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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 161 KB, 404x389, 1489697839248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1884176 No.1884176 [Reply] [Original]

/MILO/ MiloCoin General - FUCK LIBERALS GET RICH edition

I’m not gay, but $1 per MiloCoin is $1 per MiloCoin


>Official MiloCoin website:


>MiloCoin maymay Video
https://youtu.be/rQu1-zil_z4 [Embed]

>MiloCoin Bitcointalk Announcement Thread:

>Skip right to the wallets, baby!

>Looking for some nodes? I gotchu!
(guide to add these addnodes on page 6 of ANN thread)

>Buy MiloCoin (before it’s too late)

>MiloCoin Blockchain

>Coin Marketcap
(the APIs needs some tweaking, but the mad men actually listed it already)

>Official MiloCoin SubReddit
Sike, there is no official MiloCoin subreddit, please go back

>Why haven't you done your part yet?
https://twitter.com/YobitExchange <--tweet at them requesting MiloCoin it takes 2 seconds
https://c-cex.com/?id=vote <--scroll to bottom and submit MiloCoin
support@coinexchange.io ← email them demanding MiloCoin get listed

Do the above and post about it in this thread, usually based anons will send you some MiloCoins

>Best highlight of the previous thread:
Several Chads in the making. Also shills BTFO

>Comfy related soundtrack

>Quick Rundown (what you need to know):
MiloCoin is listed on some early exchanges and lazy pajeets are sending their mined coins to the exchange for cheap until they realize their mistake - prices will never be lower than today - refined investors enter the market here.
Gavin has already responded positively to MiloCoin, Milo's response is practically a given, how many coins will you have when the price skyrockets because of this?

>> No.1884185
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first for dopecoin

>> No.1884197

>trying this hard to pump a shitcoin
Give it up man, we have good coins right now. I don't diversify into shit

>> No.1884202
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>> No.1884204
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>good coins


>> No.1884211

first for 1.00 per MiloCoin. if dubs 1.50 per coin

>> No.1884217
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>> No.1884221
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dubs hath spoken.

>> No.1884224

Gotta feeling it's going to start ramping up in the next couple of days, maybe even tonight. Trumpcoin did something similar when it came out. Of course, it won't reach big numbers until Milo or Gavin talk about it openly.

>> No.1884250
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>Of course, it won't reach big numbers until Milo or Gavin talk about it openly.

This - don't sell yet. When this thing hits $1/coin, you will punch yourself in the dick repeatedly until you throw up in your lap.

>> No.1884275

I decided to let kek decide for us and he didn't disappoint

Time to stock up faggots

>> No.1884280
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Weed makes you dumb

>> No.1884281
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I'm sitting on 50k, going to double up on the next lil' dippy

>> No.1884292


>said someone heavily invested in a cryptocurrency based around an D-list alt right internet celebrity who will be yesterdays news quicker than you can say "homosexual pedophile"

>> No.1884300
File: 95 KB, 600x879, 1489559098372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>said someone wasting their time posting in a thread about a crypto he doesn't care about

>said someone who's been shitting up the board with their asscoin all day to no notable reception

stay poor weedfag

>> No.1884305

Just buy DOPEcoin and chill out gayboy

>> No.1884353

Quick question: Are the fees on nova exchange orders paid when you create an order or when the order is filled?

>> No.1884372

When the order is filled.

>> No.1884373

When the order is filled. Cancel all you want.

>> No.1884374

>"homosexual pedophile"

Awfully redundant phrase.

>> No.1884376

So what's up guys, is nova anal raping everyone still with transfer times? Just sent some btc to yobit hoping this won't be the case. Wondering if it's worth hitting up nova as well, or if I should just wait.

>> No.1884384

I withdrew just and it took less than 5 minutes.

deposit of milos is around the same.

Bitcoin deposits is another story...

>> No.1884421

that's what I'm talking about. I'm trying to deposit btc. Is it going take a week or wtf?

>> No.1884431

It took me around 2 hours earlier

>> No.1884432


Long time crypto investor here.

Stuff like this doesn't matter, right now this is a $32,000 mktcp coin only right now.

You need to grab all you can with both hands... in a week or two you will be wishing you could get below 1000 satoshis - they are only getting more scarce.

>> No.1884462

This is a valid point, but if the price really is gonna ramp up over time i'd like to do everything I can to maximize the return on my initial investment. 100 sats may not make a difference later, but right now it can mean an extra thousand milo, and i'm taking every milimilo I can get

>> No.1884509

Fair point, but remember its better to be in 3 weeks early than 1 day late with crypto.

