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18837206 No.18837206 [Reply] [Original]

Currently over $400k worth

Ask me anything.

I'll sign a proof from my biggest wallet (holds just over 36) in the next post

>> No.18837219

send me one if not gay

>> No.18837224


>> No.18837225

4chan Post ID G9WtNqW2



>> No.18837227

Whats your strat?

>> No.18837226

Why do you like cocks so much?

>> No.18837241

At this point just holding. I've been waiting for this halving since last halving.

Used to try day trade, had lots of good luck but also bad luck. I'm not sure I have the stomach for that.

Back in 2012-2014 I was obsessed with mining and learning all about the protocol.


>> No.18837272

Did you use asianwhales on telegram? Did you follow teeka tiwari? What is your opinion on bittrex? Would you still use binance if youre a verified burger? Did you get into pump and dumps other than the ones I mentioned? Do you like/dislike or dont care about financially ruining others? Do you believe your opinion will change?

>> No.18837314

wrong signature

>> No.18837336 [DELETED] 

Can you please spare me some change friend? I should have listened to those /pol/ threads almost a decade ago. Now I own my life savings in a measly .66 BTC.

>> No.18837349

What’s your exit target

>> No.18837385

How do I verify this?

>> No.18837400
File: 286 KB, 2840x1564, Capture d’écran 2020-05-03 à 12.58.25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you use asianwhales on telegram?
No, I insulate myself from all news. News doesn't affect bitcoin anymore like it used to. Stuff like protocol changes and changes in world finance do however.
>Did you follow teeka tiwari?
>What is your opinion on bittrex?
I don't have any. I use Gemini and bitstamp. I perceive them as the best and most trustworthy. Their owners are visionary. I met the CEO of bitstamp some years ago in Slovenia and from there on I trust them completely.
>Would you still use binance if youre a verified burger?
Not for any significant amount. I'd make my trades, then withdraw them to my wallets instantly if I have to. I'd love to play with all the alts just for fun, but I don't trust this exchange.
>Did you get into pump and dumps other than the ones I mentioned?
No I resisted everything except the split with bitcoin cash. I took a chance and instantly sold all the BTH for BTC. Turns out it was a good choice but I'd never take that risk again. Just let the winner win and then afterword trade them.
My friend asked me to buy FUN back in the day. I bought over 200K and made a lot of money from that. But it was just for "fun" heh
>Do you like/dislike or dont care about financially ruining others?
Anything above the poverty level, it's a dog eat dog world. I hate seeing others in poverty and would like society to help them so everyone has a fair shot in life. But once you have some money, you're the master of your destiny.
No I don't feel bad at all. Victors should never feel guilt.
>Do you believe your opinion will change?

Check that you're not including any extra spaces or line breaks. Seems to work
Pic related.

>> No.18837411

hell yeah, gemini gang

>> No.18837439

You can do it on any block explorer website. There's usually a "tools" section with a verifier in there.
Or google "verify a bitcoin signature" and use any of those sites.

Very, very slowly. If I cash it all out, then I'll owe a fortune in taxes. I intend to live a frugal live for 4 more years until the next halving and I'll be 33 years old. From there I'll decide.

I think I'll never cash out 90% of it and pass it down to my kids. By time time it would be worth millions, giving my kids the best shot in life.

>I should have listened to those /pol/ threads almost a decade ago.
It was a thread on /b/ back in 2012 that is to blame for my fortune. This is a great website. Keep your mind open you'll make it soon; read "think and grow rich" by napoleon hill.

>> No.18837458
File: 1.73 MB, 1242x2343, CF9EA493-A171-4D88-A2C2-D21DBA992234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s over for the white race bro...
I don’t know if you give a shit or not but if you get moon Money you should consider using it to buy cheap land and access to your own micro hydro and solar generation and setting up cheap but sturdy prefabricated log cabins and building a community for white people to begin expanding and accumulating necessary tools and production capabilities for farming and manufacturing.
Or just be a greedy gen Xer and blow all your money on meth and hookers like the rest of them.

>> No.18837467

doesnt seem to work on electrum

>> No.18837468

thanks be well

>> No.18837492

What will you do with the money? What will you do with your life? I'm starting to get to your level and wondering what to do.

>> No.18837499

What is your btc price predicitons?

Will btc be 4000$ or lower again soon?

>> No.18837510

and this is how you do it gents!
this is how you prove you are not talking out of your ass!
faketoshis of the world and larpniggers take note!

>> No.18837516

how did you accumulate so much? did you buy in with your USD income? or were you an early buyer back when BTC was like $3

>> No.18837527

why don't you trust Binance?

>> No.18837544
File: 255 KB, 1153x985, documents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously guys op did everything right he ensured the signature is not reusable he signed properly disclosed everything for verification. yet we still don't know who he is and if he was using vpn or tor nobody knows his ip either.

took him about 2 minutes tops. makes you really think i hope...

>> No.18837551

>trusting chinks

>> No.18837562

>read "think and grow rich" by napoleon hill.
Are you a believer in the law of attraction. I'm not sure if that is what this book is about, but I know there was a book, which may have been this book or one like it, that was written by a rich guy and was basically just law of attraction before it had a western name other than pray.

>> No.18837580

White people will be forced to live as minorities like the jews have for 2000 years. I think we'll survive, but we'll have to brutally trim the fat on our genome. Particularly women who hate themselves. They'll have to go. That's the hardest thing to tell a good man, is to let women die, even if they're unworthy. You want to save them all but I don't think you should.

I don't think going full-hippie will save anything. I think the opposite is the best choice, live in the biggest cities, in the heart of them, and live on the bleeding edge of society. Conquer new territory in technology. Struggle to compete for power. If whites are so strong, which they are, then a little competition should be no trouble at all.

As for living a "greedy" life as you say, like a hedonist, lol no. I have purpose in the world.

Not sure why. If the thread slows down I'll take a look. Try googling "verify bitcoin signature" and use a public service; it worked for me there.

my pleasure

I'll start a business and grow it maniacally. I'm not unsure of myself.

I'll start a sushi delivery company. And if I keep living in this apartment I have now, I'll also open a laundromat at the street level. Both these services are goldmines in my city and would be fun to do as "practice companies".

>What is your btc price predicitons?
100k$ minimum by next halving in 4 years
maybe 40k$ after next week's halving cools down. Maybe three months after it, or so.
>Will btc be 4000$ or lower again soon?
Maybe, but if so then it'll last a blink of an eye. I think the odds of it happening are low enough to not bet on it.

thanks for checking

>> No.18837623

i used btc.com to check, now i feel dirty.
did you claim all the forks or just bcash?
there might be some change left in you old private keys.

how much eth do you own?

have you checked nft games?

