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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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186210 No.186210 [Reply] [Original]

What does /biz/ think? Is he the one?

>> No.186236
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>> No.186242

Yeah, he had a stroke which is why he left the project.

>> No.186248
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>> No.186244

Looks like the thread where anons started justice doxxing the reporter @harri8t got taken down….
>/biz/=new 4chan, kinder gentler 4chan

>> No.186253

Ed Silliere, Daniel Masters, R.L. Nave, Lenny Harper, Adrian Harpham,
Wendy Mason, Denny Wilkins, Natalie Knowles, Rachel C. Thielmann,
Raul Ventura, Cameron Webb, Sandy Rouse, Suzanne D. Kingsbury, Bruce H. Snyder, Sharon Leigh, Jenna Rae, Rebbeca Bryant, Allyson Wendt, Eric Berg, Peter Maz, Sandy Rouse, Sharon Varnum Sergeant, Dede Cummings, Jeff Woodward,
Elysha Dicks

>> No.186287

>okay to dox nakamoto in a fucking newspaper
>not okay to dox a journalist for said newspaper on 4chan

>> No.186338
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CNBC et al just want to look down their noses at the guy while acting superior. Pretty standard for journalism today

>only a matter of time until they lurk /biz/

>> No.186357
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Figures he would be a shut in like /biz/

>> No.186351

>dude lives normally with no special protection
>everyone who read that article now has reason to believe he sitting on 500 mil worth of bitcoin
>he and his family will never be safe again

Honestly, I figured a old school type bank robbery would have happened to an exchange already, his identity being revealed is just something tragic waiting to happen to him and his family.

>> No.186368


>/r/ing bikini kayak picture plz

>> No.186376


>Captain Regent of /biz/

>> No.186380
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This one?

>> No.186386 [DELETED] 
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>> No.186388

si gracias

>> No.186394
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more like captain regent of /n/

>> No.186440

Can someone link me to an archive of the dox thread ?

>> No.186454


>cnbc/newsweek pls go

>> No.186455

I don't think there was a dox. 4chan is not the same anymore.

>> No.186489

Funny thing is for all we know he sold his BTC years ago. The poor bastard might get killed over money he doesn't have.

>> No.186510

how to gest past paywall

>> No.186514

He still has it unless he gave away access to his wallets.

>> No.186515


real satoshi is Tatsuaki Okamoto

google for Tatsuaki Okamoto papers they are eerily similar and related to Bitcoin whitepaper

>> No.186534


>> No.186560
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Gotta love microexpressions.

>> No.186570

Thanks anon

damage control by scared and tired old media

>I'm still catching up on terms like doxx

welcome to the new world.
you are not special

>> No.186572


What are the odds someone with the same name as Satoshi Nakamoto had any involvement with Bitcoin in the past?

>> No.186583
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He did it all for the trains.

>> No.186584

From the blockchain, the coins have not moved from his mining address since the beginning.

>> No.186587

Why do people who need to stay Anonymous live in USA? If I were him, or the Silk Road guy, I would have flown to some sunny 3rd world country and keep my business from there long ago.

>> No.186593

He could buy a real train with all those coins. He doesn't.

>> No.186598


>> No.186619

Can someone pastebin that article?

>> No.186642

Fucking cunts. I feel bad for the old guy.

>> No.186664


>> No.186670

It'll get done, anyway, just not here.

>> No.186686

What a fucking cunt.

>> No.186694
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>> No.186698

if he cared about privacy so much why did he used his rill name?

>> No.186705


>> No.186720

Your face when the Bitcoin creator was a NEET Train Otaku who lives with his mom all along.

Your face when all the NEETs on /biz/ can feel happy knowing that NEETs can change the world from their basement.

>> No.186723

How can the media believe somebody, who apparently was some sort of mathematical genius, had previous gubbermint jobs, extremely secretive and reserved would use his real name on a project like this?

You have to assume he is extremely smart yet at the same time extremely stupid

>> No.186727


People who use or care about bitcoin are a pretty smart and clever not to mention tech savvy bunch who generally value privacy more than average and this article or its execution obviously will bother a lot of those people on and outside of this site.

>> No.186725

He hasn't used his real name in real life according to the article, he calls himself Dorian S. Nakamoto.

So the real name is actually an alias for his actual alias.

>> No.186730

He suffered a stroke and some old people I know who suffered have stroke afterwards have had their personalities changed because a heart stroke can change you, believe it or not.

