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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 640 KB, 800x1200, MiloCoin_pre_orbit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1877457 No.1877457 [Reply] [Original]

/MILO/ MiloCoin General - 10k volume, higher highs and higher lows edition

I’m not gay, but $1 per MiloCoin is $1 per MiloCoin


>Official MiloCoin website:


>MiloCoin maymay Video

>MiloCoin Bitcointalk Announcement Thread:

>Skip right to the wallets, baby!

>Looking for some nodes? I gotchu!
(guide to add these addnodes on page 6 of ANN thread)

>Buy MiloCoin (before it’s too late)

>MiloCoin Blockchain

>Coin Marketcap
(the APIs needs some tweaking, but the mad men actually listed it already)

>Official MiloCoin SubReddit
Sike, there is no official MiloCoin subreddit, please go back

>Why haven't you done your part yet?
https://twitter.com/YobitExchange <--tweet at them requesting MiloCoin it takes 2 seconds
https://c-cex.com/?id=vote <--scroll to bottom and submit MiloCoin
support@coinexchange.io ← email them demanding MiloCoin get listed

Do the above and post about it in this thread, usually based anons will send you some MiloCoins

>Best highlight of the previous thread:
Someone literally bought 500 USD worth of MiloCoin in one buy order, because fuck you thats why

>Comfy related soundtrack

>Quick Rundown (what you need to know):
MiloCoin is listed on some early exchanges and lazy pajeets are sending their mined coins to the exchange for cheap until they realize their mistake - prices will never be lower than today - refined investors enter the market here.
Gavin has already responded positively to MiloCoin, Milo's response is practically a given, how many coins will you have when the price skyrockets because of this?

>> No.1877460
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First for Milos

>> No.1877461

Will the absolute peak occur when Milo responds to it?
I still don't get how this cryptocurrency works and how this stuff has any value but I only have 2000 coins so w/e

>> No.1877465

crypto noob going for 4th for milo


>> No.1877473

Begging pls halp

>> No.1877479

in for 1.00 a coin

if dubs 1.50

>> No.1877483
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just makin' sure this thread is comfy


>> No.1877499

No. Milo (being as smart as he is) will see that promoting MC will benefit his share of the pie greatly. Milo responding to the coin is only the beginning.

>> No.1877502
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>buying a coin based off a literal coal burning kike faggot

>> No.1877504

What share of the pie does he have wtf?

>> No.1877505

how exactly does staking work? i have 3k in nova is it worth pulling out to stake?

>> No.1877514

Dev set aside a fund for him to obtain. Read the plan: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1823780.0

>> No.1877534
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Funds can viewed at any time at the above links.

>> No.1877554
File: 35 KB, 282x307, howmilocoinerslookatyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check em

>> No.1877560

thanks a lot.

>> No.1877574

thanks mate. Milo community is the best

>> No.1877708
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Milo: week 2 commences

>> No.1877773

Hey guys, hows your morning so far? I figure novaexchange is still the default exchange for milo since Yobit is looking weird as fuck with small transactions.

>> No.1877782

Yobit will be good for when you're dumping (it's more 'mainstream'.). The spikes are more intense because it's more pleb

>> No.1877784


help me out bros

>> No.1877830

you might be best splitting between the two. if you're buying you can try for the lowest price, opposite if you are selling.
might be some arbitrage opportunities between them both, but there isn't at the moment, but you'll have an advantage over those that stick to just one of the exchanges.

>> No.1877853

sucking dick 4 Milocoin

>> No.1877999
File: 23 KB, 278x400, so_much_volume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bumping for aesthetics while doing some early morning homework. good morning degenerate shitstains

>> No.1878026

I tried to go for LePen after a selling disaster with MILO but nothing is happening over there.

So, now its at 600 I bought back in.

My friends lets pump this bitch and make thousands!

>> No.1878027
File: 334 KB, 1080x958, tmp_25893-2017-02-21 19.08.38-31947095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send me some Milo Coin so I can piss off my liberal friends and family.

>> No.1878038

Pic related

>> No.1878041

sweet dubs and trips kek

my meme duties were well rewarded it seems

>> No.1878161
File: 232 KB, 680x598, steemlords.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too inteliggent to buy the altright scam coin

>> No.1878176

I set up ccminer x64 last night to try out getting some coins. I left it all night and it all seemed to be working fine, I was appearing in the workers on finblocks and the miner itself was accepting x/x blocks all the time (not sure if those are blocks honestly).

My .bat file looks like this: ccminer-x64 -a scrypt -o stratum+tcp://findblocks.com:6076 -u MWkLueXU1BybbBgkrPXzeX11ZHtyQ8Hqyv -p x

Woke up today to 0.00 MILOs. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.1878181

Mining, I'd say.

You are mining wrong.

Ignore me, I'm just bitter because I bought in at like 18k satoshis.

>> No.1878184

Do you know how to mine right?

>> No.1878192

>>1878184 meant for >>1878181 sry

>> No.1878229

>hurr durr don't buy milocoin over 100sats or you will lose a lot of money
- t. /milo/ one week ago
>milo is not 6times its value


>> No.1878233

now* 6 times

>> No.1878250

Dubs for 5k milo right now!

>> No.1878254

willing to drop on this coin soon, half a G maybe

>> No.1878349
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>> No.1878426

Do it quick before any more news comes out about it. This coin is moving fast.

>> No.1878430
File: 1.98 MB, 555x556, 1470957827444.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can stretch to a full bitcoin mate! you know you want to!

>> No.1878447

In for habbenings

>> No.1878484

Damn dude. Those are some massive saggers.. By the time shes 60 those things will be on the floor.

