labor goes to zero on a long enough timeline. Do as little as possible to have enough capital in life to do what you actually enjoy.

>> No.18921418
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9 years NEET here, I just collect disability and buy crypto.

>> No.18921621

If I told you my age and how much money I make you would say I'm larping

>> No.18921658

Well done, that's a cool job.

>> No.18921693

12/hr is pretty low for home Healthcare, you're probably underpaid.

>> No.18921707

Does it really matter? Everything is about to go to shit. Society as we knew it is over.
The boomer concept of 'working' has reached its logical conclusion.

>> No.18921783

Nice file name. That is a Vickers Spitfire, not any form of Messerschmitt.

>> No.18921799

Apparently my salary is top 5% in the UK.

Work as a solution architect. Was NEET 5-6 years ago.

Regularly buy index funds, and might put a thousand or two into crypto eventually but it feels like the money has already been made. Plus I don't care enough to daytrade.

>> No.18921803

Obvious larper response

>> No.18921849

ML engineer here

>> No.18921892

>imagine not starting at a 300k software TC straight out of college
feels good not to have attended poor people school

>> No.18922619
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Criminal defence lawyer since 2018 and $TSLA shareholder since 180USD.

>> No.18922714

Stay at home son

>> No.18922802

Nothing can stop a becoming father

>> No.18922806

Process engineer at a factory. I manage part of the transfer from our development to high volume site. It was fun for a while, but now it's just routine. Unfortunately it's also b-league engineering so it's really difficult to move onwards and upwards after you've marked yourself with it.
Good news: The pay is fine. Bad news: Work-life balance is Dilbert level fucked.

>> No.18922812

Since I cashed out $600k from my Link I won't work. Just accumulating low caps like Suterusu until they moon too.

>> No.18922896

I work in asset management for a private wealth fund. So no, I don't hold a real job.

>> No.18922960

Draughtsman here. Shit's fun especially cause I work in the rail industry.

>> No.18923127

I work at a veterinary lab

>> No.18923133

I don't understand why people do this?

>> No.18923338

y'knwo it's just a matter of time before you get caught and thrown in the slammer. You should've invested that 120k into stocks.

>> No.18923470

That's why I'm in enterprise resource planning software. At least I get to see some value that my job provides, since companies I work for build stuff and deliver

>> No.18923816

> subtile chilling socialism
gas yourself

>> No.18923830

the boner i got from your post proof you are based af.

>> No.18923841
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>> No.18923902

I work in an office in a European Tier 1 city. I clear over 90k euro yearly after my tithe. I can't wait for ARPA to 10x though, I think I might finally be able to tell my boss to fuck off. The funny part? The industry I work in will be made inferior by multi party computation. And no, it's not a call center.

>> No.18925020
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i'll need a drillhole collar layout at your earliest convenience. also pick up the last one while you're at it.

>> No.18925109

im a janitor and hold BSV

>> No.18925223

That will be $40, thanks nigger.

>> No.18925248

my job solely exists to feed my brokerage account, which i use to gamble on options.

>> No.18925281


Yeah, the top 1% own 50% of wealth so every has to work double to support the top 1% lifestyle while also feeding their family. However, society would have enough production capability for everyone to work half as much as they do now while maintaining the same quality of life if we didn't give up half of everything we produced to the top 1%. This is a fact.

If you've ever wondered, why, in the modern age with all this technology, the average person has to work 2/3 their waking life to feed themselves, far more than cavmen and comparable to medieval peasants, its because of wealth inequality.

>> No.18925315

Post milkers

>> No.18925360

SW engineer, $120k working for US startup and living in eastern Europe capital.

Biggest mistake was not hopping onto crypto while I was overseeing GPU lab during my PhD (did not finish). I recall discussing the original bitcoin paper with my peers…

>> No.18925369

Well do you hold any linkies?

>> No.18925392

A few. Not even small stack.

>> No.18925783

I make 120k as a SW, but I usually get fired after a year or so because my personal life is so chaotic.