>> No.186737
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>yfw Nakamoto was the creator of bitcoin's lover who used his name as a tribute

>> No.186742

happened to my mother, it's terrible on the family.

>> No.186765
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When it really comes down to it the press aren't any better than paparrazi. The guy is apparently denying that he is THE Satoshi or that he has anything to do with bitcoin but they're still chasing his car and swarming around his house.

>> No.186780

It has already been confirmed that it isn't actually him.

>> No.186794
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Hey man, can you send me some Bitcoinz?

>> No.186799

He's lying, ya dingus.

>> No.186796

So an innocent man's life gets ruined for a while now because of that bitch "reporter"?

>> No.186803

Yea, point was that either way it's fucking someone over.

>> No.186811

Please explain why his life is ruined.

>> No.186823

I said for a while. I'm quite certain most people do not enjoy a bunch of strangers with cameras and microphones harassing them day and night.

>> No.186837

>thinking satoshi nakomoto is actually a japanese guy
>thinking it isn't a group of english academics

>> No.186835

Perhaps he shouldn't have invented and published details about an alternative currency using his real name.

>> No.186847

Are you an idiot? If he is Nakamoto or if people believe he is Nakamoto, that means he has $500 million sitting packed away. That's serious money for what seems like a completely unprotected home. The article gave away his address as well as the details of all his immediate family. It's far beyond just getting bugged by the press or that he obviously went to great lengths to avoid being associated with btc, him and his family could be in legitimate danger, they could be kidnapped to try and extort the money or just have the house sacked. It's a ton of fucking money.

>> No.186852

How the fuck can she believe he's Nakamoto? He's a physicist, not a mathematician
Also, he's way too old for p2p and modern ciphers to be his field of work

He probably just happens to have the name of that guy, or maybe he actually knew the buttcoin creator and he used his name as a pseudonym

>> No.186853


>> No.186856

>$500 million sitting packed away.
This is what cryptocurrency interns actually believe.

>> No.186857

Physics is just applied math. No reason he can't be a mathematical genius even if his degree was physics.

>> No.186860

>a revived version of Silk Road shut down and filled for bankruptcy

>> No.186863

Modern physicists do tons of programming & math.

>> No.186864

vile animals

>> No.186866

He's not a modern physicist, and cryptography has little in common with physics

>> No.186882

Took newsweek a few weeks to figure out something that the entire IT community of the world couldn't figure out for several years

>> No.186885

>he obviously went to great lengths to avoid being associated with btc,

Such great lengths to protect his identity that he used his birth name in association with his work? And that some stupid cunt reporter could dox him.

>> No.186890

Not even the FBI can do what a wymin on a tabloid can do! TAKE THAT CIS SCUM!

>> No.186894

lol what?

>> No.186899

Read the article, she can't even write

>> No.186907

> B+goyWcB
I love my id

>> No.186927
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>> No.186933

Probably because the IT community is mostly male and the few that potentially found him likely respected him enough to not dox him to the world.

>> No.186947

Can this guy sue Newsweek for this? Even if it is true and he is the creator of bitcoin, could he sue for putting his life in danger?

>> No.186964

If it is true, and he is as introverted as he seems... suicide would be a more probable outcome. Suing them just draws more attention.

>> No.186978

If it is him and he has 500 million worth in Bitcoin, why hasn't he spent it?

>> No.186986
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This is not the satoshi you are looking for.

>> No.186987

Everyone who reads the actual code all agree that it was likely written by one person.

>> No.186992


>> No.186999

Because the blockchain is transparent, everyone will be able to follow where the money goes and know his identity, and then the gubbermit might pull something out of their ass about terrorism or money laundering and get him fucked for life.

>> No.187004

Me and my friend agree that it is possible the bitcoin satoshi new of this otaku satoshi and used his name knowing eventually the fall would become onto him.

The thinking comes from the fact that nearly none of the mined coins have moved. Only someone like the NSA/CIA/MOSSAD would not spend at least some. He is living with his old sick mother and struggling financially. Surely his love of trains would have had him spend at least a few thousand coins of the MILLION+ coins satoshi is supposed to have.

>> No.187013
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Heard about this on the talk radio.

They mentioned the bitch started stalking the guy over e-mail. Apparently she found out the guy is nuts for model trains. So they had lengthy conversations over e-mail about model trains and such.

Then one e-mail she mentions Bitcoin. After that e-mail, he goes silent and never contacts her again.

They also mentioned however that Satoshi worked with the military forces in the past - do any anons have any claims or sources for this?