>> No.1878487

>be me at wagie job
>job sucks..thank you Mr Stein for the opportunity to even be here!!
> "night call" from drive soundtrack comes on Playlist.
>rememeber my 25k milos at home
>toothpick goes in mouth, throw scorpion jacket if shoulder
>stop in front of boss and pause seemingly frozen
>turn in slow motion, deeply kissing qt3.14 blonde receptions (with a spic child)
>turn and stomp (((stein's))) head in
>walk out will checking ing the price of milocoins on coinmarketcap on my phone
**real human being plays me out**

>> No.1878502

>By the time shes 60 those things will be on the floor.

so will my jaw

>> No.1878518

My wife's son and I saw Milo Yiannopoulos at a grocery store near Rutgers university yesterday.
I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for specifics on his stance on free speech, Islam and BBC.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken back, and all I could say was “Factcheck.org...” but he kept cutting me off and going “MiloCoin! MiloCoin! MiloCoin”

and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle with Gavin McInnes as I walked off.

When I came to EBT for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen bottles of hair bleach in his hands without paying.

The gender fluid individual working the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.”
At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the cakes and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me.

I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bottle and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly..

>> No.1878558
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>> No.1878570


shit's gonna have to wait but in for a penny IN FOR PO-*flies to the moon without wings or aeronautical aviation*

>> No.1878586

Need a whale to dump 1btc into the pond.

>> No.1878592

>with spic child


>> No.1878623

Anyone care to speculate on what the price could reach if Milo or Gavin accept the fund?

>> No.1878631
File: 443 KB, 920x600, IT&#039;S MONEY DARLING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. About now let's say 1000 milos sell for 10$ give or take, if Milo and Gavin accept the fund and show it off (Milo with his vanity surely will do this), the price will sky rocket to, in my opinion, 50cents per milo which would turn 1000 milos ($10 currently) into $500. Some anons are aiming for a dollar per milo or even dollar fifty but I'll stay at a conservative 50cents per Milo.

>> No.1878660

pretty fair assessment.
exposure=price rise.
if milo mentions it, it gets exposure. if it gets exposure, the anti-milo squad will talk about it and it gets more exposure. can you imagine if buzzfeed do a blogpost about "Milo & his currency of the Alt-right"? even though it would be inaccurate, it would bring a huge amount of attention and would light the ignition paper. best it happens after mining is over though.

>> No.1878684

I have tried 3000 different accounts trying to buy more bitcoin so I can invest.

Basically, my blockchain wallet is making me wait another 3 days before I can buy milo.

>> No.1878688

contd> I am fucking furious, and everything else is fucking useless. Fucking verification for a coin thats supposed to make you anonymous.

It's a fucking joke.

>> No.1878701

don't know what country you're in, but try localbitcoins. i can buy them using online payments/e-payments or bank transfer. some countries can't do this, but it might be worth a look. you pay a little more, but not anything too crazy.
good luck.

>> No.1878769

Whoever made that image in the OP needs to be summarily executed.

>> No.1878821

try ID only ATMs and coin coinmamma


>> No.1878832

hey, no bully pls

>> No.1878835

I think this is a legitimate price point.

>> No.1878864

what's the best exchange for this, at the moment all my spare btc is in bittrex

>> No.1878873

yobit or nova

>> No.1878878

No way 50 cents. Guys, where the fuck is the money supposed to come from? After mining the cap would be about 30 million coins which means there would need to be $15 million in the coin for it to be worth 50 cents each. Let's be realistic here.

>> No.1878883

dont be so negative

>> No.1878914

gone with xcoins, decided to do some ID verification, just waiting on approval.

Its a fucking ballache. But I shall have £40 in milocoin, ready for the pump. All I need is £10k and im going to Japan.

>> No.1878922

thats why i said 3 cents.

>> No.1878929

I'm not being negative I'm just being realistic.

>> No.1878934


Well worth the trouble

>> No.1878940

Forgot about the proxy my boy? Go back to eth

>> No.1878957


>> No.1878963

>don't visit /biz/ at all for about 2 months
>decide to see what's going on around there, maybe something new and legitimately interesting
>see there's a huge 'general'
>someone made a crypto named after some homosexual journalist e-celeb
>people just keep making standard template cryptos in 15 minutes and spamming them on /biz/

Why? Why do you all participate in these literal jokes? Do you know how easy and simple it is to make a cryptocurrency? You can do one in the time it takes to make a coffee, call it something, anything you want and ask exchanges to list it. Are you just trying to create something out of thin air to sell? Jesus fucking Christ. This is retards scamming slightly less intelligent retards. Its not like these super obscure joke /coins' will ever be known about outside of a few *chans.

Please stop shitting up this already slow moving board and take this to /b/ where it belongs. This is not business, and it is not finance.

>> No.1878966

someone else pointed out that if everyone sold their coins at 50c then the market cap would be $15 million, but it doesn't take a market cap of $15 million to hit 50c.
people will hold their coins and the price will peak, lower & level off. there could easily be demand for 50c for a time, it could hit $1 without getting a market cap of $5 million if people don't dump. only a fraction of the coins would be sold at that high price.

i get what you are saying, but 50 cents is definitely possible with a surge of demand.

>> No.1878973

>All I need is £10k and im going to Japan
i'll be going to Japan too. i was going anyway, but the Milo bulge in my pocket will make things better.

>> No.1878978

>create something out of thin air to sell
guess how banks work.

>> No.1878982

Noone cares about them getting known, we just want hype so it goes up nice and high, then we can sell and make a profit.

Its obvious really, nobody here thinks they are Wall Street Traders, we just want money to do nice things, you know...fun coupons!!!

>> No.1878983

must be a tough life living with the tyranny of having to click on things you aren't interested in.

>> No.1878993

Well, I need about 10k to pay for this course in Osaka that gives an associates degree in Japanese Language.

It would take me around 2 years to save with my wage slave job, so this is a real opportunity for me.

