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File: 563 KB, 453x742, Screenshot_2020-05-02 My Retirement Plan Is You.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18824310 No.18824310 [Reply] [Original]

>kicked you out of the house
>didn't pay for your college
>now trying to mooch off of you
Our generation will die dirt poor.

>> No.18824366

Do you think she puts out for him like mums in Japan? Because that would be pretty hot

>> No.18824377

This is my future. I’m 24 and my parents already seem like they’ll be dependent on me for the rest of their lives.

>> No.18824391

If I get to this point I'm blowing my fucking brains out.

>> No.18824423

not really
she looks like a fucking raisin

>> No.18824442

My parents didn't kick me out so they're still on my good side, for now

>> No.18824459

have you ever had a gummy blowjob
shits insane

>> No.18824491

>>kicked you out of the house
>>didn't pay for your college
didn't pay for shit even when i was a child. barely fed me. bearly clothed me. did not provide for proper dental care or anything else
>>now trying to mooch off of you
just about

>> No.18824502

my point is that japanese mums are hotter

>> No.18824550

My dad is about to hit 60, he's basically relying on a union pension that will run out of money in like 10 years and a savings account. But he's given like $100 every week to my parents church for like 20+ years but didn't pay for any of his kid's school. Most of the boomer stereotypes are accurate

>> No.18824556

It took my friend's parents 10 years to realize that you can't get a job right out of high school that can pay for your room & board plus college tuition fees like in the good old days. Even then they sold off one of their vacation homes and pissed away the money on cruises as their son languished financially. Not even an apology.

>> No.18824598

Multigeneration households are the future, just as they were the norm historically, the whole "move out at 18 and buy a house" was a post-WW2 boomer meme no longer possible, a historical anomaly

>> No.18824623 [DELETED] 

Millennials deserve to suffer because they are cowards who expect their daddy to save them but they called their dad a racist and a homophobe because their dad called them faggots for sucking nigger cock.

>> No.18824635
File: 7 KB, 184x184, 1522961386951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What race is that man? Is this what peak mutt looks like?

>> No.18824650

exception/rule. But yes, millennials are probably the shittiest generation, but its thanks to their parents. They're a further evolution of Gen X, but I unironically think Gen z is going to be better than us/me

>> No.18824687

>he's given like $100 every week to my parents church
I hope they spent that money on poor Haitian and Somali immigrants

>> No.18824689 [DELETED] 

Single mom with a niglet wheres the dad?

>> No.18824712

Mothers in japan do what? Source for that.

>> No.18824730

My parents put me on add medicine and anti depressants. Bible thumped me into red pulling myself then kicked me out when I smoked weed.

I hope they come begging for help. Imma first put them on crazy pills then kick them out to be homeless.

Everytime I see them I'm inches from revealing their retirement plan.

>> No.18824733
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>she looks like a fucking raisin

>> No.18824739

>he's given like $100 every week to my parents church for like 20+
what a fuckign idiot holy fuck giving 10% of your earnings to con-men, for literally nothing but lies, deceit, manipulation and a lifetime of cuckery.
its like paying for mob "protection"

>> No.18824741



>> No.18824757

I have an agreement with my parents where if it gets to this point, I'll give em the pillow and they're alright with it

>> No.18824774

American white boomers are psychopaths. Ethnic parents expect you to take care of them when they get old but they will support you throughout your life. Letting you live rent free forever and keeping parasitic landlords away from your money, paying for shit, even giving you an allowance depending on how generous they are. White people think this is being a loser but it's in reality it's having strong family ties. Keep getting goyed!

>> No.18824783

Nobody on /biz/ will reply to you because most of them are mutts. They honestly see no problem with this "phenotype."

>> No.18824784

idk but I fucked a fair few bored milfs while I lived there I’m guessing he’s referring to the common notion that Japanese housewives cheat while their husbands are at work/spending their allocated allowance on blowjobs from chinks and filipinos and girls bar

>> No.18824786

old tradition in Japan according to legend, Mothers and aunts, the adult woman of the family, used to "operate" the young boy's penis just to make sure it worked and that he understood what it was for, something like that. an old fashioned family tradition of sorts

>> No.18824788

Are you me?

>> No.18824789 [DELETED] 

Just tell them you cant even help yourself they will understand

>> No.18824792


>> No.18824796

It's not really that expensive to have a spare room for them to mope about in at this stage of their lives. Social Security will pay their basic expenses.