I am still 80% certain this story is fake and this Satoshi Nakamoto is a fake.

>> No.187019

So there is no way of him changing some of those BItcoins for real money without people finding out who he is? Can't he do it slowly or something?

>> No.187020

>They also mentioned however that Satoshi worked with the military forces in the past - do any anons have any claims or sources for this?
>I am still 80% certain this story is fake and this Satoshi Nakamoto is a fake

All the sources are from this tabloid, nothing was said before about Nakamoto

>> No.187027

>Apparently she found out the guy is nuts for model trains. So they had lengthy conversations over e-mail about model trains and such.
What a fucking bitch. Just like some women irl try to manipulate men

Here he thought he found a woman also interested in model trains, but she was only interested in doxxing him

>> No.187030


That's why I feel zero guilt for Anons doxxing her herself.

She put herself in this position. Not Satoshi.

>> No.187044

You could. Do it person to person at your local mickey Ds. But the larger and larger cash transaction you are trying the more risky it becomes as you might get robbed by a nigger.

I think if this is the real satoshi it will inspire him to sell a large stake of his coins. I think if he had not sold any and this is him, the reason would be because maybe he believed it could go to something like 50,000$ a coin. So why sell at 1k during insane volatility. But now if this is the real satoshi he might become spooked and dump coins.

>> No.187047

Every transaction is recorded in the blockchain and his stash in particular is constantly being watched. If he spent a dime the world would know about it immediately.

If this is the real dude then he may simply have destroyed the key to his stash back when the coins weren't worth much out of paranoia (wouldn't be surprising given how cagey he is when talking about bitcoins, like >>187013
said he was conversing a bit with the reporter but immediately and completely shut down communication with her the second she started talking about bitcoins).

>> No.187053

I do think that is the most crazy aspect she pretended to be into trains, then he goes silent once BTC is mentioned.

>> No.187059

>yfw the real satoshi strategically cashes 80% of his coins in an effort to make people think this guy is him.

>> No.187065

I'd be pissed too if the bitch was leading me on with some train action then started asking me about coin.

>> No.187062

Even if the reasoning that he didn't spend any of his coins yet is because he thinks they will go up a lot more, he would at least have spent some already if he does have 500 million worth. I mean how much more money does he need?
If he is in financial trouble like you guys are saying, he would have spent some of it already, even if he thinks they will continue to appreciate in value, simply because he has so many

>> No.187064
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>tfw satoshi is found dead on train tracks.

>> No.187073

I'd at least want to see some titts for coins.

>> No.187079

>his stash in particular is constantly being watched
So much for him paying for hookers and shit with his bitcoin stash

>destroyed the key to his stash back when the coins weren't worth much out of paranoia
This might be a real possibility since he might have gotten scared that people would kill him, not for the money but because he invented bitcoin which could change the world. Think of all the people that would want him dead

>> No.187080

>I think if he had not sold any and this is him, the reason would be because maybe he believed it could go to something like 50,000$ a coin.

If it's really him he was clearly saving them for his children assuming his project doesn't collapse at some point.

Dudes 64 years old with health problems, he has no use for 500 million USD worth of bitcoin other than to give it to his kids.

>> No.187086

And he did seem to confirm it in the discussion, unless she was stupid enough to make up the quote (in the article she claims he said to her that he's not involved in it any more and that he passed off control to others).

>> No.187092


>> No.187096


He wouldn't be able to do that because the blockchain would show those coins leaving his address.

Whoever bought the coins from him would know it was him.

>> No.187101

So what?

>> No.187103

Well shit, if he was a really crafty fucker he could make his own tumbler.

>> No.187104

But to spend NONE of it is weird is it not?

>> No.187106

How would they know it is him? It would just show that the money from that account is being spent, but how could they know that it is him? Unless he did a transaction with them and somehow they figure it out

>> No.187111

yes now they would know. but he could before this just have been another jap looking guy with btc. nobody ever asks names in PVP. they just want to barter and be gone before they get shot by niggers.

also he could randomize the coins before cashing them out to pvp. there are ways.

>> No.187119
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and now the psuedo hack media is jumping on board
>look guis we can meme from 4chan n imgur hur hur hur we hip innovators of journos

just please fucking stop business insider

>> No.187123
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I suppose its a bit weird. I just get the vibe hes that kind of guy. If he truly is the creator of bitcoin I'd bet a lot of money his intent was to pass it along to his kids. The real satoshi knows that bitcoin will either be huge or collapse into nothing, so that in my mind would be part of his motivation for not telling anyone.