>> No.18925840


>> No.18925847

data mine me desu senpai

>> No.18925891
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cant you do something better with avionics

>> No.18926683

I work at the largest energy company in the US as a Business Analyst. I thought working at a Fortune 200 would be cool, but the problems we have sometimes make me wonder how this place is surviving. The only cool part is that the building I work is huge and is basically a college campus, so it feels like I never left FSU.

>> No.18926972

I'm only technically a student since I haven't even gone to school for almost a year and probably won't until beginning of next school year.

>> No.18927159

Small Pharma employee here.

>> No.18927234


22 year old Zoomer here

My greatest assets are mummy and poppy. I make $500 a year in Bday money. I plan to get a job once I'm 30.

>> No.18927266

Professional investor
Sold my biz 5 years ago
Thank fuck
Remember biz never ever ever employ any faggot until we renounce Bolshevism

>> No.18927280

This is why I want to retire as soon as possible. You might be developing your skills while doing your job, but you're not truly doing what you want to or impacting anyone's lives in a significant way. It's wageslaving.

>> No.18927351

Graduated last year and make $57k with an entry level business development job. I don't even invest in crypto, just shitpost.

>> No.18927390

180 or so with bonuses for a f100

I hate my job and need that last 10x from sergs

>> No.18927525

I'm 23, decided despite wanting to pursue an English degree I don't want that debt. Basically gonna pursue business options online for a while, and at the same time save/invest. If all goes bad I'll have spent a lot of time saving at least. All automated so I have no choice. Gonna just read books, look at trends, see if there's something I can work with. Fuck working my ass off for someone else my whole life or working 100k hours just to prove I'm worth a little more money. Fuck working hard in general. I'll find a better way. Boomer hard work can suck my nuts, and when I find out the way I'm gonna rub it in their fat old wrinkly ass noses before locking the home door behind them.

>> No.18927565

Used to work for IBM until they sold me off to a new shell company. Thought the 13th amendment made it illegal to sell a guy but that's just how it be.

>> No.18928616

used to work for big tech database company but am on funemployment. really enjoying it desu.

1. apply neetbux
2. sending off 3 linkedin easy applys to jobs im not qualified for each week
3. claim i couldnt get work
4. profit

>> No.18928634

lol nice

>> No.18928638


Dude, at least you live in a nation where you don't get taxed 70%. I'm a dev and I make like 25k and that's considered fairly decent here in Europe.

>> No.18928661

40 year old, work in IT (desktop engineering), 92k a year. I hate it. I'd rather throw my money at the coins you shill so I can get out of the corporate environment. It's soul sucking.

>> No.18928663


No, it's already disgusting now.

>> No.18928743

I thank God for my job.
Started at the bottom at a construction company doing grunt labor work for 2-3 yrs.
I asked for a raise.
My boss slept on it and then told me that God told him to promote me.
I've seen God work on him, transforming what would otherwise might've been an angry selfish boss into a leader with a big heart.
Now a Construction Estimator.
50+ hours / week staring at computers screens/plans and crunching numbers with excel.
Just shy of 100k / yr.
I count it a blessing to work for a Christian company.
Friendly, supportive coworkers.
My boss has a boss.
Thanks and Praise be to God.

>> No.18928767

two days working 10hrs for someone else

then you have time to fix your car and maintain your garden and other stuff people dont do anymore

they say it takes two farmers to do the work of 100farmers about 100 years ago yet sustainable farming practices cost too much becuase theyre too labor intensive as opposed to flooding fields by draining the 500,000year old california central valley water aquifer in only 100yearss because there are no limits on how much water anyone can pump from their well.

>> No.18928821

Shut up idiot.

>> No.18928890

bs in engineering
graduated after 2008
spent lots of time looking for lame office jobs that woukdnt hold onto me for $20/hr
ended up fishing and pot farming for five years, 3months out the year usually and lots of traveling
just these past few months i hear economynis good and compabies are desperate for workers and i start looking for work and BAM CORONA

i remember i intereviewed for a field tech job and mentioned i would like more than two weeks off a year and the dude seemed mortified. he also mentioned me writing reporter on weekends and driving through heavy traffic at halfpay to drop off lab samples everyday after work. i think he wanted this to be a 60hr/wk job at 40hr/wk pay

>> No.18928918

Let it go, anon. Jesus loves you.
Reminder /biz/ is a Christian board.

