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18892041 No.18892041[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There are no affordable suburbs left in America that aren't overrun with niggers or spics. If you're white but not rich, there's no place for you anymore. Most of us will die never having attained the standard of living that our parents and grandparents had.

>> No.18892068

if you are white and not rich, you are guys are just bunch of losers, when you've had it so easy for son long.

>> No.18892086
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Speak for yourself Kevin. 6 figure salary, hot white wife, all white neighborhood, white state, high QOL.

>> No.18892111

This is an ugly mindset

>> No.18892115

Nobody has had it easy nigger. The difference is Whites don't get affirmative action gibs.

>> No.18892120

Op assuming this isn’t bait, where are you from? Why do you have to live in a suburb? There are plenty of affordable rural areas. I’m sure you’ll just be a boring broken record and say no jobs which isn’t true

>> No.18892204

The suburbs in the 1950s were the peak of western civilization. They offered all the conveniences of modern life, with none of the drawbacks of living in crowded smelly cities. And most importantly, they were a 100% white utopia. Back then the average American could afford to live pretty much anywhere and support a wife and 2 kids on a single middle class salary. None of these things are even remotely possible anymore unless you're a multi-millionaire.

>> No.18892210

I live in Sterling Heights, MI aka Sterling Whites & its definitely affordable

>> No.18892241

Okay, it’s bait, gotcha. Well keep on spinning that broken record.

>> No.18892248

You can't refute any of the things I've said.

>> No.18892277

white people dont look out for other white people tho. The opposite in fact... theyre more likely to help a gangbanging nigger than a poor white person.

>> No.18892290


>> No.18892295

Uve got that for a century if ur family is poor blame ur parents grandparents or retarded genes runs in ur blood

>> No.18892299

The thing is most of them rent and the owners most likely want to sell. So gather a bunch of frens who are ready and buy in the same area and get homes for cheap and white neighbors you know.

>> No.18892307

That's the point brainlet, he said "most of us." Keep living in your bubble, everything is fine.

>> No.18892336

These threads always make me laugh. I might live in a "retarded dumb ass flyover state" but at least my cost of living is low, and i have a 4 bedroom house in a neighborhood full of white people and non existent crime. You fucking dumb retards bitch about this shit because you live in an urbanite hell hole. Have fun

>> No.18892342

then the jews came along from the frankfurt school and brainwashed everyone into allowing woman to work and vote
it all went downhill at this moment

>> No.18892350

if youre white and broke youre unironically a loser

>> No.18892376

Ok retard

>> No.18892391

States put more restrictions on building so they could increase taxes and landlords have been sucking tenant dry for years without wage increases. At the same time I blame my family for never investing a dime, they were fucking retards.

>> No.18892399

You think you’re joking but this is basically true. We also have a ZOG. Who do you think killed Kennedy?

>> No.18892438

>muh 50s was the based peak
>muh jewfurt school ruined everything
the 50s were only a based white utopia in the US because it destroyed the world in WW2 and looted the empires it destroyed. Also the same people who fought WW2 then fought for desegregation, consumerism degeneracy, social liberalism, and gay liberation christianity. Sorry but the Jews only fertilized your rotten seed.

>> No.18892468

If your not rich your not white. Go sell some crack to your neighbors

>> No.18892515

I watched a documentary about the depression and saw all those poor white Americans toughing it out through years and years of complete poverty and misery, and I couldn't help but think about how those people seemed to just grit through and bear it, unlike the people of 4chan who just never shut the fuck up about how hard things are, while they sit on their computers and eat take out.

>> No.18892519
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>> No.18892779

The only thing more pathetic than a poor White person is a poor White Boomer.

>> No.18892975
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Minimum wage of $1.25 in 1965 was equivalent 71 ounces of gold assuming 40 hr work weeks and two weeks unpaid time off. 71 ounces of gold is worth over $120,000 today. Government inflation statistics are damned lies. Standard of living has decreased drastically, inversely proportional to the growth of government.

>> No.18893028

You got way bigger problem than that champ , let's be honest you probably wont even find someone to reproduce with let alone have a home you shit stained cum bucket .

>> No.18893065

Do you know how hard conquering the fucking world is, you fucking retard?

>> No.18893096

Totally false, there were still poor whites back when this country was 90%+ white in the 80s.

This is the mindset of seething low IQ brown people though, they will outright steal from whites with codified government policy in 10-20 years when they have the political power to do so.