>> No.18824803 [DELETED] 

Good goy keep shilling the kike propaganda to hate your parents

>> No.18824814

but he's right you know. its the truth

>> No.18824817 [DELETED] 

Amazingly when you tell your parents everyday that you hate them they wont give you a free house

>> No.18824827

he's saying the opposite, but ok shlomo

>> No.18824837

They're idiots, and my mom has gotten more and more braindead over the years and more into that bullshit, it's like all that's going on in her head is "GOD GOD GOD GOD GOD CHURCH CHURCH CHURCH"

>> No.18824842 [DELETED] 

You are saying that niggers and spics do a great job raising their kids and give them free houses and pay for their college

>> No.18824846
File: 50 KB, 788x685, partypepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sweet jesus

>> No.18824860

no i did not say that.
not the point

>> No.18824864

>got $10K between

Moonshots only. Considering diversifying into ubt and lit.

Unironically want to make it to get my mom out of the city where she raised me alone.

>> No.18824865

No, but because I love them they can share the shed out back for barely any rent.

>> No.18824868

This is honestly healthier for the society. A lot of the NIMBY/FYGM HOA bullshit would go away too if people were taught from early on to take care of each other.

>> No.18824909

78-35=he's adopted

>> No.18824928

>Ethnic parents expect you to take care of them when they get old but they will support you throughout your life. Letting you live rent free forever and keeping parasitic landlords away from your money, paying for shit, even giving you an allowance depending on how generous they are

>> No.18824953

Probably Mexican or french

>> No.18824984

Why is he a different race than her?

>> No.18825012
File: 75 KB, 250x323, anime-sweat-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In traditional Japan, quite young girls were introduced into sex by older
boys who visited their bedrooms at night with the complicity of the girl's
parents (called night-prowling, yobai). The boys "assembled in communal huts
and instructed slightly younger village males in sex approaches and
techniques..." Although they recommended "gentle persuasion,"(155) there was
no guarantee that all was so gentle in fact, since the parents "looked the
other way" in accordance with custom while the older boys had intercourse
with their young daughters.
>The most commonly reported incest occurs when the mother sees her son
masturbate as a teenager and tells him, "It's not good to do it alone. Your
IQ becomes lower. I will help you," or "You cannot study if you cannot have
sex. You may use my body," or "I don't want you to get into trouble with a
girl. Have sex with me instead."(166) The researchers found that Japanese
mothers and sons often sleep in the same bed and have sex together, although
the exact incidence in the population was not investigated. According to the
phone interviews, Japanese mothers teach their sons how to masturbate,
helping them to achieve first ejaculation in much the same manner as they
earlier helped them with toilet training.(167) Most of the sons had no
sexual experience with another woman, and became jealous of the mothers'
having sex with their fathers, feeling they should have the right to
monopolize the mothers - perhaps helping explain why one informant told a
family planning expert: "We have no Oedipal problems in Japan - there's no
competition from the father.(168) Mother recent Japanese book, based on one
hundred incest reports, confirms these observations, including the unusually
high rate of mother - son incest, although it, too, provides no way to
determine true national incidence rates.(169)

>> No.18825015

Why do white people hate their own family so much? In Asian culture its simply expected the younger generation will help take care of their parents as they get older.

I never understood the completely selfish attitude 2nd/3rd generation westerners have.

>> No.18825017 [DELETED] 

Why dont old people have sex? You ever try to open a grilled cheese?

>> No.18825060

old people do have sex
stds are actually a big problem in nursing homes

>> No.18825075 [DELETED] 


>> No.18825136
File: 80 KB, 848x800, 8F114CE7-1D32-4EA5-9B8B-CB1EF1F46654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. Are you me too?
My boomers parents paid every single spare dime to their church rather than paying for my future. Now I prefer to be self sufficient. My point being is, I’ve always felt my parents loved their church more than me.

>> No.18825175

Whites do a good enough job giving rather free housing and college

>> No.18825178

In Asian culture, you don't kick out your kids when they become legal adults so they can "learn the value of money."
How can you learn the value of money if you'll never earn enough to have a bulk sum?

>> No.18825242

my own observations is that my parents were just too fuckign dumb and irresponsible to know what the fuck they were doing.
they just had a bunch of kids they couldn't afford to take care of. never accumulated any wealth, basic retirement funds property or even a simple family home
and didnt have a fuckign clue how to raise or teach children to be smart or successful either.
and according to my observations, this is a systemic problem across america, generation upon generation

>> No.18825254

>only reason for leaving the house was because i had to move abroad to study
>they paid for it and got into debt for me even (i am not in US so getting a loan isn't easy if you don't have a job)
>now i have an amazing job with amazing pay
>thank them by sending cash monthly and also gifts whenever i go back home
I am sorry that your parents weren't nice to you.

>> No.18825274

old-fashioned bullshit legend

>> No.18825364

Right they’re not “bad” people, just fucking moronic and neglectful. American Christians like to praise themselves on how important family is to them at the same time as being completely dysfunctional.

