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File: 514 KB, 1015x305, dopecoin1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1883326 No.1883326 [Reply] [Original]

Alright fellow /biz/raelis. I've been doing a little research in the Marijuana coins sector. Now this is a very interesting sector which I believe remains largely untapped.

The most well known of these coins is Potcoin, many people invested heavily in to potcoin last year which I believe is a malinvestment, a misdirection of investment. The devs are shits, they have not carried out any of their promises, and they don't seem to care about the coin, the wallet is a piece of shit and their ideas about the cannabis industry are noobish.

So I studied this sector, Potcoin, cannabiscoin, cannacoin, cannabis industry coin, marijuanacoin, and looked at everything they were doing and scoured their discussions for clues.

I was looking for a coin where investment would not be squandered by low effort devs or growth hamstrung by amateurish marketing.

What I found was very interesting. the only coin that ticks every box is Dopecoin.

>> No.1883362
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Dopecoin is currently trading at 77SATS on Bittrex. not on poloniex yet but I'm sure with enough request poloniex will add some competition for the only marijuana coin they have listed which is potcoin.

it is a POS v3 staking coin, you can download the wallet at http://dopecoin.com/

This website has just been relaunched and I think you will agree that the design is top notch.

I think with a little investment the developers of this coin have what it takes to finally break this currency in to the mainstream of cannabiscrypto

>> No.1883540
File: 208 KB, 977x581, Dopecoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dope is below 100 satoshi. I'm very surprised that this coin on its bitcointalk thread has an incredible community support. Almost a 400 page discussion amongst the community.

Here's their bitcointalk page


>> No.1883553

That's one of the reasons I chose Dopecoin. just like bitbay it has a development team that is supported by and responsive to the community.

add to that their marketing is on point with instagram, facebook, twitter and reddit all covered.

The key for a succesful marijuana coin is

1. marketing
>new website check, insta check, dedicated marketing team check
2. POS
>posv3 check, hodlers gain interest from hodling no complicated miners to worry about
3.close connection to marijuana industry
>canadian dev team check, dev mentions in bitcointalk thread that his childhood friend runs a dispensary and is interested in supporting the coin
4. ease of use
>android wallet in development since a fortnight ago which is as good as it gets for a crypto because iphone bans crypto wallets.

>> No.1883601
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I was honestly looking to invest into Bitbay, because it seemed that they had received some type of financial backing from a crypto hedgefund company. That turned out to be false! That's why it's important to read and know what you're investing into.

I can't believe this coin has gone unnoticed.

For the shills that want to say that this coin has no use in the real world think again. Even if you don't smoke it is accepted at these stores. What does BitBay have? I'll wait for an answer.

>pic related

>> No.1883616

thats the thing. the marketcap is tiny, but the developers are dedicated and really care about the coin, unlike potcoin who's devs made a whole slew of shitcoins of which potcoin is just one.

potcoin was a malinvestment in that regard.

with a little investment these devs can pull it off. potcoin squandered their investment, theyu have made no steps at advancing the coin, probably because they have a bigger project, but the Dopecoin dev team not only know what they are doing but they are also ready to build on their success not sit on their laurels so to speak.

>> No.1883630


clearly, dopecoin is the future

i'll take 6 gorillion

>> No.1883651

I urge you to read the last 2 pages of the bitcointalk thread.

>> No.1883659
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I was reading their mission. It's really promising if they can get to achieve their goals. I like how education is the first thing they touch on. Eventually they want to get dopecoin adopted into advertising ads without sensorship on marijuana related businesses. We all know weed is a multibillion dollar industry. All they need is some exposure.

>> No.1883665

Thank you for the tip

>> No.1883698
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Thanks for the tip dude

i'm going to go put 1,000 ether into Dopecoin

Smartest idea ever! I'm gonna be rich!

>> No.1883708

fml just traded my pivx for this

>> No.1883726

Im selling 420 Eth and putting it into DOPE

>> No.1883731

Buying 300,000 dopes when the bitcoin hits my wallet

>> No.1883735

You think this can get as far up the charts as potcoin?

>> No.1883737

You can view the Dopecoin's blockchain here


Prove it shill. I bet you don't even have 1000etc.

Depending on when you brought PIVX you should be alright. Diversification is good. And if you did buy, you got in below 100 satoshi so I don't see what's bad about it.

>> No.1883740

How long to hold?

>> No.1883763
File: 71 KB, 1258x305, Proof of Developer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To be honest anon, that's a decision that only you can make. However I found that this coin on Bittrex has proof of developer. It's the first time I see it. It's nice to see who's working on the coin.



This is a real project. Not some garbage wanna be crypto. The devs along with the community have a real goal.

>> No.1883773

sweet never even knew that was a thing

>> No.1883787

Thank you for your help!

>> No.1883814

Marijuana will be legalized Federally, then the banks will happily accept their money.

This coin is shit.

>> No.1883823

well so far that's not happening. even trump said he would only look in to it so there's very little chance of it happening.

MJ dispensaries DO have trouble getting payment solutions, as do many other small businesses so this issue is not limited to the marijuana industry.

>> No.1883827

You're full of shit.

I live in California and have managed a dispensary.

Vendors want cash, not a shitty meme-coin.

>> No.1883847

thanks for the tip anon. will invest.

>> No.1883996

naysayers say a lot of things. fact is, accepting DOPEcoin is a great marketing tool for dispensaries, you get a link to your shop on the dopecoin website which improves your backlinks and google search rankings. it's worth it for weed shops to accept dopecoin for this reason only, they literally have nothing to lose and maybe they gain a few extra customers thanks to dopecoin. it's a win win.

>> No.1884005

You're really bad at proxy shilling.