I am visiting Osaka, Kyoto and Tokyo this year, and I can't fecking wait, I love Japan, I love Japanese girls, I love shinto temples, I love anime, I love politeness, and I love the idea of travelling.

>> No.1878994



>> No.1878998

We know it is!

We want it to pump so we can dump.

What the fuck is wrong with people?!! do they think we are idiots?

>> No.1879012


>we just want hype so it goes up nice and high, then we can sell and make a profit.

This is my fucking point you stupid cunt. Hype them up to WHO? You're just scamming each other, fellow 4chan posters at the end of the day. A proper hype up dumps the bag on outsiders, not the original people who were involved. There is no outsiders in these joke coins because nobody outside of Chans ever sees them.

Does this not bother you? Are you all too fucking retarded to not see this?

>> No.1879022

>hurr durr don't buy milocoin over 100sats or you will lose a lot of money
- t. /milo/ one week ago
>milo is not 6times its value


>> No.1879024
File: 217 KB, 612x308, milo coin the top crypto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gavin Mccines has noticed it and soon enough milo will too. Normies that follow him will buy the coin, explode the price, and then we dump. Easy. With enough of a boom shitty news sites might even write articles about it as another anon mentioned, any publicity is good publicity.

>> No.1879027
File: 1.90 MB, 1920x1080, milocoin-vaporwave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1879050
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Do all bitcointalk members come on here? Do all youtubers come on here?
Do all Milo followers come on here?
Its like saying that Trump got elected because /pol/ kekked itself.

There always outsiders, what about all the people on these exchanges? Are they all 4chan members?

/biz/ is the ultimate anonymous, because whilst those hackers in /b/ who trolled habbo hotel got some keks and lels.

/biz/ financially profits from it's keks and lels.

/biz/ is the force to be reckoned with. Watch for us, we are coming, and we will win.

>> No.1879061

God I fucking love 4chan

>> No.1879068

That pic is super comfy. 50 cents a coin here we come.

>> No.1879087

How old were you guys when you went from /b/ to /pol/?

Then how old were you when you realized all that autistic amount of time could be spent making money on /biz/?

>> No.1879088
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Thanks bro

>> No.1879094

Dubs shows the will of >kek

>> No.1879106
File: 12 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the drumpf coiners are trying a new approach today it seems

literally gritting their teeth
>it'll n-never go up!! But I'm still gonna take the time to post that it'll never go up!!

Once it hits a certain volume, the amount of action that is a result of these Chans will be a tiny Minority.
You think all the hundreds of thousands of dollars that passed thru that scam Coin TC were a result of these /generals/? kys
traders get involved, normies get involved from google or a tweet they see. Bitcoin holders who see a chance to make more money jump in, Chinese whales who try and manipulate markets will have a go.

A pajeet, coinswap, openly pump and dump, .rocks site coin, hit .55 (you rememeber 55, that's the price you didn't get out at).
Now imagine they actually achieved all.the things they promised/lied about but never got (radio show mentions, tweets from important people), it woulda hit $1.00-1.50 easy
now adjust MiloCoin down due to 2x circulation and you get .50-.75

not to mention milocoin is about 3 months ahead of schedule.

Learn how meme coins work or kys already

>> No.1879118

Okay started on /b/ in 2009 so I was 22
left 4chan in around 2012
came back to /pol/ in 2016
moved to /biz/ in 2017 - 30 now.

Didn't even know /biz/ existed until 2 weeks ago.
I looked into bitcoin in 2009, was too hard get money into it from the UK though for me to be interested. Its still ridiculously stupid now, but in 09 there was no way I would have bothered.

Knowing that Kek wills our success and profits, strengthens me greatly now.

>> No.1879147

Whats a healthy amount of MILO to hold? I have 3.3k

>> No.1879157

Calculate that 3.3k as if they were dollars, how many do you want when it reaches $1?

Then buy that amount whilst it's low.

>> No.1879182

$1 is 10k satoshi?

>> No.1879195


>> No.1879197

Guys why is the price so low seriously I WANNA MAKE A PROFIT REEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.1879208

9550 right now.

Think like this

We want 1 Milo = 1 dollar

so 3300 milo would be 3300 dollars.

If you think it will reach fiddy cent, work from that angle. What matters is the end goal right now, not the price it is at right now (that simply helps as we can buy more when it is low).

>> No.1879222

I understand, Thanks.

>> No.1879226

then buy while it's low, while you can.

>> No.1879234

I change around from BTC to Milo every so often now im with Milo so cant buy extra.

>> No.1879237

btw it's 95500, not 9550

so it only has to become over 159 times as expensive as it is right now to get to $1

>> No.1879286

why did you listen to that anon. if you saw it go live on Nova, only a couple of people got coins under 100. some folks thought because Le Pen is at 5, Milo would be at 5, but they didn't understand how this works.

>> No.1879290
File: 4 KB, 85x144, 2017-03-13-13-53-59-1734889345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it took trumpcoin 30+ days to reach .006 cents and 40+ days to reach 10k hourly volume.
Milocoin is on there day 7.

really made me think

>> No.1879297

>so this is a real opportunity for me.
i hope it comes off, because we all want those opportunities. Good luck anon!

>> No.1879301

These things take time. Fucking millennials and the need for instant gratification.

>> No.1879303


Thank you, may Kek bless you too sir

Good luck!!!

>> No.1879311

>Once it hits a certain volume, the amount of action that is a result of these Chans will be a tiny Minority.
Last week we were the Vanguard, but come the new moon, the army will arrive in force and it will spread.

>> No.1879320
File: 27 KB, 618x378, AlexJones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone post some comfy music for these threads?

Here's some starfucker.


>> No.1879349
File: 9 KB, 225x225, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chilltrap to keep it in line with the milocoin graphics

>> No.1879381

Top tier shit Anon. MiloCoin needs a playlist or something.

