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File: 693 KB, 2036x1963, 1867ADA9-9455-4436-B772-805E1AB25389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18895951 [Reply] [Original]

What I don’t understand is how there’s not one fucking comment section anywhere on the internet where people are actually calling out this soulless whore for her terrible retarded decisions it’s like the entire internet is has shrunk into an unbearable nothingness
This job deserved to go to a qualified MAN not some fucking brain dead thot too stupid to simply NOT BE A WHORE ON FILM for Christ’s sake
There’s barely even a mention of this whole fiasco on the surface level internet, her Instagram is gone can’t find a twitter Forbes make no mention of this shit and still have her fluff pieces listed with COMMENTS DISABLED
The few Reddit thread that exists are just full of pathetic simps and deleted comments
Are women really that pathetic that they need constant state censorship and guaranteed protection from ever having to deal with consequences
This is peak clown world and it’s just fucking sad at this point
These whores need to be cancelled with extreme fucking prejudice men of the west deserve justice
Instead nothing will change, our lives will get worse and women will become more and more fucking retarded and destructive
I actually admire the Muslims at this point

>> No.18895998

I agree anon

this hurt me the day I found out. life is really golden for women. see Mayli from Facial Abuse, she is a millionaire and Ivy grad now

>> No.18896038
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>> No.18896093
File: 263 KB, 1118x1294, F3446DF7-BA46-4B85-938F-703CC294ACBE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this whore helps take down the scam that is chainlink she'll end up pretty based imo

>> No.18896121

based. you really can't escape clown world, just try to get by until shit pops off. be armed and dangerous at that point and hope for the best my friend

>> No.18896191

>I actually admire the Muslims at this point
kek based

>> No.18896266

>this job deserved to go to a qualified man
That is a man

>> No.18896270

she probably paid one of those "reputation defender" firms to go around shilling and threatening on her behalf

>> No.18896417

>no comment section
your on it you sjw faggot

>> No.18896449

Must be nice how she saves on rent living in your head rent free

>> No.18896463
File: 32 KB, 600x655, C37BA2B2-1980-4E71-91C7-1871FDD5E567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Must be nice how she saves on rent living in your head rent free

>> No.18896507

>Are women really that pathetic that they need constant state censorship and guaranteed protection from ever having to deal with consequences

>> No.18896532
File: 9 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walualu Linkbar

>> No.18896677

KEK from selling clogs to polishing knobs, what a career

>> No.18896703

> seething incels, the thread.

>> No.18896725


>> No.18896855
File: 112 KB, 306x306, 03727D02-FD5B-4857-8061-182AF23EAF86.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of onions in this post

>> No.18896884

Link is a scam so they hired some whore to fuck sergey and the team with ico money, no surprise there

>> No.18896913
File: 152 KB, 483x628, 1588304371762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

image how polluted her womb is by now.

>> No.18896948


>> No.18896975

We get it you're a simp.

>> No.18896982


Dude what? Get help OP. Who gives a fuck if she likes getting dicked. You're just mad because she's more successful than you are. She can get laid AND get high paying work despite doing porn and the stigmas that come with it.

Cope harder loser. Maybe you're the problem.

>> No.18897009


Wow, peak incel here. I know you've never had sex because anyone who has knows that you want to have sex with someone who is good in bed, and--- man or woman--- you become good in bed by enjoying having sex and being adventurous with how/where/with whom you have it. I've been with many women who are turned on by being degraded and looking slutty by being filmed. Frankly it's fun to be the one who does it to them, and you're just mad that no woman wants you to.

>> No.18897030


Hope she sees this, king

>> No.18897031

reddit has entered the chat

>> No.18897034

I get it you're lonely and enraged

>> No.18897067

Nice b8s

>> No.18897073

Fuck off fags

>> No.18897102

I don't look down on women. I look down on whores. She's a whore. She helps contribute to the degradation of modern society benefiting on pleasure over mindfulness.

>> No.18897172

It makes me furious too.
>Jessica Khater manages a book of $300 million in bitcoin assets that have resulted in $2.2 billion in loans. After being hired as a marketing assistant by Celsius Network, she quickly proved herself as much more by helping build the bitcoin lending firm’s back office.
>marketing assistant to managing 300mil.
And how did this marketing intern prove her abilility?
>by helping build... firm’s back office.

This last line gives m solace, because it means absolutely nothing, that she did absolutely nothing (other then sucking dick), and that the company has no bullshit. They couldn’t even tack her name on some achievement and then say “after proving herself in the deal with X”. All they could say was “build back office”.


>> No.18897257

>get high paying work
You have to go back. Read my post. If you think the only thing that matters is getting a job and being paid, then yea you’re a faggot idiot.
She is such a bump on a log that when you read her bio on celcius it is clear she had no quantifiable accomplishments during her time as a MARKETING ASSISTANT, at least no accomplishments that rationalize handing a 24 year old that large a book (which I guarantee she does not manage) to a woman who did not go to master’s school.
Also, it’s stuff like this why link and crypto aren’t taken seriously. A company thinks its fine to tell the world a 24 year old literal who(re) Is managing 300mill of their assets. This makes crypto look like a bunch of retards playing hedge fund.

>> No.18897450

correction: not bio on celcius, the writeup on the forbes fluff piece

>> No.18897495

Virtue signalling about how pure you are is only meaningful if having sex is actually an option.
Otherwise it's like saying you don't eat caviar for ethical reasons when you can't afford it in the first place.

>> No.18897506
File: 155 KB, 640x373, 1548975048066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder to report all whores to the IRS. We're all in this together.

>> No.18897890

who the fuck made this picture
they deserve LINK