>> No.18893100

>he says in his residence with central cooling
>he says on his pc or smartphone with internet access
>his means of transportation is probably more reliable than a new 1950s car
>he says as he eats takeout every other day

Quality of life is for the most part better the issue is people acting like subhumans and you don’t want to live around that. It’s amazing how much better the world would be if there wasn’t so much riff raff. Imagine how nice a place could be if people simply behaved even if it’s a ghetto shithole.

>> No.18893326

>be grateful for your comfortable slave boxes
haha, spotted the cuckboi.

>> No.18893458

>Bro technology!
>We have technology now
No shit technology has improved numbnuts. That is not what we are talking about. We are talking about the economy and society.

>> No.18893516

>MVIS gambling money while living comfy in my 4 bedroom house with my white family
>See no niggers. Ever.
>78k/y no college degree
You wish, faggot.

>> No.18893604
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>Jews offer easy money opportunities through usury.
>Whites take, even though they don't have to.
>Small group of Whites get really wealthy.
>Income inequality increases.
>Society gets shittier
>Scapegoat the Jews even though it's White people's fault.
>Repeat every 100-200 years.
This is literally the same thing as a heroin dealer blaming the dealer for his addiction.

>> No.18893678

yo wtf really? we got technology?

>> No.18893721

>standard of living
the house in the pic was demolished 15 years ago to build a mcmansion

>> No.18893734

Urbanite hell holes are where the jobs are. What do you do?

>> No.18893798

The only thing you are bitching about in terms of the economy is student loan debt that you “have to take” to get a degree for a job and then housing is “unaffordable”

We agree on things but it’s a matter of perspective and I tend to think things are better, I can definitely say my quality of life is much better than what would have been in the 50s.

Yo wtf you could build a house with the same materials as in the 50s for way cheaper than a modern house?

You’re missing the point. If your primary complaint is you can’t have a house like your grandparents, nothing is stopping you from having a cheap minimalist house and it doesn’t have to be a cuckshed
If you’re upset you can’t afford to live in your preferred city neighborhood etc, I don’t know what to tell you, sucks the NIMBY people exist but it is what it is if you want it bad enough get after it

Every time anyone actually posts an alternative to NY or SF you autists screech about how it’s a shithole flyover state or bumfuck nowhere.

>> No.18893821
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>his dream is a half acre plot of fescue with a post-War ranch hurriedly plopped down in a boring hell of eternal mediocrity

>> No.18893924

But taxes were fucking high.

>> No.18893949

Will you whiny stormfags and incel cucks just shut the fuck up and fuck off already?

>> No.18894014

Southgate, CA
Paramount, CA
Huntington Park, CA
All affordable suburbs. Move there.

>> No.18894048

Bullshit, there's 250k homes in Nevada.

>> No.18894053

Dude get fucking real. I live in LA and have seen those neighborhoods, they are shitholes.

>> No.18894068

>implying you conquered the world
kek if a draft came you would fake a disability

>> No.18894277

lmao. Cudahy, CA
Bell Gardens, CA
Commerce, CA

>> No.18894291

Whites didn't get gibs nigger, stop coping. But you're actually right, White people were stupid & weak to allow the situation to occur. But they're going to start taking gibs now. I've gone full Varg mode & am teaching my kids to exploit the system like a kike. Fake businesses to mop up stimulus money, "disability" payments, taking out loans to buy assets in other names & defaulting, every tax dodge possible - you name it. Congratulations nigger, you're absolutely right - fuck civilisation, hard work and having nice things like "values" or "principles". Sooner other Whites realise the reality of the situation the better.

>> No.18894296

lmao get fucked faggot nobody wants to live in your commie shithole

>> No.18894310

I would now, yes 100%. Why would I or any White man fight for you? Get fucked niggers & spics, enjoy fighting the Chinks.

>> No.18894330

Move to a small town and live a simple, productive, passionate life or get fucked /pol/ poorfag

>> No.18894347

This anon is correct
These are also shitholes
>OC resident

>> No.18894374

What are you talking about? Every hot girl that has been raised in your shithole flyover state dreams of living in California. It's why a South Dakota 9 is an LA 6 at best, maybe 7 if she's dressed up nice.

>> No.18894381

>post alternative to typical incel narrative housing is unaffordable

There’s literally no winning with you fags

>> No.18894448

If you consider the costs YOU WILL EVENTUALLY INCUR of constantly having your car or home broken into and robbed, a couple trips to the ER for being stabbed or jumped by the homies on the corner, and your tax dollars not being efficiently spent because it takes the cops 40 minutes to arrive, well then, it is actually quite expensive and still a shithole.

>> No.18894480

> standard of living
Depends what you mean. Neighborhood melanin levels are higher but so are the number of bits per second in your pipes, which is what really matters.