>> No.1884526
File: 14 KB, 650x434, 1489381122099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo I got a question my fellow jigaboos...just transferred btc to three different exchanges. None of them show pending deposits, but it's only been like 10 minutes.

I'm guessing in about a half an hour it'll just show up in my btc ballance?

Don't hate, babies first exchange transfers

>> No.1884533

bitcoins can take hours to transfer

>> No.1884537

go to last thread, control F "viabtc"
I posted a guide to speed it up and explain the logic

>> No.1884553
File: 1.86 MB, 350x283, 1454823331797.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see friend. Will look into this process for my next transactions.

>> No.1884560

dont worry, if you put in the right address then they will arrive, may take an hour or two but it will.

>> No.1884566
File: 150 KB, 470x662, El5h6gz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god your reassurance just gave me a boner. fapping in your anon...
...LOL yea fucking right. I'm a true fucking conservative warrior of the alt-right. I don't engage in such hedonistic pleasures...

....or do I?

>> No.1884567

it works on pending transactions m8, it's the purpose

>> No.1884569

in your honor*

for god's sake...

>tfw your autism is showing on an autistic witness protection board
>tfw youre just memeing and not autistic at all but a king of the manlets chad

>> No.1884574
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...idk if I can get any more erect tbqh...

>> No.1884605
File: 223 KB, 1103x740, youarehere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, we are here

Now is the time tb,h

>> No.1884606

in all seriousness, ive lost money on this shit already somehow.

>> No.1884633

I'm guessing you bought in close to 1000 satoshis?

Don't worry, the price has gone down but in these stages it is normal, it will be a bit erratic for a while before liftoff

>> No.1884641

You havent lost anything. You have the milos you paid for. Just wait and be patient and DO NOT SELL until the time is right. Just wait, and avoid greed and temptation.

/biz/ and Kek will guide us.

>> No.1884644
File: 44 KB, 540x540, 1489560811730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't "lose anything" unless you cashed out already. Just keep holding. I'm recommending to not touch your coins for months regardless of the markets. Trust me, I've been here before

>> No.1884658
File: 25 KB, 320x480, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek i don't doubt your resolve in abstaining from the hedonism banned by kek

nice dubs btw check mine

>> No.1884670
File: 472 KB, 947x998, 87567960086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's still got a five figure market cap.

This is like someone buying BTC at $5 then it drops to $4 and complaining they lost money.

Wait a few months and a few hundred satoshis here or there won't matter.

Pic very related.

>> No.1884686
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someone help a broke faggot out

>> No.1884761

Digits for them gains by next week.
Kek wills it

>> No.1884788

First to be reported

>> No.1884790

in 10 minutes gonna dump the shitcoin trumpcoin on yobit then put a buy order in for milos, watch the market

>> No.1884807

Not if I do it first fucktard jokes on you

>> No.1884824

how much did you make of all of that? I get discouraged when I have to cancel 3 orders in a day.

>> No.1884832
File: 58 KB, 384x484, milobuddha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You both should agree on a time and do it together

>> No.1884838

>Official MiloCoin SubReddit
>Sike, there is no official MiloCoin subreddit, please go back
Is this really a good idea though? I mean, wouldn't Reddit be able to help us get to the moon if we moderate it right?

>> No.1884843


>until Milo or Gavin talk about it openly

it will never happen

>> No.1884852


Just need a rumour, like with trumpcoin

Meme magic

>> No.1884859

>Meme magic
Exactly this. I've learned to trust Meme Magic after watching the last election.

But it is up to us to channel it properly.

>> No.1884868

10.min after next hour...40 min from now I'm doing it

>> No.1884899

Agreed. Was funny at first, but we should be pragmatic. Reddit as a hub is unparalleled for normies.

>> No.1884901
File: 42 KB, 381x397, keke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meme magic is a wonderful thing, the beautiful thing about 4chan is it's ability to do be this powerhouse of meme warfare. The beautiful thing about biz is doing this for financial gain.

Let's maintain good energy

>> No.1884904
File: 35 KB, 282x307, howmilocoinerslookatyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gavin already plugged it on air :^)

>> No.1884930

>Reddit as a hub is unparalleled for normies.
Exactly my thinking. Right now, Milo is, for the most part, exclusive to /biz/ and a few people on Bitcointalk. If we actually want the mainstream adoption that we keep telling ourselves about, we should really consider opening up a subreddit.

>> No.1884942


Turned maybe 0.7BTC into 25BTC or so over the course of six months.

Sold them for real life bills unfortunately, shoulda held on while they tripled, but meh.

