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18871848 No.18871848 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that will cause a know nothing to know something when it comes to economics?

People have recommended me:
>Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell
>Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt
>Free to Choose: A Personal Statement by Rose and Milton Friedman
>Why Nations Fail by James Robinson and Daron Acemoglu
>Less than Zero by George Selgin
>The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money by John Maynard Keynes

Are these good recommendations? What do you guys recommend?

>> No.18871913

>graduated with a BA in econ from a top 10 program and never read any of these
granted i respect sowell and friedman, id say just read adam smith with the knowledge nash is superior in outcome

>> No.18871950

Watch this series. It covers a lot of the stuff from the Austrian and Chicago schools of economics.

>> No.18871970

These aren't going to teach you theory, they're just popular economics. Get a textbook, it's a fairly standardized field.

>> No.18872097


Unironically Capital by Marx. Also Wealth of Nations. Adam Smith was NOT a trickle down kiddie.



>> No.18872115


OP I forgot to add Capital in the 21st Century.




>> No.18872126

This series is just what I was looking for! Thanks pal!
But isn’t Trickle Down Theory just a straw man used to discredit Supply Side Economics?

>> No.18872180


It’s a caricature of supply side but it’s not too far from the truth. All of the books you initially listed are fine, and I would recommend reading them, but they have an agenda just like any author. There is no settled science regarding economics. And there is a big difference between Adam Smith or New Deal style capitalism and Neo Liberalism, Reaganomics or whatever you want to call it.

>> No.18872230

hello rebbit faggot

>> No.18872297


>having a broad knowledge of economic schools is bad

>> No.18872356
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Because every community college professor who teaches economics is economically sound. Buy the dip, sell mid day gains, rng. Dont get married, dont have kids, and dont listen to MSM about anything.

>> No.18872421

Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine should explain a lot.

Wealth of Nations

Some Friedman and Keynes

Who stole my pension

>> No.18872468
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i think having knowledge of every school is good, yes. most times, experts and academics are as useful as preschoolers. austrians are akin to what would be like a 600 year old architect, and keynesians are akin to the 13 year old daughter of the man who bought the 600 year old architect's newly made properly. they have zero value (and most likely are socially engineered to destroy western civilization from the inside out).

>> No.18872538

I'm going to go a little outside the box here. This is an NYU lecture series on taxes and economics and it has done more for me in terms of helping me understand economics than any of the books mentioned in this thread. I've read many of then and they are good, but this lecture series is wonderful because it is relatively recent and uses real world examples and explains things very well.


>> No.18872586


Austrian economics is an absolute joke. It’s like if wealthy people literally tried to create an ideology that allowed them to centralize as much power and wealth as possible. It’s right up there with trickle down in terms of ridiculousness. I think the adage “anarchy for rich people” applies nicely.

>> No.18872746
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This is fucking awesome anon ty. Will be watching these. I was wondering what else that had that would be cool and I found another video on that channel that OP might like.

>> No.18872865

>Con inc. meme book

BE is good if you want to grasp the concept of free-market economics but it's more of a political book that uses economics to justify its political outcomes.

>> No.18873148

No it fucking isn't. That's like saying the purpose of Christianity is hunting down and burning witches. Just because some assholes contort the very real principles of the Austrian school to justify the greedy fucked up shit that they do, doesn't mean the actual concepts and frameworks are wrong.