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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18821105 No.18821105 [Reply] [Original]

6350 holders now.

Feeling comfy Anons. Just keep stackin’

>> No.18821120

What’s that coin called?

>> No.18821130

Diamond coin

>> No.18821215
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sitting on my suicide bag and pretty comfy desu


>> No.18821245

bitcoin diamond satoshi's version lite

>> No.18821291

flowering silent scarlet piece of night

>> No.18821345
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>flowering silent scarlet piece of night

>> No.18821410

what a waste of power

>> No.18821426

Literally not needed with hex on the horizon.
>170k holders hex - 5 months
>6k holder 0xbtc - 2 years

>> No.18821467

apples and oranges dude

>> No.18821512

erc20 - check
no premine - check
issued through wasting elec and rewarding miners - 0x
issued through staking and rewarding holders - hex
interact with DeFi - check
looks pretty much the same with the difference that 0xbtc is irrelevant

>> No.18821538

your "checks" can be applied to literally any erc20 including one i can mint myself two seconds from now, the difference you noted however is a huge one.

what waste of electricity? my electricity is sitting in my erc20 wallet :)
the more real your issuance the more real your value.

>> No.18821566

except the premine aspect. the fact that the primary difference in your mind is the issuance model makes them fill fundamentally different niches doesn't it?

>> No.18821578

>most of the supply being given to one guy out of thin air - hex
>all of the supply being fairly mined with the same rules applying to all - 0xbtc

>> No.18821583

>your "checks" can be applied to literally any erc20 including one i can mint myself two seconds from now
exactly, just tells you that noone cares about "your issuance". hex can do everything 0x can but hex has network effect. sorry bud
>the more real your issuance the more real your value
keep believing that until you hold to 0 kek

>> No.18821641

top 40 - hex
top 1000 - 0xbtc
no one cares bud

>> No.18821670

you seem to be investing in terms of your limited perception in this moment.
number go up, number go up good i buy.
i prefer to look at the macro image and meditate on the direction i see us going, the direction i want us to go in, what can benefit me the most in either situation, and i base my risk analysis on that. as this scene matures i see more people realizing what value should mean, instead of what it means right now.

>> No.18821693

that's odd, I don't see hex on the first page of top 100 cryptos on cmc. It turns out that hex is "not eligible for normal ranking". Yeah, totally doesn't look like a shit scam. Don't worry though, even bitconnect made a lot of people rich before it crashed to 0. Just make sure you get out in time, never know when those things go belly up.

>> No.18821709
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>> No.18821717

>what value should mean, instead of what it means right now.
no, you are swimming against the stupidity of humanity and will lose this way. Fundamentals have no place in crypto or in the market in general.

>> No.18821727


0xBitcoin was a /biz/ invented FPGA miner scam token.
Almost everywhere online 0xBTC threads are deleted, ie plebbit, its that big of a scam.
The actual daily 24hr volume on 0xBTC is under $10,000 - CMC reported volume is 95% wash trading
Don't believe me then buy $300 worth of 0xBTC and watch the price move by 20%

Around the time that these miners were pumping 0xBTC they shilled /biz/ CONSTANTLY with it.
There was at least 15-25 spam threads about it daily up until they dumped their bags on all the anons buying in.
It was a coordinated pump and dump and these 0xBTC scamming faggots think that /biz/ has forgotten about what they did.
Lots of anons were fooled into buying it at $2-$4.
Now there are tons of bag holders of this shitcoin and ALL of the 0xBTC threads on /biz/ are made by these miner faggots where they coordinate /biz/ shilling in their 0xBitcoin discord.

This project has a better chance of always being worthless than even worth $5.
No one will really tell you the truth about this scam because so many ppl were suckered into buying it on /biz/
Truth is, not many ppl are smart and wise to scams and it takes a high IQ to realize that 0xBTC is a miners scam token.
What's more is the FPGA miners mining this shit are now only making about $0.08/0xBTC and it keeps dropping.
It's incredibly not profitable for anyone besides FPGA fags to mine this shit.