>> No.1884095

>unable to realize multiple posters realize the potential of this coin

>> No.1884193

you clearly have 0 experience with dispensaries.
cash is king, no one wants to spend money to implement some shit memecoin that could fall drastically in worth within a day. Its risky an unnecessary and makes absolutely no business sense to do it. Also, it will not bring in anymore customers than the shop already has. People just dont randomly see a sign that says "we accept dopecoin" and go WELL GEE BETTER START BUYING AND SMOKING WEED THANKS TO DOPE COIN. If anyone at all WOULD use dopecoin at a dispensary, then they would also use cash, which is 100x easier for both parties.

>> No.1884344
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DOPE is up to over 100SATS now

considering the total supply is 100million that's very very cheap.

just as a marketing tool alone it's worth more than it's 100k market cap.

>pic related

>> No.1886411
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Dope is for hippies.

Get rich.

>> No.1886415

Id rather smoke a joint than smoke underage homosexual black penis

>> No.1886436

I would rather put my dick inside an underage homosexual than putting it inside a joint cigarette.

>> No.1886439

That's a nice mental illness you have there

>> No.1886448
File: 13 KB, 220x279, 220px-Justin_Bieber_at_Easter_Egg_roll_-_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If life give you lemons, make a lemonade.

>> No.1886451


How much should DOPE cost in satoshis in your view, and when will this occur?

>> No.1886474

I think the coin should be worth more than $100,000 market cap.

I estimate it's value based on it's ability to capitalise on any investment or increased attention. If it was worth 10 times as much the coin would be valued at $1million.

I am suprised it is not worth $1 million already. I would still buy this coin at 900Sats but its currently 90Sats

I think if it gets to 900Sats it will really take off. All the marketing channels are there waiting for a spark to ignite the flamethrower.

>> No.1886475

>How much should DOPE cost in satoshis
1kkk satoshi
>when will this occur?
When bitcoin worths $1.

>> No.1886494

Also, if you compare dopecoin to potcoin the current market leader it is technically better in all respects

Dopecoin has a standard POS v3 staking algorithm while potcoin has some weird gay seedbank system which is fucking stupid.

Also compare the two websites, potcoin and dopecoin.com which do you think is better?

The only advantage of POT is that it is listed on poloniex and was pumped (by me)

>> No.1886530


I know, but Potcoin could have been an anomaly.

Growcoin also had all the things you mentioned and it crashed and burned when the dev abanondoned the project. He was also in cahoots with dispensaries, was located in NL, and promising things.

I am afraid this is just a 2.0 of that.

>> No.1886541

Nothing is a 2.0 of anything. One of these weed coins will take off one day its a good idea thats why these devs are plugging away with it. Potcoin is a waste of time and growcoin fucked up. My moneys on dope

>> No.1886598


Thanks anon.

Can you hint when you might pump DOPE? And if hodling 150k DOPE will benefit myself in the year 2017?

>> No.1886615

No I can't tell you whether dope will pump or not, but I can tell you that I believe this coin is seriously undervalued.

Holding 150 thousand dope is definitely a good idea.

most people are completely unaware of dopecoin. that's about to change.

>> No.1886917

Why buy dope when weed dispensaries and shop could just accept :
>maybe XMR
Not only that but XMR is already used worldwide to buy and sell weed and other things, even if it is through grey and dark markets. It already is the de facto tool of agorists and loldrugs libertarians around the world, is stable, actually useful and usable

Stop being poor and invest in another coin with more potential. Even bay has more things going for it than dope

>> No.1886921

And btw if before yall yell shill, I'm just giving you my 2 cents - at least invest in a better memecoin like Pivx or something

>> No.1887758

nice naysaying mate.
there are plenty of logical reasons for a weed shop to accept dopecoin.

1. good marketing
2. free advertising on dopecoin.com
3. improved google backlinks
4. extra customers
5. chance of becoming a future dopecoin whale
6. keep money inside the weed economy
7. currency not subject to other factors

to name but a few

>> No.1887784

anyway, here is the polo request form for dopecoin.

polo has plenty of low volume low market cap coins so there's no reason why they won't add DOPEcoin just for a laugh.


>What is the name of the coin?
>What is the coin's symbol?
>Please link to the announcement page.
>If the coin has a website, please link it here.
>If the coin has a block explorer, please link it here.
>Please explain why you would like to see this coin added to the exchange.
use your imagination
>If this coin has any significant innovations over other coins, please elaborate on them here.
The significant innovation is the style and marketing behind this weed coin. it is also super user friendly. posv3 POS algo.

>> No.1887823

Yes, no reason, beside the fact that every person working on this is completely anonmyous in order to not ruin their names after the scam

>> No.1887837

>i told you that POLO doesn't accept coins with anonymous devs
>I made this up completely off the top of my head to get people to stop flogging the PIVX dead horse and buy Bitgay
>a bitgay shill took the bullshit i said and is now repeating it back to me
>mfw these noobies don't realise about 2/3rds of the posts about crypto they read are written by me
>mfw i keep reading stuff i wrote a few days ago repeated back to other people.
>mfw I'm literally the ID of /biz/

>> No.1888046

So how much do you guys think DOPE is going to rise?

>> No.1888054

I think it's undervalued by a factor of 10.

this coin should have a market cap of $1million at least

>> No.1888085

Have you invested your life savings?

>> No.1888089


>> No.1888242

But if it does begin to gain value I would increase my position

>> No.1888264
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Pretty funny seeing you retards trying to justify why this coin is more useful than monopoly money.


>> No.1889783

It definitely is

>> No.1889858

More useful than monopoly money

>> No.1889864
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You know what to do

>> No.1890022


Dopecoin appears to be having some slight movement.

Also i suggest you study the google trends data for the keyword dopecoin and see how it correlates to the price

Make your own mind up