>tfw everything about satoshi reminds you of your dad even down to his obsession with trains

>> No.187127

It's public knowledge which wallet addresses belong to the real satoshi and how much bitcoin he has. If the person he did the transaction were savvy enough they would know it was him.

>> No.187131

>reminds you of your dad

Oh shit nigger, I think it's time to put the coinpipe down for a week


>> No.187139

That might be why he hasn't spent any of it then. How the fuck are any of those coins going to be spent EVER without people knowing it if from the first stash?

>> No.187143

I bet if Satoshi even moved 1 BTC out of his address the market would crash completely.

>> No.187172

Maybe he hasn't spent any of it so he can protect the BT market?

>> No.187176

Did anyone else think the conversations she wrote about sounded made-up?

>> No.187179

You know that can't be true. Women don't lie.

>> No.187183

what do you guys think of this?


bakery owner claims the guy from the newsweek article is the one who bought a meal from them 3 years ago. the bakery was one of the first places to accept bitcoin, and they claim nakamoto was their first customer

the comments have people trying to trace transactions (they know the address of the bakery)

>> No.187190

How did they know that their fist customer was Nakamoto?

>> No.187193

the wife was running the bakery and she would obviously remember the first customer to pay with bitcoin. she even asked to take a picture (but the guy declined)

>Today I showed the picture of Satoshi in Newsweek to my wife and she recognized him.

>> No.187194

This is going to become an "All asians look alike" thing.

>> No.187197

That's only if the guy in Newsweek is Nakamoto. He could have just been some guy that had some BT and decided to buy some food at a bakery one time

Or the woman is racists and thinks all Asians look the same. If this was years ago she might have forgotten what he looks like

>> No.187254

well he did move 50 coins or so early on lol

>> No.187264

50 coins for a meal 3 years ago, sounds reasonable.

>> No.187269


>> No.187275

im on phone and lazy to click. is this her doxx.

>> No.187278


>> No.187280

Yup. Welcome to the internet.

>> No.187287

Someone send he an email asking about model trains

>> No.187284

when will people like you learn that someone does not need a degree or a title to do something

>> No.187294

If you go back and read satoshis posts on bitcoin forum which i have. they give the tone that he was aware this coin would either go to 0 or go to a huge huge sum in value. I still think it is possible for a humble man like this with a mysterious past to be able to hoard the coins. Go back and read his bitcoinforum posts and see if you get the same theme.

>> No.187384


LOL what a dumb cunt

>> No.187452

Mainstream Media hedging its bets now

>> No.187470

So this guy isn't very fond of the US govt., but willingly worked/works for the US military and contributed to the development of black projects (the expensive kind, not the nigger kind)?

How would anyone even get that information? This whole thing sounds sketchy as shit.

>> No.187471


Not only that, but the creator moving/spending money out of his address would decrease consumer confidence, due to people affraid of an impending dump, etc.

It's not just as simple as 'well why doesn't he spend all his buttcoin munneez and run trains on hoes---> on trains.'

I believe if he really was that humble and introverted, then it would also fit into the picture of his family portraying him as stubborn. An 'honest' dev would cherrish his baby and not do anything to jeopardize it's integrity. Even if that means not profiting a cent.

An hero otaku.

>> No.187487

maybe the real satoshi will stand up to save this mans honor.

>> No.187492


>> No.187490
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>It's illegal in California to dox women who have nudes circulating on the internet
>It's not illegal to dox a private individual who is retired or semi-retired and never went public with anything
>It's not okay for journalists to dig into questionable government activities in their traditional role as watchdogs, or dig into dirty corporate laundry
>It's okay for them to hunt down and almost completely publicly dox 64 year old man just because

Fuck this gay Earth.

>> No.187496


>Man called Bitcoin's father denies ties, leads LA car chase

>leads LA car chase

>LA car chase

So, another normal day in LA.

>> No.187522

Updated dox on the reporter http://pastebin.com/jK84UxYX

>> No.187525

How do you stretch out a two hour interview with a guy who denies being Mr Bitcoin?

Like what sorts of follow up questions do you ask when the answer to the first is "No I only heard about that shit last week"?

>> No.187532
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>the expensive kind, not the nigger kind

>> No.187540

Also I don't think this is him.

>The usual tricks used for hiding by people who know how is to register a set of corporations owning corporations and hold property in its name instead of your own
>This makes it harder to track you down
>This makes it harder to find your real name based on your property

I'm honestly surprised that if he is who they say he is that they were able to get close to him.