Not making the same mistake with MILO when it takes off as well.

>> No.1884992

3 min xD

>> No.1885048
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Got all these milo's now boys. Bitches next door are already sweatin me. fuck outa here no thots on the moon

>> No.1885128
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>> No.1885185

Dumped my dead DRUMPFCOIN and fingers crossed that my yuge buy order at 440 sats gets filled. If not it'll stand as a buy wall.

cya in 3 months faggots

>> No.1885194

fuckin thots
DO NOT let them know your milocoin balance.
You'll have fake pregnancy tests all over this bitch

>> No.1885287
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>> No.1885295

shiett not bad

>> No.1885308

Awesome! Hope he does well.

>> No.1885315

>Got on gavins show in 48 hours
>wasn't even trying
>now actively trying full time

Seriously if you haven't loaded the fuck up on milocoins, do it now

>> No.1885334
File: 4 KB, 85x144, 2017-03-13-13-53-59-1734889345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fuckin locked in. Gonna be comfy ride my lads.

>> No.1885343

what are you selling your milo coin for when the time comes?

>> No.1885364

one thing for pleasure: Triumph Daytona

the rest keeping locked away in something interest bearing, until I find a suitable investment (small business like a food truck or something)

what about >(you)

>> No.1885384

i only have about 11000 milo so i figured i would use some of it to pay for college and invest in something. My friends mom is starting a business so im probably going to invest in that.

>> No.1885391

blue eyed blondes...blue eyed blondes

the type of chicks thatll double up on a dude like me

>> No.1885401

i lost $2330 on Trump coin ya no thank you

>> No.1885406

How many milos you got lads
And what you paid for those sweet milos
50k milo at 500 satts
Let's compare cocks

>> No.1885415

Thanks for the BTC.

No seriously, the only way you lost on TRUMP is if you bought in right at the peak like an idiot.

MILO pump hasn't even begun. Where we are now is like buying TRUMP at 500sat like i did.

>> No.1885425
File: 43 KB, 736x420, e1cfd7809b5870c0a46c341db610cd80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy walls are starting to get T H I C C

>> No.1885432

jesus dude.
get in early (like milocoin today) not late (trumpcoin then). I'm guessing you got in over .25?

recoup your losses man, we're all gonna make it. The normies will pay the bags

>> No.1885435
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T H I C C asf

>> No.1885480

How is the fact that everyone is mining on Findblocks not a 51% attack?

>> No.1885519
File: 111 KB, 899x623, m a k i n g b a n k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought 6k at 280 sats through sheer luck, then bought another 18k between 800 and 960 sats.

Slapped 10k into the wallet and seeing what happens.

>> No.1885523

There are more blocks being signed by proof of stake minters than miners at this point. That couples with a few miners on other pools and solo mining.

And not that it matters with the aforementioned stuff, but the findblocks owner is verified by the devs, he'd have to be in kahootz as well. (again, not relevant with POS going HAM)

>> No.1885532

>6k at 280 sats

You motor-boating son of a bitch. How the fuck?

>> No.1885547
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Am I going to the moon yet?

>> No.1885554

Sorry to be an autsito faggot noob, but how to get the 1000 MiloCoin I bought off the exchange and into my wallet? Also what is staking and how do i do it?

>> No.1885557

How do I**

>> No.1885574
File: 171 KB, 1000x381, trades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early adopter I guess. This was just before some absolute mad man bought everything, shooting it up to 8000 sats.

>> No.1885638

which exchange?

>> No.1885643

Yobit, I know I'm being a faggot and all asking these kind of questions, but I'd really appreciate it.

>> No.1885652

I've downloaded the wallet, do I add both nodes or just one?

>> No.1885657

Add both.

>> No.1885661

Assuming you have successfully purchased the coins and dont just have a buy order open.

On yobit, click wallets on the top navigation, then tick the box that says hide empty balance.

Find MiloCoin - click withdrawal - itll ask you to enter your wallet address.


go to your milocoin wallet and click "receive"

rick click an address -> copy address

back to yobit dialogue, enter copied address and submit

for ADD NODES, see page 6 of the bitcointalk announcement thread.
Be sure your wallet is closed during this process.

you can use 100 nodes as long as one works.

>> No.1885685

You absolute legend, something like this should be in the sticky so noobs can buy it easier. Thanks man

>> No.1885737

How does staking work? Do I have to leave my computer running to get it?

>> No.1885741

It is in the sticky.
bitcointalk threads are extensions of stickies, in any case

>> No.1885751

Cliffs: You get rewarded for supporting the network by receiving interest payments. Behind the scenes you are "mining" on a smaller scale - even farther under the hood you are signing blocks in the blockchain that drive the network forward and process transactions.

