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18845221 No.18845221 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that CSW and nChain are a distraction for the real work being done on big block bitcoin

Daily reminder that you're all going to be suicidal once you realize what's actually happening

Daily reminder that we already won

>> No.18845848

Tell us more based anon

>> No.18845853

daily reminder that we had daily reminders for 3 years with absolutely no sight of any habbenings.
daily reminder that it's all bollocks.

>> No.18845896

Move the price to 1,200 by May 18th and maybe some will believe you.

>> No.18845920

CSW is a lolcow

>> No.18846105

this im tired of bagholding, maybe im really a low iq tard

>> No.18846551
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News please anon. We've been waiting so long.

>> No.18846577

>real work
throwing trash on chain is not real work
for smart stuff there is ETH

>> No.18846583

it's not about iq, i think cashies have a specific mental deficit that makes them unable to comprehend consensus or participate in it.

>> No.18846599

Fuck off. ETH is fucking bullshit. 2.0 is a dumpster fire.

>> No.18846843

>distraction for the real work being done on big block bitcoin
you mean the money laundering that Calvin does out of Antigua
everyone knows about it, it's very successful too
everyone with a brain knows what Calvin is doing, all his tweets about BSV are done by CG interns while he fucks SEA cunny

>> No.18847332

Craig Wright is liar and a fraud.

>> No.18847494
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Reminder, BTC cucks

>> No.18847515


>> No.18847549

there was a video where he said 'best solution will win' and 'revolution will not be centralized'.
t. stopped caring afterwards

>> No.18847995
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yes, we cn not allow it too fill the 1 b cap anymore, I concur with another coredev cuck , we have to lower the limit, I´d say 0.25 mb or lower and change the inflation schedule, 21 million is just too little..... Whtever, we cant buy bsv, because aussie man bad.

>> No.18848060
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>> No.18848091

explain your predictions using your graph.

>> No.18848109
File: 2.39 MB, 360x360, how BTC scales.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18848122

wasn't making predictions, it's just an update of your graph.

>> No.18848447

What's Eth 2.0 even about?

>> No.18848450
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>> No.18848509

reminder that bitmain cant afford to spam the mempool another time.

>> No.18848523

Craig is a Chinese asset.

>> No.18848627
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Based Craigposter.