>> No.187549

Who is doing this? And what is going to happen?

inb4 anonymoose hurr durr

>> No.187550
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>> No.187560

OP is a faggot; trust me, I know him personally.

>> No.187567

no way, I'm in Jersey City

>> No.187574



>> No.187578



>> No.187582


I Literally hate both of those words.

>> No.187595

Yeah, like literraly!

>> No.187602

huh? I know I'm samefagging, I was following up on my previous post after looking at the map

he literally lives in the same building, and genuinely has in his possession the spare key to her house. I'm going to search social media to see if I can find any pictures of us in front of the house, plus post timestamp of my face

>> No.187617

Post proof anon

Pics of her near her house that we already haven't seen on her FB or here. Any pic would do

>> No.187620


>Who is doing this
Who knows,maybe internet people irritated by the arrogance of the self anointed opinion makers in the media

>what will happen
judging from history, probably nothing. Worst case-massive pizza deliveries and craigslist ordered gay and bizarre fetish therapeutic masseuses

>> No.187627

lol awesome

>> No.187632

It's the internet dude. Are you new?

>> No.187666

I can make assumptions but I want to know what you guys think.

>> No.187674
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>> No.187681

A large part of the crypto community is comprised of hackers or at least tech savvy people. It really isn't so obvious in this case. Could really be anyone. She picked a bad community to stick her nose into if she wants any privacy.

>> No.187696
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The plot thickens. Or not.
Either way lol at newsweek, how could they possible think they could lead their relaunch with this weak shit? The magazine isn't even out yet and their scoop is undone.

>> No.187707


Here go

Leah McGrath Goodman's pulitzer fantasy is fading she probably regrets her smug attitude from this morning

>> No.187719

The only thing that would make this better would be if he actually was the real Satoshi and he made that post after getting back from his free sushi dinner knowing full well that she has no way to prove otherwise.

>> No.187723


Well played, Sat-sama, well played.

>> No.187741
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>willingly worked/works for the US military and contributed to the development of black projects (the expensive kind, not the nigger kind)

>> No.187744

>doesn't know what doxx means
>picks fight with potential creator of bitcoin
either way she gonna get wrecked m8

>> No.187754
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>getting wrecked by an asian manlet

how embarrassing

>> No.187760

Dox or not if she's finished as a journalist. No doubt newsweek is going to can her over this and no other big outfit is going to want to pick her up after such a huge and embarrassing gaff. Hell, she'll be lucky if newsweek doesn't force her to pay for all the issues it's going to have to pulp.

>> No.187761
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Looks like someone is going to be eating a lot of lunches on someone else's dime

>> No.187764
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>> No.187778

This is awesome.

>> No.187790

The nigger kind is the most expensive of all.

>> No.187802

Neets can change the world by influencing other neets.

>> No.187804
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Fucking goddamnit this is just like the Sixth Sense

>> No.187806
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>muh ID
>muh samefagging

>> No.187814

Whoever created bitcoin probably already drained their stake slowly. I doubt that they would still be sitting on it after the first big crash.

>> No.187822

this is gay, WHY are we getting nicer?

>> No.187825

but the creator is still sitting on it, we would know because of how bitcoin is designed transactions out of the wallets holding his 1 million bitcoin would be on the blockchain for all to see

>> No.187830

oh god that is one ugly cunt

>> No.187840

top lel - newfags can't blockchain

>> No.187836

>not knowing you can check the balance of any known address

>> No.187842


fortunately for her, these days /b/ is too busy with faproulette, traps and other types of summer cancer to take notice or act on things like this.

>> No.187844

so we're not going to order a bunch of pizza to her house?

>> No.187847

/b/ fucks up raids just as often as accomplishing things now.

>giving feminist frequency free publicity

>> No.187865


They avoided doing that with Adria Richards recently though. She's been spamming twitter attacks on random people trying to generate a backlash so she can play the victim again. Nobody is taking the bait.

>> No.187879

feminists and their victim card outpower /b/ ... good god, i didn't think it could be done.

>> No.187888


No, they saw bait for what it was and didn't bite... well, more like /pol/ couldn't induce them to bite. /pol/ was incensed, /b/ replied with NPYA.

>> No.187899

Blah, /pol/ didn't want them to bite with it either, I was there man. I saw it.

>> No.187901


we will just have to watch nature take its course, beautiful in its own way

>> No.187905

yes, but if /b/ had bit, they would have lost because those feminazi's and their victim card would outpower them. Femicunts basically won the internet war. Anything you say that can be remotely offend a woman only is now sexist.

criticize a woman's shitty 160k video game scam - that's sexist, etc.