Network wins, you win by staking.

Have at least 500? coins, and keep wallet open and connected to internet..thats it

>> No.1885763


For reference, With 10k coins in the wallet my first kick back was just over 6 milos.

>> No.1885769

Alright mad, I bought 450 coins as a test, I'll put in 10k or so tonight. These 2000% staking coins are the scam right? The coin itself would need some 2000% capital growth to keep it from severely devaluing itself each payout. Am I interpreting this correctly?

>> No.1885782


Milo is 69% and with majority of people hosting their coins on an exchange or offline backup, effective inflation will be under 30%

PPCoin (the most popular POS coin in history) peaked at 25% participation. So 25% of all coins in existence getting 69% stake

Youll see like 6 mill added to the full 12 months after POW ends. Which is like 18% inflation.

Factor in coin loss and transaction fees as well and it could be less.

The network needs to be secured, it's worth 15% annual growth IMO. Bitcoin adds a fuck ton of coins be year, for the next like 20 years.

>> No.1885805

got my coins, buy wall keeping us comfy af above 500 sat. Tomorrow it's time to wake and STAKE /milo boys/
can't wait to fuck Stacys

>> No.1885862

Right now it's proof of work.

>> No.1886146

About the Milocoin wallet.
I add nodes to Milocoin.txt and save it as Milocoin.cfg or Milocoin.conf ?

I did it with Milocoin.conf and there was some error, I did it with cfg now and it's okay, but in wallet there's (desynchronized) red info next to transaction and wallet.

>> No.1886160

Update :
I changed the nodes , and added only

with first : addnode:
The wallet wouldn't run, should i change : to = aswell and save it again ?

>> No.1886164

File as conf now , and with that node it's syncing now

>> No.1886230

10107 some at at 250 and some at 600.

If it's still low in a couple weeks I will get some more.

>> No.1886236
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Early morning kekbump

>> No.1886359
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Get comfy boys


>> No.1886392

Realistic milo valuation 7 days from now?
bought 30k at 500 satts

>> No.1886441

7 days is just the beginning.

Hold that 30k and get some sweet staking gainz

This thing will hit $0.30 at a minimum.

>> No.1886449


Maybe a 1000, maybe 700, maybe 500, maybe 300

It's not about 7 days from now, it's more like 107 days from now.

>> No.1886489
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real beans ITT

>> No.1886544
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1btc buy wall

>> No.1886560
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>> No.1886721

lyin' can'tstump is trying to get on the milocoin team, sad!

devs better do the right thing here

>> No.1886733
File: 227 KB, 512x512, rarest milo from an anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for begging from generous milo rich boys or beautiful milo miners. I hope my picture is worth a few coins, thank you


>> No.1886748

Never thought someone would actually be kind enough to donate, just want to say thank you very much to the anon who did, here's a gift - let's chill to this incredibly rare song. Enjoy


>> No.1886760
File: 115 KB, 500x500, JoshsClimax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second for begging like a faggot :^) I love you all so much, we're gonna meme this coin to heaven and back.


>> No.1886773

Some redpill me on staking, I've had my wallet open for 5hrs now with 4k Milo in it and nothing's come through. I'm is Aus btw if that effects anything.

>> No.1886775

Are the people that beg for coins NEETS?

>> No.1886785

I had mine open with 10k for 2 hours and it changed from "expected earnings in 5 days" to 2 days.

>> No.1886790
File: 2.00 MB, 1920x1080, 1489880171639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dev just made a solid call on cantstump

>> No.1886798
File: 3 KB, 424x60, love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite a NEET, I'm an 18yr ausfag compsci student with casual work. Thanks for the free milo btw, if this thing moons ill track you down and buy you hookers and blow with the profits <3

How can i mine this stuff btw, and is it worth doing? I have a r9 290x and a 7700k (been meaning to buy a new gpu plz no bully)

>> No.1886804

How do you view the expected earnings?

>> No.1886810

yeah that is a good call. can'tstumps name is tarnished due to the trumpcoin clusterfuck.

>> No.1886833

Dev doesn't play around. I was nervous for a bit there. Correct call was made

>> No.1886846
File: 38 KB, 512x384, asd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no such thing I think, but in the bottom right corner there's 3 icons, first from left with 2 hammers when You hover Your mouse on it it will show Your weight, network weight, and when earnings come.

Whatever the fuck this means, since I got into it yesterday. If someone explain it how this works to me aswell I would be delighted.

