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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 32 KB, 700x700, computer-guy-unimpressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18891313 No.18891313[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/PTG/ - After hours crab edition

Old thread: >>18887493

>> No.18891326

this image looks like its from rick and morty

>> No.18891340

Eman is making me mad.

>> No.18891347
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x1080, Rick.and.Morty.S04E06.Never.Ricking.Morty.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DD+5.1.H.264-CtrlHD.mkv_snapshot_15.52.301_waifu2x_photo_noise3_tta_1_waifu2x_photo_noise3_tta_1_waifu2x_photo_noise3_tta_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, this is

>> No.18891348
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here we go bois. moment of truth tomorrow.

>> No.18891363

moon you fucking stock, MOON!

>> No.18891385

Eman special unit MIA, call izraeliz fix it

>> No.18891406

Can you guys go back please?

>> No.18891422
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Imagine eating a warm pile of crap out of this nice butt?

>> No.18891425
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Y'all know me still the same MVIS
But a bit low priced
Hated on by these BOBOS with no cheese
No deals and no holdings
No puts and no calls
No newfags no redditors
Mad at me cause Bill Gates is buying me

>> No.18891426

This shitstock isn’t going anywhere

>> No.18891461

Did the math. Made about $600 in profits off of MVIS. Considering going all in with most of the profits. Good or bad idea?

>> No.18891463

wheres his cock? Duct taped to his belly?

>> No.18891508

Just cut off your own dick itll be less painful.

>> No.18891513

Is TSE: ONIONS a buy? They have their call tomorrow.

>> No.18891514

kek, nice

>> No.18891518
File: 27 KB, 491x488, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need at least 40% on these by next Wednesday to pay rent

It’s already late and they’re going to evict me 5/13 if I don’t pay.

Will I make it

>> No.18891525

This isn’t trapanon this is poopanon he is always talking about scat

>> No.18891539

You're gambling to pay rent?

>> No.18891568

I thought Yanks had rent suspended.

>> No.18891592

On MVIS? You're gonna get dumped on. It may surge with this nothing news but it will dump even harder tomorrow. Everyone is too skiddish from $UAVS. I keep beating myself up about selling the dip even though I profited but I know I made the right choice.

>> No.18891605

republicans will never allow that
they astroturfed the “open america” protests so inorganically once talk of a second direct cash payment stimulus came up lol.
>inb4 muh liberal
i voted for trump in 2016.

>> No.18891625

They do. He's larping

>> No.18891629

Bro you could not be more wrong. They were trying to get rid of retail investors today because they know this is mooning

>> No.18891633

You're a retard. Please go back redditfag.

>> No.18891638

they literally cant evict you

tell the landlord to go eat your ass

>> No.18891667

I'd buy it if it wouldn't have kept dumping after the stop loss raid, or if it recovered in after hours, but no. It's done.

>> No.18891698

lol not many 3rd positioners on reddit you dumb fuck.
>bailout megacorps and wall st for trillions
>plebs get $1200
lol shilling for big business is gay af

>> No.18891702

>astruturfed the open america inorganically
Go fuck yourself you bootlicking faggot. Do you also need someone to hold your micropenis while you pee?

>> No.18891711





>> No.18891728

lmao those protests were inorganic fucking moron.
imagine the government putting you in this position that you can’t earn and instead of leveraging

>> No.18891733

they loaned the money to the corps, they have to pay taht back and then some
mean while ur broke niggardly leach ass got 1200 of tax dollars for free

>> No.18891734

>He's a Jesse Ventura voter

>> No.18891751

they were inorganic af retard. imagine the gov doing this to you so you can’t earn and you leverage your anger not towards a bailout but being allowed to go back to your shitty job for the same wage and 30-60 days behind on bills. man i will NEVER understand poorfags

>> No.18891753

can we stay on topic about stock and not go into nigger teir politics

>> No.18891776

>jesse ventura is 3rd position
bro you’re actually the redditor here lmao
yea my bad

>> No.18891790

its ok anon, we're all going to make it

>> No.18891809

EMAN feels damn comfy. 2200 shares this cheap. This shit is about to take off.