Especially on reddit.

>> No.187907


>there was /fit/s "bikini bridge". that was semi lel worthy

>> No.187920



>> No.187922



>> No.187921


>picking your battles isn't a thing

This is why this generation doesn't accomplish shit.

>> No.187925

They lost most of the internet, it's just mainstream websites like reddit where groupthink is enforced that this sort of thing can go unchecked. Feminism is largely in decline.

>> No.187930
File: 97 KB, 570x568, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please leave this board. Congrats on using the correct "thier", but I bet your aids infected dad used to pull a nickel from your ear every night to get you to go to sleep before he fucked your crack whore mom while Tom Brokaw watched.

You were born disadvantaged, and that's fine. Stick to trap threads on bee.

>> No.187947

*their you fuckers

>> No.188051

man if you search twitter for
it is getting pretty brutal for her, but some journalists are trying to circle the wagons

>> No.188054

>In the afternoon, the silver-haired, bespectacled Nakamoto stepped outside, dressed in gray sport coat and green striped shirt, with a pen tucked in his shirt pocket. He was mobbed by reporters and told them he was looking for someone who understood Japanese to buy him a free lunch.

>"I'm not involved in Bitcoin. Wait a minute, I want my free lunch first. I'm going with this guy," Nakamoto said, pointing at a reporter from AP.

top lel

>> No.188095
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>Japanese man
>obsessed with trains


>> No.188107

I never thought about this but I guess it's not too bad of an idea to copy someone else's identity as my own.

>> No.188111

I doubt he did it on purpose, the bitch had to search way back to find someone named Satoshi

>> No.188112
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>> No.188129
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Newsweek trying to stand its ground. From editor and "cat lady" Kira

>We welcome the feedback and stand by the story.
>We have not removed any grafs from the Bitcoin story—a bug made one temporarily invisible. We've fixed it and the story should reflect soon.

>> No.188135

*smirks jewishly*

>> No.188137


>> No.188165


Umm no I wasn't. Satoshi himself even said it wasn't him.


Stop being dumb /biz/

>> No.188172


Also, there are some people who actually know WHO satoshi actually is. Just because most people don't doesn't mean no one does.

>> No.188182

what is your point?

they're going to deny it's him regardless. these people probably have access to Satoshi's p2pfoundation account too

>> No.188187


Okay, you pissed me off and I really don't want to keep it a secret any longer. Satoshi was Steve Jobs.

>> No.188192
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>> No.188196
File: 30 KB, 615x409, cheeky kunt m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


don't even joke about that shit

>> No.188217

You're a fucking idiot for actually letting that out on 4chan. Delete your post before you get fucked over hardcore.

>> No.188261

> Post the dude's house
In all seriousness, now is the time to invest. Errythang's out.

>> No.188275


>/biz/ = profit

>> No.188283

The online Satoshi is going to need to do a hell of a lot more to prove they are two different people.

>> No.188287

Kevin Parcell replied to Satoshi Nakamoto's discussion Bitcoin open source implementation of P2P currency
"I am not Satoshi Nakamoto"
12 minutes ago

Although he may just be covering it up, this is huge business-wise. People will feel a false sense of security and relief therefore "more" trust.

Short sell, wait 'till the news goes viral...

Taking a pictures of his house? Really?

>> No.188291

>post a picture of your penis with a loaf of bread on it

But seriously, why is it now up to him to disprove circumstantial evidence that Newsweek pulled out of it's ass?

>> No.188292

You have a point, but why do you honestly care who created it? The internet should be anonymous and stay that way.

>> No.188296

Because that post was rather unconvincing.

>> No.188298

Satoshi Nakamoto is nnnnnnggggggghhhhhhhhh

>> No.188305


>> No.188306

The original evidence wasn't convincing either.

>> No.188315

Is Satoshi Nakamoto sort of like John Smith in its ubiquity? Japanesebros please respond.

>> No.188312
File: 72 KB, 267x186, lol (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's totally not him, or he is playing a smart game right now, the place to hide in where everyone is looking...

>Several times during the interview with AP, Nakamoto mistakenly referred to the currency as "Bitcom." When shown the original bitcoin proposal that Newsweek linked to in its story, Nakamoto said he didn't write it, and said the email address in the document wasn't his.

>> No.188313

I never implied I cared. I only said online Satoshi needs to do more than that simple post to save some poor bastard from being harrased by the press.

