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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18879928 No.18879928 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else sometimes just think about the federal reserve and start seething? Just me?

In seriousness, is the US doomed to Japan's fate with all of the QE going on right now? When could they possibly stop it if they're unwilling to let the markets correct?

>> No.18879974

It's an election year. It'll probably crash eventually.

>> No.18879990

They will never get this money back

>> No.18880006


We're at like 10-15% gdp right now, Japan is at 100%+. we have room to go, plus, everyone wants US dollars.

>> No.18880018

I do, they're doing exactly what our founding fathers and multiple presidents have warned against. It's now very obvious rich people are using it to protect their wealth with the world's slavery, including ours. They're going to have to give $2k UBI if they don't want all out riots.

>> No.18880088

At least with UBI the money is going to individuals. I can support people. What I can't support (from the government perspective) is companies, even small ones. You take a risk when you start a business, and it may fail. Ideally, you'll still be fine after having lost it, because like I said, direct payments to individuals would be OK. But if businesses are never allowed to fail, how can you ever encourage good business practices (such as being resilient in the face of a few months shutdown).

>> No.18880434

Agreed. Rewarding debt with free money led us to being completely dependent on 5 companies that can't turn a profit. We subsidize them so they can exist and yet we have to pay to use their services, makes zero sense. If this is how it's going to go, I can cause much more than $2k of damage a month. Say I only have another 50 years on me, that's 600 months, that's only 1.2 million for my entire life. I could easily do 1.2 million dollars worth of damage to American infrastructure in that time.