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File: 42 KB, 737x336, 2020-05-06_1524[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18904690 No.18904690 [Reply] [Original]

I cant believe this shit I had a job and work visa lined up in the US, travel booked and everything. got cockclbocked by the rona now Im sitting in some holiday home dont even have an apartment anymore. they told me "dont worry bruh well get you over here like in june lol". and now this guy says tehy might not open air travel back up before 2021
I cant take this shit anymnore I dont want to starve to death in my yuropoor shithole PLEASE MR TRUMP LET ME IN I LOVE AMERICAN PLEASE!!!!

>> No.18904715

>work visa lined up in the US
sorry fuck off were full.

>> No.18904723

Fuck off m8, we’re full

>> No.18904747

Can’t you go to Canada or Mexico and then travel to USA by land?

>> No.18904748


>> No.18904764

We're full.

>> No.18904773

its a non immigrant visa you racist yokels!!

>> No.18904845
File: 65 KB, 654x639, 1585792718077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are either larp, or mentally retarded and they don't want to hire you anyway, nigger
I just entered the USA on my work visa, I'm about to make 220k a year, and yes, I hold Chainlink, how can you tell ?

>> No.18904876

bullshit travel from entire EU has been suspended
maybe youre from some third world shithole they are still allowed entry

>> No.18905354

bump for trump pls have mercy mr president Im just a poor yurofag looking for a better life

>> No.18906605

i just got off the phone with trump. he told me to tell you to frick off we're full lmao

>> No.18906729
File: 455 KB, 680x680, clown_soldier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're all in this together eurobro. Hang in there, we'll slap hands in the citadel

>> No.18906784

Dual citizen Leaf here. Can confirm US is full. Fuck off.

>> No.18906910

I keep telling you OP this is a blessing. shame you've got such a one track mind.

>> No.18906925

i will never give up on chasing the american dream and you redneck yokels will have to deal with it

>> No.18906942

you have no idea what its like living in hellscape yuropistan fren
I will kiss the ground once they let me fly into the US

>> No.18907027

I live in the UK, I've lived in Burgerland. I've lived in Canada, I've lived in ireland.

I have a passport for all exect burgerland, I turned down their shit tier passport.

Stop bigging up that 3rd world country, once you've been there for a bit, you'll start to see the issue, its the 'natives'

>> No.18907039

Sorry not sorry on this one

>> No.18907053

i can call mr trump for you but I need to know if you’re white and if you like guns

>> No.18907092

i live in krautland fren its hell on earth we are ruled with an iron fist by mommy merkel. im surrounded by autistic boomers and arabs, highest taxes in yuropistan I cant take it anymore I just want OUT
I might be a kraut but I bleed red white and blue I want to live in the greatest country on earth AMERICA BABY

>> No.18907103

Oops I guess an actual American will get that job instead. That's really too bad.

>> No.18907115

this is important. we cant let you in if you dont want guns. we dont need more grabbers

>> No.18907120

thats a yes on both counts pls make the call I LOVE AMERICA I LOVE GUNS AND I LOVE BIG TITTIES

>> No.18907135

>Oops I guess an actual American will get that job instead
no tehy wont because, and I quote my boss here, "americans are lazy thats why he hire people from europe"

>> No.18907255

>highest taxes in yuropistan
You'll find out this is a meme

Boss sounds based desu, you'll find out the IQ of America is supported by H1B visa holders.

Let me offer this advice...Burgerland is actually a tax haven to anyone thats not a Mutt. They use a bank reporting system called FATCA, the RoW used CRS. The two don't talk to each other (as of yet), So open a bank account. Credit unions are good & don't charge like the big banks.

>> No.18907276

Seems legit boys, lets get him in.

>> No.18907312

Get a job on one of our military bases as an LN worker. I worked at several and lots of Germans who worked with us got approved for immigration and lined up nice work in the US or middle east under American companies.

>> No.18907327

You bring me a busty fraülein and we'll see what can be done.

>> No.18907364

I ALREADY HAVE A JOB AND A WORK VISA BUT TRUMP CLOSED THE BORDERS LITERALLY THREE DAYS BEFORE MY FLIGHT!!! every time I get a glimmer of hope he sends out one of his goons to extend the travel suspensions. its like hes on a personal mission to ruin my life please mr trump have mercy

>> No.18907408

you merimutts have no ideas how good you have it in germany its basically indentured servitued I only exist to feed boomers and immigrants, now they wont let me walk into a store with a mask and a grocery cart to pick up a bag of rice rispies I cant take it anymore I WANT MY FREEDUMBS

>> No.18907451

1st world problems. Trump new what you did and had to bog you. Seriously consider how lucky you would have been If it worked out:
>free kraut education, no student debts.
>americans stereotype you as smarter and higher quality.
>you'd make 10x German salary.
>you'd pay half the German tax rate.
>skanks would jump on your dick because of your foreign accent.

Like give us a break with your infinite success story already. Jeez.

>> No.18907454

go to a 3rd world and use their planes

>> No.18907569


i dunno OP go to Canada or something you're probably better off

>> No.18907630

that and Im also 6 ft 4 unironically
in Germany Im just an autistic lanky nobody in the US bitches think Im "exotic" "cultured" and "omgsotall"
dont I deserve a slice of happiness too? I hate europe so much its full with cucks and boomers PLEASE MR TRUMP HAVE MERCY!!!

>> No.18907688

>full with cucks and boomers
the US invented cucks and boomers lmao you think its better here?

>> No.18907726

it cant be worse than this boomer hellscape Im living in believe me

>> No.18907862

depends on the area but just avoid the coasts and retirement homes as best you can. plus, this covid thing might wipe them out anyway

>> No.18907903

its not fair bros I just want a white picket fence, a big titted muttslut and a monster truck with gold plated rims this entire year sucks ILl never make it to the land of milk and honey fuck this corona bullshit its just not fair

>> No.18907932

at this point it wouldnt surprise me if when tehy actually do lift the travel suspensions trump will greet me personally at the airport. just to tell me "youre fired " and send me right back home. my life is a big joke.

>> No.18907974

I'm so sorry anon. I know how you feel. I probably won't get to take my annual trip to Thailand this year. It's tragic.

>> No.18908002

You're gonna make it.

>> No.18908069

thx frens and I hope you get to tear up that thai pussy

>> No.18909180

>dont i deserve a slice of happiness too?
no. nobody does. you are not special kraut. also you take who you are with you wherever you go. if you're a loser autist in germany, you'll be a bigger one here. germans are dorky nazis to us.

>> No.18909556
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>non immigrant visa