Also if someone is donating again, I would be happy to accept 69 MILOS up in this bitch :


>> No.1886931

Don't be ashamed of that setup. I was rocking a 7970 myself until recently, I'm still using a 2600k, and I'm not exactly a poorfag. That old hardware just werked.

You're not going to get far with mining though. Better off buying in and staking a few k of coin.

>> No.1886938
File: 37 KB, 225x224, 1489631467364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just doubled my stack - can't wait to see the resulting spike in staking gains

Gotta love free MILO for parking the shit in a wallet and taking a nap.

>> No.1886956

Can you give me a quick rundown on how to do this?

>> No.1886958
File: 160 KB, 853x608, ohshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So all i need to do to stake is leave my pc on with this open?

>> No.1886962


>> No.1886967

Yes - if you hover over the bottom right corner hammer icon you'll get more info like when the reward is coming for instance, also hover over "stake"

>> No.1886972
File: 172 KB, 1920x1080, 1489678290382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep as long as your wallet isn't locked your coins will stake. If the pickaxe logo is grey it's not staking, but if it's colored like that you're in. You need 500+ coins and they need to be "mature" (I.E. in the wallet for a couple of hours or so).

>> No.1886978

Thank you very much my boys, I'll join in staking whenever I reach 500.

>> No.1886984

You fuckers told me to buy Pandacoin last time, fuck off

>> No.1886991

This isn't the same, also we need to fuel up then start shilling this to reddit and the rest of the web.

>> No.1886994
File: 61 KB, 780x439, 1489636010869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who did? We did? I didn't.

MILO is *the* memecoin friend. Get your tickets while they're cheap. Devs are on a roll and planning big things. This is going to make TC look like a joke.

>> No.1887023
File: 31 KB, 500x315, milom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok newbie question here.

For example I want to reinstall my windows right now, I make copy of the wallet and how do I import it back to the program to not lose Milos?

>> No.1887068


you need to export the wallet.dat file by using the file menu in the wallet. do not just copy and paste the wallet dir

>> No.1887076

Yup I made that copy already, just asking how to import it back ?

>> No.1887087
File: 1.90 MB, 1920x1080, milocoin-vaporwave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im impressed with the devs so far... Especially after today.

Will be holding onto my milos for a bit.

>> No.1887146
File: 443 KB, 920x600, 1489683641075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Chad in the making

>> No.1887163

All the damn shorts happen when I'm at work damn it.

>> No.1887170

Successfully doubled my milos thanks to that pump the other day along with a little patience. I'm officially strapped in for launch, boys!


>> No.1887212

Another 69 Milos just hit my wallet as gift, thanks anon !

>> No.1887247

its staking you goon

>> No.1887260
File: 28 KB, 963x166, notreally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm talking about Nova wallet. Somebody donated me 2 times. Pic very related

>> No.1887269
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>> No.1887298

no its not. nobody is getting 69 coin hits.
69% annual stake divided out daily/hourly gives you tiny hits here and there.
69 exact, is a donation from someone

>> No.1887309

If my connection cuts once in a while does staking still work or does it reset whenever I get a 10 second internet blackout?

>> No.1887311

buy wall is holding.
come at us, dumpers

>> No.1887321

not he, but yes. every coin is different, some coins (blackcoin) you stake without being on at all (lolwut)
but most regular staking coins allow for periodic down time, you return to accumulating weight when you return to connected

>> No.1887328
File: 311 KB, 472x645, DIAMONDS FOR MILOCOIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless you anon

>> No.1887349
File: 110 KB, 1026x388, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck u doin mining???? just go play the dice bois

>> No.1887355



lend a nigga a pen...

>> No.1887359

inb4 yobit owns 75% of the coins, haha

>> No.1887362

How big is the block chain right now? Could I use a Raspberry Pi to stake my coins? I have one with a 16gb microSD that would be perfect for staking.

>> No.1887365

Haha nice one

>> No.1887374

Blockchain is currently small enough for a pi to handle, but it'll still take a bit to process it. Took about 3 minutes on a 2.4 GHz i7 mobile ivy bridge.

>> No.1887381

by the way, how long did it take for other 4chan based cryptocurrencies to take off approx.?

>> No.1887388

About a year for TC

>> No.1887392

Then again TC pumped at a very specific time, the election, so...I dont know what timeframe there is for Milo

>> No.1887395

what about DOGE

>> No.1887420

By understanding of Milo( which is the single reason I'm even participating in this) :

His actions always have one thing in common - he wants to schock the world and get even more recognition that he already has.