>> No.1879385

Milocoin turning wagies to winners

>> No.1879390
File: 412 KB, 500x500, tumblr_ng0roi58ci1tg48wbo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks ya I can put together a playlist on youtube if you want.

>> No.1879407

Fuck waging it. I want to turn my hard earned shekels into more.

>> No.1879417
File: 186 KB, 500x689, youre-in-the-wrong-neighborhood-globalist-out-out-out-6823248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats what MiloCoin is for anon

>> No.1879425

Why would I use a proxy? And I'm providing an argument, if you disagree provide an argument of your own. "go back to try xddd" is not an argument.

>> No.1879426
File: 189 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now waiting for my bitcoins to clear in nova.

I am seeing a further price decrease - it's like..Kek wishes me to have more.

this coin....

>> No.1879430


>> No.1879444

How long does it take for BTC to transfer usually?

>> No.1879450

Half an hour to an hour maybe.

Blockchain seems a bit slow today though.

>> No.1879481
File: 7 KB, 251x201, pepe2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting more music if anyone is interested.




>> No.1879503

>tfw I bought my stack at 700
Might not seem like much but every coin counts...

>> No.1879507
File: 59 KB, 534x800, IMG_4090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you turned 8k milos into 17k in just one day
$1 per coin here we come

>> No.1879515

the idea of a coin based off of someone like milo when it's never been done is actually sound

people have caught on off of way lesser in this ridiculous coinflip scheme like with doge

just want a quick $100k

>> No.1879526

Managed to grab 5k at 640

>> No.1879530
File: 34 KB, 736x789, Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no idea what you just said.

MiloCoin isn't just a pump and dump. It's maximum comfy. I'm just here to have fun desu

>> No.1879542

So what are you guys gonna do with your fat stacks when we reach the moon?

Probably going to get Invisalign done, and pay for some education.

>> No.1879545


>Normies that follow him will buy the coin, explode the price, and then we dump. Easy.

You're fucking deluded. This same shit has been said about the other 82 cryptos shilled here. Enjoy being a bagholder, you payed money for internet joke tokens, you stupid cunt.


>what about all the people on these exchanges? Are they all 4chan members?


/biz/ is the ultimate anonymous, because whilst those hackers in /b/ who trolled habbo hotel got some keks and lels.

>/biz/ is the ultimate anonymous, because whilst those hackers in /b/ who trolled habbo hotel got some keks and lels.
>/biz/ financially profits from it's keks and lels.
>/biz/ is the force to be reckoned with. Watch for us, we are coming, and we will win.

I think I just reached my cringe quota for the month. What's with the autistic "we r le anoneeymus do not forgiv do not forget xD" speech shit? Why do all you faggot coin kids talk like this? Do you have to convince people to buy your bags by being a dramatic fedora or something?

>> No.1879555

Go to China for a bit. Get a degree perhaps.

>> No.1879560


Get vaccinations for South Africa and help during the incoming race war

>> No.1879563


>What's with the autistic "we r le anoneeymus do not forgiv do not forget xD" speech shit?

Because it's funny? Fucking hell love, don't get your panties in a twist.

>> No.1879566

This is the only post this thread needs

>> No.1879568

What would happen if you dropped a whole 1 Bitcoin into the market?

>> No.1879572


Wouldn't really do much. If you have that, just slowly buy over the upcoming week, ramping up your buys as the days go by.

>> No.1879579


>Because it's funny?

Back to Plebbit you go.

>> No.1879584

Should I buy some? The price is low

>> No.1879589

You guys better invest in BSD it's taking off again, I've told you /biz/ don't let it go to waste.

>> No.1879591

Yeah stock up, it goes up and down every so often. Was around 800 yesterday.

>> No.1879606
File: 18 KB, 238x250, IMG_0131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Trumpcoin bagholders

>> No.1879631

damn the FUD brigade is out in full force today, that means we're starting to rustle people who are holding dead coins.

>your coin is dead!! and I just had to enter this thread to tell you that it's dead!! :^)

>> No.1879637

I think a stable 1 penny floor by weeks end.
cap it

>> No.1879639

You're still promoting this pedophile?

>> No.1879641

It's the trump and le pen coiners.

People say we should unite with them and promote them all but they are SHIT!

>> No.1879699

dead-coiners pls go
we tried to get along, but now this shit?
just go

>> No.1879736

Yobit vs Nova

Which one should we use?

>> No.1879738

the logo looks like a graph of his career.

>> No.1879754
File: 46 KB, 400x303, hipster-basement-dweller-27480473556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1879784

Lmfao all these political coins are shit don't kid yourself. Milo is an attention whore and needs money desperately so he might just latch onto this thing and you can bet that the same devs behind this are connected to trumpcoin and I guarantee they are using Milocoin as a proxy coin to eventually shill trumpcoin and any other coins they are involved with

>> No.1879791

The consensus seems to be both. Nova has more volume.

>> No.1879809


arigatou gozaimashita senpai.

>> No.1879825

nope not connected and nope trumpcoin will never pump again.

Even the TC devs have moved on from TC.

nice humble TC shill tho

>> No.1879841

>even the TC devs have moved on
Yeah where do you think they went? Why do you think the videoguy is with the milocoin people now? Do you really think bitbobb, signal7, dep, cantstump etc are all different scammers who just happened to abandon the coin? Some of these memes are copy pastes from the old TC threads

>> No.1879844


And this will pump too, you fool. You know how much smart people made on Trump? I doubled my money.

>> No.1879860

Doubled? That's it? lol

>> No.1879870

It took me about 2-3 hours one time

Just don't freak out if it's not there yet.

>> No.1879884

kek are you me? this is literally what i'm going to do, get my masters in chinktopia.