>> No.18825386

well, first thing first I'm not USian, I'm from south america.

in my case: my mom, being poor and dumb as she has always been, always took care of me and my brother, alone, and we always had food on the table and shelter (well, almost: we had to sleep in the streets a few times...). OTOH, she always treated me like shit, never trusted me, almost never helped me achieve anything in life (except regarding a few things that I didn't have much interest other than being kids stuff), actually helped me become asocial and hateful, didn't even defend me when the rest of her family accused me of some bullshit.

I still live with her because we bought this house 50/50 (she had some subsidies that paid for 1/3 of the house, and we agreed that 2/3 of the house would be mine) and I don't want to waste money. now, because I get paid well, she thinks she's millionaire or some shit, even though she gets some shitty amount of pension money. I already told her she should be careful, because my money is not hers, that I can help by paying some bills, buying food and other basic stuff, but nothing more.

>> No.18825428

My family is fucked, my brother acts like a god damn autist faggot, my sister got married to some dude she knew for like a month, got pregnant, then he left. both siblings never grew out of the god shit. I heard my mom saying around christmas that it was between my sister and "god" if she was allowed to get remarry, because they take the bible shit so literally.

>> No.18825438
File: 9 KB, 217x249, 1513805891356s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trust me, i have it from reliable sources anon.

>> No.18825572

They already are. The boomers were such terrible parents that gen z is already far more employed and useful. I've noticed millennials with absent parents actually did better than their counterparts.

>> No.18825626

Anyone who thinks otherwise is a retard and probably American. Family is important. Your parents were boomer pieces of shit? Break the cycle and start over, but realize you’ll probably share a home with your grandkids. And that’s a good thing.

>> No.18825797

Some woman actually have children in their 40's. I had a friend in high school who's mom had him in her 40's.

>> No.18825959

I have to take care of my mom now at age 61 my dad just died. Shit sucks I just finally was getting somewhere with my life. My only hope is that my dad owned a lot of property so if I can hold onto it I can let a property management company rent it out and use it to support my mom.

Feels bad man.

>> No.18825997

how do you find those bored milfs
some dating japanese dating app similar to tinder
or actually go out and meet them at a bar or somewhere else

>> No.18826268

if I was in your position, I'd be selling ASAP, and then buying in a year or so... prices of property will fall hard, soon.

>> No.18826492

>never got kicked out
>they paid for my college which I made 0 use of
>currently a wagie but only have to pay 400 dollars rent
>almost never give my parents money for their unfortunate spending habits
>now they dont ask me because they dont consume as much things as they used to
>also the house is now under my name and not theirs
>All the money left over is being invested so I can take care of them when they can no longer work
We grew up poor too.

>> No.18826512

>prices of property will fall hard, soon.
i hope so. i am so ready

>> No.18826586

>be black
>dad leaves before I’m born
>I make a living for myself on the south side in Chicago doing car repairs
>dad comes back into my life
>”sup it’s been a while but let me stay with you”
Anons on this board defend this

>> No.18826600

I got my pops to buy a fat stack of 6K Link. There's his retirement fund.

>> No.18826619

Real estate isn’t like your shitcoins, you don’t panic sell or try to time the market like that. If the property is owned outright with no mortgage then renting them out till the end of time is the best thing to do.

>> No.18826635
File: 74 KB, 671x1000, mummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mommy can sleep in your bed with you in your apartment, can't she Anon?

>> No.18826806

Honestly I wasted a lot of my life just milling about in smoking areas, especially those connected to department stores and major stations. I remember there’s quite a few on tinder, and friends who taught English said there were always older housewives wanting extra curricular lessons

>> No.18827262

>be me
>be 32
>parents never had much money, but always cared for me and my sister
>even took out a loan so we could have mountain bikes
>they're starting to get old now and have even less money
>instantly insisted that they live in the spare room of the house I have
>sister comes over every Sunday (except now bc of Kung flu) for lunch
>live in Western europe
What the fuck is wrong with mutts?

>> No.18828489

>What the fuck is wrong with mutts?
capitalistic boostrap delusion

>> No.18828503

mexico is a magical place

>> No.18828583

they dont have qt sisters w/ gr8 to cum on like you do

>> No.18828589
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>> No.18829025
File: 52 KB, 686x525, 1585308764168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally the kind of shit my mom tried to pull on me. After years of trauma and neglect, I'm supposed to help her because "she's my mother". She chose hard drugs and worthless pieces of shit boyfriends whom she would scream at in meth induced rages. I still get massive anxiety from overhearing any kind of heated argument even if I don't know the parties involved.

She couldn't hold down a job, and could never be on time for anything. Blew a $37,000 inheritance in 5 months after her mom died. It fucking enrages me to no end that I'm supposed to act like nothing happened and she was a great mom and I should support her in her old age even though I'm finally starting to take off in my own life.

