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18897994 No.18897994 [Reply] [Original]

>daily reminder that Hex is legit
>daily reminder that the amount of shilling taking place here is totally organic
>daily reminder that no one is getting scammed
>daily reminder that even though not a single hash has been provided EVER of Hex being converted back into Eth, it's totally real and can be done ANYTIME

Guys, Hex shills are totally not here. Richard Hart did NOT make millions on Ethereum for his own profit, Hex is totally legit, and these posters making endless Hex threads are totally legit Hex holders with nothing to gain from shilling this shitcoin. Everything is going to work out just fine, you're going to fucking MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON huge on this at no risk, guaranteed, and there is absolutely NO motivation at all for anyone that's making huge amounts of money to hire anyone to shill his scam to make even more.

keep buying bags.

>> No.18898083
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>t. HEX holder wanting to FUD so people unstake

>> No.18898111

Your scam is getting exposed, TONIGHT. No hash showing Hex -> Ethereum exists. we're making people aware. The shilling Hex here on /biz/ is about to stop paying off. Kill yourself, Dick Heart shill.

>> No.18898169

Go to bed Peter McCormack. Just because your iq got exposed on livestream doesn't mean you have to flood this board with hex hate

>> No.18898192

you can go do it yourself how is this even fud

>> No.18898223

>heh, just find it yourself
This is what it looks like when your narrative falls apart.

>> No.18898474

Good question, glad you asked.. This project was started to solve a personal problem, that is why it's more legit than any other project in crypto right now. As many of you know, I was barely getting by doing hourly magician gigs, you know, sleight of hand card tricks, long ass handkerchiefs, shit like that. I was sinking fast and had been going to my magician gigs hungover. Most of the time I would have to take a flask of bourbon along just to make it thru the gig. One Monday I started, well... continued, a gnarly bender after doing tricks for some rich banker's kid's bar mitzvah. I was so depressed hearing them talk about their parents money I just kept smashing whisky shots and doing insane amounts of blow I got off this gayboi designer I met at some club. We fucking went apeshit man.. when I woke up the next friday afternoon I saw all the ideas we came up with in our coked out frenzy to start an Ethereum token ponzi scheme. I used to be a BTC maximalist before I got into magic so I kinda know the crypto scene. The logo was so good and apparently I promised this gayboi that he would make millions off this logo so he would keep fronting me blow... I don't want to fuck that up cuz he's super hot and I don't get that type of boi pussy as much these days. This shit was fucking pristine too, like sticking your dick in a warm meatloaf. Anyhow, I have to do this thing now so check out Hex and if you are early enough you might make a few bucks, but probably not.

>> No.18898476

He's just larping as a retard

>> No.18899591
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i know richard comes on here frequently. he uses a lot of 4chan language in his streams..

dude like how obvious can you.. just watch 2 lawyers fuck this guy up on a podcast.

dude who owns the coins in that originators address??

some priest in a third world country??? hahaha

dude get bent asshole

>> No.18899597


Video on how to get hex before it's top 3 coin.

Getyourhex.win for 10% free HEX


>> No.18899605

> Doesn't understand nuance and how to play 4D chess

You're not smart enough for hex. Move along

>> No.18899615


and start earning like a champ

>> No.18899685



>> No.18899781

>>daily reminder that even though not a single hash has been provided EVER of Hex being converted back into Eth, it's totally real and can be done ANYTIME
trading is done on uniswap, what's your problem faggot.
It's trivial to trade

>> No.18899793

this is literally tone vays, lmao

>> No.18899799


>> No.18899812

900 million dollar marketcap scam.

>> No.18899817

here you go faggot

>> No.18899824

who cares about this shit?

look at all these weirdos in crypto like craig wright- satoshi nakamoto- calvin ayre- this pedophile ben goertzel lookt all this shit characters in crypto

so what Richard Heart faked a signature on a shitty government asshole paper- are u just made cause you to dumb to fake government shit?

whats your fucking problem? why you care- instead of hating like a faggot- why didnt you buy nto this shit and now you would sit on a fucking stash- but what are you doing?
hating like a faggot- beeing broke and trying to push this shit bitcoin to others so you can sell with a small profit

hex went up from LESS than 1 fucking satoshi to 64 satoshis at time of this writing

what did your bitcoin do? nothing- what did craig wright do nothing- what did this faggot AI pedohpile ben goertzel do with his AI shitcoin- NOTHING

nobody is doing shit in this fucking space to maek any money other than running their fucking mouth- what is the US government doing for their people NOTHING

so stop worrying about someobody faking shit government papers- at least he is making us money you stellar faggot

you aint putting food on my table with this weak bitchass fud- so fuck you and fuck your fud too- cause you are worthless- you aint doing shit- im sure you are a fucking jew- now fuck you


>> No.18899840


you just gave this guy your money and he's laughing at you!


>> No.18899847

the john guzman one was faked by the lawyers who helped rob him in panama

>> No.18899858

$100,000 says you're a creator of another project and you are just made that this thing is doing 6 to 8 million per day in volume.

>> No.18899913
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dude he's recyling the hex back in the contracts..
or maybe its some "priest in a third world country"

fact is he wont admit or say who owns the originators address.

again dyor


>> No.18899914

so what he got robbed- he is still standing

i got robbed by my motherfucking wife when we divorced- of course these fucking beaners steal what they can- whats your fucking point

I dont care if Richard Heart is the jew that killed Jesus as long as my investment goes up while everything else in the world is crashing.

I still dont get your fucking point

>> No.18899927

who cares about the the originators address- where u think money goes when some faggot ass project is doing an ICO?

Maybe Richard Hex is putting his eeth back into Hex who cares - this shit is pumping so what more do you want?

>> No.18899935
File: 202 KB, 679x960, 15843166820353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bulls make money, bears make money, greedy piggies get slaughtered

>> No.18899967


yeah i dont give a fuck about vays..

the lawyers on there were very professional and asking the right questions while richard was dancing around semantics being a little bitch boy fidgeting in his chair.

dude knows he's in the wrong.

just a matter of time.

>> No.18899992

i was saying its not his fault he got extorted retard

>> No.18899993

Nobody is making no fucking money trading- nobody- or is there any one on youtube that makes consistently money from trading? Or why does everyfucking trader needs to sell his trades on fiverr or charge for signals- if i know how to trade why would i fucking do tutorials or deal with other peoples shit trying them to sell some faggot ass signals- fuck- maybe im a lazy fuck but i tell you NOBODY that makes money trading is selling their advice- only losers sell their advice cause they aint got shit else to make moeny from other than lieing to noobs.

All these traders are better salespeople than traders. fucking tone vays cant trade his way out of a paperbag if his life depends on yet he charges you 150$ for a dinner with him- how doesme watching a faggot eat a steak make me a better trader?

yall got your shit backwards- bulls make money bears make money- yes do do- but you are neither of them- so fuck you

>> No.18900007



>> No.18900016

the discussion was shit because they would all go off on tangents and the real economics of HEX were never explained, because one lawyer would say something, richard didnt like the way he phrased it so he'd interject, 5 mins of yelling, repeat for 6 hours

>> No.18900018

so what he got extorted- he created a unicorn- this shit is almost worth 1 billion now- what did you do?
post on this faggot imageboard- get a fucking life

>> No.18900033



>> No.18900048

you cant actually be this retarded. im agreeing with you

>> No.18900053


>> No.18900072

I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or lies

>> No.18900533

vays is a fucking faggot- who is even taking this retard serious? who would ever take an advice from this jew tone vays- WHO is so dumb?
and than you go and share his tweet- tha fuck is wrong with you?