>> No.18837656

How much (approximately) will you cash out to start those companies? Considered starting something myself, I read that a good start fund for a company is something like 30k

>> No.18837675

>how did you accumulate so much?
I became fascinated back in 2012. But it was a purely technical fascination.

I saved up 30k from my job as a sysadmin, working my tail off for that. I wanted to start investing, so I chose, among other things, an oil hedge fund. In less than 30 days I lost 1200$ in that fund because some arabs across the world working for OPEC decided to release a price lock, letting oil price freefall a little bit. I then got very angry that some arabs in a foreign country have any control over my money, so I wanted to eject from this broken system (that was my opinion at the time, I'm different now). So I ejected instantly and put all 30k into bitcoin just to keep it out of anyone else's hands. Shortly after, it swelled like +5k or something and I fell in love. I became a trader and obsessed over charts, protocols, all the possibilities of it. It became a terrible obsession for me.

Because there's no recourse if they misbehave. Also I remember chinese exchanges getting suspiciously "hacked" back in the day. Unlike Japan, where the guy faced arrest if he doesn't comply with all the regulators, or the US/EU where enforcement is also good for crime.

I remember a tiny exchange, I forget the name now, getting hacked in the USA back in 2013. I loved that exchange and luckily I had nothing inside at that time. But it forced me to accept the reality that you can lose your money so easily. It's important to understand all levels of security

>Are you a believer in the law of attraction.
The short answer is yes. Probably not like what you're saying tho.

There is something mystical about the mind. When we get ideas or make decisions, where do they come from? I think just like eyeballs can accept and process light, there's something in our mind that accepts and processes consciousness. But we can't simply listen to it, we have to emotionally desire it and the emotional mind accepts it like an eye accepts light.

>> No.18837689

Only 45 I can't believe you. 8 years and only 45.

>> No.18837710
File: 416 KB, 1400x2220, 81NcurHogkL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is something mystical about the mind. When we get ideas or make decisions, where do they come from? I think just like eyeballs can accept and process light, there's something in our mind that accepts and processes consciousness. But we can't simply listen to it, we have to emotionally desire it and the emotional mind accepts it like an eye accepts light.
Read this anon.
Our brains are just amplifiers for what really drives us.
Actually, it would be more accurate to say that our bodies are just temporary vessels for us, like a car you drive and eventually discard.

>> No.18837760

When are you planning to sell most of your stash?

>> No.18837766

Just bcash
That's a good idea. I'd need to set aside a weekend to dig back and find it all but thank you
>how much eth do you own?
>have you checked nft games?

Only the minimum I need. Plus enough to make it beautiful. In my city, stuff like laundromats don't have magical touches, like beautiful art, better music, nice windows, etc. I'll pay a lot upfront to add magic to my businesses. I wish more people would do that.

Rent is just a few grand a month, I'll take it out as needed.

I'll probably transfer the bitcoin to the business first, then cash it, to avoid the tax.

I'll pay myself nothing of course.

Yeah I think 30k is a reasonable number. The sushi shop will just be a kitchen with a window to hand off to delivery guys like deliveroo and ubereats.

desu I'm real excited thinking about this. I know it'll be a huge success and it's so easily in the realm of ability for me.

I made a lot of terribly heart-breaking mistakes. I used to have much more.

We're not perfect. If you broke your own heart, too, just don't give up. 45 is still a lot and enough to spring more ideas into action.

Thanks I'll check it out

>> No.18837773

>When are you planning to sell most of your stash?
I'll die with 90% of it unsold.

>> No.18837798

Do you believe Ethereum has a future? Why yes/why no?

>> No.18837841

i think this thread is excellent it shows you so many things for example: we are all humans and prone to failure. even if you make it on bitcoin it doesn't mean you are smart or special. you can say the weirdest shit and be wrong about most things in life especially when it comes to alt scams picked up by early adopters.
this mysticism angle is a nice touch op!

>> No.18837855

Godspeed to you, anon.
>I'll probably transfer the bitcoin to the business first, then cash it, to avoid the tax.
You mean you can put BTC on the business books before cashing out in order to avoid tax? Is there legal precedence for this?

>> No.18837865 [DELETED] 


>> No.18837910

No. It never did. It was just a containment-coin to keep away the fad of blockchain computing and the desire to add all sorts of unreasonable contract functions to bitcoin.

It'll never work because it serves no new purpose. Everything ETH is special for, requires some sort of "peer" to the real world, where things can get ugly, men can tell lies, etc. So then all the things that ETH is not special for, is no different than bitcoin.

Bitcoin is completely autonomous idea. It has no peer to reality.

There's also the embarrassing fork ETH had back in the day. That is not how money should work. It's not safe; that's some federal-reserve level shit. All those men should have lost and moved on with their lives. But instead, the ETH devs made this blunder. Which is good because it's an arrow in the chest of their credibility as a money.

At this point, most people buy ETH and LTC because they are cheaper to own a whole coin. Newbies could look at a LTC and think "wow I could buy this and it'll moon like bitcoin", but really it'll never happen because there are so many LTCs in circulation. This means their value is largely built upon the ignorance of retail users.

Exactly. Thank you anon

>Is there legal precedence for this?
If the move doesn't produce profit, then you don't owe taxes for it. As long as I spend all the cash on business expenses then it's not tax liable.
You have the right to send your personal assets to your business you completely own, of course; so there's no issue there.

>> No.18837917

>maybe 40k$ after next week's halving cools down
Are you delusional??
Or did you mean $4k?

>> No.18837919

What country are you in?

What do you think of Link

>> No.18837923

should work, put it in as equity then deduct your spending as expenses

>> No.18837938

This guy worked hard and got lucky.

But is not bright. There is NO FUCKING WAY we will get $40k in 3 weeks.

This guy is a smart whale, who is larping.
Today I am selling a few of my coins because prices will FALL and literally it will be bloody. Screencap this.

>> No.18837952

400k not that much

>> No.18837960

Only half of what the average person will make in his or her entire life in a first world country :)

>> No.18838004

he said after the halving, he didnt say how long it would take

>> No.18838025

Surprised there aren't any begging third worlders in this thread. OP has large balls. I can't imagine being that deep in crypto. My portfolio is worth 60k (from 25k) at the moment and it sketches me out to the point where I don't think about it.

I do believe like him that if BTC truly takes off again, it won't stop till everyone in the world is stupified.

>> No.18838027

hon hon op faguette

>> No.18838055

sell the halvening event. Just a friendly tip from another big fish

>> No.18838069

>he said after the halving, he didnt say how long it would take
He said it you absolute retard
>maybe 40k$ after next week's halving cools down
Maybe three months after it, or so.

OP confirmed to be an absolute retard

>> No.18838074

>Or did you mean $4k?
No I meant 40$k.

You have to understand how price works. Don't think of it like a line on a graph, see it instead like two massive tectonic plates crushing into each other with the forces of billions of tons.