>> No.1879896


>implying I got on any retarded coin bandwagon
>seeing my criticism of this dumb shit and thinking I actually got Trump coins

kys handicap

>> No.1879910

I won't study in China but I'd like to go there, and Japan. I'm looking into an English degree and also Biochemistry.

>> No.1879932

Then why are you here? Memecoins are the easiest money I've ever made. Sorry you're too stupid to realize it.

>> No.1879982

Why would you go to China for school when all the Chinks leave it for schools here

>> No.1880001
File: 371 KB, 596x628, TFW NO MILOCOIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you guys are messing up China with Japan. China is a shithole my boys and although I hate Japan too they're much more civilized and overall better.

>> No.1880029

I am. Comfy tunes.

Sick trips. While you're waiting post a wallet address. Maybe our resident miner/whale is still feeling generous.

>> No.1880064
File: 1.05 MB, 1536x2609, William-Adolphe_Bouguereau_(1825-1905)_-_Work_Interrupted_(1891).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brainlet here,is this worth it ?

>> No.1880074

price means absolutely nothing over the next few months.

Watch volume, dev integrity and social media trends

t. memecoin paid for my last car guy

>> No.1880115
File: 18 KB, 250x250, IMG_1208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's the used corvette treating you?

>> No.1880117


>> No.1880124

it's realer than real life m8

>> No.1880125

i really wish i knew how to mine these scrypt coins though

>> No.1880127

Spend hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on something that will be obsolete in a year.

Hope that coin takes off and makes you lots of cash.

rinse and repeat.

better to invest (potentially lose) $100 than $2000, and still make lots of money.

Plus, if you keep that money in your wallet, PoS mines (stakes) it for you anyway, as interest.

>> No.1880159

so will it go under 100 sats or not?

>> No.1880164

Highly unlikely at this point anon

>> No.1880169

BTC just cleared. Im either gonna do like a 1btc buy wall at like 250 sats, or just buy every open sell order available I can on the way.
too lazy to do anything in between

>> No.1880174


>> No.1880181

you said it was going to crash like lepen

>> No.1880201

> BTC just cleared. Im either gonna
> do like a 1btc buy wall at like
> 250 sats, or just buy every open
> sell order available I can on
> the way.
> too lazy to do anything in between

I just gobbled up the wall when I bought in, single handedly pumped it to over 25k satoshis..... it was at that point I realised if I could do/cause that with only just under 50 quid then this thing is fucked, the price corrected back down to 10k with tons of small (bot like) transactions, almost as if this whole thing is a scam and run by simple bots and a pajeet/scot dev...

Oh well, at least I hold a couple K milo in case other stupid fucks are dumb enough to buy in like I did, maybe get my shekels back, or even a profit.

People are dumb, I might stand a chance.

>> No.1880203


>Memecoins are the easiest money I've ever made.

Awww, babby's first investment! Look at you champ, you made a whole FIFTEEN dollars when your coin went from $0.0003 to $0.0005! Mommy raised a bigshot Wall Street trader in the making!

>> No.1880217

dude, you bought up on accident, nobody is scamming you.
Take solace in the fact that you're still going to make a fuck ton of money if you hold for 5-6 months

>> No.1880219

t. didn't sell tc at .50


>> No.1880223
File: 133 KB, 220x323, RAREST_MILO_OC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being this mad at anons that make money just because you don't make any at all. Pathetic my boy, instead of wasting time whining at winners go get some milos or kill yourself.

>> No.1880226

>It's almost like it's only 4 days old

>> No.1880239

> $15

Quite a bit more than that anon but keep projecting :^)

>> No.1880265

If anyone one wants to donate a couple milos to a filthy nocoiner I'd be very grateful.

>> No.1880269

Why not buy your own? they're cheap

>> No.1880282
File: 4 KB, 257x142, 2017-03-20-15-43-37-1447498714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don't have 6 digits of milocoins yet

>> No.1880294

I have to wait another 7 days for coinbase to deliver, and by then its gonna be worth a lot more.

>> No.1880334

go to a bitcoin atm
try coinmamma, their tier 1 is like 24 hour wait
sell any other shitcoin your holding

get milos asap

>> No.1880347

gonna need a medium to full rundown on MiloCoin, lads

>> No.1880349
File: 32 KB, 559x476, 1c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.1880357

You realize that by bashing Trumpcoin you reveal your stupidity? It doesn't help Milocoin at all. TC and Milo are the same kind of coin. Just shill them both. It costs you nothing.

I dont understand why it has to be mutually exclusive. I guess its the autistic side of /biz/ rearing its ugly head.

>> No.1880376

not him/her, but it doesn't hurt to not put down trump coin (I don't), but I'm not going to shill one promising coin and one perma dead coin.

>> No.1880407

How is Trump permanently dead? You do realize coins can be pumped multiple times? Its not like Trump left office or anything...he's pretty relevant.

But hey, this is /biz/, can't get my hopes up too high, a bunch of people think 50cents a milo is a fair price, kind of ironic cause its the same people who bash trump holders that didnt sell at the peak.

a fair price for Milo if its acknowledged and pumped would be 5 to 10 cents a coin BTW. Marketcap would be around $3 million ish.

>> No.1880412

$1 mate, $1

stop shilling.

>> No.1880468

Trumpcoin bashing should stop, brings down energy of these threads. It's been going on for almost every thread and it's getting annoying.

We need high energy, keep it positive biz bros

>> No.1880480

$1 per Milo is the target

>> No.1880489

So when do we start shilling on /pol/ to onboard the alt-right onto this coin?

>> No.1880498

I tried it but they just ignored it / assumed I was Milo

Maybe a co-ordinated effort might work

>> No.1880526

How long after filling a wallet should I expect the free milos to start appearing.
10k milos for reference.

>> No.1880540

Well, how else should we onboard people?

