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18814246 No.18814246 [Reply] [Original]

are kids a good investment?

>> No.18814288

For women who don't work & have no hobbies and are desperate for a purpose, sure. For men, no

>> No.18814296


>> No.18814299

In our current society, No, You will lose money and potentially lose all of it. if carrying out your legacy is worth giving up all your wealth, go ahead.

>> No.18814302

Kids are faggots

>> No.18814337

It's obvious the end is near

>> No.18814360

Unironically no. I’m only gonna have kids to stick it to the kikes

>> No.18814384

I know this isnt very relevent but /biz/ always gives good advice

I need help ending a relationship of 5 years

I feel emotionally exhausted from this relationship. I feel we sre too codependent. Her needs are too much for me, and lately i make excuses to not hang out with her. I feel being with her as physically draining and not enjoyable, more like a chore. But my mind keeps rationalizing it that weve been together so long and are so familiar with eachothers familys that we cant break up. But thats not a valid reason to stay together. Im just terrified of breaking her heart and the rhought of breaking up brings me insane anxiety. I basically let go of so many friends due to being so involved in the relationship that I will likely be completey alone if we break up. But thats also not a good reason to stay

Im just no longer as romantically interested in her as i was when we met. On top of that shes gained a lot of weight lately whoch just reinforces me not wanting to be with her

Any tips on how to let her go as smoothly and hurtlessly as possible? Im sweating and shaking as i type this

>> No.18814421

if you're mentally done with it (sounds like you are) just bite the bullet and do it. You'll surprise yourself at how quickly you'll come back round to being yourself.

Source - have ended a 5yr and an 8yr relationship.

>> No.18814440

25 yo no kid Chad here. I sct extra smug around poor saps with kids because they just look like utter miserable shit very few look happy like 0.01%

>> No.18814445

>dumping gf of 5 years because she got fat
are you 23?

Are you a shredded adonis yourself? If not why not just nudge her to get into shape by going to the gym with you and eating better, might be something new and interesting for you to break up the monotony

You're just going to run into the same thing five years from now if the problem is being bored of her

>> No.18814464

Not any more

>> No.18814557

Im 25
We tried the gym thing. Im relatively fit. Shes just... fat now. She was slightly fit for a while but is back to old habits. Hard for me to get a boner

>> No.18814921

If you're a multi millionaire, you might as well.

If you're a wagie though I wouldn't bother.

>> No.18815074

I'd suggest going to the gym and surpassing "relatively fit". Slowly ween her off your attention. She will either start to fix her fucked up chub or just give up.

By describing it as "codependency" I get the idea you've made her a bit complacent. I've been there before. She thinks "he'll love me for who I am."

Now anon, you could just break up with her, but you loved this girl at one point. Unless you have another woman lined up, there's not quite an impetus to move immediately. You don't declare war before moving your troops to the border and getting ready to attack, and you shouldn't break up with her until you've made yourself into a better, fitter, sexier man for the other whores in existence.

Just like in war though, she can see the troops moving to the border. Women are acutely attuned to such shifts in behavior. Don't go to the gym together, go alone and power up. If she stays around on her ass she will slowly start to see you become higher value and higher tier than her. If she's worth keeping, she will immediately stop everything she's doing to make it up. If she doesn't, then you've primed yourself and already emotionally left the harbor before ending it. Don't talk w her about losing weight, it'll fuck w her head and give you the opposite response. You need to inspire such change from within, and that's done by becoming an insanely sexy man yourself. You need to pull off as you do this to break her feeling of comfort and safety. It's only when she realizes that she ISNT as secure as she thought after 5 years that she'll get off her lard ass and become skinnier and more worthwhile.

>> No.18815089

You guys make fun of reddit yet act the same way. Dump her. Just do it, she’ll get over it. Do it by text lol.

>> No.18815194

don't risk trying to make one fat bitch fit dump here and find a girl who's already fit

>> No.18815235
File: 188 KB, 1079x1246, 47ED625A-7804-4588-8EA7-F49FC41D26EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man gets it.

>> No.18815246

Just low iq.
Take a week off somewhere
Try to make sex better by making her obsessed with your dick
And you scared of all the other nonsense is bc ur dumb

>> No.18815281

depends on the investment
if you want to live on forever abuse the shit out of them, this way the trauma of you doing that will implant itself on their DNA

>> No.18815302

For the continuation of your line? Sure. If all you care about is you absolutely not.

>> No.18815356

God you're pathetic.

Just listen to this anon, retard. >>18815074

>> No.18815376

No and that's not why you have kids

>> No.18815378

I cant go to the gym rught now tho, just doing bosy weights at home

>> No.18815401

Ive already tried this man. She worked out a bit and went back to old habits.

>> No.18816403

In a non-agrarian society, they are nothing but a financial liability.

But yeah, biologically speaking they are the only real investment