Instead of tons, it's dollars. The bitcoin price is the result of these incredible crushing forces. The crushing force of buying, pushing it up; and the crushing force of selling and inflation, pushing it down.

Right now, and for a long time, there has not been must organic force selling on bitcoin. The vast majority of people are buying. So the main force pushing the price down is the inflation schedule. Which at a price of 8000$ is a force of 14000000$ everyday. Overnight this will be cut in half.

When that happens, you'll see a surge in price for the next 3 months or so. After it settles down, I anticipate 40000$ will be a good price. At that price (and after the halving), that push an inflationary force downward on the price of 36$million every day. I doubt the price can resist that much force unless something terrible happens because of the coronavirus inflation on the USD.

So I give it a target of about 40k. Just crunch the numbers. This isn't a real big mystery. Also look at the history and make inferences.

>What country are you in?
>What do you think of Link
It'll fail because it offers no innovation. It's API with extra steps. There's no advantage of using it on a blockchain. This technology exists already but in better forms. There's already other ways of securing, proving, and validating API calls without using blockchain.

Like most alts, this one relies largely on the ignorance of the investors. It's a con.

>> No.18838105

With BTC at 40k and the blockspace again congested, I don't see how it can go higher. Fees killed it previously and it might happen this time too.

>> No.18838150

thats the most retarded thing ive read in a while

>> No.18838175

What coins do you think are good then?

Will any of them bring more roi than btc?

I have 3000$ saved what should I do to make it?

>> No.18838176

Learning the protocol and thinking about it frees me from fear. also experiencing huge losses in all forms, from my own calculates mistakes, to my own reckless mistakes, to gambling, to things that were totally out of my control makes me safe from a lot of fear. Once you face your fears, they're never the same again. At this point I have far more confidence than fear. You can do it. There's solutions for everything. Try and disprove your fears. Either you're right and the fear will melt, or you're wrong and it's valid and you should take defensive action.

But in this moment, especially with the halving around the corner and coronavirus working to our advantage, your BTC holding is a very, very good idea. I hope this helps.

>I do believe like him that if BTC truly takes off again, it won't stop till everyone in the world is stupified.
(・o・) ( ・o・)

>blockspace again congested
Research lightning.

Even in the meantime, the fees are (and will still be) cheaper than trading bars of gold. If that helps you, then temporarily perceive bitcoin as an alternative to gold. At least until lightning takes off.

>> No.18838194

Makes more sense

I've always wondered - What Wallet do you use and other whales use?

Where do you store you BTC?

>> No.18838207

Any book recommendations too?

>> No.18838215

You are fucking retarded OP, seriously

>> No.18838229

>On the Instability of Bitcoin Without the Block Reward
Princeton university

>Beyond the doomsday
economics of “proof-of work” in cryptocurrencies
Monetary and Economic Department


"Second, the transaction market cannot generate an adequate level of
“mining” income via fees as users free-ride on the fees of other transactions in a block and in the
subsequent blockchain. Instead, newly minted bitcoins, known as block rewards, have made up the bulk
of mining income to date. Looking ahead, these two limitations imply that liquidity is set to fall dramatically
as these block rewards are phased out. Simple calculations suggest that once block rewards are zero, it
could take months before a Bitcoin payment is final, unless new technologies are deployed to speed up
payment finality. Second-layer solutions such as the Lightning Network might help, but the only
fundamental remedy would be to depart from proof-of-work, which would probably require some form
of social coordination or institutionalisation."

>Written by phd´s in computer science and economics. Bitcoiners can’t refute this fud, lol

>> No.18838258

Yet he has more money in btc than your 3rd world ass will have in 3 lifetimes. Its not all lines on a graph, its economic theory, something you zoomer NEETS can't comprehend even with all the time in the world to read.

>> No.18838283

boom roasted

>> No.18838304

>What coins do you think are good then?
Although I bite my tongue when I say this, there is some value to litecoin. If bitcoin is like gold, then litecoin is like silver. It'll come in use if the fees get too high again before lightning is complete.

>Will any of them bring more roi than btc?
Nope. Not in the long term.

>I have 3000$ saved what should I do to make it?
I don't want to tell you what you should do. It's up to you. But if it was me I would invest 90% in bitcoin and hold forever and then play with the 10% in goofy alt markets, personal applications and scrips, etc so you learn the ropes. Just doing the actions will make you think about stuff. Thinking about stuff will tempt you to learn. Learning becomes experience. And then experience gives you confidence later on to make big choices independently.

I'd also tempt you to activate your critical mind as much as possible. You can really rely on yourself. Took me a long time to learn that.

I use trezor wallet and most whales I know also use trezor.

Ledger has lesser security. The guys behind trezor are old school and took it very seriously.

Think and grow rich by Napolean Hill

Taught me what is special about rich people. There was a point when reading this book that everything suddenly "clicked" and I knew exactly what to do, how to get where I wanted to be. This book is for breaking into the mindset of a rich man.

Mastering Bitcoin by Andreas Antonopoulos (the second edition because it includes details on lightning)

This book is the best book I've discovered, so far, which accurately and comprehensively explains the protocol of bitcoin in a way that anyone can understand. It was produced by an open-source community and not just one guy or team.

These two should be a great catapult.

>> No.18838310

I dont get where you got that money from. Bitcoin doesnt generate cash - meaning that whole bunch of people lost money on buying bitcoing, to even out your winnings.
That's what I dont get
How can there be so many dumb people out there.

>> No.18838323

>There's already other ways of securing, proving, and validating API calls without using blockchain.
the point is that someone has to push this data on the chain. Blockchains cannot fetch data by themselves, that's the whole reason oracles exist. If a chain were to fetch external data that can change during the fetching, consensus would become fragmented.

>> No.18838327


>> No.18838348

how does it feel knowing that'll be worth $450,000,000 in the next decade?

>> No.18838403

Points of weakness and failure. There's no innovation when you peer it to the outside world.

You can store things already in databases with integrity checks that are much more efficient than link.

But if you think I'm wrong, put your money there. You have to trust yourself.

I can vaguely see the error in your line-of-thought. Instead try perceiving bitcoin as a foreign currency. Like dollars and yen. Trading one for the other doesn't exploit anyone.

feelsgoodman. Well until I remember the part where USD hyperinflation making it worth much less. But I like big numbers :DDDD

>> No.18838430

Holy fuck. Anybody seriously asking this guy for advice must be retarded

>> No.18838466

As said before, a database storing an external variable is not enough, because data needs to be pushed. Otherwise you cannot get consensus execution. Oracles are an absolute necessity if you want smart contracts of external data on the chain.