>> No.1880566

What's a good amount of Milo to be sitting on? I'm at about 500 right now and want to buy a bit more since the price is dropping.

>> No.1880572

I managed to get 25,000 for about £140

As with everything, only use money you don't care about losing.

>> No.1880650

Bought 17k for $50 by riding the waves.
>even if it only goes to 10 cents I'll make nearly $2k off of a meme

>> No.1880697

10 cents is a realistic goal imo. $1 literally impossible.

>> No.1880703

Im holding on for 1 dollar

>> No.1880718

You'll be holding for eternity then.

>> No.1880733

You're just going to get left in the dirt. If you're reaching for the sky I'd say hold for 50 cents

>> No.1880789
File: 99 KB, 907x613, free money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy

>> No.1880811

hell yah m8

>> No.1880827
File: 2.01 MB, 507x338, 1485498045216.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to make wallet sync? (im a retard)


plz help, am fabulous but no coin


>> No.1880854

So, stupid question I guess; how do I stake? I've got my wallet and it's an synced up and my Milo's are in there - How do I begin staking?

>> No.1880871

i cant get my .txt file with the node on it to turn into a .conf...howd you do it??

im on win 10 btw

>> No.1880885

When can we expect a pump? Trumpcoin experienced massive pumps on election night and the week leading up to the inauguration. Anybody know when Milo's book is being released?

>> No.1880886


nvm figured it out...

should i add both nodes on same .conf file?? or just the one on the ANN thread?


>> No.1880928

both on same .conf

also check em lad

>> No.1880944

How does one stake - anyone?

>> No.1880957

Keep wallet open, connected to internet. Wait about a half day

>> No.1881099

Buy a used car to replace my aging 97 Escort LX. Probably a Subaru AWD something since I live in the Pacific Northwest (known for having all four seasons in one day at times).

>> No.1881195

So much for that video, eh?

Milocoin BTFO

>> No.1881199

What kind of gain does staking give? Is it worth keeping a computer going with a pile of coins on it?

>> No.1881204
File: 291 KB, 415x420, pepecoin2-transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get some PepeCoin too fags, currently Memetic MEME on bittrex but we're naming back finally, market reacting nicely and we got some splashers on board

>> No.1881218

I'm the video guy

Chill out, christ, its on its way

>> No.1881225

got an ETA? Price will rise when its released I bet

>> No.1881227
File: 234 KB, 637x797, milocoinLOLs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's listed as 69% annual, but it's not an exact science. It's to keep people supporting the network. It's absolutely worth the minuscule computing power it takes.

WOOOOOOOOOOOOT, there's /ourguy/
Was getting curious myself

>> No.1881240

A currency based on a gay pedophile.

>> No.1881248
File: 147 KB, 600x800, mr_lonely_by_psycho95-d3g846c-2465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the timing couldn't be more perfect. You think an ego maniac like Milo is going to stay hidden much longer?

That being said I can't afford any btc right now. ;_;

>> No.1881258

Nice little mini pump on yobit.

the difference between buy and sell isnthe widest I've ever seen I think

>> No.1881277

>currency based on blind trust of some rich snobs who think they own the world.

>> No.1881289
File: 2 KB, 256x192, 2017-03-16-14-16-06--718241488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1881296

>single handedly pumped it to over 25k satoshis..... it was at that point I realised if I could do/cause that
you could do that because there are so few sell orders. there will be 30 million coins and over the last few days 100000 of them were on the exchange.
you didn't pump it, you caused a spike.
see what £50 gets you today, it will have a lot less impact.

>> No.1881302


also, congrats guys, david rockefeller bites the dust finally.
or has he?
don't these reptilians change their earthly human vessel when they are done with it? or these fucks are just the minions who are allowed to die when they've outlived their usefulness?

address - MRWrwRM2VbnST6DskgWXuPDnugt1PVS4T6

>> No.1881325
File: 364 KB, 342x548, theonlyc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check em and kek em

>> No.1881327

Just saw they added on yobit. Fuck I am still hoping I can get several at under 500 sats before the floor reaches 1k. Pls don't start maximizing your shilling. This week I want to have 10k Milos.
>MC7GbpgZjoTmiwKMoTMnyindujgNRu6eaq if you are kind.

>> No.1881408

over the next few months, it's gonna go up its gonna go down, it's gonna go sideways, but I'm just gonna lock in now.
Early is early, I'll be just fine

>> No.1881425

that's my philosophy. get them now and then do other things instead of trying to try and get them for a fraction of a fraction of a cent cheaper. if it drops below what i paid i'd be surprised, but if it does i'm sure it will only lead to a buy frenzy and the price will bounce back up.

>> No.1881677

Fuck is this going to be like trumpcoin

>> No.1881763

How do you mean?

>> No.1881878

How can I mine / buy into this shit?

>> No.1881911

Trumpcoin, the thing i didnt get in on and ended up at 60cents. my buddy make like 50k and tried to convince me to get in

>> No.1881965

Let's say I buy accumulate 500,000 milo coins. What are the chances I could sell them all while the price is at its peak? How the hell does one do such a thing while there are others trying to do the same thing?

>> No.1881977

You put a sell order first so yours has priority. First in line.

>> No.1882092

I'm trying to set an achievable target. I don't want to amass more than I'll be able to sell.

Right now I'm shooting for 50K.

>> No.1882110

Don't worry. Our white privilege will make us money.

>> No.1882131

>Let's say I buy accumulate 500,000 milo coins. What are the chances I could sell them all while the price is at its peak?


You will crash the market if you just dump, or spook others into crashing the market if you put up a giant sell wall.

If you dump or put up a giant sell wall and the market rebounds or your sell wall gets eaten, it means that wasn't the peak.