Don't fall for this fucking miner scam token, its always going to be worthless.
>entirely community driven
>zero money for marketing or exchange listings
>scam artists for devs - who literally orchestrated a pump and dump on bizlets
>miner shill faggots who constantly spam threads about it bc they are so desperate for you to buy their bags because LITERALLY NO ONE IS BUYING THIS SHIT ANYMORE

What's more is that 0xBitcoin DOESNT EVEN PUMP WITH LEGACY BITCOIN!!
>do not reply to 0xbtc shills

>> No.18821757

i disagree. i have other bets hedged to flow with the stupidity of humanity. the percentage of people that this has to capture to be a worthwhile investment at this time is miniscule and the risk reward, to me, is worth it. it might not be worth it to you and i don't shill putting money into this that you can't lose.
and why do you think btc is still #1? because it's a ponzi with 0 fundamentals or because there's actually something behind it?

>> No.18821777
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was p&d by pic related

>> No.18821792

that motherfucker looks serious i don't wanna mess with him

>> No.18821810

better options already out there, no one uses at is a currency, everyone just holds to sell it to the next one --> which describes all of crypto. if it goes up again everyone will gladly sell it for FIAT, you know, with whom you can actually do something

>> No.18821812

he rekt many of /biz/ ports

>> No.18821838


>> No.18821911

i don't disagree with what you're saying. that's the truth for the most part, right now. yes no one uses bitcoin as a currency, i believe it has failed in that respect and i've held that thought for like 7 years now. it's been pigeonholed to be a store of value and it's doing an "okay" job of that. which leads me to say, hey, we need digital money. 0xbtc best fills that gap in my idealized vision. will it happen? i don't know and i don't believe that anyone else truly knows either.

why does no one use btc as money though? because it's slow and expensive, due to the redundant chain structure and proof of work. so the proof of work is effectively holding up the price now. 0xbtc bypasses the bottleneck seen by BTC for it to be adopted as money. just seems quite clever and useful to me. it's okay to disagree about the direction it could go in but i think it's foolish to dismiss

>> No.18822560

>6350 holders
total bullshit.
one of you faggots spread 0xBTC dust to a few thousand wallets.
i hope u burn in hell for your scamming faggotry.

>> No.18822628

Literally the comfiest hold cuz you only need a little. Either this becomes widely used and you make millions or it doesn’t and you wasted $100

>> No.18822660

kys pajeet or die trying.

>> No.18822699

lel HEX brainlets making me feel even more comfy

>> No.18822779
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Fuck off Anon, I’m sorry it offends you some people like this project. Scammers wouldn’t have persisted for 2 years.

>> No.18823008

too bad ETH is better as a currency in its own ecosystem. 0xbtc isnt better as a medium of exchange or store of value compared to ETH. ETH actually has a usecase while being money. 0xBitcoin CANT go anywhere without a whale attaching funds to further this project.

>> No.18824106

The whales are already in and keep accumulating more. It's just that the best way to accumulate a PoW coin without raising too much attention is by mining, not buying. Why do you think that someone has been mining this with a rig that's worth more than this coin's mcap for the past 4 months? Why do you think one of the top 0xbtc holders got 1MM ETH from the genesis block?

This shit is about to blow when the whole world sees that making the chain's security rely on new emissions is a recipe for failure with a deflationary asset. The need to abstract the emission of a trustless currency from its security will become apparent after btc halves and eth turns to PoS

>> No.18824116

Not being ERC compatible has it's own drawback
Switching to PoS give 0xbtc a chance to be the hard money on Ethereum

>> No.18824876

yes every coin has whales thats how it works someone has to be accumulating at these prices duh.
probably because the fpga farm doesnt have much competition here and not many other options
"when the whole world sees that making the chain's security rely on new emissions is a recipe for failure with a deflationary asset" this is describing eth 2.0 btw, if that fails so does 0xbtc....
weth exists even if its not perfect im sure itll get better in the future
you can argue that eth isnt hard money because only 50% of it was mined, the other 50%ico'd, but i think that hardly matters given the network effect and its guaranteed that eth will always have greater liquidity. plus you can stake ETH. 0xbtc has all the same properties and a couple additional labels like pure mined and erc compatable, but those dont matter enough to unseat eth as a currency the same way litecoin wont overtake btc.
0xbtc is a cool scarce asset and essentially a collectors item.