Say you have a database that automatically pushes. No matter how secure it used to be in old applications, for smart contracts it becomes an attack vector. This is because smart contracts don't have a common sense factor in their interactions. In old applications, if an API would give a strange result, some middleman would simply not use it for a bit. But a smart contract would execute it resulting in the possible loss of high amounts of contracted money. That's why it would suddenly become a significant attack vector compared to in old applications.

Decentralized oracles are an absolute must.

>> No.18838501

Lost my respect for op and this thread

>> No.18838509

I sold all my btc as well for the halving. I’m looking at a rocky next couple months where bitcoin will potentially fall to 4K post halving and slowly creep up to 20k by January. You actually are clueless if you think btc will hit 40k in 3 months in the middle of a pandemic. LOL

>> No.18838542

OP is a literal clueless dumbfuck. And no ammount of Bitcoin will change this fact.

>> No.18838554

Fuck off with your pathetic begging streetshitting pajeet. Seriously neck yourself and KYS fag

>> No.18838603

>Trading one for the other doesn't exploit anyone

No, you reasoning is flawed. Lets treat it as exchange: If I take 10 units of crypto/yen for 10 dollars, and then further down the line exchange the those 10 cryptos/yen and get 1000 dollars back, it appears as if 990 dollars came to existence out of thin air. Except obviously that didn't happen - Those 990 dollars came from other people who lost money on same kind of exchange.
And I'm just baffled that was successful,
people really do just throw their money away.

>> No.18838714

I would encourage you to think about this a little more. But like I said, you have to rely on yourself in the end. If you think it's the right move, then make it.

But I don't.

Like I said, litecoin only has a use when bitcoin fees surge. You can observe this from last time it happened, litecoin surged to over 120$. Until the bitcoin fees settled again and litecoin was put back on the throne of uselessness.

I'm only interested in sharing facts and my honest perceptions to give back to 4chan. I'm not concerned with fads, fashion, nor being liked by anyone.

But I don't own any litecoin right now.

Oh. That's called earning money by speculation. There is a personality of people who consider that evil and believe it should be outlawed. Perhaps they're right. But it's legal right now, so if you're not doing it, then you're going to be left behind.

Morally, I'm tempted to side with you but that's just not the world we're living in.

>people really do just throw their money away.
It's a dog-eat-dog world and riddled of exploitation. You have to be a bit of a psycho to prevail, because yeah, you depend on the foolish mistakes of the gullible.

Personally I have no sympathy for anyone in the top 1%. To them life is all just a game, a contest and they're playing it to win. They're out of touch with suffering. For me, I dream of entering that class and just seeing the power of my own mind wrestling against the power of all these other men in a global arena. It would be so fun to lay in my death bed at like 80 years old and look back and see all that I was, and wasn't, capable of. My worth and rank in society marked forever.

But out of that arena, and into the lives of normal people, I agree with you. Politically I'm socialist for this and other reasons

>> No.18838746

Also people serve their self-interest. Even if they're late to the game, it's still profitable to buy into bitcoin. Less profit is better than no profit. So bitcoin ceaselessly expands.

>> No.18838836

I admire OP for proving he is not a larper. But this thread proves that even if you're successful you can still have retarded views.

>> No.18838853
File: 78 KB, 640x480, 1522770234132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You predict 40k after halvening but what if the markets collapse? Which is very likely. It will cause a rush to liquidate bitcoin just like happened in march. It will be the final chance to accumulate.
Also 50k eoy, 100k eoy 2021

>> No.18838890
File: 1.08 MB, 756x903, btcmoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats for accumulating so much and holding on to it in 2020. I had 52 at one point. I only have a handful now because it's so hard to hold on to Bitcoin with the massive volatility. One day you have absolute confidence that its going to continue to appreciate and the next day you go quickly to sell because it looks almost certain that it was a huge bubble that is spiraling down and you should have sold much earlier. The handful I hold on to are timelocked BTC for 2021 and smaller amounts for 2025 and 2029. Without that functionality I wouldn't have been able to hold on to that much. How have you managed to hold that much without panic selling?

Also totally agree on your $40K price point or somewhere in that vicinity as reasonable. I've also been doing the calculation based on downward pressure from miners and the new money needed to support prices and even next year it's totally unrealistic to see Bitcoin support much higher prices for long periods of time. It might bubble higher but there will be huge drops

>> No.18838915

You were all about mining and you just end up with 45? Was it even hard back then?

>> No.18839034

yep, modest semi autistic guy who decided to hold, made some money good for him. Wish him all the best with sushi and all. But imagine shilling that book lol

>> No.18839054

Interesting. So you've posted a btc address and then I guess a signature associated with that address? So, is every btc address a "wallet"? I have about 42 btc on my trezor, but I've used 50+ addresses to receive them.

>> No.18839074

You guys ever think that maybe all the successful people aren't wrong? Perhaps the mentality that poor people share, while being a majority, isn't correct? Just look to the results.

I see that as opportunity. I'd trade toilet papper for bitcoin if I had to, to claim more at a price like that. Either I win, or I win. I love these kind of gambles.

Very good choice. I don't hear this word a lot but it's a very good shelter against fear.

>How have you managed to hold that much without panic selling?
Vision. My default state of mind is in the future. I think this comes from being beaten and abused my my mother as a child. She was unreasonable, there was an element of randomness to her abuse. It taught me that even though you're suffering now, it's more important to frame your decisions for the future. The present moment always betrayed me and was unpredictable.

So even if the present moment curses me with a crash, my planning and understanding of the protocol and markets keeps me calm. I just "know" it'll be back to normal in a few days or years.

I think my very, very deep in depth understanding of the protocol helps me. That's one thing that seems to make me special. I've never met in my life anyone who knows more about bitcoin than I do. I hate it. But it shows me people are willing to play with things that they don't understand. I see it as such an inevitability, that it WILL, absolutely, for certain take over in the future. At the very least it'll make gold obsolete. At the very best, is obvious.

I do experience fear, but it's not due to present-moment crashes. It's more like if I fell broke IRL, would I sell? I want to say no, but when you're starving, then maybe. Or if I ever think day trading is a good idea again and lost it all doing that. So I've thought about timelocking my coins to protect myself from myself.

I appreciate you calculating the numbers about the mining inflation schedule.

>> No.18839170
File: 101 KB, 176x198, 1588445227831.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op you think there's going to be a time to buy after the halving or not, should I pull the trigger now with my 30k savings. Already have some in BTC.

>> No.18839201

Buy the post halvening crash. When the markets go to shit institutional holders will sell to keep their less liquid asset afloat. Or play it safe and buy now, either way you'll make a profit.

>> No.18839241

I used to have hundreds of bitcoin. I made a lot of really painful mistakes.

>Was it even hard back then?
No actually it was super easy :D I had a setup with GPU's, two radeons. Unfortunately I hit hard times and had to lose it. But I was mining .4 a day using pools or 25 BTC per block if I was willing to wait. It was a really fun time and exciting. Nothing like it existed before.