>> No.18891819
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>> No.18891825

>not voting for Jesse The Body Ventura as he steamrolls every liberal pedophile whore on the way to two-terms of renewed American nationalism.

>> No.18891830

No, these threads Are gay as fuck. Legit stop making them/posting in them, and MAYBE we will get some gains. Shut the fuck up about all these other small nothing companies until one is done. We won’t make SHIT if we keep splitting resources you fucking KEKS

>> No.18891997

He's Jesse the MIND now

>> No.18892048

it did recover after hours...back to 1.55

>> No.18892061
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Shutting down the economy because of a disease was also "inorganic" and I got tired discussing the kung flu after the past raid from happeningfags shitting the board for days. Therefore no more kung flu talking as >>18891753 asked us
This guy is right. We need to sort our shit out. We can't have 4 active ptg threads and people shilling their bags. If we are to make some moolah we need to get some things in order.
>Shut the fuck up about all these other small nothing companies until one is done. We won’t make SHIT if we keep splitting resources you fucking KEKS
pretty much this. People shilling their bags makes us lose focus from doing better research. There are only 24 hours in a day and i'm not willing to split them searching for EMAN, TRTT, IZEA or whatever the fuck people are shilling. /biz/ does not have enough purchasing power to move a stock's price but people on this board can do some fucking good research and decide what our plan and strategy should look like. Maybe focus on 2-3 companies at a time MAX. Let's get our shit together and make some fucking money boys

>> No.18892071

Stop shilling there’s no reason for it to take off

>> No.18892075

Thats a grandma

>> No.18892098

While I agree with you, there were people shilling mvis, some of us got in .40 and sold 1.50, easy fucking money

>> No.18892125

Your proper fucked

>> No.18892147


For most people's risk tolerances the ship has sailed for MVIS. The point of EMAN isn't to get amazing returns today it's for the people who already got 200+% returns from MVIS to reinvest into so next week that one can pump.

>> No.18892163

if you want in... the next /ptg/ stock is actually NOT $EMAN but it is $FRSX
tomorrow will be a huge pump starting about 9:45AM EST and ending before 1PM EST
trust me

>> No.18892177

I'd like to see some solid proof there is a reason to get into this though. Why is it about to moon?

>> No.18892236
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>> No.18892250

You actually think MVIS or UAVS had real proof and reason to moon? It's all about building hype and profiting off other's FOMO

>> No.18892328
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microsoft just bought their patent and might buy the company

>> No.18892345
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how do you pick these penny stock gainers like MVIS? how do you know a pump is coming?

>> No.18892352

And congratz on the gains man, honestly. I want my bizbros to make it whether its MVIS or the next target. I want to know if there are still profits for people who got in later or they should wait until the next worthy company is spotted.
EMAN is being shilled heavily and may grab a bag as soon as i realise profits from mvis but I have yet to see anon putting effort to convince me. No pictures, no documents hinting big news coming, no target price, no nothing. I'm not trying to shit on eman but it's mostly crypto-tier shilling i have been seeing so far with no memes at all.
>You actually think MVIS or UAVS had real proof and reason to moon? It's all about building hype and profiting off other's FOMO
Where's eman's hype building? iirc there were talks about the company's financials being bad, which could be a good reson for being pnd'd but talks about fucking investors sounded legit. UAVS was built on hype but the op was pretty spo on about entry and target price and people who were not greedy made profit. MVIS has hype built upon things more solid than the ceo's daughter's channel partnership "leak"

>> No.18892407

I like to peruse twitter to see what the FUDDers are spamming their pages with

>> No.18892456


>> No.18892466

I need stocks which go 10,000x in 2 years. Show me previous examples and then theorize on which ones could 10kx in a small time period.

>> No.18892484

Make sure to screen cap all of the MVIS anons who get dumped on. I missed UAV

>> No.18892490
File: 241 KB, 2048x1536, EC17484E-3F20-4CA3-BD8C-1EF9570D5CBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solid proof or lack of will be discussed Thursday after trading hours. Your buying rumors right now and the hype that goes with

>> No.18892497
File: 79 KB, 1720x471, 20200505_134942-maim-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F for my boy

>> No.18892501

People have already found EMAN is making displays for the F35 helmets and other government stuff. All the anons that go all out faking documents are busy with MVIS but the same potential exists for EMAN. Instead of a buyout just a government contract..

