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18848420 No.18848420 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a serious discussion. Forgetting that Criag is a dick for a second. But why do people hate on BSV?

Seems a scalable version of original Bitcoin that Satoshi planned?

>> No.18848456

the chinese government astroturfs hate for it because they thought they were gonna get a chinese millennium by copying the usa's petro dollar but then there was this 9 page whitepaper published in 2009

>> No.18848463


Craig is a Chinese asset.

>> No.18848476

to what end

>> No.18849711

Because crypto is a zero sum game and when BSV succeeds everything else will fail

>> No.18849767
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>Forgetting that Criag is a dick for a second.
you think that is why BSV was delisted from every major exchange?

>> No.18849776

>Seems a scalable
It's not.

>> No.18849791


Also fuck china

>> No.18849818

ni hao

>> No.18849821

first post based post

>> No.18849829

unironically chinks

>> No.18850592
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People on Biz are either retarded or God-tier intelligence (aka BSV holders). Why even bother, you're most likely one of the retarded ones, these threads give me the cancer

>> No.18851635

you are the fuckwit, I simply asked a question. A question by fucking definition isn't wrong. If you cant answer it just stfu. You are the hard who saw a question and saw it as a way to make yourself feel big about yourself little man.

>> No.18851695

Creg is Satoshi

>> No.18851757
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Not gonna lie, former Creg supporter here. It's hilarious watching him crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let him restore the OP_CODEs.

>> No.18851877
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The huwhite man wins again

>> No.18851936
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>former Creg supporter here.

>> No.18852100

Ding ding ding

>> No.18852134

I hate bitshitv cuz of the spammers of it
the fact craig faketoshi is a liar and scammer
and the fact the cultists on this board seethe if you arent a blind braindead supporter of bitshitv.
all in all a crap coin that a few retards fell for and than they wont stfu about MUH CRAIG IS SATOSHI
perish the thought you bring up him claiming to have the keys so just sign. it causes them to sperg out like retarded autists grabbing pitchforks and torches cuz how dare you insult their false god faketoshi

>> No.18852143

delisting was unironically the buy signal

>> No.18852158

>chinese millennium
no you are a chinese millennium!

>> No.18852252


litterally no arguments related to bsv, yet somehow hates bsv

>> No.18852285

Because they truly don't know what's being built and aren't paying attention

I'm not talking about healthcare data or whatever Calvin is promoting

There are many under the radar projects on BSV that will completely change society as we know it

Most of these use cases can only be done on BSV

>> No.18852314

>a bunch of pajeets post in an echochamber thread about how much they love BSV

extremely pathetic. Go away. Nobody cares anymore.

>> No.18852801

´give an example, I´m trying to see this faggotry of you muh crypto fags a bit more nuanced and serious.

I have money to gamble and "invest" so I would like an example of your high claims.

>> No.18853135
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Satoshi described bsv as bitdns and said it's not bitcoin.

>> No.18853163

what the fuck are you smoking? link or larp. You are not a member of my timeline.

>> No.18853300
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Not as many hate BSV as you think. It's all fake & staged through deception. They are just the gatekeepers, so to speak. BitCoin's future is everything. The powers-that-be have a universal rule that they must always follow: putting out truth for the peasants. However, they also go even greater lengths to cause confusion and distraction with their unlimited resources. One who wants to know truth will find it eventually if they keep looking. Most humans are lazy and worthless animals who follow the herd and don't think for themselves. Not being able to think for themselves is their own greatest threat to existence. All of crypto is a narrative and stage with actors, just like the world.