>> No.18894496

Okay here are your options then
Make more money to live in a nicer neighborhood
Live where you can afford
Or kill yourself because it’s the jews fault you can’t afford to live in a yuppie neighborhood in LA, SF, NY

>> No.18894501

Whats your dream and show us a picture of it. Thanks.

>> No.18894508

Women are retarded & my only selection criteria was an ability to be a good mother & have intact genes, not be some blown out city whore. So what's your point commie?

>> No.18894517

based nigger coward

>> No.18894525

Conquering the fucking world?? WTF you talking about .

>> No.18894542

Yes. Far better than your dystopian favela shithole ideal.

>> No.18894550

deluded zogbot

>> No.18894609

Yeah cause I wanna live in some deep South state living with inbred rednecks. Oh no blacks and minorities are so evil hogwash drivel coming out of the
mouths of literal alt right ku klanner kucks

>> No.18894614

If it was a White man's empire I'd fight in a second. But it's not, and you faggots have made that clear. So that's cool, enjoy fighting your own wars then to defend your dystopia of drug taking niggers, roasties, pedos & faggots. Courage or cowardice have 0 to do with it, it's not my nation. You go fight nigger, I'm here raising my family in the countryside, draining the system of every dollar of gibs possible & stacking wealth up on the back of YOUR blood now. That's what you wanted right? Equality? Lmao, have fun.

>> No.18894622

dude if you were born in a lower social class or neighborhood , you could easily move up the social class ladder because of your skin color with a lot less effort, and jump into the middle to high social rich class , many of you whites are just so fcking lazy that now when you see pajeets, chinks and hardworking inmmigrants competing in the american market you cry and complain how the brown people is stealing whites, jesus christ, what a looser mindset.

>> No.18894634

It's a spic or a nigger. To him, it IS his empire. And he's right.

>> No.18894643

dude there are plenty of places all over the country. Did you just look at California or something

>> No.18894679

People wishing back to that image is the literal cancer that killed current markets. That is what boomers did. And you, the disgusting, dumb zoom zoom, want to follow it their exact foot steps.

>> No.18894684

People held more dominion over their own lives. Americanism and the freedom of Faith, Liberty, Virtue hadn’t completely died yet.

>> No.18894691
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pretty much this, if you're white and not making at least ~130k you're already genetic trash. So you're holed in with the niggers and other genetic trash where you belong. There's no problem here.

It's the opposite, white men are the only demographic who are a net economic asset for the state (apart from Asian men, but it's such a small minority that it doesn't matter). Niggers spics and women are all economic liabilities/drains.

>> No.18894700

No, you're quite right - Whites kept trying to "play fair" by a set of rules and conditions that no longer exist. So now, White men will just do what everyone else does & just bleed the fuck out of the system & rip off other ethnic groups as much as possible. The liberal Whites will all be gone in a few years, just through lack of breeding or mixing out. The remaining ones will make Orthodox Jews look warm & accepting lmao.

>> No.18894728

>I've gone full Varg mode & am teaching my kids to exploit the system like a kike.
You don't have kids.

>> No.18894746

Before you go back, make sure to buy rope for the inevitable day you decide to end your shameful life

>> No.18894760

>Net economic asset
Yes, Whites are the slaves that support the niggers & spics. I know. Just as women are a net drain. So White men need to stop (and are stopping). Atlas is shrugging as it were. This isn't a White nation, so stop supporting it. That 1950s dream is gone. Move to a rural White area & drain the fuck out of every gibs program possible, while only working for cash & barter. The Fed says it has infinite money to prop everything up - let them do it. The kikes & their friends can have nice big farms of brown retards to serve them their coffee in the cities & fight in there wars.

>> No.18894776

>our ancestors were building and working constantly
>yours were committing incest in mud huts and not building anything

colored apes are insufferable. so uncivilized that self awareness is totally non existent

>> No.18894777

This. It's basically either you're rich and have it good, or you're not rich and life sucks. Kys op

>> No.18894784

why do you consider my life to be shameful ?

>> No.18894786

I have 4 lmao. Gonna keep popping them out, each one nets more gibs.

>> No.18894803

What an absolute brainlet post.

If you're so obsessed with living in a nearly all-White suburb there are millions of towns like that all across the country.

You're only looking at shit that is adjacent to large metropolises. That's your first mistake.

>> No.18894820

>if you are white and not rich, you are guys are just bunch of losers, when you've had it so easy for son long.
>you are guys are just bunch of losers
>so easy for son long.

Grammar and spelling errors. Chinese demoralization operative confirmed.