>> No.188328

> Implying that he isn't
It will risk the actual dude's privacy as well...
> Let him do the kamakazi - ing for him

>> No.188329 [DELETED] 


le plot twist

>> No.188342



>> No.188355

Suggestion is very powerful at altering memories. He/she may truly believe that it was an old japanese man, but the brain just made that memory up.

>> No.188357


She actually saw the man, he is Satoshi, i do say now 95% its him.

>> No.188362


>> No.188382

>posted 13hrs ago
>no pictures
>all info already publicly available

this reads like a bad copy pasta on /b/

>> No.188432

Not quite, Neither the surname or given name are in the top ten. Both are relatively common though.

>> No.188515


or it helps her in Newsweek cause they sell the story regardless since its a good sell truth be damned

>> No.188520


>implying Steve knew how to do actual work

>> No.188524

So a guy named nakamoto used bitcoins sometime and that tells us he is the real Satoshi Nakamoto

give me a break

>> No.188526
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>> No.188568


>leah wrote all this?

>> No.188573

So really weird thing, apparently my mother got a few emails from some of his family due to an email confusion. She deleted most of them but they mentioned things like him being a recluse and having issues with prostate cancer. Guy only lives about 30 mins away from me too.

>> No.188575

Go to bed, Harley.
>riofour called

>> No.188650

>hurr all look same

>> No.188657
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the paste bin with Leah's shit

>> No.188753

That kayak looks awesome. I want one.

>> No.188765

Price crash, Satoshi finally realized if he sold his coins he can buy his own lunch.

>> No.188846


source has a javascript miner in it
guy is lying about an old man for a couple bucks

>> No.188852 [DELETED] 

post his dick

>> No.188868

who good man

>> No.189388

Satoshi locking in free lunches as far as the eye can see

>> No.189409

now that i think deeper, on a more serious reflection. if it is true that this conspiracy aspect of the currency turns out to be satoshi can't talk because of NDA and then it being linked to government.

If it is ended up being linked to government, wouldn't that be hugely negative for the bitcom?

Who would want to support this shit if it turns out satoshi is NSA and gaven was CIA all along from the start.


>> No.189508


why the hell would the us government create a cryptocurrency

>> No.189531
File: 406 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else find all this really suspicious?

Anyone have that Bitcoin Jew pictogram?

The Jewish montage created 2 weeks ago linking a Jew to the creation of Bitcoin with even citing references of the Jew buying the domain 'Bitcoin.org' back in 2000 but now all of a sudden a different Jew finds this 'Satoshi' to put all the credit on?

2014 has been really fishy.

>> No.189539

I am not Dorian Nakamoto.

>> No.189550

There's a russian neet that recently solved one of the hardest math puzzles, got $1 million for that.

>> No.189553

link for me to read please

>> No.189557

You do know the CIA is a self funded organization right? And that the NSA is the mother of all major crypto.

>> No.189581

For what purpose?

>> No.189584

Even if there was a link, what harm could it do? Bitcoin is open source, if something malicious had been planted in it by the government it would have been found years ago

>> No.189611


>> No.189623
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>Bitcoin is open source

and if NSA/CIA/MOSSAD control it. It means they can also change the code anyway they see fit. If it became known that the government was in control/still in control then people would lose faith.

>> No.189635

How do you explain most of the mining pools and exchange traffic being located out of Eastern Europe?

>> No.189644

Do you not understand open source? If the Bitcoin "owners" put in some shitty code that does stuff Bitcoin users don't want, another group can just fork the previous version and the NSA version will die because no one wants to use it.

>> No.189658


>> No.191884

>You do know the CIA is a self funded organization right?

isnt it funded by the government since its under the preview of the commander in chief

>> No.191886

you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.191888


>> No.191900



>> No.191919


>If it became known that the government was in control/still in control then people would lose faith.

How intensely ironic.

>> No.191923


that get

>> No.191954

why would the real satoshi speak up after 5 fucking years of silence?
i say he is the real satoshi

>> No.191958


To save an innocent man from harassment

He is the hero Bitcoin deserves but not the one it needs right now

So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it.

Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian,a watchful protector. A dark knight.

>> No.191959

>What does /biz/ think? Is he the one?

i think this whole biz is hilarious. you don't hear similar stories with fiat currency, i'm sold now. i want to be part of this hilarious currency and community

>> No.191963

i don't buy it.

he didn't give a shit about innocent men who lost money from mt. gox, why does he care about a single person now?

that's just one example, there were more pressing events in which he should've spoken up, but he didn't. he chose this one occasion

>> No.191967

>why does he care about a single person now?

because they think its him, his name was not used as a fom of harrassment before

>> No.192012

Everyone knows who invented Bitcoin.