>> No.18824884

This is going to explode so hard it will break your fucking neck

>> No.18824925
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Are you fucking retarded? There are no members. There is no team. It's just the first mineable smart contract on Ethereum and uses BTC's algo for it. It's literally BTC on Ethereum

>> No.18825035

>6350 holders
Is that the population of your village Garanjarat?

>> No.18825117
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The purpose isn't to dethrone ETH, though it's possible
Having a trustless immutable PoW coin is going to stabilize ETH DeFi considerably because ETH price will be tied to network security but price of 0xbtc won't

>> No.18825135
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>Slow, continuous growth

Yeah, sure looks like it

>> No.18825210

can you give me an example of something ETH DEFI that will be more "stable" because its using 0xBTC, rather than ETH? ETH will have more liquidity. using 0xbtc in makerdao/dai or in any finance product doesnt solve any problems because of 0xbtcs properties. 0xbtc will still be crazy volatile. 0xbtc doesnt have a "purpose" but its competitor is ETH and its used in virtually all the same situations.

>> No.18825350

I'm referring to wallet addresses. It's held it's value pretty well I'd say all things considered.

>> No.18825368

I love toast. The the child-like energy he has for 0xBTC.

>> No.18825396

It's so funny seeing this obvious forced shilling, compared with HEX, which I tried to shill in December but my threads died. Now I don't have to create threads, they're already there, made by other anons. Real organic shilling produced by hype and mad gainz, not discord organized shady pump&dump.

>> No.18825508

>This shit is about to blow when the whole world sees that making the chain's security rely on new emissions is a recipe for failure with a deflationary asset. The need to abstract the emission of a trustless currency from its security will become apparent after btc halves and eth turns to PoS
i would guarantee you, nothing will happen with 0xbtc after those events. keep dreaming

>> No.18825575

Only 6000 users .

>> No.18825615

thanks for the guarantee, just sold 100k

>> No.18826267

Is 24k coins enough to make it?

>> No.18826289
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First, current liquidity isn't a predictor for future liquidity, just like current price isn't going to predict where the project is going unlike what >>18825135 is suggesting.

With ETH2.0, staking is essentially competing with locking up ETH for DeFi. Staking reward rate= baseline interest rate. Can you already see the parallel with legacy financial system? Any DeFi product needs to have a higher interest rate than staking to be viable. So the liquidity of ETH will actually decrease a lot because a lot of ETH will be removed from the market.

What happens when ETH price is too high and gas price becomes inhibitively expensive? Adjust the knobs and print more of course. So ETH price going into the future can be manipulated the way as we do today. Btw, it's not a free market when the Fed (Ethereum Foundation or developers) gets to decide on the interest rate and inflation target. But on 0xBTC the emission schedule is even more immutable than BTC.

>> No.18826866

wouldnt the idea be that if 0xbitcoin succeeds its also locked in defi products? my argument is everywhere 0xbitcoin is supposed to fit ETH is already going to be there. its going to be traded more, its already by default included in the projects. the uphill battle is being better at being money in ETHs own ecosystem.
0xBitcoins immutable monetary policy is its most attractive feature. I dont believe that the Ethereum foundation will go the path of centralized governments, over time change will be less acceptable Vitaliks own vision is converging on ETH2.0 and after that it would be suicide to "print more" as its been put. They are taking their issuance very seriously. their governance model is very transparent in what their plans are.