I also had a preorder for a BFL miner which eventually arrived. I was a lucky one. It was 40GH/s which was insane back then. I used it several days with a raspberry pi and loved it. I felt like a king. But I was still on hard times and had to sell it. Unfortunately, the guy I sold it to had conned me and never paid me (please don't ask...) and I lost my BFL after waiting over a year to get it and only a few days use.

Yeah you can create a verifiable signed message with any address.

The term "wallet" usually refers to the program you use, like Electrum, Bitcoin core, or trezor. To put it over-simply, a wallet is a collection of private keys and addresses you control. There's more to it but don't overthink it. It's just a word.

Yes of course. It's always a good time to buy. Bitcoin will be climbing for years to come. Don't expect a moon or explosion, those days have already passed. But as an investment choice I think it's the best and will exceed any traditional investment choice.

>should I pull the trigger now with my 30k savings.
I don't want to tell you what to do, be sure to make your own choices. But do it NOW, like right the fuck now, open a new browser tab and do it. The halving is coming in just 8 days now. Get in before that happens and hold for a bumpy ride during corona and the post-halving cooldown. I think you'll at least double your money.

I put my money where my mouth is and I'm over 400k in, which is 99% of all my money.

>> No.18839373

Dude, making an analogy of techtonic plates crashing together isn’t what they mean when they say “crunch the numbers.” Your post makes no sense. Inflation would cause the price to rise not to fall.

>> No.18839396

>Inflation would cause the price to rise not to fall.

thanks for stopping by i guess?

>> No.18839415

His proposed “theory” is nonsense.

>> No.18839425

I'm brand new to all of this but I have experience with crypto like Bitcoin and Eth.

I just want to make a little money on the side. What resources can I use to learn and what should I do?

Robinhood stocks like Amazon or holding crypto?

>> No.18839451

There is some good information in this thread, but most of it is garbled nonsense.

Bitcoin will crash <3k , we are in the midst of an incredibly large deflationary cycle. Just look at the amount of people that just want to buy and hold it to get rich - without understanding what gives it value.

OP being bearish on ETH and Link is also retarded, the only reason we had the run to 20k was because people were buying BTC to trade for alt-coins, it was the only use case it ever really demonstrated.

>> No.18839497

don't speak if you're not sure what you're talking about.

>> No.18839498

Most of these 'OGs' are completely clueless, they have only seen Bitcoin in an equity bull, any predictions they make are guesses. Don't bestow upon them an oracle like foresight.

Bitcoin at this price point, doesn't have any attraction. If we go to 20k , thats a 2x, you could have got that from any stock buying the march low. Around 2k, with a prolonged accumulation period, with everyone in the media proclaiming it dead, with everyone in the crypto world having to liquidate it as the recession hits, as inflation slowly begins to tick up, imperceptibly at first.

Thats when you buy.

>> No.18839523

Please learn standard terminology before trying to argue with people. Otherwise, you aren't on the same page and it's hard to see what you're trying to say.
Financial Terms Dictionary on investopedia is ok.

This is a word salad anon. A for effort

>> No.18839536

Fair value is $12 a coin

>> No.18839549

I dont know what to think. Im not in crypto nor I plan to be, so I guess it doesn't matter.
I don't get why halvening affects the economy of BTC.
>imbecile, previous 2 halvening were followed by..
ye, but I don't understand why. Maybe some kind of placebo effect where people's reasoning is
>mining creates half as much now, so the already mined is worth twice as much

>> No.18839568
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how come you put 30k into Bitcoin in 2012 but have only 400k worth right now? What went wrong?

>> No.18839569

45 Bitcoin soon to be worth 45 dollars kek

>> No.18839579

>source: dude trust me

>> No.18839583

What do you do now for crypto? Just hold no trading?

Biggest loss you've had in a single event?
>lost 50k or so trading a shit coin in a pump and dump

Biggest risk you took? Did it pay off
>Made 50k in a shitcoin pump and dump

Safe to say I don't take part in pnd anymore after the McAfee alt coin of the day shenanigans.

Have 8btc now and hodling

>> No.18839594

>>>18839054 (You)
>Yeah you can create a verifiable signed message with any address.
>The term "wallet" usually refers to the program you use, like Electrum, Bitcoin core, or trezor. To put it over-simply, a wallet is a collection of private keys and addresses you control. There's more to it but don't overthink it. It's just a word.

Thanks for the reply.

>> No.18839597

>you could have got that from any stock buying the march low

but they didnt, now they're worried it might disappear if they do come in late. that's the part you didn't mention. people see profits slipping away and fixating on opportunity cost, they can't see anything else right now that offers returns

Fomo on the anomaly, once again. Fomo is constant

>> No.18839599

Inflation is an increase in the money supply. Money supply increases, asset prices increase to offset that inflation. Wtf are you talking about?

If you’re referring to inflation of the BTC supply, ok, that would cause the price to decrease and the mining reward halving would decrease that. But the analogy is still nonsense. The volume of mined BTC being dumped is very small in relation to BTC in circulation. It isn’t resulting in selling pressure that could lead to a manifold increase in price.

This is delusion. The 2017 bull run wasn’t a result of the mining reward halving. It was speculation coupled with a prolific shitcoin market and even more prolific social media and lots of people having high speed Internet on phones.

>> No.18839620

Why is there so much anger in this section of 4chan? I come here to help and do my best yet some of you guys act like I'm a demon.

Asking me this feels like asking a nerd in the 90's if you should invest in a fax machine company or an internet company. Bitcoin is the future (not crypto, just bitcoin). So if you have the appetite for vision and risk, I'd suggest buying and learning about bitcoin so you'll be ahead of the curve.

Otherwise, if your risk appetite is low, then just do traditional stocks. Your government is compelled to protect the stock market and finances of the country. It's still the safest choice. But everything has risk.

The only truly risk-free option is buying and holding gold. Gold is the longest-standing money ever in all of humanity, surviving the rise and fall of empires.

>OP being bearish on ETH and Link
I'm not bearish on them. I'm absolutely against then because they're stupid. They offer zero innovation.

>> No.18839652

Do you think smart contracts are useless? How do you propose smart contracts, if they're useful, interact with external data?

>> No.18839700

im this faggot anon
i just need you to be a little clearer please.
I appreciate you putting some heart into a thread

>> No.18839702

I think it is because bitcoin was once so great people expected it to stay like that. And since it lost so heavily (as it should) thats where this stigma comes from. I don't know man. Bitcoin puts me off as well. I feel like something is off with it but your 100% on the innovation part

>> No.18839707

A lot.

I made so many mistakes. There was one day I lost 225k$ in a single bad trade. I stopped working in 2014 and started living off my crypto, a huge mistake and i'll regret for my life.

