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File: 72 KB, 750x750, 45673484_1921486817977630_5809152275617747090_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18899482 No.18899482 [Reply] [Original]

daily reminder that bitcoin is basically tulip mania 2.0 and you are going to lose all of your money

>> No.18899497

Fact. Checked.

Crypto isn't tho. Crypto here to stay, unlike that pic related.

>> No.18899600

Crypto as a whole is used even less now in everyday transactions then it was when it was new. The only things people bought with crypto in the first place were drugs and illegal services most of which has been stamped out. Speculative assets are given value by public hype and potential for growth both of which shrink everyday especially during times of crisis. Crypto is an interesting concept with no inherit value as of yet and will more than likely die within the next few years.

>> No.18899630

Checked with the caveat that people are using xmr on the darkwebs

>> No.18899640

Israel has no right to exist

>> No.18899718

Nor do Germany or Russia

>> No.18899762

So... Exactly like gold, only more scarce. Got it

>> No.18899784

yea bitcoin is going to become a better gold. All that needs to happen for bitcoin to be legit is for companies to except bitcoin as payment on their website. that's already pretty widespread

>> No.18899813

I havent seen a single one out in the wild

>> No.18900000

We make pc/phone parts and jewelry out of gold, we cant make anything out of crypto. Even if gold wasn't seen as a safe store of value since the dawn of civilization it would still have value as a material.

>> No.18900260

Daily reminder that you missed the bottom AGAIN
Stay poor

>> No.18900290
File: 223 KB, 1200x799, DBE5C173-6AB1-4E8D-9566-29482842502C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitcoin is tulip mania
>stonk market is Great Depression
>Iraq had wmd and did 911
>china gave everyone corona

Stay poor, retard

>> No.18900309

>the internet is a fad —bill gates

Ok boomer

>> No.18900359

Anytime now... anytime, no really anytime.

>> No.18900381

Everyone knows tulips are a superior alternative to banks... seriously who the fuck let you in?

>> No.18900402

Indeed. Even if it isn't, boomer coin will only bring boomer gains

>> No.18900414

/smg/ cope

>> No.18900463

Based RG3

>> No.18900485

The only fantasy state is Israel, jew

>> No.18900493

>we cant make anything out of crypto

What is a smart contract?

>> No.18900515

At least equity does something

>> No.18900536

Oh, this fucking guy is back. I bought Link the last time you posted this and 20x'd. Now I'm in ARPA and am 75% up. Excellent Tulip Mania! I cashed out 4x my initial already. Do your worst.

>> No.18900588

You 20x meaning you sold LINK. Meaning you just missed out on 3 million dollars and will only be a filthy no linker.

>> No.18900678

creg is going to lose
BSV is not the real bitcoin

>> No.18900722

OP is talking about bitcoin