He might back it up, just for the money and to fuck with people.

I am not sure how devs want to approach him, but he could even transform this MiloCoin as his payment method on his shop. Books, shirts etc.

If he backs it up, and leftist media get a hold of this story, they would try their best to bury him, but instead (like with every single move of his in the past) that would give him more power and recognition = more money.

He was a very good guest on couple of podcasts, they talk about him on InfoWars, he's big on social media .

If anyone picks this up after he's on board, they will Domino-report it.

It's my first time investing in crypto, but this guy is crazy enough to back it up 100 percent and even turn this currency into real crypto on his own. That has never been done before by internet personality ever I think ?

>> No.1887441

it's the first time i back a 4chan based currency and i really don't know/care much about milo but since the other ones seemed to take off i want to give this one a try lol

>> No.1887445

Will send some milo (last 2 digits) to anon that posts a quick rundown on what happened these past few days around the coin

>> No.1887450

It went up and then went down, multiple times :^)

>> No.1887458

How much Milos do You have ?

It's all in the bittalk, basically huge thing was Gavin tweet about it, and person who called Gavin is now full on board with devs, he will try to promote it and reach Milo profesionally. Hope he knows what he is doing

>> No.1887471

How many milos will I need to get rich? I don't really understand how many are likely to be mined in total

>> No.1887522

1 million

>> No.1887588

over 6k

>> No.1887596

How long does it take for my milos to start stacking in the wallet?

>> No.1887624

4 hours, after that they're deemed mature and will stake

>> No.1887630

How many do you need to stake? And how do you do it? And what are the rewards?

>> No.1887636

I love when they're just mature ;^]

>> No.1887678

Finally one of my MILO orders got through at just over 450 sats and now have just over 9000 of them. Now they are staking and plan to buy moar by the weekend before price shoots up un an unknown timeto buy a lambo, a vacation in the Caribbean and buy a slav girl from eastern europe.

>> No.1887682
File: 36 KB, 640x480, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got .5 btc order I had out for 451 filled myself. I now have over 100k milos.
Who can top that?

100k or more is elite tier

pic related is subjected 50k tier

>> No.1887689

Could milocoin hit ten cents?

>> No.1887692

i dont have alot of money man...i only have 15000 milos :(

>> No.1887701

I wish I had 100k of them. With the amount of btc i have which around 0.4 currently, I can only max out around 50k milos if I put every singe one of BTC for milos. I guess I'll keep an eye on the price.
Just like trump, there was a pump in late spring before a bigger pump in July. I can feel this summer I'll be rich.

>> No.1887704

looks like you're only gonna be banging 8/10 brunettes. and only gonna have a 2016 bmw

>> No.1887723
File: 1.28 MB, 720x1280, MILO COIN - THE FUTURE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First milos from staking just came in and it says generated but not accepted. What do I do fellow anons?

>> No.1887726

fuck me, I realized I can get around 100k if I can time the market right. I can join the elite tier and get a gold plated lambo.

>> No.1887730

put a .4 btc buy wall at like 475. You'll get nearly 100k if it fills man.

Join the elite tier

>> No.1887732

Answered myself,
Generated coins must mature 510 blocks before they can be spent. When you generated this block, it was broadcast to the network to be added to the block chain. If it fails to get into the chain, its state will change to "not accepted" and it won't be spendable. This may occasionally happen if another node generates a block within a few seconds of yours.

>> No.1887737

FUCK at least i get paid this week to get more milos

>> No.1887740

i have 450k, target is 500k

>> No.1887747

9/10 blondes at elite tier.

I may go for real human bean tier this weekend (150kmilos)

>> No.1887748
File: 46 KB, 822x431, 1489684994590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100K here, feelsfuckingoodman

>> No.1887749

yes, 10 cents is the height of the first rise. the real question is when does it hit 50 cents.

>> No.1887752

jesus, that's possibly millionaire tier. I just got dropped.
stranger things have happened in this timeline. Brexit, trump, MiloCoin 2$ per coin..why the fuck not

>> No.1887846

At first I was satisfied with paying down my student loans, but noo, you just had to push me.
Now I won't be satisfied until I'm dumping loads on cash me outside chick (TM)

>> No.1887857
File: 145 KB, 800x542, milolee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 25k

Just started my astronaut training today, gotta prepare for those g's you know

>> No.1887898

Ok, cool. I only have a 2012 MBP at my disposal otherwise with the SMC glitching out on Windows 10.

Does anyone know when the MacOS client is getting released? It shouldn't be too difficult since it's based on the Qt toolkit.