I only bought a few grand back in 2012. The 30k purchase was in late 2014 iirc.

I was on hard times in 2012/2013 and I had no money to spare. Despite trying all I could, even working at a gas station spending every cent I possibly could on bitcoin, I was suffering and there was times I had to clear it. That happened many times. But I kept trying.

there were some times in my life where I forgot about bitcoin for months at a time. As if I lost my dream only to have it come back later.

I gambled on satoshidice and lost 15btc

I capitulated to fear on many times and led to mistakes, both reckless and calculated.

My worst regrets are always the stuff I never did but could have. I don't regret my mistakes because I learn from them and they are always worth it. But I hate myself for never doing stuff I knew I should have.

I know that's a bit of a crazy answer but I'm scared of getting too personal and I don't remember everything. There's so much history in my life with bitcoin.

>> No.18839727

>Keynesian definition of inflation is rising prices
>Austrian definition of inflation is increase of currency supply

>> No.18839735

You’re wrong though. They offer huge innovations on ease of use and access which is the most important aspect of a technology. The PC would have never taken off if people needed to run command prompts in MS Dos forever. Things like GUIs and pictoral OSs helped initiate the PC revolution. No one is going to use Bitcoin’s slow and shitty blockchain for anything. This is why ChainLink is brilliant. It takes advantage of much faster and better systems than blockchain while attempting to also use the security benefits of blockchain. It is a best of all worlds project.

Anyone who has developed anything using blockchain knows it is shit and he will do everything possible to avoid using it.

>> No.18839755
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>It'll never work because it serves no new purpose.

>> No.18839765

I need exactly 1.66 BTC
what do I need to do for you to give this to me?

>> No.18839777

>sushi delivery company
How do you plan to compete with deliveroo?

>> No.18839800

Responses like this are stupid and annoying. Try arguing your perspective instead of being a nigger that responds with emojis.

Nothing being said is laughable or comedy. You’re not crying with laughter.

>> No.18839801

Why aren’t you buying link when BTc goes down in UsD value to hold your Satoshi value?

>> No.18839839

>What do you do now for crypto?
Nothing, just holding. I'm always listening to the world and thinking.

>Biggest loss you've had in a single event?
225k$ on a single trade in one day. Also on the advice of a friend but it was my fault because it was my decision. Regardless he felt so guilty afterwords.

>Biggest risk you took?
That's a good question. I can't think of a single biggest, but I remember one of the most emotional. I recently put my first and only nest egg of 30k$ into bitcoin and started day trading. I'd stay up like 24 hours doing this because the markets never closed. I slept like 4-6 hours and continued. My roommate thought I was insane. I started writing little scripts, bots to automate the trades. Anyway I made one "all-in" trade to sell, then re-buy at a certain price and FELL ASLEEP. Woke up in a state of absolute panic and jumped onto my computer to see that, actually, the trade was completely successful and I'm now worth 70k$.

I spent the rest of my day off the computer. Just in a daze. I remember walking outside, going to the market, buying food. Looking around. Just thinking "I did it". I made a year's salary in one day just using my mind. I kept thinking "I did it" with a numb blank face and expression. I sat on the sofa and told that to my roommate "i'm worth 70k, the richest i've even been" and she looked at me, a total mess, bags under my eyes, I looked insane. She just scoffed smiled and said "congrats" then i quietly wandered back into my room and continued.

>Have 8btc now and hodling
Nice congrats:)

>> No.18839857


>depends anon
are you a researcher?

>> No.18839861
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Jesus This is why buy and hold is the best thing to do.

Could you imagine playing black jack with ounces of gold? It's insane.

Glad you still have a significant holding of bitcoin. I highly recommend you watch this video.


When bitcoin moons and the USD goes into a hyper inflation/ collapse of the world monetary system. I am going to use my precious metals and bitcoin to buy up cheap real estate and build manufacturing in my country.

The world is changing very fast, and the people with hard money (gold,silver btc) are going to be the ones rebuilding the world after the fiat ponzi scheme collapses.

>> No.18839880
File: 392 KB, 1080x1080, Bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when he talks about techtonic plates he's talking about the buying vs selling pressure. The selling pressure has been the strongest from miners with their 1800 rewards. For BTC to hold an average price of say ~$8K from Jan. 2018 to now means ~$14MM of new money has to come is just to support the downward pressure of miner rewards. That buying pressure has been pretty constant to hold that type of price range. The selling pressure has probably been even more with big whales dumping, price manipulations, exogenous events etc thus resulting in massive volatility.

when he talks about inflation he's talking about mining rewards. Now halve that to 900 daily rewards and the buying pressure remains the same, this will start to cause an upward rise in price when this begins to have more and more of an impact on the market. Even whales dumping will now have a less of an impact. This will cause an upwards price movement, bring in new buyers, result in more money flowing in where a support of $40K requires about $36MM new money coming in daily. This is entirely reasonable expectation and not some moonboy dream of $100K next year which I don't think there will be enough new money coming in to support. But long term it's probably to have continuous appreciation that beat the traditional markets although the days for parabolic returns after halvenings is probably over.

>> No.18839918
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>Everything ETH is special for, requires some sort of "peer" to the real world, where things can get ugly, men can tell lies, etc.
Have you looked in to chainlink? This is the starting point for most original buyers who found out about it as well. What you describe is known as the oracle problem, and this solves it. I'd highly recommend reading the whitepaper and your opinion on ETH might change. Without chainlink, ETH is indeed useless. Godspeed anon.

>> No.18839928

Yea, I actually am. That is why I made a post negating his claim that ethereum and ChainLink offer no innovation.

>> No.18839946
File: 144 KB, 445x594, 20200428_204413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is the classic BTC early adopter who was in the right place at the right time.
To him BTC is all that matters, there won't be anything like BTC ever, just like how ETH is all that matters for early adopter of smart contract.

I applause his honesty and conviction though.

>> No.18839964

heres a shit analogy from me
>we got to the moon, with biiiiig tubes, they had some sort of fuel in them
>the flames out the back make it go
Theres science and shit to back it up but you could build a rocket with the information i gave right?

>so yeah, if i already know how to build one i could fudge it, if im dumb im making a deadly mistake and it goes bang

>> No.18839977

My post was linking between you two :)
Thanks for making me money.

>> No.18839999

USD hyperinflation is a meme by the gold merchants. Sure, if America was the only country in the world it would totally hyper inflate with the money printing. What you're missing is that literally every other country is dollar starved and printing even harder. Also geopolitically the US is in a very good position and can just withdraw from the Bretton Woods and win.

>> No.18840016

>Do you think smart contracts are useless?
No as long as all the contract is on the blockchain. Things like a multisig escrow are very useful. The point is that bitcoin itself, and nothing else, needs to be the courthouse. Any peer to the outside world is a point of vulnerability.

