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File: 670 KB, 998x808, blackslol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18907122 No.18907122 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18907147

>Boss moves
Literally imagine taking advice from a mon key in a suit who could not beat a 5th grader in a spelling bee

>> No.18907251

go back to red.dit, it's called niggers

>> No.18907262

Stop being such a racist nigger.

>> No.18907353

Any advice on how to solve this situation?


>> No.18907369

Am black and can confirm. 99% of blacks are very low IQ. I am amazed at the lack of understanding in my people. Then again, I am smarter than 95% of the global population. Based and blessed
Fuck inbred whites and kikes

>> No.18907371

why are niggers so easily manipulated by their role models? Literally any successful nigger says they follow immediately. They also support them in their retarded businesses. Soulja Boy lazy scam alibaba console resold at a 300% premium for example was massively purchased by niggers who were saying on twitter they were supporting a black business.
What the fuck is wrong with niggers
fucking nigger I hate nigger
kill niggers

>> No.18907384

I thought it was one of those tyrone copypasta videos

>> No.18907388
File: 54 KB, 1364x1204, 0DC7855F-3E9A-4843-9C0B-CE9073BEB249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rap snacks

>> No.18907412
File: 132 KB, 334x377, 1587408890066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. but you forgot to add niggers and chinks

>> No.18907585


>> No.18907665

I've been investing for a year now. That one Jay-Z song, Story of OJ unironically got me to start caring about my finances.
And what's wrong with black people trying to help each other? I think you crackers are just made that white people have no unity.

>> No.18907693
File: 40 KB, 410x598, 1588338452446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u aight nigger

>> No.18907698


>> No.18907703

you're not going to be laughing at them when your country is 20% white

>> No.18907709

don't be racist

>> No.18907733

mobody is laughing

>> No.18907753


>> No.18907760


>> No.18907761
File: 92 KB, 1440x1080, richman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quite based, good sir

>> No.18907814

based self-hating chimpanzee

>> No.18907819

I don't know any black person who bought the Soulja boy console. Most people buying it were not black so stop pulling shit out of your ass.

>> No.18907884

I'm a black man that's smarter and wealthier than 99% of the people in this thread. Prove me wrong.

>> No.18907922

you know you're talking to a bunch of predominantly neckbearded virgin NEETs, right?

>> No.18907969

I’m a black man with a 5” penis and I hold chainlink

>> No.18907991

with that kind of talk you almost think OP is an azn

>> No.18908184

'rap snacks'. niggerculture is getting way out of hand

>> No.18908208

black lives dont matter

>> No.18908231

another cucklord. you better hide your degenerate cuck lifestyle because when everything collapses , and it will , then we the based patriots will come out and take care of you traitors

>> No.18908246
File: 163 KB, 1702x1384, 1559519129172.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget spics and jannies

>> No.18908345
File: 554 KB, 739x430, 1588060636230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charles loves black dick

>> No.18908521

You are just an uncle tom incel that nobody liked. kys

>> No.18909250

false flag

>> No.18909908


That will never happen.

>> No.18910298

if you are as intelligent as you claim you wouldn't feel the need to put down other blacks to make you feel better about yourself.

>> No.18910372

America would be such a fucking mess at 20% white. I imagine a race war and/or balkanization would take place well before that.

>> No.18910463

Hmmm, based. Fuck jannies, too.
Lol pathetic faggots. He says "fuck whitey" and you're still like "well how DARE you be critical of your own kind when I was taught in school to WORSHIP YOU." Kill yourselves, simps.

>> No.18910485

Brb, putting my savings into kara boga puts

>> No.18911458

no white bought anything from a nigger since forever

>> No.18911512

Lmao, wh*te cuckolds pay millions of dollars to watch niggers throw a ball.

>> No.18911546

yeah, but he "owns" the team kek

>> No.18911553

Ight yall so like when number go up dat be good. When numba go down dat be bad. Ya gonna wants to buy when da numba low and sell when it be high. Ya be buying to baby momz a new Mercedes wit dis strat ya dig?

>> No.18911582

baseball is such a shitty sport only murricans can watch it but only out of sympathy.
basketball is the embodiedment of the amrican cuck culture, no wonder usa avg cock size is what? 11cm?
>muh niggz muh bbc muh avg 11cm
one more thing: HAHAAA

>> No.18911627

Fuck off nigger lover

>> No.18911735

asian women love american baseball

>> No.18912072

It's different now because back then you could bet on whites determining the prices.

>> No.18912907

>black chad here
I know of no one every buying such a console. Who did they sell this to? Somalians?

>> No.18913017

Only people I know that bought it were youtubers and followers of those youtubers for goofs and gafs.

>> No.18913092
File: 74 KB, 355x500, 2011_08_myofascialhandsnap0811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when there is blood in the water the sharks go out to eat even if it's their own

Sounds like a great opportunity to transfer some of them food stamp portfolio in to my personal archives

>> No.18913120
File: 1.93 MB, 400x300, 1587749035679.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