>> No.1887920
File: 214 KB, 1007x441, crypto virginity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This crypto shit is fun.
25k milos and I just sold 60 PIVX for the same price I bought 205 PIVX a few days ago.
Feels good man.

>> No.1887929

DOGE had a lot of potential when it started. But, right after the NASCAR stunt, it was revealed that one of the major payment processing developers (moolah_) was caught manipulating the currency for his own profit (not sure if a total 51% attack, but looked like it).


A lot of the major players left after that mess and DOGE never really recovered.

>> No.1887941

The devs announced that they had found a community manager willing to cultivate a community around the coin. As for markets, the price fluctuated wildly between 200 and 500 satoshi (as to be expected with a two week old coin with little to no marketing yet).


>> No.1887950

Define rich. If you just want a nice profit, 10k will do fine.

If you mean Trump rich, 1 million.

>> No.1887981

people with 20k, how much usd did you invest?

>> No.1887995

If that's the case...this might just be crazy enough to work.

It could start an avalanche of personality coins...currency made specifically for individuals or even companies.

>> No.1888003
File: 87 KB, 768x1024, milo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used 150 euros that I got from mining pascal coin

If Milo takes off, I will be quite chuffed with a decent profit from basically 0

>> No.1888012

that got you 20k?

>> No.1888016

milo could easily joke about it in a speech

>> No.1888017

£140 so roughly $170.

>> No.1888036

>*gets on a podcast*
>"Milo? Isn't he that paedophile?"
>"n-no, he's our based f-faggot. The mainstream media just lies about him"
>"but anon, he said himself that he thinks older men should be able to fuck 13 year olds"

>> No.1888050

Yeah man, hoping to turn it into 5-6 btc

>> No.1888065

More like he said that he liked getting fucked when he was 13, I also liked getting fucked when I was 13, what's your point?

>> No.1888067

awesome, im going for that goal too

>> No.1888075

my first goal is to turn it to 10 btc from 100k, spend 3btc for shit and invest the other 7btc

>> No.1888096

gavin already did once. he was confused about valuation but allowed the communications bro to PLUG THE SITE live on air.

if communication bro calls 90 days from now and says, hey gavin remember me, I'm back to tell you that your fund is now worth 5,000 usd or 10,000 or whatever ..and it's free. You don't think he's gonna give it exposure?

>> No.1888097

You're pretty much pulling a fake news

>> No.1888139

is there a clip of that conversation?

>> No.1888143

Wow I'm a retard. Thanks for this.

Do you get more based on how much Milo is in your wallet?

>> No.1888149

>You need 500+ coins
a couple weeks ago i was staking 69 milocoins. what happened?

>> No.1888158
File: 62 KB, 960x843, 1485058_771053642920281_1801498841_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like unloading that amount of coins is going to be much harder. The more coins you have, the harder it's going to be to get rid of them near the peak.

Anyone concur?

>> No.1888162
File: 56 KB, 600x849, 1489629557240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup - mo coins mo gainz

no shit? I couldn't get that to work. Good on ya.

>> No.1888167
File: 253 KB, 447x415, furious pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1888168
File: 1.30 MB, 320x170, 1361801880464.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I wish I had mony money come in sooner and I would've bought PIVX before the huge pump. Feelsbadman. I only got like 600 now, when I could have had over 2500, if not more.

Oh well...such is life. Here's to Milo hitting $0.50

>> No.1888174

Once you see it will surpass your sell point - 1500 sats for example, You stagger your sells through the rise and fall.
So like sell 1k milo at 1400, 1450, 1500 or whatever.

Dumping 10k in one sell order will scatter the flock m9.

>> No.1888180

Yeah I really wish I bought more pivx when I could. Ended up just using the £60 left over from the £200 btc I bought for milo.

Always a learning experience friend.

>> No.1888207

>I feel like unloading that amount of coins is going to be much harder. The more coins you have, the harder it's going to be to get rid of them near the peak.
>Anyone concur?

concur in theory however
Gavin will probably request that someone on the dev team liquidate for him. you can sell off chunks of 100k strategically over a week period like it's nothing without affecting the price.

>> No.1888235

Not every personality will risk their career/reputation by something like that.

Milo can do absolutely anything. He got famous by being homosexual jew that openly admires black dick and hating muslims,feminists and supporting Trump.

There's a huge chance he will support this, by he needs to be proposed with business since cash+fame is his thing.

>> No.1888237 [DELETED] 

~buy dopecoin~

>> No.1888257

Get a job

>> No.1888259

depends entirely on the volume/liquidity.