>> No.18892506

we all got dumped on today. Went from 1.75 to .97 in a matter of an hour. But Instead of being a little bitch, I held. Now aftermarket Im way up again. MVIS trading at 1.50

>> No.18892510

I was talking about EMAN

>> No.18892544

yesterday it pumped after hours, resulting in a fat burst the next opening. today, it's crabbing hard after hours.
what the fuck is going to happen

>> No.18892564

why is it not PSG for penny stocks general?

they cant evict you now its illegal and besides courts are closed

>> No.18892585

im predicting hard crab tomorrow. With people dumping. Thursday we get the big pump. Im talking 3.50 by 3pm

>> No.18892588

just get 14 2x in a row

>> No.18892608

It did pump earler in the AM. After the huge dump ended, which I assume scares people off. But recognize that people did buy in when the prices dropped. So as long as the price is steadily going up, people should see a reason to keep going in, hoping that the trend continues.

>> No.18892640

Who cares.

Military is downsizing and govt is going bankrupt.

Do you really think aircrafts will be piloted by humans in 20 years and not just AI drones that can witstand G forces far beyond the human body?

The age of human fighter pilots is gone.

>> No.18892654

PSG is a football club. Don’t want to get sued.

>> No.18892665

>in 20 years
you realize these threads are dedicated to short term cheap stock pumps right? fucking retard

>> No.18892666
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hey retard, Trump and the republicans were the ones who came up with the idea of a stimulus cash payment directly to the people first. ignorant faggot. if it were up to the democrats youd be paying schumer interest on a loan right now. the demoshits only switched course when they saw how popular direct cash would be and even then, they tried to look like the "good guys" by asking for a ridiculous amount including money to illegals. maybe you should write your congress reps and ask why the house delayed the cash stimulus payment for 2 weeks because of their demands for 35 million dollars for Pelosi's favorite opera house and mandatory niggers on every company board of directors

>> No.18892731

the fuck is a FUDDer

>> No.18892733

I think it's going to open lower and steadily go up throughout the day, unless another bad news event happens like today

>> No.18892739
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>being this new

>> No.18892774

imagine making 200% returns every week

>> No.18892848

no they arent moron, penny stock doesnt mean pump and dump. example A: mvis

>> No.18892873

Haven't been following /PTG/, but do we know about this guy?

He's "Senior Director of Engineering - HoloLens at Microsoft" and worked on the relevant patents at MicroVision. Adds fuel to the fire.

>> No.18892903


demand VR and AR is going to exponentially increase in the coming years. What they make is much larger than the F35 but that is just one of their higher profile customers.

>> No.18892948
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i've never touched stocks or forex in my life. i almost dumped my trump bux for the hell of it a few days ago when the rumors popped around.
does this kind of thing happen often here?

>> No.18893033

that’s the founding and underlying principal here however, people got high off the UAVS fumes and want more, such as MVIS and RTTR’s peak earlier today

>> No.18893050

It does seem to happen often but you have to be careful. Always do your due dilligence. Don't blame us if you get fucked for not paying attention. Penny stocks can be extremely volatile. Remember two things: Never invest more than what you're willing to lose. And don't be too greedy.

>> No.18893074

If this conference call announces a partnership or outright purchase of the company from Microsoft, what should we expect here realistically? Will Monday see enormous price increases, or will the enthusiasm have died over the weekend?

>> No.18893080
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yeah i feel you. i understand what i'm getting into. thanks lad.

>> No.18893085

>do you often get to quintuple your money in a week?
yes, by gambling

>> No.18893086
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Good find anon...

>> No.18893105

Did that baby fucker actually make another season? Lmao, lame.

>> No.18893139

remember to buy the dip tomorrow. do not buy at open

>> No.18893147

>president trump general yay!!!
>fug wrong board

>> No.18893159
File: 97 KB, 1079x423, Screenshot_20200505-185420_Fidelity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I going to make it?