Don't get greedy. Sell what you can as we approach the peak, sell what you can at the peak, and sell as we go back down the peak. This assumes you are able to accurately judge what the peak is in the first place

>> No.1882141
File: 289 KB, 720x576, 1489554425468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. However, I do suppose it helps being a part of the entire project from the start. Information is power, and keeping a close eye on the entire development/maturation of the coin will give as good an advantage as one can get.

Hopefully this will prove to be a worthwhile advantage. Buying some today, and hoping for Milo to come out of hiding and acknowledge this effort in his name. How crazy would that be?

>> No.1882190
File: 296 KB, 500x574, milovsaltgoons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when we get to 1.00

sell a few percentage points, wait a bit for recovery, repeat etc.

Patience and youll get a dollar cost average of .75-1.00 and be a Chad

>> No.1882390

you sell them as the price rises and sell them in small lots, not 50000 at a time.

>> No.1882409

Hello, Can anyone quickly explain to me how I setup all of these wallets and buy coins for 50$?

I need to get BitCoin first ? Then go to Novaexchange and trade it to Milo coin?

>> No.1882410

lol, never gets old

>> No.1882441

Yes, sign up to something like coinbase or blockchain.
Download the milocoin wallet and run it (making sure to add the nodes so it will sync)

Then you have a wallet for bitcoin and a place to purchase.

Then once you have your BTC, transfer to nova, buy your milo and transfer to milocoin wallet so you can stake.

>> No.1882448

how many milocoins do I need to buy now to be ablw to smash a titcow like that on the reg by 2018?

>> No.1882452
File: 6 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice FUD, we're headed to Ron Paul coin numbers and you fuckin know it.
Trying to get those cheap Milos eh?

>> No.1882472
File: 1.98 MB, 414x432, wendy-topless.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wouldn't that be grand anon? Can you just imagine how majestic they would appear at first your first glorious gaze? My God...

Here's to everyone getting titcows on the Milo train.

>> No.1882501

probably 25k milos in 2018 prices will get you your own MOMMY.
Gold diggers gon gold dig, m8

>> No.1882502

Thanks for answer.

So how many Milocoins I can buy for 50$ atm ?

0.06 cents per coin ?

>> No.1882515

That maths is beyond me, I spent £40 quid and got around 8000 Milos, so something similar, maybe 10k?

>> No.1882517

any update on the video(s), should we tweet at the devs?

>> No.1882541


again, on its way, will drop this week

>> No.1882545

so based

>> No.1882563

Say I forget about this coin for 3 months.
What will I find when I come back?
I own 60k milos.

>> No.1882567
File: 21 KB, 410x410, meme_wizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As a servant of Kek

I bestow further blessings upon you.

Bless video guy
May his video give us profits
May the world know his work
May Milo be a means to much wealth

keksimus maximus

>> No.1882575

Let the man work, his videos always blow people away and pump the price, least we can do is wait for him to perfect his craft.
I'm thinking we can get this one to go viral.
It...will...change...! xD

>> No.1882577
File: 124 KB, 2500x2500, 1486045638677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1882578


60k milos that are worth more than they are now

>> No.1882579

in 3 months this thread will be dead, because we'll all be in Japan driving our Lambos and getting jerked off by cosplay titcows.

you'll have $50k worth of Milos.

>> No.1882595

What's left for this coin? I feel like it's just gonna steadily decline until it's worthless. No reason for the price to go back up it seems.

>> No.1882598

I hope to god you fuckers are right and this thing pumps

>> No.1882735

t. millenial
coins a week old, only 5 mil coins out so far.

>> No.1882810

He's just a mad Trump coin bag holder/nocoiner.

>> No.1882822
File: 97 KB, 375x360, s4eu0JB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats left? Maybe you should read the ANN again. They've got a lot planned for this coin...

>> No.1882839

I actually never had Trump coin. I have ETH, PIVX, BitBay.

Just don't know, seems like the only way it will gain traction is if Milo talks about it publicly, which seems unlikely.

>> No.1882852

Trust me, I want it to succeed as much as you do, seeing as how I have 28k MiloCoins. Just worried is all.

>> No.1882864

makes sense now

>> No.1882873

Not everybody is an elitist. I can own multiple coins. As I've said, I have 28k Milos

>> No.1882888

No need to be worried after 3 days in anon. You've got to give the coin some time to grow.

>> No.1882897

Alright I'll give it some more time. I guess I only put $100 in anyways.

>> No.1882904

How do I sync the Milocoin wallet?

>> No.1882932
File: 115 KB, 1024x768, hay0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna make some sweet gains since you bought in early

>> No.1882935

If it's like other wallets, then it happens automatically.

>> No.1882938

Depends on what price point he bought in at

>> No.1882939

Follow the add nodes instructions https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1823780.100

>> No.1882952

Yeah the problem is that I have 0 active connections to MiloCoin network, as the icon in the bottom right indicates. So how do I turn it online?

>> No.1882954

You're basically saying its peaked which couldn't be further from the truth. Anyone who buys in now will generate a profit.

>> No.1882988

>5th day

/biz/ ladies and gentlemen

>> No.1882996

I bought in at 400 sats I believe.

>> No.1883015
File: 692 KB, 1024x650, fSiAUq0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you both for replying, it's now syncing!

>> No.1883061
File: 58 KB, 625x481, 16a023056134dde7e28eca6ffd093f23fc72c5aa1c081036275a12f4affaee41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the point on the last 3 meme coins where I thought about getting in, but didnt...

not this time..not this time

>> No.1883079
File: 59 KB, 480x480, milo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1883090
File: 85 KB, 970x545, Tommy_Wiseau_in_The_Room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or its just an M for Milo you twat.

>> No.1883113

I was waiting for someone to meme this. It's just too obvious for a high score though, and you didn't give much effort.

>> No.1883126

hi deadcoin bag holder :^)

>> No.1883156

Lol that's funny as shit. Good thing meme magic is real.

