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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18839633 No.18839633 [Reply] [Original]

Brainlet here, why does hyperinflation matter if most people with wealth is stored in shares of real companies? Wouldn’t it just be the cash a drug dealer shoved under his mattress that gets rekt?

>> No.18839686

try buying bread with a house

>> No.18839709
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Correct. Venezuela's stock market has been in an incredible bull run the last few years. That being said, the premise of your question is wrong: economic depressions are inherently DEflationary.

>> No.18839808

That’s a logistical problem, similar to bitcoin needing to be denominated in satoshis, seems like. Not fundamental

>> No.18839822

You’ll have to “unpack” that, I can’t tell sarcasm on this board

>> No.18840396


>> No.18840444
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10/10 bait

>> No.18840467

The companies shrink later. Everything is fucked anyway cause of the fractional reserve banking

>> No.18840816

Congratulations! You've figured out the secret to surviving the coming depression - just get rid of all cash, take out all the loans & buy assets. Then, as the cash dwindles to nothing it won't matter.

Meh, if need be businesses can take crypto if fiat becomes worthless.

>> No.18840887

I CANNOT tell sarcasm on this board. If you’re being serious then why do people care? Is it because they’re worried about their $10 bill losing purchasing power on the way to the grocery store? Is there any other concern to that?

It’s only good bait because I’m actually slow

>> No.18841307

Inflation going up effectively means wages go down, that's why.

>> No.18841620

Is there a cardiovascular analogy? Is it like circulation problems? Hand goes numb, gets frostbite, has to be amputated; lungs and heart (real assets) receive priority (Cantillon effect)? Something like that?

>> No.18842186

Tickle down economics dont work
The npc sees number on bank account and number is same number as always so everything's fine

>> No.18842582

Relevance to thread? Too many logical leaps