I need eman to moon

>> No.18893184


>> No.18893187




>> No.18893221

Why? Eman is going to moon. Whya re you hating eman

>> No.18893237

for some reason some anons are treating other stocks competitively as if these were crypto coins, EMAN is a very likely candidate for next pump

>> No.18893251
File: 10 KB, 232x217, 1588557462520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being this guy
>hating $EMAN
>missing out on a free 5x
>not wanting a Mercedes
>not wanting a house
>not wanting to make it
ok retard

>> No.18893256

trade with your head and with information anon... not with your emotions

>> No.18893282

Lol its because all these crypto fags moved to stocks because of how volatile they ar Wright now. Cryptofags like to gamble. And I do too. Kos and mro were safe buys I think. Then i have 1000 dollars i threw at eman because I see it going up and the technology I actually like. And I feel like it's about to pump

>> No.18893298

I like emans technology.

>> No.18893325

I don't mean to shti on EMAN but I want more convincing stuff to buy into something. MVIS is a competotor though and has some seriosu hype behind it.
>MVIS-MSFT connection
>big money hold MVIS (blackrock among them)
>fresh news about patents
>OP originally shilling the company is likely the same as the UASV one or on par in terms of market knowledge

>> No.18893339

Why Mara?

>> No.18893364

If you say so anon, I just want you to be smart

>> No.18893365

it happens often but usually you lose the $1,200 instead of making anything

>> No.18893377

Yes but Eman is promising still. Mvis is already overpriced

>> No.18893433

i dont think so. i think the next pump will happen on something with a lower cost per share, from looking at robinhoods "other users bought" list itl ooks like ZOM might be on the running, also RTTR and maybe MARK?

>> No.18893466

They gave Justin Roiland his own spin-off, and it’s the exact same show

>> No.18893471

RTTR is more per share than Eman right now.

>> No.18893511

now look how many users are holding MVIS. Those guys on EMAN are early doin exactly what we’re trying to do

>> No.18893528

Mark is already gone. Rttr is already gone. Idk about zombies.

Eman is the one where nobody is really shilling it yet, but people are gathering it. Eman is literally ground floor rn man.

Friend just dumped 1750 into bioc too

>> No.18893530

RTTR may have also already had its pump, probably not, i’m still hodling because i think it can go up more, but it’s possible

>> No.18893543

I will accept your digits but not the rest of your post. Why buy EMAN? Apart from the F35 tech I have not read a convincing post yet. I would do more research myself but I have not too much free time to do so. Anons shilling mvis found out big money are buying mvis shares, there was a new patent published today and rumor has it microsoft is buying the patents or the company itself. There's a hololens Engineer in a senior position who was working at mvis among other things. I was initially convinced about EMAN being the next target but I keep seeing the same things posted and they are competing with each other so now I'm a bit skeptical.

>> No.18893552

This is actually /biz/ related after I watched the episode.

>> No.18893565

Holy fuck look at the ammount of bagholders in UAVS haha top lel.

>> No.18893570
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Eman post on stocktwits around 530pm

>> No.18893641


>> No.18893661

i saw that earlier but wrote it off because it looks like it already got PnD'd 2 weeks ago

>> No.18894005


>> No.18894101
File: 280 KB, 600x326, 7d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaaaaaaaaa twice now! TWICE! Had i gone all in via closing out all my other stock and option positions that I could've just about doubled my money TWICE. Tfw I could've just barely reached 100k and stopped looking for a job ever again.

100k is enough to put me in a position that I could stay unemploymed for at least 4 years, would be 5 but taxes decrease it. Kicker is i still live at home so I could flip that money back in for more gains. Granted with UAVS I sold enough to get my principal back and held the rest in case the rumor was true.

Anons who went in with 15k to 25k in an earlier thread. How did it feel lile risking so much?

I want to get rich enough to bare minimum stay a neet but buying blue chip stocks aint gonna get me there in sub 15 years. I wanna be under 45 when I retire, not 60+!