Haven't spoken to her in 3 years and she still won't admit that she did anything wrong. I'm the asshole, not her, and that is what she tells everyone else.

The baby boomers were a mistake.

>> No.18829069

u black or something? lul

>> No.18829087


>coalburner mom

imagine my shock

>> No.18829101

no just had parents who were poor, and weren't very smart about anything

>> No.18829285

Gen z is brain dead and complacent. Expect nothing from them. Millenials get blamed for the decisions made by boomers.

>> No.18830033


>> No.18830048

Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.18830071

My parents have been good to me, I love them.

>> No.18830077

Sounds like bullshit, you got a source

>> No.18830087

>have you ever had a gummy blowjob
Yes, all the time. You're right.

>> No.18831393
File: 31 KB, 660x574, 1588115505293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I did to my Boomer parents:
They gave me nothing and pissed their enormous wealth away on nigger art, nigger charities, and Christian church shit. I was left with literally nothing.

I had them declared mentally unfit and then got control over the tiny amount of wealth and possessions they had left. I liquidated all their shit, got $25k for it, and used it to buy a new Subaru BRZ.

Then I stuck them in the worst state-run nursing home I could find in the nigger part of town. They begged me to move them literally three days after they got there. My response was as follows:

>Stop being racist! This is their culture. You spent your whole life supporting these people and bringing them into the country. You are staying there and you will learn to live among them!

I paid their coon caretaker $500 cash to ignore any of their requests that were """unreasonable""" and told that shitskin they were both racist and to do what you have to in order to keep them in line. They are both suffering a lot of abuse including not being properly cleaned.

It's the future they both chose. For you pussies who will cry about this, you can take your egalitarian faggot shit and shove it up your ass. Boomers deserve to be punished. The only way White people will ever learn anything is through their suffering. We need to ensure that the entire Boomer generation's final years are sadistic torture as a warning to future generations who might piss away their children's opportunities.

...Final note: my mom spent her entire life working with a Lutheran church to import Somalian nogs into America and she was very successful at it. I hope one of her caretakers gives her a fucking good smack or three.

>> No.18831449

Hahaha oh fuck I just realized why my parents had no money for my college education

>> No.18831601

Because in the west there is value in individualism. 'Living your own life' it's the reason parents want to kick you out early and the reason you don't want to look after them in old age and instead use a care home

>> No.18831675

sounds like your parents tried to be good people but were misguided. you on the other hand, an entitled piece of shit, bought a fucking new car like a retard instead of saving what little you had left. you would’ve lost everything even if they gave you a million, because you are a retard and no amount of money will fix this.

>> No.18831704

> because you are a retard and no amount of money will fix this.
unless he bought a finances manager

>> No.18831736

did you not read his post? he liquidated everything for a $25k shitcar. also learn how to spell

>> No.18831783

I didnt spell anything wrong, i was jist pointinq out how hi could live a life restarded

>> No.18831810

Why do anglos hate their children so much?

>> No.18831832

laws prevented them from fucking their kids and they’re mostly rulecucks.

>> No.18831848

the apple doesn't fall far from the tree

>> No.18831967

Wh*Tes family structure frightens me. It's the most transactional loveless thing on the planet.

>> No.18832048

no shit. its hard fuckin work pulling oneself out of a shithole when you werent even told you were in a shithole and there are ways to get out of the shithole and stay out of it.
no shit it takes half a lifetime to figure out how the fuck shit works when you have to figure it out on your own because no one in your family is intelligent or caring enough to fuckin educate a child or even a single bit of help
which is exactly why the world is full of stupid and poor people

>> No.18832061

just buy a POP figure of your favorite tranny and drink soÿ. that’s what making it feels like in 2020

>> No.18832074

fuck off with your feakshow bullshit

>> No.18832124

No you just inherited your parent's low iq

>> No.18832140

ngmi if you dont have at least ONE figure the roaming soÿgangs will talk down to you

>> No.18832239

It's pasta you poltroon.

>> No.18832467


You must be thinking of Hispanic families. It was like that in mine. Had the older female cousin diddle me, then when I was around 16 I was up late one night getting a drink of water at my grandma's place when my aunt ran into me and pulled me into the garage and checked my dick out to "see if it works". It sure did.

>> No.18832477

misguided retard bought some imported peice of cheap metal and plastic instead of doubling his money with chainlink.

cant wait to see your kid (if you have one) call you a stupid fucking retard for not being well off because you didnt buy any crypto

>> No.18832480

would be hot if it wasn't for the fact that hispanic women become obese goblinas

>> No.18832514

>implying he doesn't look like your average italian or spaniard

>> No.18832525

They sound based. Go start your own church if you want their money.