>> No.18928935

neet, working on making a video game, havent had a job for quite a while now

>> No.18928969

I sell cars

>> No.18929095

I am a field service engineer in food packaging industry. I work on automated/robotic equipment exclusively

>> No.18929133

lmfao at your life, imagine wageslaving for a non-paranoid schizo

>> No.18929218

I work in IT and make 3k/year (shithole country). I want to kms every day.

>> No.18929239
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I work in manufacturing for big daddy Elon. The part of the gigafactory i work at is still closed down. I get 17/hr and access to talking to 'super smart' stupid people.

On the side I am almost done with my trading robot, taking it live with money today. It's been historically up between 2-5 % daily so it's time to take it live. I hope to liberate all individuals whom I come across from money once successful.

>> No.18929261

I have a real job. Day/swing strading stonks and hodling crypto is just a lucrative hobby.

>> No.18929358

...imagine an entire generation of kids and young adults beginning their statements with "imagine"
How UN-imaginative!

...keep laughing buddy. I'm happy and content where God's placed me.
Nothing you can say will steal my joy.
How many people can say that?

>> No.18929399

this man has the right attitude

>> No.18929432
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I work at boeing and I make 39 an hour to open boxes and browse 4chan

>> No.18929449

Correct attitude. Religious ideology is fundamental to the human experience, and you feel good when engaging with it. Praise it!

>> No.18929469

Is tesla a good business or is it just MSM just out to get him?

>> No.18929492

Based rocklicker

>> No.18929601

no it's not, it's because the average person buys an iphone every year and whenever they spend money on services they pay for everyone involved them to also buy an iphone every year

>> No.18929790
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real industrial job making actual things that people need
my job is robot programming and some welding whenever there is no robot work to do

pay is $28130 after tax with 5 weeks paid vacation and 182 work reduction hours per year that can be used to go home earlier or take entire days off with full pay
salary is slightly above national median but still feels incredibly low.. which I guess it is by US standard

>> No.18930120

Congrats on your kid man, I'm expecting my first early September
We have really made it where it matters, now we just have to make it financially

>> No.18930162

He might live somewhere it's legal

>> No.18930321

>make money client
I wish I was autistic

>> No.18930380

The support networks that need the world function like 70% being the majority are also the worst paid. I am essential? making less full time than people getting these doubled benefits. Wish we had Bernie so we could kill bankers in the street.

>> No.18930454
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Somebody get this hothead out of here!

>> No.18930632

Business reporter here. I make $65K a year writing about the economy.

Used to be a broke freelancer writing about whatever I wanted. But newspapers are dead AF and the journalism game has turned into choosing between being a cuck for left wing readers or right wing readers.

>> No.18931058

I hear that happens a lot
when people have kids they tend to get more responsible. There are legit hormonal aspects even for dads regarding kids. Something about the first time they hear their kid cry sets off like mega dad super powers (or so ive been told)

>> No.18931087

The issues in manufactoring general are tackled in new ways by Tesla, so in general I think the company has it's head on straight but the actual execution is still that of college idiots telling the 'average joe' what is right. This is a problem because 'joe' works on the machine 12 hours at a time and the engineers think of him as stupid. I think the company is going to get there, but I don't think it's with any of the technology presently. It's a breeding grounds for new ideas, and I hope to be a part of the new idea front that transforms the company and the world.

You don't need autism, just a thinker. What is a significant portion of any number or data set?

>> No.18931162

fuck the haters the best jobs i've worked all had "higher calling" elements to them. Never worked for an openly christian company though, they tended to be more "masonic" (for lack of a better term.)

>> No.18931224

>programing robots
bro ask for a raise or start applying to other jobs to at least get some leverage. If your doing a good job youll work youself out of a position anyway. Like holy hell son - unless you are an offshore indian your employer is laughing their asses off.