It's safer to use existing technologies to deal with external data than using link. I think part of the problem of ignorance is the speculative investors simply don't know enough about API calls and current state of technology. So they're easy to fool.

Thank you anon

In that post I was referring to bitcoin's inflation. The mining reward is part of a "fixed, predictable inflation schedule" to issue the first 21m bitcoins. When I said inflationary pressure as a tectonic force down on the price, I'm referring to all these newly minted coins entering into circulation. The rate in which that happens will cut in half overnight. This is a very powerful force which will (at current value) drop from a selling pressure of 14+ million dollars into only 7+ million dollars each day.

When this happens, it's like loosening your thumb on the end of the garden hose. It'll start spouting water until the price rises high enough to find equilibrium with the new rate of inflation.

>> No.18840030

you (peter) Zeihanist shill


The US is fucked.

>> No.18840036

so you really think a change in the inflation rate of BTC which can be anticipated years in advance is not already priced in?! why do cryptofags always believe they are the only one who are able to see the true development of the market. if it was that obvious, some hedge funds would have already poured so much money in the market that the price would have been 40k one year ago. and inb4: the market does not work like techtonic plates that crush together each day to determine the price for this day while completely ignoring future developments (especially if they are as certain as the halving)

>> No.18840062

What would exactly cause high interest rates and how would the FED not be able to stomp them down?

>> No.18840083

i respected you until you indicated that Eth offers zero innovaiton

>> No.18840134

If op ever cash out, he will be piss poor again in matter of few years like majority of early adopters they fall for same mistakes

>> No.18840138

>people expected it to stay like that.
Give it a read. Buy that book I mentioned above and decide for yourself. You could change your mind or stay the same, but at least then you'll have the confidence that you made the call and not to the pressure of other people. When you're trying to gauge something serious like your life savings, it's really hard to read through the lens of other people, especially when opinions are all over the place. Knowing the reality for yourself frees you from having to read others.

I already have all that I need; interesting question though, made me think.

I'll use them. I'll run a kitchen and make the sushis and use deliveroo and ubereats to deal with the delivery and credit cards. The delivery food in my city is very bad and the ones that are good are obnoxiously expensive. I can fix this.

Also the French love sushi for some reason. I don't mind. It would be so fun :D

It's tricky to make moves like that without using an untrustworthy exchange. Right now I'm focused on the next halving and the corona situation. I'm also trying to eject from speculation and start making money in my life by creating new things, like companies.

>> No.18840231

>When bitcoin moons and the USD goes into a hyper inflation

>I am going to use my precious metals and bitcoin to buy up cheap real estate and build manufacturing in my country.

I get good vibes from you. I think you're very masculine and your planning and desire to produce will work out for you.

Thank you. You said it better than I could.

I keep an open mind. I listen to everything.

>> No.18840514

>Also the French love sushi for some reason.

Club dorothée mec, on est le 2eme pays consommateur de mangas après le jap'

>> No.18840550

>so you really think a change in the inflation rate of BTC which can be anticipated years in advance is not already priced in?!
Even if more people buy now, then downward force gets stronger with each step up in price. Therefor, no matter how many people anticipate the halving, it'll still have a price-raising effect.

Price doesn't work how you think. It's not just a free little line on a graph. It's the result of a dramatic, incredible force of all the buyers crashing and grinding against the force of all the sellers. A good metaphor is tectonic places crushing into each other deciding a new fault line.

"Priced-in" is a tricky way of saying it, because it's not accurate. If you speculate the price will increase, then you'll buy now. So you increase the flow of buying power on the price. It raises the price now. This increase is up against all the normal sellers but also the inflation schedule... which has not yet halved yet. So even speculative buyers will reach a balance against this force. Until one day it halves and a big chunk of the downward force suddenly disappears.

The halving is a release on downward force, not an increase on upward force. You're seeing this all wrong.

>> No.18840557

dunno man we got about 100 years to figure this shit out. no rush.

>> No.18841329
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Shoulda guessed op was french. Fuck off you frech coward.

>> No.18841401

It isn't though? Someone would have to only work from 25 to 65 and make only 20k a year without ever getting a raise for that to make any sense at all. I literally just started my career 3 years ago and I'm making a lot more than that and I haven't gotten any meaningful promotion. I think your country must be "first world in name only".

>> No.18841445

Do you know that the volume on the FIAT exchanges only went down since March and that the recent pump was because of Tether and not because so many people bought in?
This market has not enough buyers. And the price will crash again.
How can one man be so retarded

>> No.18841700

I really like your state of mind bro. I took the recommended book for a read, thanks!

(et de français à français, je te souhaite d'atteindre tes objectifs dans la vie, sans oublier de fonder une belle famille)

>> No.18842097

thank you bro

>> No.18842230

Inflation makes pricetag go up.
Value is not the same as price.

Your understanding of inflation is the biggest issue I have with anything you said. You seem intelligent, though. I'll assume it's the way you put things into words that is the barrier.

>> No.18842450

We don't know what ETH use will be. Like we don't knew back in 2010 what BTC use would be.
ETH use can be many thing, even some trivial function no one really think about yet or takes seriously.
It is thrustless smart contract. Something will most likely emerge out of this. The opposite would be surprising.

>> No.18842753

>If bitcoin is like gold, then litecoin is like silver.

hahahah no OP. Gtfo. Also mid 6 figures isn't impressive since 2012. There's boys that are mid 6 figures because of LINK atm, a good few of them too.

Litecoin as silver ffs lol. Good larp

>> No.18842772


But you're not rich. You've a couple hundred k. Compared to poor people, yeah its rich, but its not actually rich, Get to 10 milly. Then you can say you're rich.

>> No.18843410

For some reason in the OG french community Litecoin is well perceived. People think of it as a good way to transfer value while Bitcoin is seen as digital gold.
Ethereum and other new altcoins lile ADA, ATOM, XTZ etc... are much more liked by newbies and moonboys from 2017 onward.

I have a question for you OP. I used to be very very poor, invested what I could afford to back in 2015-2016 (a few hundreds) and now after having done several bad mistakes but still up around 50x I'm just too scared to put anything back in the ponzi, even in BTC. I sometimes put a few 100s but never more than 500 and make a few moneys.
I know it's because I'm not used to have this much money, did you experience this and if yes how would you overcome it?

>> No.18843584

I'll try to answer your question even though you didn't asked me, but I've been in your position, and I have a family to take care of so I can't invest reklessly.
I started with 2000 euros, poured in in months, hundred by hundreds, and I lukily turned them to 15k.
Meanwhile, I had severals account with small value with which I learned a lot, and made a lot of mistakes! But thanks to that, I have developed a realistic and successful method to increase my gains steadily.
Having a method, and sticking to it, brings me the confidence I needed to reinvest all my money, I even added some more from my savings and I'm now playing with 25k.