>> No.1888269

/MILO Boyz 2017/
staking like mad cunts

>> No.1888275
File: 31 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1888281

lol where's the yobit explosion. you guys are some damn fools, anyone who puts money in this. there're like in total 24 neets talking to themselves trying to drum up false support, but at the same time waiting to dump at the first spike. Milo isn't even a C list celebrity, You'd been better off with Kardashian Cash. The concentration of autism, and pajeet poo need to come up something like this must have been staggering.

>> No.1888283

>t. dogecoin bag holder

>> No.1888285

Posting my address to see if it works, the wallet had trouble downloading for me earlier


>> No.1888290

hi trumpcoiner :^)
it's gonna moon again any day now :^))))

>> No.1888320
File: 117 KB, 458x451, RARE_PSYCHO_MILO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mined 1 milo in 3 hours I'm fucking RICH my boys!

>> No.1888345

buy walls are accumulating comrades.
Cheers to out brothers down there holding the line

>> No.1888419

I've almost staked 100 coins lad.

>> No.1888423

What does this mean? Sorry for the naivity

>> No.1888469

It means people put buy/sell orders in for loads of coins, artificially raising/lowering price.

>> No.1888539
File: 4 KB, 257x142, 2017-03-20-15-43-37-1447498714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's not receiving 100 milos stake per day

who /50k club/ here?

>> No.1888543
File: 217 KB, 612x308, milo coin the top crypto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much $ would I need right now for 50k milos?

>> No.1888569
File: 488 KB, 1920x1080, 1489559827246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

elite tier reporting for duty

>> No.1888611

in a few months, $50,000

>> No.1888616

I get about 20-30 a day.

About $223

Hey, that's the first time I've seen somebody post my OC. Feelsgoodman

>> No.1888673


>> No.1888889

if quads $1/milo

>> No.1888892

like half a btc could take all the available coins on yobot...where are all the sellers?

>> No.1888894

Praise kek

>> No.1888900

praise kek one off sexts

>> No.1888910

gotta give time for the ecosystem and the market to grow. The coin is barely a week old.

>> No.1889101


>> No.1889270
File: 840 KB, 468x259, realbean.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


2 btc buy wall 400 sat, only .3 btc to get to 1000 sat

>> No.1889292

>tfw can't join elite club because nobody will fill my buy order

>> No.1889306

something has to give between buyers and sellers, even if someone wanted to yolo it, they couldn't get that many coins

>> No.1889312
File: 510 KB, 480x228, great-laugh-reaction-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not investing in NXT

>> No.1889320
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NXT chart

>> No.1889353

Me too. Some of my orders got through. Now have 20k Milos. Then I'll be an elite too. It is stable between 400-600, just like this time last year for trumps.

>> No.1889356

Just get what you can when you can. Right now we're all too hyped to let go of our milos. There's some more cheap infusion waiting in the wings though.
Enjoy this comfy time of sub k sats. Remember to be patient and believe in kek.

>> No.1889358

nobody is selling
tfw to valuable

>> No.1889359

dat buy order side
you all really think theyll dump a million milos for pennies?? hhaha how cute and naive.

>> No.1889360

>Remember to be patient and believe in kek.

>> No.1889370
File: 14 KB, 500x500, literally trade milocoin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its ridiculously early, but I cant help but keep monitoring :>

>> No.1889374

Same. I'm holding for a while, but I still like to be a part of the community.

Heck, even if the coin goes nowhere, I'm glad I got some keks from these threads while I wait on some job applications.

>> No.1889377

Nah, it's too early. There's barely an economy (exchanges only atm). Give it a month or two.


>> No.1889381

way ahead of you friendo. got my small stack in the wallet working away

>> No.1889382
File: 286 KB, 987x807, milocoin-titties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust me famalam you're gonna make it. In Milo and in your dream job.

>> No.1889391


>> No.1889393


>tfw no more wage cucking

>> No.1889413


If he does this it's pretty much a guarantee no more wage cucking for us ever again, my only concern is that if Milo thinks we're using his image to profit off, it could leave Milicoin with a bad name from the guy himself, we must approach this with caution and preparation. I think truly getting behind what the coin is trying to achieve is a must, profit must simply be a bonus from the vision the coin expresses, that in which we give Milo a voice that media cannot ignore. Heaps of potential boys, awesome stuff.

>> No.1889479

this is worth pointing out whenever this question >>1888158 is raised: >>1888259

coins are only difficult to sell if there is no demand. if the coin gets exposure, there will be demand and you'll be able to sell your coins.

>> No.1889483

don't be so cheap then buddy ;-0