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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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18835763 No.18835763 [Reply] [Original]

If ETH price goes up, more people are priced out of validating, which means capacity utilization goes up, which means RPL deposit size goes down, which means circulating supply goes up and demand for RPL goes down.

Increased circulating supply and decreased demand means RPL price goes down.

Can anyone refute this?

>> No.18835803

That is a coin

>> No.18836169

i bought c0z acap said so now im up 100% not even sure what this coin does

>> No.18836204
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Peace be upon Him.

>> No.18836224

5 percent yearly returns on staking will make Ethereum attractive to large investors, as they usually look for stable returns in that range. In order to push down staking rewards to that range, between 10 and 30 million ETH would need to be locked into ETH 2.0 validators, which represents 10 to 30 percent of the coin’s total circulating supply. Locking up that much of the circulating supply creates a supply shock, scarcity will create a price spike. The price spike will push those same investors into buying more ETH in order to stake more of it, which would, in turn, create a ripple effect causing a general market upturn. The FOMO among retail investors will reach its peak and begin buying heavily into ETH to make sure they don’t “miss out,”. Unlike the bull run in 2017, this one will happen much faster as there are more fiat on-ramps available and hundreds of millions of verified users on major exchanges. At the end of the day, no one gives a shit about RPL

>> No.18836310
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The Rocket Pool tokenonomics are OK they're not Kleros tier but its decent given the fact that it has a small supply. The token is only used if you want run RPL node (or speculate of course). People who just want to stake their eth on the rocket pool are not required to have RPL. And yes our discord group has a nice stack.

>> No.18836357

For total RPL staked, it doesn't matter whether a lot of small stakers or fewer big guys stake. What counts is the total staked via Rocketpool.

Rising ETH price means higher fiat ROI for stakers which will attract more buyers till APR goes down.

>> No.18836551

This will be ready for phase 0 which is this year. Join us and let's ride the ETH2 staking hype and become validators t.me/rocketpoolmarines