>> No.18894144

Someone like you would benefit from just setting a realistic price goal, and cashing out once it's met regardless of what happens after that

>> No.18894168

Its real

>> No.18894232

link is a dud

>> No.18894253


nvm im retared

>> No.18894270

Has the ship sailed on MVIS?
What about EMAN

>> No.18894289

Pretty much. Might break $2 but it already looks like it's losing steam
Just getting started

>> No.18894305

we need further proofs and investigation although >>18894168 is a VERY good start for early bird cheapies

>> No.18894306

Eman is a fucking bust stop, it’s priced in

>> No.18894307

what if they announce they're selling to microsoft on thursday tho?

>> No.18894319

mvis has 2 more days of pump. today was just some faggot triggering the weak hands to unload so he could stock up on more cheapies

>> No.18894333

It will rocket like a mother fucker. Second Best case is that it gets pumped hard tomorrow and Thursday

>> No.18894339

Then its an unironic moonshot. +15000% returns possible

>> No.18894344

RTTR announcement next week, EMAN is still new to me, researching tomorrow, it didnt move today

>> No.18894389

Got dumped on today in MARK. Decided to just hold because fuck it, my life's shit anyway

>> No.18894390

RTTR has already pumped really hard. Seems risky going forward.
EMAN is where MVIS was 4 days ago. Buy buy buy!

>> No.18894405

You win some, you lose some, anon. Chin up

>> No.18894412

I sold all my $0.45 MVIS at a stop-loss at $1.49
Bought back in at $1.55 just so I can get some gains from tomorrow and Thursday morning’s pump.

Took profits from MVIS and bought into $RTTR @$0.65 (retarded) and $EMAN @$0.45

Used Volume as metrics for $RTTR and $EMAN, 3xA++++ trading volume is my pump signal. Hoping both rip tomorrow premarket.

>> No.18894419
File: 49 KB, 905x741, kos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I a retard or is KOS the best long term investment on the market right now? it's been going up a lot the past month but crabbed for the past few days.

>> No.18894436

Looks like there actually WAS one single investor that dropped 700,000 today to crater the price

>> No.18894463

Attn: /RTTR Tards/

Earnings announced @ -$.05 per share , which is markedly higher than anything in the last 4 Quarters. Bullish?

>> No.18894468

I wish I had a million dollars to freak a group of chinese penny stock manipulators out. The only reason why this stock has value is because other people think it does. Its price is extremely delicate and easily could crash.

>> No.18894494

>you will never gamble 1 million dollars just to fuck with /ptg/
i hate being poor

>> No.18894495

You're right, tomorrow's another day. Really not sure about this hold right now though. Might give in and sell at a huge loss

>> No.18894500

Would you choose to exercise a call option at that point?

>> No.18894553

I’m 13% up with EMAN, slow steady gains until reveal with potential multimillion dollar military contract


word search ‘business’ and read that section. very positive for future holdings and already confirmed growth.

>> No.18894554

Do not fucking sell you goddamn idiot, the ONLY way you lose money is if you sell. As long as you hold, the value can go up. Even if it’s in 5 years, you can still get your money back. Kay??

>> No.18894641
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>> No.18894647

This is pants on head retarded. sunk cost is bullshit the money would make more gains somewhere else than just waiting 5 years to break even. cut losses and move on.

>> No.18894712

combined with this article

>> No.18894725

/ptg/ is a reference to president trump general on /pol/

>> No.18894737

wrong, its porn thread general from /tv/

>> No.18894743

Contract is literally worth 1/5 the entire mkt cap of the company and people aren't bullish on this.

>> No.18894758

I made this thread and I don't know why the past threads were named the way they were

>> No.18894762

We should call the generals /PnD/

>> No.18894775


>> No.18894805

why not /psg/ because stock starts with s? haha

>> No.18894835

They will be once they realize MVIS was run it's course

>> No.18894853

they’ll have more of course:

maybe an long hold though now that i’m looking this over again, i got caught up in PnD but this brand only increases each year

>> No.18894878

I see where u guys are both coming from, appreciate the advice. Depending on how it looks tomorrow morning I'll make my decision then. This bitch just needs some news and we should be back at a $1 i feel.
I agree with this

>> No.18894881

Hmmm good idea. Currently own a lot of some other meme stock that's slower than the penny stocks but has good potential. Has proven quite useful but odds of it doubling in less than a months time lile the penny stocks with rumors is unlikely. Unironically even when it dips my hands are straight up admantite tier not selling any of them.