I know i'm poor compared to OGs, but it's not about the amount, it's about the mentality: Get confident about something, the fundamental, your trading method, anything, and you will know how to handle your money.

>> No.18843830

>did you experience this and if yes how would you overcome it?
I felt some insecurity the first time I broke a mental threshold (70k$) story here >>18839839 and it changed me so much. I then understood that I am "out" of the wageslave workforce and my mind, is, yes, omg, indeed, howw???, worthy enough to make money by just sitting at my computer alone. But after I broke that barrier, then new ones were less dramatic. But each new threshold gave me a sense of self-worth that I can now, never fall below again. Even if I lost all my money tomorrow, I know I would and could easily bring myself back up to 400k$.

The thing is with me, I've always wanted to be rich. I had blood on all my teeth my whole life and prepared to do anything to get here. I'm not finished yet, but I'm in motion and have confidence now. All the doubts I used to have before are all gone now, now life is turning into a game for me to just play.

You have to be prepared to fail big. If you're not able to fail, then you're not able to take risk. Winning is easy, just accept the victory. But the only way to not fail is to not play the game. Your appetite for risk is limited by only this.

Life is a fit of suffering. The stuff we do is because it's "worth it". If you want a bar of chocolate, well you need to work for money to buy it. That work and suffering you endure is "worth it" because the pleasure of enjoying the chocolate is high enough to offset the pain you went through. Everything is like this, no matter how big. The greatest struggles, risks, pain, etc that men ever go through is only ever because they believe it's worth it. Pleasure is worth all suffering. In your case, I think you are motived more by pain-avoidance than pleasure-seeking. So my advice is to discover the value and power of pleasure and remember why you want the money. I have a well-defined purpose in my life that underscores all my decisions. What is yours?

Try meditation. also LSD in a quiet room alone.

>> No.18844486

Alright thanks for your answers. I'll try building up confidence.

I've already been doing meditation since the quarantine started.
My goal would be building a family and by that I mean a obtaining wealth and a family ethos that would both be transmitted, I want a real healthy family bonded together that help out each other.
I am lucky enough to have found my "soulmate" (I know most will cringe but I really think so) so the only thing left to do is the wealth part, which we are working out together right now.

>> No.18844506

Congrats. I wish you the best

>> No.18844656

Are you a girl?

>> No.18844675

What do you mean by breaking the mental threshold?
Are you saying taking risks became easier?
But isn't it also bad to bet everything on one move like that?

>> No.18845192


>What do you mean by breaking the mental threshold?
I spent my whole life being poor, so I internalized this identity. The idea of ever owning 70k in the bank and just being able to do whatever with it, was so distant to me. I made +35k that day, in one day, because I made good choices on a computer. That day changed me forever. I knew that moment on that I would never work again.
>Are you saying taking risks became easier?
Betting 70k is easier now for sure :D
As you grow and get stronger and more confident, you'll find your fears shrink along your path. Just like any skill really.

>But isn't it also bad to bet everything on one move like that?
NO. that is a lie poor people say. "Never put all your eggs in one basket" is something gutless amoebas advise. The only way to succeed is by being willing to fail big. If you have a balanced sheet now, while you're still a nobody, then what happens when one single stock surges? Then like 2% of your portfolio swells while the rest does nothing and you go to sleep that night just like any other night. It's pathetic. I hate that. I would never live like that. If you believe in something, and you're being honest, then there is no reason to hold back you see. Because to proclaim a need to hold back means you don't believe in what you're doing. this goes for lots of things, too, like relationships. Don't hold back when you know something is right.

>> No.18845438

he probably meant accumulate
and he's right, you're going to be poor forever

>> No.18845911

His original post was correct >>18837952
$400k USD aint a ton of money for /biz/ I've got $110k in crypto (let alone positions in real estate, metals, and stocks) and consider myself to be a relatively small fish.

If medium six figures is a big net worth for you I think you, anon, are the one who will not make it.

>> No.18845997

can I have 1 btc, please?

>> No.18846146

Don't get me wrong, 400k$ is good money but it certainly doesn't qualify you as rich...

>> No.18846747

good luck, I am from germany and planning similar

>> No.18847096

I would like to finally talk to all the people who will never, ever be rich...

>doesn't qualify you as rich...
I never claimed to be
>$400k USD aint a ton of money
yet everyone is asking me for advice
and all the people calling me rich are broke or poorer than I
>But you're not rich. You've a couple hundred k.
I never said it was
>its not actually rich,
Why did you need to tell me this three times and say nothing else? Just strange.
>Also mid 6 figures isn't impressive
I'm sorry you're not impressed.
>i respected you until
Sorry you don't respect me
>who was in the right place at the right time.
It's almost as if I had nothing to do with my success, right? I must be so lucky.
>Lost my respect for op
Sorry you don't respect me
>OP is a literal clueless dumbfuck. And no ammount of Bitcoin will change this fact.
If you're right, then that proves you don't need brains to make money, which should be very good news for you.
>You are fucking retarded OP, seriously
I have over 400k in the bank by age 28, not to mention my life leading up to this was action packed and fun.
>400k not that much
That's your entire post. Thanks for telling me that I don't have much. Hello and goodbye.
>his guy worked hard and got lucky.
After spending a few years shoveling myself out of poverty, I started to notice the harder I work, the luckier I get. i love being lucky.

Now tell me honestly anons, why did you come in this thread just to tell me this? How does minimizing someone else's success help you at all? I think every one of you guys have permanently invited poverty into your lives with your toxic personalities and, honestly, you deserve it.

I'm glad for everyone else (beside these guys I just quoted) for all the great conversations in this thread. I really hope I helped some of you.

>> No.18847225

I have no experience in IT, finance or anything other related to crypto. I also have no time to get into it, because I am studying medicine and working two part time jobs.
I am also not interested in getting rich for the sake of getting rich, but I have a purpose which might be similar to your purpose if I am reading your comment right.
With this starting conditions, do you think there is any sense in going into crypto for me? I have 100Link and thats about it, can save 500€ per month.

>> No.18847298

No not in your case because you have no time to think about it. Even if you invest a few grand, you'll what... multiply it a few times? Into nothing significant for you. Because when you graduate you'll be making a lot more, this 500€ monthly is more important to your life now. Wait until you can save big and have time to make clear choices on your investments.

If you really want to go in crypto anyway, then sell all and only buy bitcoin. Only bitcoin has a future, the rest is noise and will die.

Don't take my word for it. Research it if you can make time.

>> No.18847383

Thank you

>> No.18847475


Wanted to argue this but can't with the digits.

>> No.18848012

more people with fat stacks should speak out against shitcoins ripping people off.