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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18875493 No.18875493 [Reply] [Original]

For those of you who dont know, this coin is playing out exactly like antshares did in the last cycle. Antshares (NEO) first started trading before its mainnet, it had virtually no volume and a mcap in the low millions just like ZNN. The big players have kept the public eye for ZNN for aslong as they can so they can accumulate more from staking before the mainnet launch. Big players know some of the devs and znn is really a game changer, it will become the AWS of dapps. Dont ask me how I know this Ive already said too much but I thought id give back to this board since I made a few mill after learning about antshares and link here.

>> No.18875698

how much time do we have left to accumulate anon?

>> No.18875720

kek, typical satsgang

>> No.18875876
File: 373 KB, 1067x1600, 23985484-1ED1-406E-956F-CF50363B0E98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jackoff Horsey’s (((ZNN))) Zionist News Network token is a perfect fit for all the twits and twats who like to congregate within the block of that shitty digital ghetto. Nobody’s buying - so fuck off and die, filthy parasite.

>> No.18875896

What does it do?

You’ve said bs mumbo jumbo.

>> No.18875917

Love how this coin is always shilled when it's morning in India. Crickets when it's morning in the US or Europe tho

>> No.18876097

4 months or so

>> No.18876165

Ive read that they would release a peer reviewed whitepaper, but I only see a draft with a proposal and summary of other blockchains

>> No.18876236

You obviously didn't even read the whole thing.

>> No.18876397

This lmfao. Checked their tg group and have never seen so many muhammeds and pajeets in one group shilling a project with their broken english.
There is literally zero organic community interest in this project and there's been no development activity for a long time.

>> No.18876668

Enlighten me anon, what do you mean with AWS of dapps and why 4 months, I lurk the telegram and 4 months seems too long imo, or the admins are lying

>> No.18876718

>4 months seems too long
this. testnet will launch shortly after the halving. The OGs are all waiting for that

>> No.18876861

Hmm, and the AWS?

>> No.18877145

LARP, project is abandoned and the team is silently exitscamming

>> No.18877163

Post hands

>> No.18877170

Exist scamming with what? They own ZERO tokens.

>> No.18877194
File: 45 KB, 512x512, 1581011330398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May 2020 - ZNN ~ $2.00
June 2020 - ZNN ~ $3.50
July 2020 - ZNN ~ $2.75
August 2020 - ZNN ~ $4.20
September 2020 - ZNN ~ $17.50
January 2021 - ZNN ~ $54

After that I cant provide an accurate estimate for the price, but the network effect by then should be close to reaching critical mass thanks to its integrations and the sky is the limit.

>> No.18877357
File: 7 KB, 180x184, B0331FF3-421C-480D-BEDC-B2E78B01E326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antshares went from 0.04 to 240, thats x6000 anon, You want us to buy ZNN for x50, thats not a moonshot

>> No.18877390

> Buy my totally innovative crypto platform

>> No.18877412

All the admins of the TG are part of the scam

>> No.18877517

Fud on Zenon is tickling my bullish spider senses.

>> No.18877814

Did you not read what I just said?

>The sky is the limit

>> No.18877825
File: 145 KB, 2302x1068, Screen Shot 2020-05-05 at 7.48.48 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>months of solid shilling

>> No.18877951

It will be a multi billion dollar project, it's linked to Square.

>> No.18878017
File: 122 KB, 862x1024, download (1)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this yesterday and I will post it again. If this project was backed by Jack Dorsey and Elon Musk why would it reward shills to post about it on social media? 1 tweet from either of those two would be enough.

>> No.18878086

Team didn't wanted to shill it, community begged team to shill this project and they created shill campaign to satisfy people's request.

>> No.18878123

Also, shill campaign was only on twitter, Jack Dorsey's playground. Too many connections fren.

>> No.18878242

Be clear though. The only reason for the awareness campaign was to get people to buy and set up pillars for the good of the tech.

>> No.18878500

Yes, but he asked why they had created a shill campaign if it is Square. So the answer is because people asked. To get more people to set up pillars for securing the network.

>> No.18878589

I don't know any other project that makes zero marketing efforts at all.

>> No.18878622

It's 100% linked to Square. Pretty funny that not so many people understand that.

>> No.18878691

post hand. just want to make sure you're white and not posting from new delhi before i buy.

>> No.18878703

Why do you keep posting about it here ?

>> No.18878847

Don't buy lol, I don't care.
Because it's true. People must know.

>> No.18879363

>Don't buy

Won't post hands. We found the pajeet.

>> No.18880039

They will soon enough.

>> No.18881052

After peer-reviewed whitepaper?

>> No.18882393

After 4 months?

>> No.18882492

nah, this is much more pathetic. it's literally 2-3 jeets with $50 portfolios praying for biz to buy their bags. zenon is legit the most pathetic shitcoin shilling I've ever seen on this board. it's really sad desu.

>> No.18882507

actually, I take it back. The lone ORI shill who kept up for months was the most pathetic. this is pretty close though

>> No.18882822

Okay, thanks for the update anon

>> No.18882892


>> No.18883432

There is none

>> No.18884376

I fucking hate that question. If you don't know how to find where a token is trading then honestly you shouldn't be buying anything ever.