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18825990 No.18825990 [Reply] [Original]

adoption amplifier is currently 31% cheaper to buy Hex than Uniswap. get ready for niggers to dump their shit and arbitrage. screencap this

>> No.18826017

Oh I will screenshot this and shove it in your face when we're at 1 cent

>> No.18826043
File: 253 KB, 683x618, 0B70A2AD-6FE8-46C4-9652-4D289DD91B26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes goy dump your hex ill take the extra unclaimed hex through stakes

>> No.18826055

HAHA get ready to hold some bags. you are going to get dumped on tonight guaranteed

>> No.18826136


>> No.18826141


OP is a retard. Watch what happens 10 minutes before AA.

>> No.18826162

People will just flood the AA lobby right before to stabilize the price retard...

>> No.18826167

Wait are you implying that the AA won't keep increasing?

>> No.18826177

explain how I am a retard. WHY the fuck would you buy through Uniswap right now? as AA gets closer to lobby close, people are going to dump their hex for ETH on uniswap and move it into AA. it's going to dump the price. it happened multiple times already with Hex. it's going to happen on a gigantic scale tonight. watch around 8pm EST

>> No.18826181

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.18826208

imagine falling for this retards AA FUD or is it youre posting and earnest and are this fucking stupid

>> No.18826221

Thanks for telling me. Time to join the AA lobby

>> No.18826253

You don't know how AA works do you? LOL stay tuned my friend

>> No.18826255


HEX never dumps. The only way to buy low is to buy asap. AA always close on a worse rate than Uniswap, which eventually pumps the price.

>> No.18826256

usually richard flushes the AA with the amount somewhere close to the previous day's amount but not today. right now AA needs 30% more eth to catch up to uniswap in the next 4 hours. i doubt it'll catch up

>> No.18826277


>> No.18826284

People dump into the AA near the end of the timer, as FOMO sets in. It's too obvious to explain why that would happen. And this happens every single day. Look at the past dates and the amounts entered - going up.

>> No.18826285


You're telling me Richard won't put in another 30% ETH before AA closes? Please get your brain scanned because I think it has holes in it.

>> No.18826293

*post got cut off. it's literally starting to dump already. ignore me if you want. good luck everybody. check this site for more info if you want:

>> No.18826299

Kill yourself you fucking subhuman FUD nigger
HEX only goes up

>> No.18826313

i'm not trying to FUD. i own hex but i understand how it works. i sold. it's obvious it's going to dump. buy back on the dip after tonight

>> No.18826317

Lol! Don't bet on it.
And I would take a closer look into HEX, it's not what you think - in fact it's thesis is to be the exact opposite.

>> No.18826320


The only reason it dumps is because traders take profit after another huge pump. It has nothing to do with AA. The AA closes in 6 hours. How retarded can a man be?

>> No.18826352

you're wrong. hex is ~30% cheaper to buy on the adoption amplifier rather than uniswap right now. people are going to dump their hex for ETH on uniswap. it's really simple.

>> No.18826390


The whole point of the AA is to get in with as few people as possible, how can you not understand the psychology of waiting longer to go in to attempt to make the most return. I can't believe I'm explaining this.

>> No.18826438

Have you actually watched how the AA works near close of day? There is maybe a couple hundred ethereum that get pumped in before the lobby closes on a GOOD day. right now AA is about ~4,000 ethereum short of being the same price as uniswap. I don't see how AA will make up this difference given how it has functioned historically

>> No.18826445

there are retarded who unstaked because of this thread

>> No.18826454
File: 15 KB, 451x303, difference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's already dumping.

>> No.18826486

Lol are you trying to get noobs to emergency unstake with this retarded fud?

>> No.18826500

Whatever you win, just watch what happens.

>> No.18826516

nope. i've made a shit ton of this coin, and wanted to give my fellow bizlets a heads up. i'll stop posting now. i'll gloat later tonight after AA closes though and this shit has dumped another 25%

>> No.18826537

>emergency unstake
This sounds so retarded, who came up with this expression?

>> No.18826551

closes as in permanently?

>> No.18826703

OP is right, I noticed this too. I even thought about using a flash loan to take advantage of it, but unfortunately I don't know how to code. If someone else had this same idea and knows how to use flash loans, they're probably getting very rich tonight.

>> No.18826713

hex will work for the same reason bitcoin worked, women had literally nothing to do with it

>> No.18826851

i dont need to get ready for shit
if you staked your hex you are untouchable

>> No.18827037

First you have to understand, it does nothing. Its not a CD in the normal way. You dont have to stake or can end your stake early with a penalty, which doesnt actually matter if you are ahead in gains. Only 25% are locked, so people just wait on the sidelines to dump at their will. For a CD to be successful, either you must be obligated to stake or the "end stake early" shouldnt be there. It lives and dies of people fomoing in. Its a ponzi, without the "running out of money" part. Uniswap helps a lot cause liquidity pools never dry up, as richard funnels the eth from AA back into the liquidity pool. by the time the AA runs out, the network effect should be huge enough to sustain future gains. if not, it will collapse at least on the big pay day as everyone and their mum will cash out their 100x , so you better sell it before then.

>> No.18827822


>> No.18828136

told you dumb fuckers. it's still going to dump ~15% more

>> No.18828238

20% dumps after a 900% climb was expected
It will raise back just as quickly

>> No.18828266

who cares?

>> No.18828293

What a fucking scam

>> No.18828327

>id = fud

>> No.18828352

i guess if you're cool losing 25% in a day, sure, who gives a fuck.

>> No.18828416

I'm cool with staking and collecting those penalties. Overall trend is up. Day trading for daily crumbs is a waste of time. Btw there will still probably be a huge dump of eth into AA last few minutes like always. So your arbitrage fud is dumb

>> No.18828445

who is dumping right now ?

>> No.18828795

It's just a minor correction, which is healthy. It just pumped like 100% with no pullbacks... this is the only crypto I am actually adamant about buying the dip on

>> No.18828797

AA just jumped to 15k. OP eternally BTFOd

>> No.18828810
File: 81 KB, 1186x668, vpf6xkrsgd721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18828816

First you have to understand, it does nothing. Its not a CD in the normal way. You dont have to stake or can end your stake early with a penalty, which doesnt actually matter if you are ahead in gains. Only 25% are locked, so people just wait on the sidelines to dump at their will. For a CD to be successful, either you must be obligated to stake or the "end stake early" shouldnt be there. It lives and dies of people fomoing in. Its a ponzi, without the "running out of money" part. Uniswap helps a lot cause liquidity pools never dry up, as richard funnels the eth from AA back into the liquidity pool. by the time the AA runs out, the network effect should be huge enough to sustain future gains. if not, it will collapse at least on the big pay day as everyone and their mum will cash out their 100x , so you better sell it before then. Did you look at the holders list. damn if 10 people in the top 500 cash out this thing goes straight back to were it came from. 700 mil marketcap an 7 mill liquidity. what could go wrong

>> No.18828913

Apparently you can really ruin your stack with the endstake function.

>> No.18828979

How long do i stake the 1 million i'm about to buy? And how much would the big pay day increase my HEX amount?

>> No.18829033

Not only that, but stakers who don't end it get your interest

>> No.18829041

Give me some and I'll explain everything

>> No.18829053

You can see where others are setting theirs. I would go with a balanced strat.

>> No.18829116

Currently my BPD is around 2.5 times bigger than my staked Hex amount. I'm staked for 1-2 years. If you stake longer BPD% goes up even more.

>> No.18830168

Lol dumping... the absolute state of this fag

>> No.18830501

dump more, you fucking piece of shit