It was John Titor.

Just compare the language used for coding transactions, with the microcode used by the old IBM 5100 series, it it becomes obvious.

>> No.192022

If everyone knows then why did you just have to tell us?

>> No.192025

its a figure of speech goy

>> No.192148

>Nakamoto told the AP that he has a personal computer, but it isn't connected to the Internet because he got tired of cleaning viruses from the machine.

Ladies and Gentlemen, let me present the security expert who invented the bitcoin network.

>> No.192153

>yfw he pretends to be illiterate

>> No.192183

Grigori Perelman refused the prize. Claimed he was too euphoric for money or something

>> No.192200

>That's not me, I never communicated with bitcoins.

>> No.192212


>> No.192238

If my korean animations and doushinjis serve me right, your statement translates to
"Oh Satoshi-san, put your model train inside me!"

>> No.192246


>> No.192336

>Newsweek announces it will suspend print releases in 2012
>IBT Media purchases Newsweek
>First print issue features big Bitcoin expose about Satoshi Nakamoto
>turns out to be a big journalism FAIL with a journalist going out of her way to stalk an old man
>the old man says "I'm no longer involved in that" because he assumes she wants to know about his previous work for the military
>she assumes this is a confession about bitcoin
>publishes article where she posts a pic of the guy AND his house
>somehow this is the big story that is going to catapult Newsweek back on the print map (as if that was truly necessary anymore)

>> No.192378

Still waiting on the article about her being doxed herself

> muh invasion of privacy
> muh family in danger
> how dare they use publicly available information and collate it

>> No.192546






>> No.192552

literally zero chance it's him

>> No.192773

Wasn't there a quote from his brother in that article say he really made Bitcoins? Where the hell did they get that from?

>> No.192823

tell 888chan's /i/

this is a potential lulcow

>> No.193304

i dont know some of his profile fits him

>> No.193345
File: 1.95 MB, 245x300, 1394309465115.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so uh guys....am i the only one that read an obscure article a while back that had an interview with some dude that was supposed to be the real nakomoto, with some dude that actually admitted he was? maybe that article was bullshit too. it was pretty recent, maybe 3 weeks ago?
it wasn't this guy on the thread either.
shit has me scratching my head now.

>> No.193349

I am satoshi and I am rubbing my penis right now.

>> No.193497
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>> No.193599
File: 90 KB, 625x625, 5ewa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah a group can use what they want. but we are talking about the group that controls the 'open source' code. just because its open source doesn't mean they couldn't one day BREAK it. On purpose or accident. They dont even need to break it, they can just outright change it like DOGECOIN adding inflation. But yeah enjoy your fork and groups choosing what ledger is correct, that sounds like it will inspire great confidence in the bitcoin economy.

Satoshi gave the keys to modify the code to gavin. Gavin told satoshi he was going to present to the CIA and that is when satoshi left.

So if you think the NSA or CIA can't have the keys to the kingdom you're the fool.
Same goes to you. With your one line little quip. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.194410


>> No.194507

>implying the real Satoshi is even Japanese
More than likely, a couple white guys realised that people would take them more seriously if they were Japanese instead of white, because Japanese are ALWAYS better than white people at mathematics, amirite or amirite?

He's only "Japanese" because the entire world is racist against smart white guys.

>> No.194513

unfortunately this is probably true

>> No.194549

i never got how dudes could get so into model trains. i mean they are cool and shit but damn.

>> No.194569


Lmao this is the perfect character for a movie, couldn't have been better.

>> No.194627

im glad biz and pol are partners, too bad i see a lot of shekel stealing on this board though

>> No.194865

really nobody else read the article?

actually that was what the guy said in the interview. i thought it was bullshit.

>> No.194872
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>> No.195111

what is that thing?
pls respond

>> No.195286

>He doesn't like the system we have today and wanted a different one that would be more equal. He did not like the notion of banks and bankers getting wealthy just because they hold the keys," says Andresen.
Gee, I wonder how many buttcoins this Satoshi has.

>> No.195306

welcome to 1984 America, circa 2014.

>> No.195334


All it takes is just one guy on btt to show how btc code was changed and fork it to change it back.

Since its open source people who can verify the new fork is legit will obviously support them

>> No.195572

Bumping this thread into auto sage