>> No.18894892

that's a soccer team. If anything should be PnD General
PeNny Stocks GenDeral

>> No.18894909

Anyone have proof tho? I saw someone mention that it was a huge sell order in the hundreds of thousands by 1 person.

>> No.18894922

>Our contract revenue was more than double from a year ago due to multiple contracts including one for the planned F-35 display improvements and a new project for a consumer electronics customer.
> and a new project for a consumer electronics customer

The Microsoft deal was EMAN all along

>> No.18894923

I'm holding 650, along with 2200 eman, and 167 mro.

I'm comfy

>> No.18894930


>> No.18894955
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Fellas I sold at the dip today and still made a small profit, but I can't stop fuming from thinking about the profit that couldve been and how I got fooled like that. all I had to do was FUCKING HOLD. I still have some at 1.65 but I am legitimately mad even though I know others got off much worse.
How do I cope with this?

>> No.18894980

I like this

>> No.18894996

i accidentally my 1000+ at 1.4 that i got @.99. i was pissed, jerked off, still pissed, but what helps me is there is always another PnD around the corner i can strike it even richer on with my additional gains.

>> No.18895012

never invest such a heavy bag in a PnD. Yeah, you'll wish u invested more, but would you rather wish u bought more, or shit the bed cause of your manicured hands

>> No.18895015

I could've made $1200 instead I only made $200. I'm coping by taking it as a learning lesson. This isn't the end of the world, there is always more money to be made. We didn't lose anything, let's just be thankful for our small gainz.

>> No.18895031

I almost bought link at .26 with 3 grand. When I first into crypto. But I didnt understand the space yet and was scared so I didnt.

An up and move on.

>> No.18895043
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in all seriousness, the SEC is probably going to start tracking this shit. I feel like we're gunna get the chan shut down.

>> No.18895063

Nobody here actually takes these trades, we're all larping

>> No.18895074

in all seriousness, /biz/ as a whole doesnt have the amount of money needed to pump a stock.
and the SEC doesnt give a shit that you made < 10k on a penny stock pnd

>> No.18895079

is that a short or a long position, what’s 4channel’s stock symbol

>> No.18895080

wait, youve been actually buying stocks? i was just joking this whole time

>> No.18895088

>what’s 4channel’s stock symbol

>> No.18895105

this is the equivalent of a block of mid class guys sharing speculative info

>> No.18895107

Thank you dude. There’s like 50 people in this thread. If we all bought a 20 thousand shares we would barely move the needle...

>> No.18895109
File: 3.62 MB, 420x420, 1541346766090.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18895120

No it’s private tracker general from /g/

>> No.18895126

i have a 100 already, for a few months now. slow and steady.

>> No.18895151

I’m assuming he doesn’t need the money bucko. But if you’re on a losing streak holding isn’t the worst thing you can do, sunk cost is only sunk cost if you’re actually good at trading. If you’re a noob you might poof the rest of the money.

>> No.18895159

Lmao if i had the kinda money id set up huge buy orders and immediately sell as it continues to pump. I wonder why the super rich dont do this that often. Not even illegal since you're doing it on your own... think. Idk how it works if you get another person to buy so they can make money when you pump it and then they sell it before you dump it. Can anyone confirm?

>> No.18895177

Wow. Patents that are years old means they'll be bought out in two days. You all are retards and I hold MVIS.

>> No.18895186

This board is too small to have a real impact. The real pump comes from the Twitter and Reddit crowd

>> No.18895187

it’s illegal over a certain bracket of gains, also the ‘super’ rich have better ways of getting rich than strangling pennies.

>> No.18895203

What is wrong with us researching stocks that will likely go up? We arent manipulating the market or insider trading everything we find is public.