>> No.1883187

fyi. watch the exchanges tonight, my btc cleared and I'm the special type of lazy retard who is just going to buy up whatever well orders are available. I honestly don't think it will matter over the long run, because I expect 25 cents or more, but enjoy watching my up bars on the chart

>> No.1883209


Awesome brother!!

>> No.1883253
File: 502 KB, 553x495, dicc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donate Milo to me while I'm waiting for my BTC to transfer to Nova, if not yo dicc small


>> No.1883311
File: 24 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/MILO Boys 2017/

>> No.1883315

will that be no nova?

>> No.1883352
File: 68 KB, 720x1280, 1460684839400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have fun bro!

>> No.1883379
File: 676 KB, 497x779, boi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody just gave me 69 Milos. Thanks a lot !

>> No.1883403

the mad man is still giving 69? wew.

Buying dudes steak dinners in late 2017 value

>> No.1883411

How long does transfer from BlockChain to Nova takes ? It's almost 2 hours now, and still 0 confirmation...

>> No.1883432

It can take a while

go on blockchain.info and type in your bitcoin address and see what is happening.

but my last blockchain to nova took less than half an hour.

>> No.1883445
File: 36 KB, 500x300, brady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sits on 0/3 confirmation both on Nova and Blockchain in transaction details.

Do I have to choke some bitch out to get it faster?

>> No.1883454


Sorry mate, it's just a matter of waiting, it will eventually get there.

>> No.1883469

Google VIA transaction accelerator bitcoin

first link out your TX ID in box (not wallet address) and submit. the next VIA wins a block (they win a lot) they'll include your TX free of charge.

With bitcoin network being shit as fuck lately, in highly recommend you manually change your transaction fee to 50 cents if you don't want to wait...yes 50 cents, it's that bad. bitcoin btfo

>> No.1883477

*viabtc.com / tools / TX accelerator

>> No.1883489

I'm new to this coin thing. Why i should use third party website for this transaction ?

And where do I change the fee in Blockchain ?

>> No.1883504

due to network traffic, "miners" (the lads who process transactions) tend to prioritize users like (you) that pay more in fees. Most wallets default to network average fees, but for some reason they haven't caught up, so the fee your paying (whatever your wallets default is) is so tiny that every block, miners are like "na, maybe I'll include you next time".. hence your wait.
This "third party site" is a mining group, one the largest, they win. a lot of blocks on average, if you submit your TX ID to that site and they win a block after you do, they'll manually add your TX to their block and viola, your in. Nobody can do anything nefarious with your TX ID it's public.

you need to Google the wallet you use and "how to set transaction fees manually"... it varies.

>> No.1883509

I think it will go back down to 300 then up high again. Buying more when it drops further.

>> No.1883535

Thank You for explanation

>> No.1883598

it's crashing!!! hahaha!! btfo! told you to buy trumpcoin, there's still time before liftoff!

>> No.1883602

Self aware troll

>> No.1883603
File: 296 KB, 932x470, dopecoin5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy Dopecoin

>> No.1883604

It was lower than this 12 hours ago

>> No.1883626

Did I just "crash" it when I posted 9700+ buy order for 0.00000452 ?

>> No.1883699
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just read about it..pic very related

>> No.1883746

i have 60k Lepen and I think thats a really sketch coin. 1 billion was mined already. I wont be able to sell at any price except a couple hundred sat because the dev is a whalelord feelsbadman

>> No.1883776

I got out of LEPEN. Regardless of the elections no one is biting.

>> No.1883782


Hopefully milo can save you if you get in early enough.

>> No.1883791

Elections not for a month, figured Id sell then rather than now.
It was $10. I have about 2.4k Milo atm so Im not too worried.

>> No.1883811


>> No.1883818
File: 44 KB, 355x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1883839

Milo or Putin? both basically same price??

>> No.1883902

Pick the one who's thread you are in!

>> No.1883904

is this bait?

>> No.1884017

newb here...which exchange has the better prices? is there a fee for using the exchanges?
Wanna buy my first crypto

>> No.1884078

Milo to 800 in the next 6 hours?

>> No.1884107

if not I'm gonna fucking put it there son

>> No.1884117

gonna need a new bread boys

>> No.1884189
File: 314 KB, 1065x846, mctrump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.1884332

/g/entooman here. Why do we have to add nodes manually anyways?

>> No.1884769

What would happen if I just dropped 10 grand on this? Is there even that many sell orders?

>> No.1885673

>it's crashing!!! hahaha!! btfo! told you to buy trumpcoin, there's still time before liftoff!

leaving aside any conversation about trumpcoin being dead, what can you hope for from
a trumpcoin pump?
the biggest pump was from 12 cents to 60 cents, a 5 times increase.
today trumpcoin is around 6 cents.
if it hit 60 cents again that would be a 10 times increase.

milocoin in 0.4cents. we will definitely see 10 cents milo coin before July 4th. lets just call that a 20 times increase.

trumpcoin won't pump to 50 cents because there is
nothing for anyone to buy into,
no tech,
no news.
maybe holding trumpcoin in 2020 might be a good idea,
but it isn't now.

if you only have $10 to put into these coins, you are getting a better return with milo coin.
every $1 spent today will be $20.
the same can't be said for trumpcoin, as sad as that is. it maybe should have been different,
but lots of those behind trump weren't on the up and up.

>> No.1885686

>I wont be able to sell at any price except a couple hundred
you need to learn to read an order book. le pen is never getting to "a couple hundred" sats. it probably won't hit 15.
someone needs to come in and spend 20 bitcoins on it to hit double figure and there is no market for it. you can't compare trump and le pen as people or memes.
you're best bet would be selling it now if you are in the black and sticking that in milo coin. i bought le pen at 5 and sold what i had left at 7, still 40% profit. le pen is never mooning.