>> No.18894825


Slavery is not building and working constantly.

Most of you are lazy and deserve to be where you are.

>> No.18894828

literal nigger lol

>> No.18894845

If you're white but aren't rich, are you even white?

>> No.18894852

I was thinking today maybe we all should just refuse to pay rent. As in, live with our parents until we can afford something else and all of us allow our own children to live with us as long as they need to. If we can't kill the landlords just make it less profitable for them. Go back to actually looking out and caring about our families that boomers abandoned

>> No.18894871
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Come home, white men.

>> No.18894883

How many of them are white girls?
I guess you're building them for BBC

>> No.18894885


>> No.18894890

More insufferable brown ape bullshit. Can't build a civilization with cotton picking you worthless coon. Fuck off

>> No.18894959

Why resort to tribalism? Americans first.

>> No.18894995

Civic nationalists are the most retarded out of any group. Keep smelling your own ass fag

>> No.18894998

2 of them. Nah, they've never even seen a nigger. Tons of other like-minded White families around here with boys that they're going to be probably hooking up with. They're raised to look at that as bestiality anyway.

Kinda. But again, it's not my nation. I see it as being under occupation - all these liberals wanted Whites to get out of the way, so I'm just obliging them (and taking their gibs money lmao).

>> No.18894999

Just move to a rural area and go on EBT/disability. Hell unemployment gives you an extra 600 bucks a month and let's be real I wouldn't be surprised if that's permanent. There is no reason to care about "finding a job" at this point. You can literally move out to some obscure town in the middle of buttfuck nowhere and you'll be fine.

>> No.18895029


Americans hate each other. I don't even know how this is still a country. We'd all slash each other's throats for a nickel. At this point it's my family first teach them how to shoot a gun and everybody else can go fuck themselves

>> No.18895034

Heh, ok Paco sure. I've heard that before.

>> No.18895056
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At least their America was 90% white.

>> No.18895267

Whats wrong with those cities listed? They're suburbs,aren't they?

>> No.18895489

You think resorting to identity politics is going to help the country? Alienating those who physically look different from you? Tribalism is a lower form of institutions. The US is not a developing country with a weak judicial system and a generally corrupt police force.

You need to leave the country. Maybe then you will realize that you are an American first instead of saying “white” “black” or “blue” first. Culture is more important than your race. You may be say 100 percent “Dutch” ancestry but you aren’t from the Netherlands nor would their people consider you Dutch.

US should restitute the draft. Get people from all around the country together from various income classes. Bring together people from Appalachia with individuals from California, to the Mississippi delta. Having individuals working together towards a common goal and sharing the same experiences.

Identity politics ruins social cohesion.

>> No.18895549

I'm looking at that house knowing that it is probably being leased to a poor family that is not maintaining it well. How terrible.

>> No.18895576
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>> No.18895593

You can’t even spell correctly let alone surmise that white people have it harder to move up the social ladder as a nigger just has to not rape anyone and everyone will just start giving him money.

>> No.18895623

>Slavery is, working constantly and not building anything

>> No.18895637

Keep that attitude right up until when the fighting starts, figure out how delusional you are the hard way. The men that survive this degeneracy and turmoil will be so much tougher than your coddled draft dodging ass your last thoughts will be how they can be so strong while you sob like a bitch into the dirt.

>> No.18895644
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You are forced to. You can think impersonally but the hordes of minorities do not and think completely tribally.

>> No.18895708
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I don't care about any of that. It's not my country. Its just a place where I live - which is the same way the vast majority of non-Whites think about it. And as for "culture", what, you mean jew pedos making movies with the roastie whores they rape about niggers being wonderful? Too fucking bad. I'm voting for myself & my interests, and the big festering scab in Washington that loves to print money can pay for it. And they are, that's the beauty of it.

>Social cohesion
Lmao, what social cohesion? The country has voted for infinite gibs for Israel, infinite spics to mow lawns & serve coffee for nothing to liberals and cityfags and for White men to cuck out & support it all like good bitches. There is no "America", just a bunch of corporations and tax farms called cities. Fuck you & everything you stand for. The Spics openly raise the Aztlan flag over the southern States, and you expect me to go fight for that? Nope, never.

Im on disability already lmao. Enjoy fighting the Chinks for your kike masters Paco. Equality for all, its your dream come true.

>> No.18895741

simply not true

stop whining

>> No.18895912

I live in Warren, niggers coming to you soon

>> No.18896339

>They're raised to look at that as bestiality anyway
>Nah, they've never even seen a nigger
You realize this makes blacks more attractive to them?